Traduzione by ZAIRA MORVILLO , volontaria di English Gratis.
Il testo originale e l’immagine sono tratti da una pagina del sito inglese
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Usain Bolt - Puma Ads

Usain Bolt (born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican sprinter.
Usain Bolt (nato il 21 agosto 1986) è un velocista giamaicano.

He holds world and Olympic records in both the 100 metres and 200 metres, with times of 9.69 seconds and 19.30 seconds respectively.
Detiene i record mondiali e olimpionici sia nei 100 che nei 200 metri, rispettivamente con un tempo di 9″69 secondi e 19″30 secondi.

At the 2008 Summer Olympics, he became the first man in history to break both world records at one Olympics, and the first man since Carl Lewis in 1984 to win both races at the same Olympics.
Nei giochi olimpici dell’estate 2008, è divenuto il primo uomo nella storia a battere entrambi i record mondiali in un’Olimpiade, ed il primo uomo, dopo Carl Lewis nel 1984, a vincere entrambe le gare in una stessa Olimpiade.

His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname “Lightning Bolt”.
Il suo nome ed i suoi risultati nelle gare di velocità gli hanno fatto guadagnare il soprannome di “Fulmine” (gioco di parole con Bolt, che significa fulmine. Lightning Bolt significa anch’esso fulmine, saetta).

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LISTENING CON I SOTTOTITOLI – Learning English 2 • Accents

IIn questo nuovo tipo di risorsa, realizzata da Misterduncan, assistiamo ad una vera e propria lezione di inglese britannico ma con una novità: la presenza dei sottotitoli inglesi (se dovessero essere coperti da una striscia di pubblicità, rimuovete prima la striscia cliccando sul simbolo X) oppure della trascrizione del testo inglese. In questo modo sarà possibile fare un utile esercizio di listening con la certezza di poter verificare se abbiamo capito correttamente. In alternativa, possiamo scegliere di vedere il video in modo da beneficiare dell’effetto positivo sulla comprensione e sulla memorizzazione determinato dalla contemporanea visione dei sottotitoli o della trascrizione. Così l’inglese diventa davvero godibile e divertente (e se non capite qualche parola, indicatecelo nei commenti e ve ne forniremo la traduzione italiana!).

LISTENING CON I SOTTOTITOLI – Learning English 2 • Accents

Nel mio recentissimo blog vi ho proposto di fare voi la trascrizione di questa lezione ma credo di dovervi dare qualche suggerimento, perlomeno dirvi come mi sono comportata io. Vi anticipo che tutti gli strumenti di lavoro che vi indicherò sono prelevabili gratuitamente dai siti che mano a mano vi segnalerò.

Innanzitutto ho scaricato direttamente sul mio pc il filmato usando il programma Orbit che può essere downlodato da questo sito e può essere usato sia con Internet Explorer che con Firefox. In alternativa, ma solo per Firefox, si può ricorrere all’estensione gratuita DownloadHelper, scaricabile qui.

Fatto questo, il filmato deve essere visualizzato sul vostro computer con un programma tipo IrfanView che si può prelevare da questo sito – oppure con The KMPlayer, reperibile su questo sito.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Cardio Gymnastics Warm Ups 1

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

Cardio Gymnastics Warm Ups

Cardio Gymnastics Warm Ups.

Hi! I’m Heather McCanna with expertvillage.com.

In this clip, we will be discussing gymnastics warm-ups, specifically cardio warm-up.

The first thing to do when you’re going to stretch is to make sure that your body is loose and limber.

You need to ensure that this happens by warming up, by getting your blood pumping and by really moving vigorously.

The best way to do this is to jog in place.

If you don’t have an area to actually run around in, such as your own home or a small gym, you can simply jog in place for say 2 or 3 minutes.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Corso di Pronuncia Anglosassone

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

British Accent: ARY Combination Practice

British Accent: ARY Combination Practice

Here we go with words and sentences, standard American first, followed by British dialect.

Necessary – necessary Secretary – secretary Category – category Extraordinary – extraordinary.

Now, let’s try some sentences. Was that secretary leader ordinary or not? Was that secretary leader ordinary or not.

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Inglese tratto da:
questa pagina
Italiano tratto da: questa pagina

Creative Commons License photo credit: Buster McLeod8:36pm Checking out the fake David after walking off a home-cooked self-made Tuscan dinner.


Territorio ed economia
Territory and economy

Situata nel centro-Italia, la Regione, attraversata dagli Appennini, sviluppa il suo suggestivo scenario con colline, campi coltivati, fattorie, castelli e borghi medievali, magnifiche ville, mete sempre più ricorrenti di turisti.
Situated in Central Italy, the Region is crossed by the Apennines and with its charming scenery of rolling hills, cultivated fields, rambling farms, castles, medieval villages and magnificent villas it has become an increasingly popular tourist destination over the years.

Lungo la costa si trova poi la Maremma, caratterizzata dalle pinete, dalla macchia mediterranea e da lunghe spiagge sabbiose.
Situated along the Tyrrhenian coast is the “Maremma”, with its pine woods, Mediterranean scrub vegetation and long, sandy beaches.

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MAGIC VIDEO – How to Add Journals to Old Scrapbooks

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura! ?

How to Add Journals to Old Scrapbooks

How to Add Journals to Old Scrapbooks.

Grace: So, what is the last thing we need to know about salvaging your old photo albums and keeping them acid-free?

Sonya: Right. Well, your old photo albums are just a plethora of stories and memories.

And you want to make sure you’re keeping a written record, as well as the photo record.

Sometimes people have report cards and old letters and things that they want to keep in their newer scrapbooks.

And this is a really easy way to do it.

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MAGIC VIDEO – About Birthday Speeches

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura! ?

About Birthday Speeches

About Birthday Speeches.

Hey, this is Tracey Goodwin, I am the Red Sweater Lady and today I am going to teach you how to write and deliver a birthday speech.

A great birthday speech in fact.

Now, we are going to cover a lot of things that you should do, what you shouldn’t do and how to write it.

And, in the process of talking about all of those things, you are going to understand how to give a great birthday speech.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Emoticons & E-Mail Etiquette

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

Emoticons & E-Mail Etiquette

Emoticons & E-Mail Etiquette

Next let’s talk about emoticons. You know, those smiley guys that are jumping, or maybe they’re frowny guys who are frowning, or one of them is running, or it’s a dancing bunny, or whatever it is.

Don’t go there. Especially in business. Never, ever; even if you have a casual business relationship with someone.

You never want to put those guys into anything; any letters, any correspondence that you email on the business level with.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Setting Up a Google Account

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

Setting Up a Google Account

Setting Up a Google Account

Hi. In this series I’m going to be talking about Google Calendar, which is a free web-based calendar program from Google.

I really like this program a lot. I use it to organize my personal life and my business life, so it’s just a real simple easy to use calendar that is free and because it’s web-based, it makes it real easy to look at it from any computer, which I think is one of the coolest features about a web-based calendar program.

And I mean, that might be the coolest feature, but that doesn’t mean that Google Calendar doesn’t have a ton of other features and some really cool things you can do with it.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Ending Relationships: Telling the Truth

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

Ending Relationships: Telling the Truth

Ending Relationships: Telling the Truth.

Alright, we’re talking about dissolving relationships. And what I want to talk about now is honesty and self-reflection.

When you finally make a decision, or as you’re going through the decision process to decide whether you want to end this relationship or not.

 Well, first of all, that’s something that you really should do.

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MAGIC VIDEO – The Different Forms of Public Speaking

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!


The Different Forms of Public Speaking

Hi, I’m Don Varney, founder of Varney Speaks, and I’m here on behalf of Expert Village.

You know, public speaking is one of those items that so many people get afraid of. There’s such a fear to public speaking. But today, what we’re going to do is address some of the different things that you can do.

For example, you can be a corporate speaker which would go into the actual corporate offices and you’re involved in doing training programs or you’re just doing motivational speaking or helping the others raise up their expectations.

MAGIC VIDEO – How to Use a Microphone for a Podcast

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

How to Use a Microphone for Podcasting

How to Use a Microphone for Podcasting

Hi everybody! How are you doing? I’m J. Donnelly for Expert Village.

And today, we’re going to talk to you about Audio Podcasting. Video Podcasting will be another day and another video.

But today I will tell you about what equipment you might use for your podcast, what software to use, and what sites to help you out with your RSS feeds. So, come on. Check it out!

MAGIC VIDEO – How to Get Paid as a Clown

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

How to get paid as a clown

On behalf of Expert Village, my name is Paul Anderson from the ABC Circus here in Hollywood, Florida, and we’re going to do “how to be a clown!”

So do you want to be a professional or do you want to be an amateur? Both are equally great. It doesn’t matter whether you charge or whether you do it for free.

That has nothing to do with how good you are. Perhaps you have a full time job, say at a bank, and you only want to perform at a hospital to make the kids in the hospital happy, or at a retirement home.

Those are very honorable things to do. And if you do them without pay, perhaps your reward will be in carmic payback. Continue reading

MAGIC VIDEO – Imparare a Respirare Quando si Canta

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!


How to Breathe When Singing

In this clip I’m going to talk about the importance of breathing, which is essential to your warm up.

First of all, you know where your lungs are. Beneath your lungs is actually a muscle called the diaphragm which is an elasticy muscle and if you relax your belly, really relax and let it go, that muscle, the diaphragm, relaxes.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Wine and Dark Chocolate

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!


Food & Wine Pairing: Wine & Dark Chocolate

Let’s talk about pairing wine with dark chocolate. Many people just love to pair wine with dark chocolate, especially red wine, and if you’re, if you ask me, a sweet red wine is the perfect match for dark chocolate.

A ruby Port, a late harvest Zinfandel, or a sparkling Shiraz, but what a lot of people like to do is pair a dry red wine with dark chocolate. Now, this is a tricky match indeed, but there is one way that it could work. Let’s talk about those red wines that could work.

>>> Red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec, Zinfandel and Shiraz sometimes have a little bit of a cocoa, chocolaty aroma to them that comes across as a cocoa, or chocolaty flavor.

If you take a red wine with this cocoa, chocolaty areoma or flavor, match it up with dark chocolate, the two flavors will meet.

They’ll form a bridge and the chocolaty flavors will come forward. This is an interesting match indeed. It’s a little bit elusive, because you have to find a red wine with that chocolate flavor in it, but if you do match it up with dark chocolate, it would be a very, very good match.

So break out the red wine, find a chocolate flavor, break out the dark chocolate, and you will have a match made in heaven.


Food & Wine Pairing: Wine & Dark Chocolate — powered by ExpertVillage.com


Food & Wine Pairing: Abbinamento di cibo col vino
Dark Chocolate: cioccolato fondente
Let’s talk about: Parliamo di
pairing: abbinamento di (lett. l’abbinare)
just love: adora
and if you’re: e se siete fra questi
match: abbinamento
ruby: color rubino
late harvest: di raccolta tardiva
sparkling: effervescente
what: ciò che
like: come
tricky: difficile, complicato, che non sempre va bene
indeed: davvero
there is one way that: c’è un modo che
work: funzionare, andar bene
Let’s talk about: Parliamo di
like: come
a little bit: un po’
a cocoa, chocolaty aroma to them: un aroma di cacao, di cioccolato in essi
comes across: viene percepito
flavor: gusto
it up: abbinalo
will meet: si sposeranno (lett. si incontreranno)
come forward: si evidenzieranno (lett. verranno avanti)
indeed: davvero
elusive: sfuggente, vago
you have to find: dovete trovare
break out: tirate fuori

MAGIC VIDEO – Come Trovare Acqua nel Deserto

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

How to Find Water in the Desert

Hi. I’m Mike Meyers with Zion Wilderness Survival School for Expert Village.

You’ve been out here hiking for four or five hours, you’ve found yourself lost, and you have this problem. Very, very critical problem. In the desert, water is your number one need. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult things to find. And, you need to know a few ways of locating water if there is any.

You may walk around for hours and find nothing doing all the right things. There are signs of water in the desert. Signs can be bees, flies. Both of these insects seldom venture more than a hundred or two hundred yards from some water source.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Organizing With a Computer

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!


Organizing With a Computer

Hello. My name’s Melissa Schenk and on behalf of Expert Village, today we’re going to talk about how to organize your business documents.

In our final clip today let’s talk about how to organize your business documents digitally. By that I mean your computer.

We’ve been talking so far about organizing your business documents on your desk, in your filing cabinet, on shelves, in different kinds of cabinetry. That’s all for paper documents.

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MAGIC VIDEO – Greetings & Closings in E-Mails

I Magic Video sono magici perché la traduzione delle parole ed espressioni più difficili appare “magicamente” facendo passare il mouse sopra le parole colorate. Il video, invece, lo trovate continuando la lettura!

Greetings & Closings in E-Mails

Greetings & Closings in E-Mails

Sometimes you might want to add a greeting to your email, you know, the first thing that your reader is going to read.

Good afternoon everyone, from the desk of Jim Smith”, you know, whatever you want to put.

A greeting makes the email seem a little bit more personal and… so that might be something that you want to consider, as long as it’s still within… you know… not… not too informal.

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