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  1. Academy of the Sierras
  2. Anopsology
  3. Atkins Nutritional Approach
  4. Best Bet Diet
  5. Blood type diet
  6. BRAT diet
  7. Buddhist cuisine
  8. Cabbage soup diet
  9. Calorie restriction
  10. Calorie Restriction Society
  11. Carbwiser
  12. Detox diet
  13. Diabetic diet
  14. Diet
  15. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
  16. Dietary laws
  17. Dieting
  18. Dieting myth
  19. Dietitian
  20. Dr. Hay diet
  21. Duke Diet and Fitness Center
  22. Fasting
  23. Fatfield Diet
  24. Fit for Life
  25. Food faddism
  26. Food Separation Diet
  27. F-plan
  28. Freeganism
  29. French Women Don't Get Fat
  30. Fruitarianism
  31. Gerson diet
  32. Gluten-free beer
  33. Gluten-free, casein-free diet
  34. Gluten-free diet
  35. Graham Diet
  36. Grapefruit diet
  37. Hechsher
  38. High protein diet
  39. Horace Fletcher
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  41. Indigenous Australian food groups
  42. Inedia
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  47. Kashrut
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Gluten-free, casein-free diet

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A gluten-free casein-free diet is believed by some parents of autistic children to aid in reducing autism's symptoms. According to the theory, some children are unable to digest the protein in many cereals (gluten) or in milk (casein) completely.


The molecular structure of the partially undigested proteins, known as peptides, resemble opiates. It is thought that such peptides have an effect much like opiates in the brain and nervous system. From this premise it follows that long term exposure to these opiate peptides can have many damaging effects on the developing brain and also affects behavior, just as any narcotic would.

The opioid peptides involved are identified as casomorphines from casein, and gluten exorphines and gliadorphin from gluten.

Reported effects

Many parents report that the diet has not changed their child's behavior at all. Some parents report that removing casein and gluten from their child's diet increases eye contact, attention span, and general mood while decreasing problems like tantrums, self-stimulatory behavior (such as hand-flapping and rocking) and aggression. Some find that providing a diet free of casein and gluten aids children in successfully learning daily living skills like dressing, using the toilet as well as improving coordination and imaginative play activities. At least one study has documented fewer autistic symptoms in children fed a gluten-free, casein-free diet (Knivsberg 2002). Another study, however, found no significant differences in behavior between children on a gluten-free, casein-free diet and those on regular diets. Individual parents of children within the study, however, did note behvioral improvements (Elder 2006).

Practical implementation

Wikibooks Cookbook has an article on

Beginning the diet can be difficult but not impossible. Gluten is most commonly found in wheat, rye, and barley and may sometimes contaminate oats grown nearby or processed on the same equipment as gluten-containing cereals, and casein is found in dairy products; wheat and dairy frequently make up a large proportion of the Western diet. One of the biggest obstacles parents face is that individuals needing gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diets often crave these foods much the same as an addict. In fact, parents often report withdrawal symptoms when gluten and casein are eliminated that are similar to addicts experiencing withdrawal from narcotic drugs.

Many parents worry about removing wheat and dairy because these foods are the only ones their child will eat, and because prevailing attitudes in Western culture consider them an essential staple. However, children who eat only or mostly wheat and dairy products often show remarkable improvement once a GFCF diet is underway. Many families have found from experience that their children's menu options actually increase after the effects of eating gluten and casein have subsided.

Some people experience immediate improvement although it may take as long as six months for gluten to clear out of the system and one month for casein to clear. Advocates of the diet recommend trying it for at least a year as it can take this long for some children to show improvement. The diet affects changes in the body at a cellular level and promotes healing of the stomach and intestinal lining, both of which can take time.

This diet for autism has not been verified by research. The vast majority of professionals do not recommend the diet because of the lack of scientific support. Many researchers have lamented that attention to unsupported treatments diverts attention from treatments for autism that have actual scientific support, such applied behavior analysis.


Although food sensitivites have been known about for decades they are rarely given consideration in diagnosis, therapy and recovery efforts. The specifics of the GFCF diet were introduced to the general public through the combined publications of two women who researched interventions and crusaded for autism recovery. Information about the GFCF diet has since spread around the world and has helped thousands of families cope with this puzzling disorder.

The GFCF diet has been supplemented with a number of new innovations. These include incorporation of the Feingold diet, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, diets with reduced salicylates and phenols, etc.

There is little to no scientific support that this diet affects symptoms of autism.

Other indications

Those suffering from celiac disease and/or dermatitis herpetiformis are instructed to avoid all forms of gluten, though their metabolic disorders are apparently distinct from the autism-related metabolic disorder hypothesized by GFCF proponents. There are anecdotal reports of this diet also being beneficial to sufferers of multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, Tourette syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and attention deficit disorder.[citation needed] However, in some of these cases (e.g.; Tourette syndrome), there is no evidence that a gluten-free diet has any impact upon symptoms.[citation needed]

See also

  • Biomedical intervention for autism
  • Gluten-free diet
  • Raw food diet
  • Quinoa


  • Knivsberg, A.M., et al. 2002. "A randomised, controlled study of dietary intervention in autistic syndromes." Nutr.Neurosci. 5(4):251-261.
  • Elder, J., et al. 2006. "The Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet in Autism: Results of a Preliminary Double Blind Clinical Trial." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 36:413-420.


External links

  • GFCFDiet Support Group
  • Healing Thresholds provides daily summaries of research on GFCF diet and other therapies for autism
  • More Information
  • One Family's GFCF Story
  • AutismWeb Diet Info
  • Diet Resources
  • Gluten Grains
  • Teenage Celiac
  • Gluten Free Support Club
  • GFCF Lunchbox Ideas
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