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                                                                                         ESERCIZI :   Serie 1 - 2 - 3  - 4 - 5  SERVIZI:   Pronunciatore di inglese - Dizionario - Convertitore IPA/UK - IPA/US - Convertitore di valute in lire ed euro                                              


  1. BEC - Business English Certificate
  2. BC - Le certificazioni del British Council
  3. CAE - Certificate in Advanced English
  4. CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  5. CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English
  6. ELPT - English Language Proficiency Test
  7. ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages
  8. FIRST - First Certificate in English
  9. IELTS - International English Language Testing System
  10. ILEC - International Legal English Certificate
  11. KET - Key English Test
  12. LTE - London Test of English
  13. LTEC - London Test of English for Children
  14. PET - Preliminary English Test
  15. TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
  16. TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication


Il testo è disponibile secondo la licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo; possono applicarsi condizioni ulteriori. Vedi le condizioni d'uso per i dettagli. Wikipedia® è un marchio registrato della Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 

The English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) was the name of a SAT II last administered in January 2005. It was a one-hour multiple choice test given on English language proficiency by The College Board. A student whose native language was not English could have chosen to take this test instead of or in addition to Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for college entrance depending upon requirements of the schools in which the student was planning to apply. Until 1994, the SAT II's were known as Achievement Tests. The ELPT assessed both the understanding of spoken and written standard American English and the ability to function in a classroom where English is spoken. The test was intended for students whose best language was not English; who attend U.S. high schools, or who had studied in an international school where courses were taught in English; had completed two to four years of English language instruction in an English as a Second Language program or in English enrichment courses; and/or students who spoke a language other than English at home or work. It was scored on a scale of 901 to 999


The test had 84 multiple-choice questions and was divided into three sections: two listening sections totaling 30 minutes and one 30-minute reading section.


The following is the final release of score percentiles as seen on the 2007 SAT score reports. The mean score was 964.

Score Percentile
999 99+
995 99
990 92
985 84
980 75
975 66
970 57
965 47
960 38
955 31
950 23
945 17
940 12
935 9
930 5
925 3
920 1
915 1-
910 1-
905 -
901 -

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  5. Il  metodo

Scopri Total Audio, la versione del corso 20 ORE fatta apposta per chi come te passa tanto tempo viaggiando! Ideale per chi fa il pendolare o compie ogni giorno lunghi tragitti sui mezzi. Sfrutta anche tu i tempi morti per imparare o migliorare il tuo inglese!

CORSI 20 ORE - I corsi di lingue più completi per una preparazione di base superiore alla media in 5 lingue: Inglese - Francese - Spagnolo - Tedesco - Russo




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    ENGLISHGRATIS.COM è un sito personale di
    Roberto Casiraghi e Crystal Jones
    email: robertocasiraghi at iol punto it

    Roberto Casiraghi           
    INFORMATIVA SULLA PRIVACY              Crystal Jones

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