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                                                                                         ESERCIZI :   Serie 1 - 2 - 3  - 4 - 5  SERVIZI:   Pronunciatore di inglese - Dizionario - Convertitore IPA/UK - IPA/US - Convertitore di valute in lire ed euro                                              


  1. Convenzione contro l'apartheid

  2. La bandiera europea: caratteristiche e storia

  3. Convenzione per la protezione dei beni culturali in caso di conflitto armato

  4. Discorso di benvenuto al Parlamento Europeo

  5. Lascia che ti racconti un segreto sull'ambiente (racconto per bambini)

  6. Booklet - Una globalizzazione al servizio di tutti

  7. Profilo di Franz-Hermann Bruener, direttore generale dell'OLAF, ufficio europeo per la lotta antifrode

  8. Trattato NATO

  9. Carta delle nazioni unite

  10. La carta europea per le piccole imprese

  11. Che cos'è il servizio YOUR EUROPE - BUSINESS?

  12. Il servizio di orientamento per i cittadini - 1

  13. Il servizio di orientamento per i cittadini - 2

  14. Concorso - Parlate Europeo?

  15. Come scegliere un sistema di gestione del contenuto in accordo a un modello di apprendimento

  16. Cooperazione con paesi terzi

  17. Dichiarazione congiunta delle 6 nazioni sulla Corea del Nord

  18. La costituzione europea - Art. 30-86

  19. La costituzione europea - Art. 9-29

  20. La costituzione europea - Art. 1-8

  21. Nuova direttiva sull'emissione deliberata di OGM

  22. Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani

  23. Convenzione sull'eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti della donna

  24. Apprendimento lungo tutto l'arco della vita

  25. Il programma E-Learning dell'Unione Europea

  26. L'allargamento dell'Unione Europea

  27. Manifesto di Praga del movimento per la lingua internazionale esperanto

  28. Che cos'è l'EURES

  29. Che cos'è l'EURES Job-Search

  30. La giornata europea delle lingue

  31. La banca europea per gli investimenti

  32. Che cos'è l'Europol (polizia europea)

  33. Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia

  34. Trovare un lavoro con il portale EURES

  35. Finanziamento comunitario per l'apprendimento linguistico

  36. Impariamo il gergo dell'Unione Europea!

  37. I dati sulla fame nel mondo

  38. Convenzione su popoli indigeni e tribali

  39. I centri di informazione europea (Infopoints)

  40. L'inno europeo (Inno alla gioia di Beethoven)

  41. Un apprendimento delle lingue di carattere innovativo

  42. L'Unione Europea in sintesi

  43. Le istituzioni europee

  44. Insegnamento delle lingue

  45. Leggi d'Europa - Introduzione

  46. Leggi d'Europa - Le definizioni

  47. Leggi d'Europa: attori chiave nel processo legislativo dell'Unione Europea

  48. Leggi d'Europa: il ruolo degli organi consultivi dell'UE

  49. Leggi d'Europa: il ruolo delle altre istituzioni od organi dell'UE

  50. Elenco completo delle istituzioni ed organi europei

  51. Leggi d'Europa: legislazione dell'UE online

  52. Studiare all'estero

  53. Licenza Pubblica Generica del progetto GNU

  54. Progetto Lingua 1

  55. Testo del trattato di Maastricht

  56. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Prima parte

  57. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Seconda parte

  58. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Terza parte

  59. Manifesto del Partito Comunista - Ultima parte

  60. Messaggio di Giovanni Paolo II per la celebrazione della giornata mondiale della pace

  61. Convenzione internazionale sulla protezione dei diritti dei lavoratori migranti e dei membri delle loro famiglie

  62. Promozione e salvaguardia delle lingue e culture regionali o minoritarie

  63. Un'alleanza in trasformazione (discorso del segretario generale della Nato)

  64. Nuove tecnologie multimediali nell'insegnamento

  65. Il nuovo paradigma dell'apprendimento nell'educazione scolastica

  66. Che cos'è l'ombudsman o mediatore europeo

  67. Il mediatore europeo in poche parole

  68. Lo statuto del mediatore europeo

  69. Orientamenti comunitari per lo sviluppo della rete transeuropea di trasporto

  70. Pinocchio - Come andò che Maestro Ciliegia trovò un pezzo di legno che piangeva e rideva come un bambino

  71. Patto internazionale sui diritti civili e politici

  72. Patto internazionale sui diritti economici, sociali e culturali

  73. Ploteus, il programma europeo per chi vuole studiare all'estero

  74. Protezione dei minori de della dignità umana nei servizi audiovisivi e d'informazione

  75. Pubblicazioni dell'Unione Europea per il grande pubblico

  76. Convenzione internazionale sull'eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione razziale

  77. Politica regionale: il successo ottenuto nel 2005 indica la via da seguire per favorire la crescita e l’occupazione

  78. Preghiere: Padre Nostro

  79. Convenzione relativa allo status dei rifugiati

  80. Direttiva "Televisione senza frontiere"

  81. Suggerimenti e consigli su come trovare un lavoro nell'Unione Europea

  82. Formazione professionale nell'UE

  83. Turismo: come comunicare

  84. Turismo: attività culturali

  85. Turismo: diritti dei passeggeri di aerei

  86. Turismo: documenti necessari

  87. Turismo: patente di guida

  88. Turismo: la moneta

  89. Turismo: animali domestici

  90. Turismo: la salute

  91. Turismo: shopping

  92. Turismo: come comportarsi in caso di emergenza

  93. Seguire in diretta le sedute del Parlamento Europeo col webstreaming

  94. Che cos'è il servizio YOUR EUROPE - CITIZENS?

Testi singoli tratti da: 





Article I-30

Articolo I-30

The European Central Bank

La Banca centrale europea

1. The European Central Bank, together with the national central banks, shall constitute the European System of Central Banks.

1. La Banca centrale europea e le banche centrali nazionali costituiscono il Sistema europeo di banche centrali.

The European Central Bank, together with the national central banks of the Member States whose currency is the euro, which constitute the Eurosystem, shall conduct the monetary policy of the Union.

La Banca centrale europea e le banche centrali nazionali degli Stati membri la cui moneta è l'euro, che costituiscono l'Eurosistema, conducono la politica monetaria dell'Unione.

2. The European System of Central Banks shall be governed by the decision-making bodies of the European Central Bank.

2. Il Sistema europeo di banche centrali è diretto dagli organi decisionali della Banca centrale europea.

The primary objective of the European System of Central Banks shall be to maintain price stability.

L'obiettivo principale del Sistema europeo di banche centrali è il mantenimento della stabilità dei prezzi.

Without prejudice to that objective, it shall support the general economic policies in the Union in order to contribute to the achievement of the latter's objectives.

Fatto salvo tale obiettivo, esso sostiene le politiche economiche generali nell'Unione per contribuire alla realizzazione degli obiettivi di quest'ultima.

It shall conduct other Central Bank tasks in accordance with Part III and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

Svolge ogni altra funzione di banca centrale conformemente alla parte III e allo statuto del Sistema europeo di banche centrali e della Banca centrale europea.

3. The European Central Bank is an institution.

3. La Banca centrale europea è un'istituzione.

It shall have legal personality.

Essa ha personalità giuridica.

It alone may authorise the issue of the euro.

Ha il diritto esclusivo di autorizzare l'emissione dell'euro.

It shall be independent in the exercise of its powers and in the management of its finances.

Essa è indipendente nell'esercizio dei suoi poteri e nella gestione delle sue finanze.

Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and the governments of the Member States shall respect that independence.

Le istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'Unione e i governi degli Stati membri rispettano tale indipendenza.

4. The European Central Bank shall adopt such measures as are necessary to carry out its tasks in accordance with Articles III-185 to III-191 and Article III-196, and with the conditions laid down in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

4. La Banca centrale europea adotta le misure necessarie all'assolvimento dei suoi compiti in conformità degli articoli da III-185 a III-191 e dell'articolo III-196 e alle condizioni stabilite dallo statuto del Sistema europeo di banche centrali e della Banca centrale europea.

In accordance with these same Articles, those Member States whose currency is not the euro, and their central banks, shall retain their powers in monetary matters.

In conformità di questi stessi articoli, gli Stati membri la cui moneta non è l'euro e le rispettive banche centrali conservano le loro competenze nel settore monetario.

5. Within the areas falling within its responsibilities, the European Central Bank shall be consulted on all proposed Union acts, and all proposals for regulation at national level, and may give an opinion.

5. Nei settori che rientrano nelle sue attribuzioni, la Banca centrale europea è consultata su ogni progetto di atto dell'Unione e su ogni progetto di atto normativo a livello nazionale, e può formulare pareri.

6. The decision-making organs of the European Central Bank, their composition and operating methods are set out in Articles III-382 and III-383, as well as in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

6. Gli organi decisionali della Banca centrale europea, la loro composizione e le loro modalità di funzionamento sono definiti agli articoli III-382 e III-383 e nello statuto del Sistema europeo di banche centrali e della Banca centrale europea.

Article I-31

Articolo I-31

The Court of Auditors

La Corte dei conti

1. The Court of Auditors is an institution.

1. La Corte dei conti è un'istituzione.

It shall carry out the Union's audit.

Essa assicura il controllo dei conti dell'Unione.

2. It shall examine the accounts of all Union revenue and expenditure, and shall ensure good financial management.

2. Essa esamina i conti di tutte le entrate e le spese dell'Unione ed accerta la sana gestione finanziaria.

3. It shall consist of one national of each Member State.

3. Essa è composta da un cittadino di ciascuno Stato membro.

Its members shall be completely independent in the performance of their duties, in the Union's general interest.

I suoi membri esercitano le loro funzioni in piena indipendenza, nell'interesse generale dell'Unione.

Article I-32

Articolo I-32

The Union's advisory bodies

Gli organi consultivi dell'Unione

1. The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission shall be assisted by a Committee of the Regions and an Economic and Social Committee, exercising advisory functions.

1. Il Parlamento europeo, il Consiglio e la Commissione sono assistiti da un Comitato delle regioni e da un Comitato economico e sociale, che esercitano funzioni consultive.

2. The Committee of the Regions shall consist of representatives of regional and local bodies who either hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate or are politically accountable to an elected assembly.

2. Il Comitato delle regioni è composto da rappresentanti delle collettività regionali e locali che sono titolari di un mandato elettorale nell'ambito di una collettività regionale o locale, o politicamente responsabili dinanzi ad un'assemblea eletta.

3. The Economic and Social Committee shall consist of representatives of organisations of employers, of the employed, and of other parties representative of civil society, notably in socioeconomic, civic, professional and cultural areas.

3. Il Comitato economico e sociale è composto da rappresentanti delle organizzazioni di datori di lavoro, di lavoratori dipendenti e di altri attori rappresentativi della società civile, in particolare nei settori socioeconomico, civico, professionale e culturale.

4. The members of the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee shall not be bound by any mandatory instructions.

4. I membri del Comitato delle regioni e del Comitato economico e sociale non sono vincolati da alcun mandato imperativo.

They shall be completely independent in the performance of their duties, in the Union's general interest.

Essi esercitano le loro funzioni in piena indipendenza, nell'interesse generale dell'Unione.

5. Rules governing the composition of these Committees, the designation of their members, their powers and their operations are set out in Articles III-386 to III-392.

5. Le regole relative alla composizione di tali comitati, alla designazione dei loro membri, alle loro attribuzioni e al loro funzionamento sono definite negli articoli da III-386 a III-392.

The rules referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 governing the nature of their composition shall be reviewed at regular intervals by the Council to take account of economic, social and demographic developments within the Union.

Le regole di cui ai paragrafi 2 e 3 relative alla natura della loro composizione sono riesaminate a intervalli regolari dal Consiglio, per tener conto dell'evoluzione economica, sociale e demografica nell'Unione.

The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt European decisions to that end.

Il Consiglio, su proposta della Commissione, adotta delle decisioni europee a tal fine.









Article I-33

Articolo I-33

The legal acts of the Union

Atti giuridici dell'Unione

1. To exercise the Union's competences the institutions shall use as legal instruments, in accordance with Part III, European laws, European framework laws, European regulations, European decisions, recommendations and opinions.

1. Le istituzioni, per esercitare le competenze dell'Unione, utilizzano come strumenti giuridici, conformemente alla parte III, la legge europea, la legge quadro europea, il regolamento europeo, la decisione europea, le raccomandazioni e i pareri.

A European law shall be a legislative act of general application.

La legge europea è un atto legislativo di portata generale.

It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

È obbligatoria in tutti i suoi elementi e direttamente applicabile in ciascuno degli Stati membri.

A European framework law shall be a legislative act binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

La legge quadro europea è un atto legislativo che vincola tutti gli Stati membri destinatari per quanto riguarda il risultato da raggiungere, salva restando la competenza degli organi nazionali in merito alla scelta della forma e dei mezzi.

A European regulation shall be a non-legislative act of general application for the implementation of legislative acts and of certain provisions of the Constitution.

Il regolamento europeo è un atto non legislativo di portata generale volto all'attuazione degli atti legislativi e di talune disposizioni specifiche della Costituzione.

It may either be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States, or be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

Può essere obbligatorio in tutti i suoi elementi e direttamente applicabile in ciascuno degli Stati membri, oppure vincolare lo Stato membro destinatario per quanto riguarda il risultato da raggiungere, salva restando la competenza degli organi nazionali in merito alla scelta della forma e dei mezzi.

A European decision shall be a non-legislative act, binding in its entirety.

La decisione europea è un atto non legislativo obbligatorio in tutti i suoi elementi.

A decision which specifies those to whom it is addressed shall be binding only on them.

Se designa dei destinatari, essa è obbligatoria soltanto nei confronti di questi.

Recommendations and opinions shall have no binding force.

Le raccomandazioni e i pareri non hanno effetto vincolante.

2. When considering draft legislative acts, the European Parliament and the Council shall refrain from adopting acts not provided for by the relevant legislative procedure in the area in question.

2. In presenza di un progetto di atto legislativo, il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio si astengono dall'adottare atti non previsti dalla procedura legislativa applicabile al settore interessato.

Article I-34

Articolo I-34

Legislative acts

Atti legislativi

1. European laws and framework laws shall be adopted, on the basis of proposals from the Commission, jointly by the European Parliament and the Council under the ordinary legislative procedure as set out in Article III-396.

1. Le leggi e leggi quadro europee sono adottate congiuntamente dal Parlamento europeo e dal Consiglio su proposta della Commissione, secondo la procedura legislativa ordinaria prevista all'articolo III-396.

If the two institutions cannot reach agreement on an act, it shall not be adopted.

Se le due istituzioni non raggiungono un accordo, l'atto non è adottato.

2. In the specific cases provided for in the Constitution, European laws and framework laws shall be adopted by the European Parliament with the participation of the Council, or by the latter with the participation of the European Parliament, in accordance with special legislative procedures.

2. Nei casi specifici previsti dalla Costituzione, le leggi e leggi quadro europee sono adottate dal Parlamento europeo con la partecipazione del Consiglio o da quest'ultimo con la partecipazione del Parlamento europeo, secondo procedure legislative speciali.

3. In the specific cases provided for in the Constitution, European laws and framework laws may be adopted at the initiative of a group of Member States or of the European Parliament, on a recommendation from the European Central Bank or at the request of the Court of Justice or the European Investment Bank.

3. Nei casi specifici previsti dalla Costituzione, le leggi e leggi quadro europee possono essere adottate su iniziativa di un gruppo di Stati membri o del Parlamento europeo, su raccomandazione della Banca centrale europea o su richiesta della Corte di giustizia o della Banca europea per gli investimenti.

Article I-35

Articolo I-35

Non-legislative acts

Atti non legislativi

1. The European Council shall adopt European decisions in the cases provided for in the Constitution.

1. Il Consiglio europeo adotta decisioni europee nei casi previsti dalla Costituzione.

2. The Council and the Commission, in particular in the cases referred to in articles I-36 and I-37, and the European Central Bank in the specific cases provided for in the constitution, shall adopt European regulations and decisions.

2. Il Consiglio e la Commissione, in particolare nei casi previsti dagli articoli I-36 e I-37, e la Banca centrale europea nei casi specifici previsti dalla Costituzione, adottano regolamenti o decisioni europei.

3. The Council shall adopt recommendations.

3. Il Consiglio adotta raccomandazioni.

It shall act on a proposal from the Commission in all cases where the Constitution provides that it shall adopt acts on a proposal from the Commission.

Delibera su proposta della Commissione in tutti i casi in cui la Costituzione prevede che adotti atti su proposta della Commissione.

It shall act unanimously in those areas in which unanimity is required for the adoption of a Union act.

Delibera all'unanimità nei settori nei quali è richiesta l'unanimità per l'adozione di un atto dell'Unione.

The Commission, and the European Central Bank in the specific cases provided for in the Constitution, shall adopt recommendations.

La Commissione, e la Banca centrale europea nei casi specifici previsti dalla Costituzione, adottano raccomandazioni.

Article I-36

Articolo I-36

Delegated European regulations

Regolamenti europei delegati

1. European laws and framework laws may delegate to the Commission the power to adopt delegated European regulations to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of the law or framework law.

1. Le leggi e leggi quadro europee possono delegare alla Commissione il potere di adottare regolamenti europei delegati che completano o modificano determinati elementi non essenziali della legge o legge quadro.

The objectives, content, scope and duration of the delegation of power shall be explicitly defined in the European laws and framework laws.

Le leggi e leggi quadro europee delimitano esplicitamente gli obiettivi, il contenuto, la portata e la durata della delega di potere.

The essential elements of an area shall be reserved for the European law or framework law and accordingly shall not be the subject of a delegation of power.

Gli elementi essenziali di un settore sono riservati alla legge o legge quadro europea e non possono pertanto essere oggetto di delega di potere.

2. European laws and framework laws shall explicitly lay down the conditions to which the delegation is subject; these conditions may be as follows:

2. Le leggi e leggi quadro europee fissano esplicitamente le condizioni cui è soggetta la delega, che possono essere le seguenti:

(a) the European Parliament or the Council may decide to revoke the delegation;

a) il Parlamento europeo o il Consiglio può decidere di revocare la delega;

(b) the delegated European regulation may enter into force only if no objection has been expressed by the European Parliament or the Council within a period set by the European law or framework law.

b) il regolamento europeo delegato può entrare in vigore soltanto se, entro il termine fissato dalla legge o legge quadro europea, il Parlamento europeo o il Consiglio non solleva obiezioni.

For the purposes of (a) and (b), the European Parliament shall act by a majority of its component members, and the Council by a qualified majority.

Ai fini delle lettere a) e b), il Parlamento europeo delibera alla maggioranza dei membri che lo compongono e il Consiglio delibera a maggioranza qualificata.

Article I-37

Articolo I-37

Implementing acts

Atti esecutivi

1. Member States shall adopt all measures of national law necessary to implement legally binding Union acts.

1. Gli Stati membri adottano tutte le misure di diritto interno necessarie per l'attuazione degli atti giuridicamente vincolanti dell'Unione.

2. Where uniform conditions for implementing legally binding Union acts are needed, those acts shall confer implementing powers on the Commission, or, in duly justified specific cases and in the cases provided for in Article I-40, on the Council.

2. Allorché sono necessarie condizioni uniformi di esecuzione degli atti giuridicamente vincolanti dell'Unione, questi conferiscono competenze di esecuzione alla Commissione o, in casi specifici debitamente motivati e nelle circostanze previste all'articolo I-40, al Consiglio.

3. For the purposes of paragraph 2, European laws shall lay down in advance the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers.

3. Ai fini del paragrafo 2 la legge europea stabilisce preventivamente le regole e i principi generali relativi alle modalità di controllo da parte degli Stati membri dell'esercizio delle competenze di esecuzione attribuite alla Commissione.

4. Union implementing acts shall take the form of European implementing regulations or European implementing decisions.

4. Gli atti esecutivi dell'Unione assumono la forma di regolamenti europei d'esecuzione o di decisioni europee d'esecuzione.

Article I-38

Articolo I-38

Principles common to the Union's legal acts

Principi comuni agli atti giuridici dell'Unione

1. Where the Constitution does not specify the type of act to be adopted, the institutions shall select it on a case-by-case basis, in compliance with the applicable procedures and with the principle of proportionality referred to in Article I-11.

1. Qualora la Costituzione non preveda il tipo di atto da adottare, le istituzioni lo decidono di volta in volta, nel rispetto delle procedure applicabili e del principio di proporzionalità di cui all'articolo I-11.

2. Legal acts shall state the reasons on which they are based and shall refer to any proposals, initiatives, recommendations, requests or opinions required by the Constitution.

2. Gli atti giuridici sono motivati e fanno riferimento alle proposte, iniziative, raccomandazioni, richieste o pareri previsti dalla Costituzione.

Article I-39

Articolo I-39

Publication and entry into force

Pubblicazione ed entrata in vigore

1. European laws and framework laws adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure shall be signed by the President of the European Parliament and by the President of the Council.

1. Le leggi e leggi quadro europee adottate secondo la procedura legislativa ordinaria sono firmate dal presidente del Parlamento europeo e dal presidente del Consiglio.

In other cases they shall be signed by the President of the institution which adopted them.

Negli altri casi sono firmate dal presidente dell'istituzione che le ha adottate.

European laws and framework laws shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and shall enter into force on the date specified in them or, in the absence thereof, on the twentieth day following their publication.

Le leggi e le ggi quadro europee sono pubblicate nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea ed entrano in vigore alla data da esse stabilita oppure, in mancanza di data, il ventesimo giorno successivo alla pubblicazione.

2. European regulations, and European decisions which do not specify to whom they are addressed, shall be signed by the President of the institution which adopted them.

2. I regolamenti e decisioni europei che non indicano i destinatari sono firmati dal presidente dell'istituzione che li ha adottati.

European regulations, and European decisions when the latter do not specify to whom they are addressed, shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and shall enter into force on the date specified in them or, in the absence thereof, on the twentieth day following that of their publication.

I regolamenti e decisioni europei che non indicano i destinatari sono pubblicati nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea ed entrano in vigore alla data da essi stabilita oppure, in mancanza di data, il ventesimo giorno successivo alla pubblicazione.

3. European decisions other than those referred to in paragraph 2 shall be notified to those to whom they are addressed and shall take effect upon such notification.

3. Le decisioni europee diverse da quelle previste nel paragrafo 2 sono notificate ai destinatari e hanno efficacia in virtù di tale notificazione.





Article I-40

Articolo I-40

Specific provisions relating to the common foreign and security policy

Disposizioni particolari relative alla politica estera e di sicurezza comune

1. The European Union shall conduct a common foreign and security policy, based on the development of mutual political solidarity among Member States, the identification of questions of general interest and the achievement of an ever-increasing degree of convergence of Member States' actions.

1. L'Unione europea persegue una politica estera e di sicurezza comune fondata sullo sviluppo della reciproca solidarietà politica degli Stati membri, sull'individuazione delle questioni di interesse generale e sulla realizzazione di un livello sempre maggiore di convergenza delle azioni degli Stati membri.

2. The European Council shall identify the Union's strategic interests and determine the objectives of its common foreign and security policy.

2. Il Consiglio europeo individua gli interessi strategici dell'Unione e fissa gli obiettivi della sua politica estera e di sicurezza comune.

The Council shall frame this policy within the framework of the strategic guidelines established by the European Council and in accordance with Part III.

Il Consiglio elabora tale politica nel quadro delle linee strategiche definite dal Consiglio europeo e conformemente alla parte III.

3. The European Council and the Council shall adopt the necessary European decisions.

3. Il Consiglio europeo e il Consiglio adottano le decisioni europee necessarie.

4. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs and by the Member States, using national and Union resources.

4. La politica estera e di sicurezza comune è attuata dal ministro degli affari esteri dell'Unione e dagli Stati membri, ricorrendo ai mezzi nazionali e a quelli dell'Unione.

5. Member States shall consult one another within the European Council and the Council on any foreign and security policy issue which is of general interest in order to determine a common approach.

5. Gli Stati membri si concertano in sede di Consiglio europeo e di Consiglio su qualsiasi questione di politica estera e di sicurezza di interesse generale per definire un approccio comune.

Before undertaking any action on the international scene or any commitment which could affect the Union's interests, each Member State shall consult the others within the European Council or the Council.

Prima di intraprendere qualsiasi azione sulla scena internazionale o di assumere qualsiasi impegno che possa ledere gli interessi dell'Unione, ciascuno Stato membro consulta gli altri in sede di Consiglio europeo o di Consiglio.

Member States shall ensure, through the convergence of their actions, that the Union is able to assert its interests and values on the international scene.

Gli Stati membri assicurano, mediante la convergenza delle loro azioni, che l'Unione possa affermare i suoi interessi e i suoi valori sulla scena internazionale.

Member States shall show mutual solidarity.

Gli Stati membri sono solidali tra loro.

6. European decisions relating to the common foreign and security policy shall be adopted by the European Council and the Council unanimously, except in the cases referred to in Part III.

6. In materia di politica estera e di sicurezza comune, il Consiglio europeo e il Consiglio adottano decisioni europee all'unanimità, salvo nei casi previsti nella parte III.

The European Council and the Council shall act on an initiative from a Member State, on a proposal from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs or on a proposal from that Minister with the Commission's support.

Si pronunciano su iniziativa di uno Stato membro, su proposta del ministro degli affari esteri dell'Unione o su proposta di quest'ultimo con l'appoggio della Commissione.

European laws and framework laws shall be excluded.

Le leggi e leggi quadro europee sono escluse.

7. The European Council may, unanimously, adopt a European decision authorising the Council to act by a qualified majority in cases other than those referred to in Part III.

7. Il Consiglio europeo può adottare all'unanimità una decisione europea che preveda che il Consiglio deliberi a maggioranza qualificata nei casi diversi da quelli previsti nella parte III.

8. The European Parliament shall be regularly consulted on the main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy.

8. Il Parlamento europeo è consultato regolarmente sui principali aspetti e sulle scelte fondamentali della politica estera e di sicurezza comune.

It shall be kept informed of how it evolves.

Esso è tenuto informato della sua evoluzione.

Article I-41

Articolo I-41

Specific provisions relating to the common security and defence policy

Disposizioni particolari relative alla politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune

1. The common security and defence policy shall be an integral part of the common foreign and security policy.

1. La politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune costituisce parte integrante della politica estera e di sicurezza comune.

It shall provide the Union with an operational capacity drawing on civil and military assets.

Essa assicura che l'Unione disponga di una capacità operativa ricorrendo a mezzi civili e militari.

The Union may use them on missions outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter.

L'Unione può avvalersi di tali mezzi in missioni al suo esterno per garantire il mantenimento della pace, la prevenzione dei conflitti e il rafforzamento della sicurezza internazionale, conformemente ai principi della Carta delle Nazioni Unite.

The performance of these tasks shall be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States.

L'esecuzione di tali compiti si basa sulle capacità fornite dagli Stati membri.

2. The common security and defence policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defence policy.

2. La politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune comprende la graduale definizione di una politica di difesa comune dell'Unione.

This will lead to a common defence, when the European Council, acting unanimously, so decides.

Questa condurrà a una difesa comune quando il Consiglio europeo, deliberando all'unanimità, avrà così deciso.

It shall in that case recommend to the Member States the adoption of such a decision in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.

In questo caso, il Consiglio europeo raccomanda agli Stati membri di adottare una decisione in tal senso conformemente alle rispettive norme costituzionali.

The policy of the Union in accordance with this Article shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States, it shall respect the obligations of certain Member States, which see their common defence realised in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, under the North Atlantic Treaty, and be compatible with the common security and defence policy established within that framework.

La politica dell'Unione a norma del presente articolo non pregiudica il carattere specifico della politica di sicurezza e di difesa di taluni Stati membri, rispetta gli obblighi derivanti dal trattato del Nord-Atlantico per alcuni Stati membri che ritengono che la loro difesa comune si realizzi tramite l'Organizzazione del trattato del Nord-Atlantico, ed è compatibile con la politica comune di sicurezza e di difesa adottata in tale contesto.

3. Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the objectives defined by the Council.

3. Gli Stati membri mettono a disposizione dell'Unione, per l'attuazione della politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune, capacità civili e militari per contribuire al conseguimento degli obiettivi definiti dal Consiglio.

Those Member States which together establish multinational forces may also make them available to the common security and defence policy.

Gli Stati membri che costituiscono tra loro forze multinazionali possono mettere anche tali forze a disposizione della politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune.

Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities.

Gli Stati membri s'impegnano a migliorare progressivamente le loro capacità militari.

An Agency in the field of defence capabilities development, research, acquisition and armaments (European Defence Agency) shall be established to identify operational requirements, to promote measures to satisfy those requirements, to contribute to identifying and, where appropriate, implementing any measure needed to strengthen the industrial and technological base of the defence sector, to participate in defining a European capabilities and armaments policy, and to assist the Council in evaluating the improvement of military capabilities.

È istituita un'Agenzia nel settore dello sviluppo delle capacità di difesa, della ricerca, dell'acquisizione e degli armamenti (Agenzia europea per la difesa), incaricata di individuare le esigenze operative, promuovere misure per rispondere a queste, contribuire a individuare e, se del caso, mettere in atto qualsiasi misura utile a rafforzare la base industriale e tecnologica del settore della difesa, partecipare alla definizione di una politica europea delle capacità e degli armamenti, e assistere il Consiglio nella valutazione del miglioramento delle capacità militari.

4. European decisions relating to the common security and defence policy, including those initiating a mission as referred to in this Article, shall be adopted by the Council acting unanimously on a proposal from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs or an initiative from a Member State.

4. Le decisioni europee relative alla politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune, comprese quelle inerenti all'avvio di una missione di cui al presente articolo, sono adottate dal Consiglio che delibera all'unanimità su proposta del ministro degli affari esteri dell'Unione o su iniziativa di uno Stato membro.

The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs may propose the use of both national resources and Union instruments, together with the Commission where appropriate.

Il ministro degli affari esteri dell'Unione può proporre il ricorso sia ai mezzi nazionali sia agli strumenti dell'Unione, se del caso congiuntamente alla Commissione.

5. The Council may entrust the execution of a task, within the Union framework, to a group of Member States in order to protect the Union's values and serve its interests.

5. Il Consiglio può affidare lo svolgimento di una missione, nell'ambito dell'Unione, a un gruppo di Stati membri allo scopo di preservare i valori dell'Unione e di servirne gli interessi.

The execution of such a task shall be governed by Article III-310.

Lo svolgimento di detta missione è disciplinato dall'articolo III-310.

6. Those Member States whose military capabilities fulfil higher criteria and which have made more binding commitments to one another in this area with a view to the most demanding missions shall establish permanent structured cooperation within the Union framework.

6. Gli Stati membri che rispondono a criteri più elevati in termini di capacità militari e che hanno sottoscritto impegni più vincolanti in materia ai fini delle missioni più impegnative instaurano una cooperazione strutturata permanente nell'ambito dell'Unione.

Such cooperation shall be governed by Article III-312.

Detta cooperazione è disciplinata dall'articolo III-312.

It shall not affect the provisions of Article III-309.

Essa lascia impregiudicato l'articolo III-309.

7. If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

7. Qualora uno Stato membro subisca un'aggressione armata nel suo territorio, gli altri Stati membri sono tenuti a prestargli aiuto e assistenza con tutti i mezzi in loro possesso, in conformità dell'articolo 51 della Carta delle Nazioni Unite.

This shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States.

Ciò non pregiudica il carattere specifico della politica di sicurezza e di difesa di taluni Stati membri.

Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which, for those States which are members of it, remains the foundation of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation.

Gli impegni e la cooperazione in questo settore rimangono conformi agli impegni assunti nell'ambito dell'Organizzazione del trattato del Nord-Atlantico che resta, per gli Stati che ne sono membri, il fondamento della loro difesa collettiva e l'istanza di attuazione della stessa.

8. The European Parliament shall be regularly consulted on the main aspects and basic choices of the common security and defence policy.

8. Il Parlamento europeo è consultato regolarmente sui principali aspetti e sulle scelte fondamentali della politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune.

It shall be kept informed of how it evolves.

Esso è tenuto informato della sua evoluzione.

Article I-42

Articolo I-42

Specific provisions relating to the area of freedom, security and justice

Disposizioni particolari relative allo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia

1. The Union shall constitute an area of freedom, security and justice:

1. L'Unione costituisce uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia:

(a) by adopting European laws and framework laws intended, where necessary, to approximate laws and regulations of the Member States in the areas referred to in Part III;

a) attraverso l'adozione di leggi e leggi quadro europee intese, se necessario, a ravvicinare le disposizioni legislative e regolamentari degli Stati membri nei settori di cui alla parte III;

(b) by promoting mutual confidence between the competent authorities of the Member States, in particular on the basis of mutual recognition of judicial and extrajudicial decisions;

b) favorendo la fiducia reciproca tra le autorità competenti degli Stati membri, in particolare sulla base del riconoscimento reciproco delle decisioni giudiziarie ed extragiudiziali;

(c) by operational cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, including the police, customs and other services specialising in the prevention and detection of criminal offences.

c) attraverso una cooperazione operativa delle autorità competenti degli Stati membri, compresi i servizi di polizia, i servizi delle dogane e altri servizi specializzati nel settore della prevenzione e dell'individuazione dei reati.

2. National Parliaments may, within the framework of the area of freedom, security and justice, participate in the evaluation mechanisms provided for in Article III-260.

2. I parlamenti nazionali, nell'ambito dello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia, possono partecipare ai meccanismi di valutazione previsti all'articolo III-260.

They shall be involved in the political monitoring of Europol and the evaluation of Eurojust's activities in accordance with Articles III-276 and III-273.

Essi sono associati al controllo politico di Europol e alla valutazione delle attività di Eurojust, conformemente agli articoli III-276 e III-273.

3. Member States shall have a right of initiative in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, in accordance with Article III-264.

3. Gli Stati membri dispongono del diritto di iniziativa nel settore della cooperazione di polizia e giudiziaria in materia penale, conformemente all'articolo III-264.

Article I-43

Articolo I-43

Solidarity clause

Clausola di solidarietà

1. The Union and its Member States shall act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster.

1. L'Unione e gli Stati membri agiscono congiuntamente in uno spirito di solidarietà qualora uno Stato membro sia oggetto di un attacco terroristico o sia vittima di una calamità naturale o provocata dall'uomo.

The Union shall mobilise all the instruments at its disposal, including the military resources made available by the Member States, to:

L'Unione mobilita tutti gli strumenti di cui dispone, inclusi i mezzi militari messi a sua disposizione dagli Stati membri, per:



— prevent the terrorist threat in the territory of the Member States;

— prevenire la minaccia terroristica sul territorio degli Stati membri;

— protect democratic institutions and the civilian population from any terrorist attack;

— proteggere le istituzioni democratiche e la popolazione civile da un eventuale attacco terroristico;

— assist a Member State in its territory, at the request of its political authorities, in the event of a terrorist attack;

— prestare assistenza a uno Stato membro sul suo territorio, su richiesta delle sue autorità politiche, in caso di attacco terroristico;

(b) assist a Member State in its territory, at the request of its political authorities, in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

b) prestare assistenza a uno Stato membro sul suo territorio, su richiesta delle sue autorità politiche, in caso di calamità naturale o provocata dall'uomo.

2. The detailed arrangements for implementing this Article are set out in Article III-329.

2. Le modalità d'attuazione del presente articolo sono previste all'articolo III-329.





Article I-44

Articolo I-44

Enhanced cooperation

Cooperazioni rafforzate

1. Member States which wish to establish enhanced cooperation between themselves within the framework of the Union's non-exclusive competences may make use of its institutions and exercise those competences by applying the relevant provisions of the Constitution, subject to the limits and in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Article and in Articles III-416 to III-423.

1. Gli Stati membri che intendono instaurare tra loro una cooperazione rafforzata nel quadro delle competenze non esclusive dell'Unione possono far ricorso alle sue istituzioni ed esercitare tali competenze applicando le pertinenti disposizioni della Costituzione, nei limiti e con le modalità previsti nel presente articolo e negli articoli da III-416 a III-423.

Enhanced cooperation shall aim to further the objectives of the Union, protect its interests and reinforce its integration process.

Le cooperazioni rafforzate sono intese a promuovere la realizzazione degli obiettivi dell'Unione, a proteggere i suoi interessi e a rafforzare il suo processo di integrazione.

Such cooperation shall be open at any time to all Member States, in accordance with Article III-418.

Sono aperte in qualsiasi momento a tutti gli Stati membri ai sensi dell'articolo III-418.

2. The European decision authorising enhanced cooperation shall be adopted by the Council as a last resort, when it has established that the objectives of such cooperation cannot be attained within a reasonable period by the Union as a whole, and provided that at least one third of the Member States participate in it.

2. La decisione europea che autorizza una cooperazione rafforzata è adottata dal Consiglio in ultima istanza, qualora esso stabilisca che gli obiettivi ricercati da detta cooperazione non possono essere conseguiti entro un termine ragionevole dall'Unione nel suo insieme, e a condizione che vi partecipi almeno un terzo degli Stati membri.

The Council shall act in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article III-419.

Il Consiglio delibera secondo la procedura di cui all'articolo III-419.

3. All members of the Council may participate in its deliberations, but only members of the Council representing the Member States participating in enhanced cooperation shall take part in the vote.

3. Tutti i membri del Consiglio possono partecipare alle sue deliberazioni, ma solo i membri del Consiglio che rappresentano gli Stati membri partecipanti ad una cooperazione rafforzata prendono parte al voto.

Unanimity shall be constituted by the votes of the representatives of the participating Member States only.

L'unanimità è costituita unicamente dai voti dei rappresentanti degli Stati membri partecipanti.

A qualified majority shall be defined as at least 55 % of the members of the Council representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

Per maggioranza qualificata si intende almeno il 55 % dei membri del Consiglio rappresentanti gli Stati membri partecipanti, che totalizzino almeno il 65 % della popolazione di tali Stati.

A blocking minority must include at least the minimum number of Council members representing more than 35 % of the population of the participating Member States, plus one member, failing which the qualified majority shall be deemed attained.

La minoranza di blocco deve comprendere almeno il numero minimo di membri del Consiglio che rappresentano oltre il 35 % della popolazione degli Stati membri partecipanti, più un altro membro; in caso contrario la maggioranza qualificata si considera raggiunta.

By way of derogation from the third and fourth subparagraphs, where the Council does not act on a proposal from the Commission or from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, the required qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72 % of the members of the Council representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

In deroga al terzo e quarto comma, quando il Consiglio non delibera su proposta della Commissione o del ministro degli affari esteri dell'Unione, per maggioranza qualificata richiesta si intende almeno il 72 % dei membri del Consiglio rappresentanti gli Stati membri partecipanti, che totalizzino almeno il 65 % della popolazione di tali Stati.

4. Acts adopted in the framework of enhanced cooperation shall bind only participating Member States.

4. Gli atti adottati nel quadro di una cooperazione rafforzata vincolano solo gli Stati membri partecipanti.

They shall not be regarded as part of the acquis which has to be accepted by candidate States for accession to the Union.

Non sono considerati un acquis che deve essere accettato dagli Stati candidati all'adesione all'Unione.





Article I-45

Articolo I-45

The principle of democratic equality

Principio dell'uguaglianza democratica

In all its activities, the Union shall observe the principle of the equality of its citizens, who shall receive equal attention from its institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

L'Unione rispetta, in tutte le sue attività, il principio dell'uguaglianza dei cittadini, che beneficiano di uguale attenzione da parte delle sue istituzioni, organi e organismi.

Article I-46

Articolo I-46

The principle of representative democracy

Principio della democrazia rappresentativa

1. The functioning of the Union shall be founded on representative democracy.

1. Il funzionamento dell'Unione si fonda sulla democrazia rappresentativa.

2. Citizens are directly represented at Union level in the European Parliament.

2. I cittadini sono direttamente rappresentati, a livello dell'Unione, nel Parlamento europeo.

Member States are represented in the European Council by their Heads of State or Government and in the Council by their governments, themselves democratically accountable either to their national Parliaments, or to their citizens.

Gli Stati membri sono rappresentati nel Consiglio europeo dai rispettivi capi di Stato o di governo e nel Consiglio dai rispettivi governi, a loro volta democraticamente responsabili dinanzi ai loro parlamenti nazionali o dinanzi ai loro cittadini.

3. Every citizen shall have the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union.

3. Ogni cittadino ha il diritto di partecipare alla vita democratica dell'Unione.

Decisions shall be taken as openly and as closely as possible to the citizen.

Le decisioni sono prese nella maniera il più possibile aperta e vicina al cittadino.

4. Political parties at European level contribute to forming European political awareness and to expressing the will of citizens of the Union.

4. I partiti politici a livello europeo contribuiscono a formare una coscienza politica europea e ad esprimere la volontà dei cittadini dell'Unione.

Article I-47

Articolo I-47

The principle of participatory democracy

Principio della democrazia partecipativa

1. The institutions shall, by appropriate means, give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action.

1. Le istituzioni danno ai cittadini e alle associazioni rappresentative, attraverso gli opportuni canali, la possibilità di far conoscere e di scambiare pubblicamente le loro opinioni in tutti i settori di azione dell'Unione.

2. The institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society.

2. Le istituzioni mantengono un dialogo aperto, trasparente e regolare con le associazioni rappresentative e la società civile.

3. The Commission shall carry out broad consultations with parties concerned in order to ensure that the Union's actions are coherent and transparent.

3. Al fine di assicurare la coerenza e la trasparenza delle azioni dell'Unione, la Commissione procede ad ampie consultazioni delle parti interessate.

4. Not less than one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States may take the initiative of inviting the Commission, within the framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Constitution.

4. Cittadini dell'Unione, in numero di almeno un milione, che abbiano la cittadinanza di un numero significativo di Stati membri, possono prendere l'iniziativa d'invitare la Commissione, nell'ambito delle sue attribuzioni, a presentare una proposta appropriata su materie in merito alle quali tali cittadini ritengono necessario un atto giuridico dell'Unione ai fini dell'attuazione della Costituzione.

European laws shall determine the provisions for the procedures and conditions required for such a citizens' initiative, including the minimum number of Member States from which such citizens must come.

La legge europea determina le disposizioni relative alle procedure e alle condizioni necessarie per la presentazione di una iniziativa dei cittadini, incluso il numero minimo di Stati membri da cui devono provenire.

Article I-48

Articolo I-48

The social partners and autonomous social dialogue

Le parti sociali e il dialogo sociale autonomo

The Union recognises and promotes the role of the social partners at its level, taking into account the diversity of national systems.

L'Unione riconosce e promuove il ruolo delle parti sociali al suo livello, tenendo conto della diversità dei sistemi nazionali.

It shall facilitate dialogue between the social partners, respecting their autonomy.

Essa facilita il dialogo tra tali parti, nel rispetto della loro autonomia.

The Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment shall contribute to social dialogue.

Il vertice sociale trilaterale per la crescita e l'occupazione contribuisce al dialogo sociale.

Article I-49

Articolo I-49

The European Ombudsman

Il mediatore europeo

A European Ombudsman elected by the European Parliament shall receive, examine and report on complaints about maladministration in the activities of the Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, under the conditions laid down in the Constitution.

Un mediatore europeo, eletto dal Parlamento europeo, riceve le denunce riguardanti casi di cattiva amministrazione nell'azione delle istituzioni, organi o organismi dell'Unione alle condizioni previste dalla Costituzione. Egli istituisce tali denunce e riferisce al riguardo.

The European Ombudsman shall be completely independent in the performance of his or her duties.

Il mediatore europeo esercita le sue funzioni in piena indipendenza.

Article I-50

Articolo I-50

Transparency of the proceedings of Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies

Trasparenza dei lavori delle istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'Unione

1. In order to promote good governance and ensure the participation of civil society, the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies shall conduct their work as openly as possible.

1. Al fine di promuovere il buon governo e garantire la partecipazione della società civile, le istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'Unione operano nel modo più trasparente possibile.

2. The European Parliament shall meet in public, as shall the Council when considering and voting on a draft legislative act.

2. Il Parlamento europeo si riunisce in seduta pubblica, così come il Consiglio allorché delibera e vota in relazione ad un progetto di atto legislativo.

3. Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State shall have, under the conditions laid down in Part III, a right of access to documents of the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, whatever their medium.

3. Qualsiasi cittadino dell'Unione o persona fisica o giuridica che risieda o abbia la sede sociale in uno Stato membro ha il diritto di accedere, alle condizioni previste nella parte III, ai documenti delle istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'Unione, a prescindere dal loro supporto.

European laws shall lay down the general principles and limits which, on grounds of public or private interest, govern the right of access to such documents.

La legge europea stabilisce i principi generali e le limitazioni a tutela di interessi pubblici o privati applicabili al diritto di accesso a tali documenti.

4. Each institution, body, office or agency shall determine in its own rules of procedure specific provisions regarding access to its documents, in accordance with the European laws referred to in paragraph 3.

4. Ciascuna istituzione, organo o organismo stabilisce nel suo regolamento interno disposizioni specifiche riguardanti l'accesso ai suoi documenti, conformemente alla legge europea di cui al paragrafo 3.

Article I-51

Articolo I-51

Protection of personal data

Protezione dei dati di carattere personale

1. Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla protezione dei dati di carattere personale che la riguardano.

2. European laws or framework laws shall lay down the rules relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, and by the Member States when carrying out activities which fall within the scope of Union law, and the rules relating to the free movement of such data.

2. La legge o legge quadro europea stabilisce le norme relative alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati di carattere personale da parte delle istituzioni, organi e organismi dell'Unione, e da parte degli Stati membri nell'esercizio di attività che rientrano nel campo di applicazione del diritto dell'Unione, e le norme relative alla libera circolazione di tali dati.

Compliance with these rules shall be subject to the control of independent authorities.

Il rispetto di tali norme è soggetto al controllo di autorità indipendenti.

Article I-52

Articolo I-52

Status of churches and non-confessional organisations

Status delle chiese e delle organizzazioni non confessionali

1. The Union respects and does not prejudice the status under national law of churches and religious associations or communities in the Member States.

1. L'Unione rispetta e non pregiudica lo status di cui godono negli Stati membri, in virtù del diritto nazionale, le chiese e le associazioni o comunità religiose.

2. The Union equally respects the status under national law of philosophical and non-confessional organisations.

2. L'Unione rispetta ugualmente lo status di cui godono, in virtù del diritto nazionale, le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali.

3. Recognising their identity and their specific contribution, the Union shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with these churches and organisations.

3. Riconoscendone l'identità e il contributo specifico, l'Unione mantiene un dialogo aperto, trasparente e regolare con tali chiese e organizzazioni.





Article I-53

Articolo I-53

Budgetary and financial principles

Principi finanziari e di bilancio

1. All items of Union revenue and expenditure shall be included in estimates drawn up for each financial year and shall be shown in the Union's budget, in accordance with Part III.

1. Tutte le entrate e le spese dell'Unione devono costituire oggetto di previsioni per ciascun esercizio finanziario ed essere iscritte nel bilancio dell'Unione, conformemente alla parte III.

2. The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance.

2. Nel bilancio, entrate e spese devono risultare in pareggio.

3. The expenditure shown in the budget shall be authorised for the annual budgetary period in accordance with the European law referred to in Article III-412.

3. Le spese iscritte nel bilancio sono autorizzate per la durata dell'esercizio finanziario annuale in conformità della legge europea di cui all'articolo III-412.

4. The implementation of expenditure shown in the budget shall require the prior adoption of a legally binding Union act providing a legal basis for its action and for the implementation of the corresponding expenditure in accordance with the European law referred to in Article III-412, except in cases for which that law provides.

4. L'esecuzione di spese iscritte nel bilancio richiede l'adozione preliminare di un atto giuridicamente vincolante dell'Unione che dà fondamento giuridico alla sua azione e all'esecuzione della spesa corrispondente in conformità della legge europea di cui all'articolo III-412, fatte salve le eccezioni previste da quest'ultima.

5. With a view to maintaining budgetary discipline, the Union shall not adopt any act which is likely to have appreciable implications for the budget without providing an assurance that the expenditure arising from such an act is capable of being financed within the limit of the Union's own resources and in compliance with the multiannual financial framework referred to in Article I-55.

5. Per mantenere la disciplina di bilancio, l'Unione, prima di adottare atti che possono avere incidenze rilevanti sul bilancio, deve assicurare che le spese derivanti da tali atti possano essere finanziate entro i limiti delle risorse proprie dell'Unione e nel rispetto del quadro finanziario pluriennale di cui all'articolo I-55.

6. The budget shall be implemented in accordance with the principle of sound financial management.

6. Il bilancio è eseguito in conformità del principio di sana gestione finanziaria.

Member States shall cooperate with the Union to ensure that the appropriations entered in the budget are used in accordance with this principle.

Gli Stati membri e l'Unione cooperano affinché gli stanziamenti iscritti in bilancio siano utilizzati secondo tale principio.

7. The Union and the Member States, in accordance with Article III-415, shall counter fraud and any other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union.

7. L'Unione e gli Stati membri, conformemente all'articolo III-415, combattono la frode e le altre attività illegali che ledono gli interessi finanziari dell'Unione.

Article I-54

Articolo I-54

The Union's own resources

Risorse proprie dell'Unione

1. The Union shall provide itself with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies.

1. L'Unione si dota dei mezzi necessari per conseguire i suoi obiettivi e per portare a compimento le sue politiche.

2. Without prejudice to other revenue, the Union's budget shall be financed wholly from its own resources.

2. Il bilancio dell'Unione è finanziato integralmente tramite risorse proprie, fatte salve le altre entrate.

3. A European law of the Council shall lay down the provisions relating to the system of own resources of the Union.

3. Una legge europea del Consiglio stabilisce le disposizioni relative al sistema delle risorse proprie dell'Unione.

In this context it may establish new categories of own resources or abolish an existing category.

In tale contesto è possibile istituire nuove categorie di risorse proprie o sopprimere una categoria esistente.

The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament.

Il Consiglio delibera all'unanimità previa consultazione del Parlamento europeo.

That law shall not enter into force until it is approved by the Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.

Detta legge entra in vigore solo previa approvazione da parte degli Stati membri, conformemente alle rispettive norme costituzionali.

4. A European law of the Council shall lay down implementing measures of the Union's own resources system insofar as this is provided for in the European law adopted on the basis of paragraph 3.

4. Una legge europea del Consiglio stabilisce le misure di esecuzione del sistema delle risorse proprie dell'Unione nella misura in cui ciò è previsto nella legge europea adottata sulla base del paragrafo 3.

The Council shall act after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Il Consiglio delibera previa approvazione del Parlamento europeo.

Article I-55

Articolo I-55

The multiannual financial framework

Quadro finanziario pluriennale

1. The multiannual financial framework shall ensure that Union expenditure develops in an orderly manner and within the limits of its own resources.

1. Il quadro finanziario pluriennale mira ad assicurare l'ordinato andamento delle spese dell'Unione entro i limiti delle sue risorse proprie.

It shall determine the amounts of the annual ceilings of appropriations for commitments by category of expenditure in accordance with Article III-402.

Fissa per categoria di spesa gli importi dei massimali annui degli stanziamenti per impegni, conformemente all'articolo III-402.

2. A European law of the Council shall lay down the multiannual financial framework.

2. Una legge europea del Consiglio fissa il quadro finanziario pluriennale.

The Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament, which shall be given by a majority of its component members.

Il Consiglio delibera all'unanimità previa approvazione del Parlamento europeo, che si pronuncia a maggioranza dei membri che lo compongono.

3. The annual budget of the Union shall comply with the multiannual financial framework.

3. Il bilancio annuale dell'Unione è stabilito nel rispetto del quadro finanziario pluriennale.

4. The European Council may, unanimously, adopt a European decision authorising the Council to act by a qualified majority when adopting the European law of the Council referred to in paragraph 2.

4. Il Consiglio europeo può adottare all'unanimità una decisione europea che consente al Consiglio di deliberare a maggioranza qualificata quando adotta la legge europea del Consiglio di cui al paragrafo 2.

Article I-56

Articolo I-56

The Union's budget

Bilancio dell'Unione

A European law shall establish the Union's annual budget in accordance with Article III-404.

La legge europea stabilisce il bilancio annuale dell'Unione conformemente all'articolo III-404.





Article I-57

Articolo I-57

The Union and its neighbours

L'Unione e l'ambiente circostante

1. The Union shall develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.

1. L'Unione sviluppa con i paesi limitrofi relazioni privilegiate al fine di creare uno spazio di prosperità e buon vicinato fondato sui valori dell'Unione e caratterizzato da relazioni strette e pacifiche basate sulla cooperazione.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the Union may conclude specific agreements with the countries concerned.

2. Ai fini del paragrafo 1, l'Unione può concludere accordi specifici con i paesi interessati.

These agreements may contain reciprocal rights and obligations as well as the possibility of undertaking activities jointly.

Detti accordi possono comportare diritti e obblighi reciproci, e la possibilità di condurre azioni in comune.

Their implementation shall be the subject of periodic consultation.

La loro attuazione è oggetto di una concertazione periodica.





Article I-58

Articolo I-58

Conditions of eligibility and procedure for accession to the Union

Criteri di ammissibilità e procedura di adesione all'Unione

1. The Union shall be open to all European States which respect the values referred to in Article I-2, and are committed to promoting them together.

1. L'Unione è aperta a tutti gli Stati europei che rispettano i valori di cui all'articolo I-2 e si impegnano a promuoverli congiuntamente.

2. Any European State which wishes to become a member of the Union shall address its application to the Council.

2. Ogni Stato europeo che desideri diventare membro dell'Unione ne trasmette domanda al Consiglio.

The European Parliament and national Parliaments shall be notified of this application.

Il Parlamento europeo e i parlamenti nazionali sono informati di tale domanda.

The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the Commission and after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament, which shall act by a majority of its component members.

Il Consiglio delibera all'unanimità previa consultazione della Commissione e previa approvazione del Parlamento europeo, che si pronuncia a maggioranza dei membri che lo compongono.

The conditions and arrangements for admission shall be the subject of an agreement between the Member States and the candidate State.

Le condizioni e le modalità dell'ammissione formano l'oggetto di un accordo tra gli Stati membri e lo Stato candidato.

That agreement shall be subject to ratification by each contracting State, in accordance with its respective constitutional requirements.

Tale accordo è sottoposto a ratifica da tutti gli Stati contraenti conformemente alle rispettive norme costituzionali.

Article I-59

Articolo I-59

Suspension of certain rights resulting from Union membership

Sospensione di taluni diritti derivanti dall'appartenenza all'Unione

1. On the reasoned initiative of one third of the Member States or the reasoned initiative of the European Parliament or on a proposal from the Commission, the Council may adopt a European decision determining that there is a clear risk of a serious breach by a Member State of the values referred to in Article I-2.

1. Il Consiglio, su iniziativa motivata di un terzo degli Stati membri, su iniziativa motivata del Parlamento europeo o su proposta della Commissione, può adottare una decisione europea in cui constata che esiste un evidente rischio di violazione grave da parte di uno Stato membro dei valori di cui all'articolo I-2.

The Council shall act by a majority of four fifths of its members after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Il Consiglio delibera alla maggioranza dei quattro quinti dei suoi membri previa approvazione del Parlamento europeo.

Before making such a determination, the Council shall hear the Member State in question and, acting in accordance with the same procedure, may address recommendations to that State.

Prima di procedere a tale constatazione, il Consiglio ascolta lo Stato membro in questione e può rivolgergli delle raccomandazioni deliberando secondo la stessa procedura.

The Council shall regularly verify that the grounds on which such a determination was made continue to apply.

Il Consiglio verifica regolarmente se i motivi che hanno condotto a tale constatazione permangono validi.

2. The European Council, on the initiative of one third of the Member States or on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt a European decision determining the existence of a serious and persistent breach by a Member State of the values mentioned in Article I-2, after inviting the Member State in question to submit its observations.

2. Il Consiglio europeo, su iniziativa di un terzo degli Stati membri o su proposta della Commissione, può adottare una decisione europea in cui constata l'esistenza di una violazione grave e persistente da parte di uno Stato membro dei valori di cui all'articolo I-2, dopo aver invitato tale Stato a presentare le sue osservazioni.

The European Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Il Consiglio europeo delibera all'unanimità previa approvazione del Parlamento europeo.

3. Where a determination under paragraph 2 has been made, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may adopt a European decision suspending certain of the rights deriving from the application of the Constitution to the Member State in question, including the voting rights of the member of the Council representing that State.

3. Qualora sia stata effettuata la constatazione di cui al paragrafo 2, il Consiglio, deliberando a maggioranza qualificata, può adottare una decisione europea che sospende alcuni dei diritti derivanti allo Stato membro in questione dall'applicazione della Costituzione, compresi i diritti di voto del membro del Consiglio che rappresenta questo Stato.

The Council shall take into account the possible consequences of such a suspension for the rights and obligations of natural and legal persons.

Il Consiglio tiene conto delle possibili conseguenze di una siffatta sospensione sui diritti e obblighi delle persone fisiche e giuridiche.

In any case, that State shall continue to be bound by its obligations under the Constitution.

In ogni caso questo Stato continua ad essere vincolato dagli obblighi che gli derivano dalla Costituzione.

4. The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may adopt a European decision varying or revoking measures adopted under paragraph 3 in response to changes in the situation which led to their being imposed.

4. Il Consiglio, deliberando a maggioranza qualificata, può adottare una decisione europea che modifica o revoca le misure adottate a norma del paragrafo 3, per rispondere ai cambiamenti nella situazione che ha portato alla loro imposizione.

5. For the purposes of this Article, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the Member State in question shall not take part in the vote and the Member State in question shall not be counted in the calculation of the one third or four fifths of Member States referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.

5. Ai fini del presente articolo, il membro del Consiglio europeo o del Consiglio che rappresenta lo Stato membro in questione non partecipa al voto e nel calcolo del terzo o dei quattro quinti degli Stati membri di cui ai paragrafi 1 e 2 non si tiene conto dello Stato membro in questione.

Abstentions by members present in person or represented shall not prevent the adoption of European decisions referred to in paragraph 2.

L'astensione di membri presenti o rappresentati non osta all'adozione delle decisioni europee di cui al paragrafo 2.

For the adoption of the European decisions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4, a qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72 % of the members of the Council, representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

Per l'adozione delle decisioni europee di cui ai paragrafi 3 e 4, per maggioranza qualificata s'intende almeno il 72 % dei membri del Consiglio rappresentanti gli Stati membri partecipanti che totalizzino almeno il 65 % della popolazione di tali Stati.

Where, following a decision to suspend voting rights adopted pursuant to paragraph 3, the Council acts by a qualified majority on the basis of a provision of the Constitution, that qualified majority shall be defined as in the second subparagraph, or, where the Council acts on a proposal from the Commission or from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, as at least 55 % of the members of the Council representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

Qualora, a seguito di una decisione di sospensione dei diritti di voto adottata a norma del paragrafo 3, il Consiglio deliberi a maggioranza qualificata sulla base di una delle disposizioni della Costituzione, per maggioranza qualificata s'intende quella definita al secondo comma o, qualora il Consiglio agisca su proposta della Commissione o del ministro degli affari esteri dell'Unione, almeno il 55 % dei membri del Consiglio rappresentanti gli Stati membri partecipanti che totalizzino almeno il 65 % della popolazione di tali Stati.

In the latter case, a blocking minority must include at least the minimum number of Council members representing more than 35 % of the population of the participating Member States, plus one member, failing which the qualified majority shall be deemed attained.

In quest'ultimo caso, la minoranza di blocco deve comprendere almeno il numero minimo di membri del Consiglio che rappresentano oltre il 35 % della popolazione degli Stati membri partecipanti, più un altro membro; in caso contrario la maggioranza qualificata si considera raggiunta.

6. For the purposes of this Article, the European Parliament shall act by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, representing the majority of its component members.

6. Ai fini del presente articolo, il Parlamento europeo delibera alla maggioranza dei due terzi dei voti espressi, che rappresenta la maggioranza dei membri che lo compongono.

Article I-60

Articolo I-60

Voluntary withdrawal from the Union

Recesso dall'Unione

1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.

1. Ogni Stato membro può decidere, conformemente alle proprie norme costituzionali, di recedere dall'Unione.

2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention.

2. Lo Stato membro che decide di recedere notifica tale intenzione al Consiglio europeo.

In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union.

Alla luce degli orientamenti formulati dal Consiglio europeo, l'Unione negozia e conclude con tale Stato un accordo volto a definire le modalità del recesso, tenendo conto del quadro delle future relazioni con l'Unione.

That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article III-325(3).

L'accordo è negoziato conformemente all'articolo III-325, paragrafo 3.

It shall be concluded by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Esso è concluso a nome dell'Unione dal Consiglio, che delibera a maggioranza qualificata previa approvazione del Parlamento europeo.

3. The Constitution shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.

3. La Costituzione cessa di essere applicabile allo Stato interessato a decorrere dalla data di entrata in vigore dell'accordo di recesso o, in mancanza di tale accordo, due anni dopo la notifica di cui al paragrafo 2, salvo che il Consiglio europeo, d'intesa con lo Stato membro interessato, decida all'unanimità di prorogare tale termine.

4. For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in European decisions concerning it.

4. Ai fini dei paragrafi 2 e 3, il membro del Consiglio europeo e del Consiglio che rappresenta lo Stato membro che recede non partecipa né alle deliberazioni né alle decisioni europee del Consiglio europeo e del Consiglio che lo riguardano.

A qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72 % of the members of the Council, representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

Per maggioranza qualificata si intende almeno il 72 % dei membri del Consiglio rappresentanti gli Stati membri partecipanti che totalizzino almeno il 65 % della popolazione di tali Stati.

5. If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article I-58.

5. Se lo Stato che ha receduto dall'Unione chiede di aderirvi nuovamente, tale richiesta è oggetto della procedura di cui all'articolo I-58.





The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values.

I popoli d'Europa, nel creare tra loro un'unione sempre più stretta, hanno deciso di condividere un futuro di pace fondato su valori comuni.

Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, the Union is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity;

Consapevole del suo patrimonio spirituale e morale, l'Unione si fonda sui valori indivisibili e universali della dignità umana, della libertà, dell'uguaglianza e della solidarietà;

it is based on the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

essa si basa sul principio della democrazia e sul principio dello Stato di diritto.

It places the individual at the heart of its activities, by establishing the citizenship of the Union and by creating an area of freedom, security and justice.

Pone la persona al centro della sua azione istituendo la cittadinanza dell'Unione e creando uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia.

The Union contributes to the preservation and to the development of these common values while respecting the diversity of the cultures and traditions of the peoples of Europe as well as the national identities of the Member States and the organisation of their public authorities at national, regional and local levels;

L'Unione contribuisce alla salvaguardia e allo sviluppo di questi valori comuni nel rispetto della diversità delle culture e delle tradizioni dei popoli d'Europa, nonché dell'identità nazionale degli Stati membri e dell'ordinamento dei loro pubblici poteri a livello nazionale, regionale e locale;

it seeks to promote balanced and sustainable development and ensures free movement of persons, services, goods and capital, and the freedom of establishment.

essa si sforza di promuovere uno sviluppo equilibrato e sostenibile e assicura la libera circolazione delle persone, dei servizi, delle merci e dei capitali, nonché la libertà di stabilimento.

To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of fundamental rights in the light of changes in society, social progress and scientific and technological developments by making those rights more visible in a Charter.

A tal fine è necessario rafforzare la tutela dei diritti fondamentali, alla luce dell'evoluzione della società, del progresso sociale e degli sviluppi scientifici e tecnologici, rendendo tali diritti più visibili in una Carta.

This Charter reaffirms, with due regard for the powers and tasks of the Union and the principle of subsidiarity, the rights as they result, in particular, from the constitutional traditions and international obligations common to the Member States, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Social Charters adopted by the Union and by the Council of Europe and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the European Court of Human Rights.

La presente Carta riafferma, nel rispetto delle competenze e dei compiti dell'Unione e del principio di sussidiarietà, i diritti derivanti in particolare dalle tradizioni costituzionali e dagli obblighi internazionali comuni agli Stati membri, dalla Convenzione europea di salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo e delle libertà fondamentali, dalle carte sociali adottate dall'Unione e dal Consiglio d'Europa, nonché dalla giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea e da quella della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo.

In this context the Charter will be interpreted by the courts of the Union and the Member States with due regard to the explanations prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter and updated under the responsibility of the Praesidium of the European Convention.

In tale contesto, la Carta sarà interpretata dai giudici dell'Unione e degli Stati membri tenendo in debito conto le spiegazioni elaborate sotto l'autorità del praesidium della Convenzione che ha redatto la Carta e aggiornate sotto la responsabilità del praesidium della Convenzione europea.

Enjoyment of these rights entails responsibilities and duties with regard to other persons, to the human community and to future generations.

Il godimento di questi diritti fa sorgere responsabilità e doveri nei confronti degli altri come pure della comunità umana e delle generazioni future.

The Union therefore recognises the rights, freedoms and principles set out hereafter.

Pertanto, l'Unione riconosce i diritti, le libertà e i principi enunciati in appresso.





Article II-61

Articolo II-61

Human dignity

Dignità umana

Human dignity is inviolable.

La dignità umana è inviolabile.

It must be respected and protected.

Essa deve essere rispettata e tutelata.

Article II-62

Articolo II-62

Right to life

Diritto alla vita

1. Everyone has the right to life.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla vita.

2. No one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed.

2. Nessuno può essere condannato alla pena di morte, né giustiziato.

Article II-63

Articolo II-63

Right to the integrity of the person

Diritto all'integrità della persona

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla propria integrità fisica e psichica.

2. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following must be respected in particular:

2. Nell'ambito della medicina e della biologia devono essere in particolare rispettati:

(a) the free and informed consent of the person concerned, according to the procedures laid down by law;

a) il consenso libero e informato della persona interessata, secondo le modalità definite dalla legge,

(b) the prohibition of eugenic practices, in particular those aiming at the selection of persons;

b) il divieto delle pratiche eugenetiche, in particolare di quelle aventi come scopo la selezione delle persone,

(c) the prohibition on making the human body and its parts as such a source of financial gain;

c) il divieto di fare del corpo umano e delle sue parti in quanto tali una fonte di lucro,

(d) the prohibition of the reproductive cloning of human beings.

d) il divieto della clonazione riproduttiva degli esseri umani.

Article II-64

Articolo II-64

Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

Proibizione della tortura e delle pene o trattamenti inumani o degradanti

No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Nessuno può essere sottoposto a tortura, né a pene o trattamenti inumani o degradanti.

Article II-65

Articolo II-65

Prohibition of slavery and forced labour

Proibizione della schiavitù e del lavoro forzato

1. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.

1. Nessuno può essere tenuto in condizioni di schiavitù o di servitù.

2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.

2. Nessuno può essere costretto a compiere un lavoro forzato o obbligatorio.

3. Trafficking in human beings is prohibited.

3. È proibita la tratta degli esseri umani.





Article II-66

Articolo II-66

Right to liberty and security

Diritto alla libertà e alla sicurezza

Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.

Ogni persona ha diritto alla libertà e alla sicurezza.

Article II-67

Articolo II-67

Respect for private and family life

Rispetto della vita privata e della vita familiare

Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.

Ogni persona ha diritto al rispetto della propria vita privata e familiare, del proprio domicilio e delle proprie comunicazioni.

Article II-68

Articolo II-68

Protection of personal data

Protezione dei dati di carattere personale

1. Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla protezione dei dati di carattere personale che la riguardano.

2. Such data must be processed fairly for specified purposes and on the basis of the consent of the person concerned or some other legitimate basis laid down by law.

2. Tali dati devono essere trattati secondo il principio di lealtà, per finalità determinate e in base al consenso della persona interessata o a un altro fondamento legittimo previsto dalla legge.

Everyone has the right of access to data which has been collected concerning him or her, and the right to have it rectified.

Ogni persona ha il diritto di accedere ai dati raccolti che la riguardano e di ottenerne la rettifica.

3. Compliance with these rules shall be subject to control by an independent authority.

3. Il rispetto di tali regole è soggetto al controllo di un'autorità indipendente.

Article II-69

Articolo II-69

Right to marry and right to found a family

Diritto di sposarsi e di costituire una famiglia

The right to marry and the right to found a family shall be guaranteed in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of these rights.

Il diritto di sposarsi e il diritto di costituire una famiglia sono garantiti secondo le leggi nazionali che ne disciplinano l'esercizio.

Article II-70

Articolo II-70

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Libertà di pensiero, di coscienza e di religione

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla libertà di pensiero, di coscienza e di religione.

This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Tale diritto include la libertà di cambiare religione o convinzione, così come la libertà di manifestare la propria religione o la propria convinzione individualmente o collettivamente, in pubblico o in privato, mediante il culto, l'insegnamento, le pratiche e l'osservanza dei riti.

2. The right to conscientious objection is recognised, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right.

2. Il diritto all'obiezione di coscienza è riconosciuto secondo le leggi nazionali che ne disciplinano l'esercizio.

Article II-71

Articolo II-71

Freedom of expression and information

Libertà di espressione e d'informazione

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla libertà di espressione.

This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

Tale diritto include la libertà di opinione e la libertà di ricevere o di comunicare informazioni o idee senza che vi possa essere ingerenza da parte delle autorità pubbliche e senza limiti di frontiera.

2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

2. La libertà dei media e il loro pluralismo sono rispettati.

Article II-72

Articolo II-72

Freedom of assembly and of association

Libertà di riunione e di associazione

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association at all levels, in particular in political, trade union and civic matters, which implies the right of everyone to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his or her interests.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla libertà di riunione pacifica e alla libertà di associazione a tutti i livelli, segnatamente in campo politico, sindacale e civico, il che implica il diritto di ogni persona di fondare sindacati insieme con altri e di aderirvi per la difesa dei propri interessi.

2. Political parties at Union level contribute to expressing the political will of the citizens of the Union.

2. I partiti politici a livello dell'Unione contribuiscono a esprimere la volontà politica dei cittadini dell'Unione.

Article II-73

Articolo II-73

Freedom of the arts and sciences

Libertà delle arti e delle scienze

The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint.

Le arti e la ricerca scientifica sono libere.

Academic freedom shall be respected.

La libertà accademica è rispettata.

Article II-74

Articolo II-74

Right to education

Diritto all'istruzione

1. Everyone has the right to education and to have access to vocational and continuing training.

1. Ogni persona ha diritto all'istruzione e all'accesso alla formazione professionale e continua.

2. This right includes the possibility to receive free compulsory education.

2. Questo diritto comporta la facoltà di accedere gratuitamente all'istruzione obbligatoria.

3. The freedom to found educational establishments with due respect for democratic principles and the right of parents to ensure the education and teaching of their children in conformity with their religious, philosophical and pedagogical convictions shall be respected, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of such freedom and right.

3. La libertà di creare istituti di insegnamento nel rispetto dei principi democratici, così come il diritto dei genitori di provvedere all'educazione e all'istruzione dei loro figli secondo le loro convinzioni religiose, filosofiche e pedagogiche, sono rispettati secondo le leggi nazionali che ne disciplinano l'esercizio.

Article II-75

Articolo II-75

Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work

Libertà professionale e diritto di lavorare

1. Everyone has the right to engage in work and to pursue a freely chosen or accepted occupation.

1. Ogni persona ha il diritto di lavorare e di esercitare una professione liberamente scelta o accettata.

2. Every citizen of the Union has the freedom to seek employment, to work, to exercise the right of establishment and to provide services in any Member State.

2. Ogni cittadino dell'Unione ha la libertà di cercare un lavoro, di lavorare, di stabilirsi o di prestare servizi in qualunque Stato membro.

3. Nationals of third countries who are authorised to work in the territories of the Member States are entitled to working conditions equivalent to those of citizens of the Union.

3. I cittadini dei paesi terzi che sono autorizzati a lavorare nel territorio degli Stati membri hanno diritto a condizioni di lavoro equivalenti a quelle di cui godono i cittadini dell'Unione.

Article II-76

Articolo II-76

Freedom to conduct a business

Libertà d'impresa

The freedom to conduct a business in accordance with Union law and national laws and practices is recognised.

È riconosciuta la libertà d'impresa, conformemente al diritto dell'Unione e alle legislazioni e prassi nazionali.

Article II-77

Articolo II-77

Right to property

Diritto di proprietà

1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions.

1. Ogni persona ha il diritto di godere della proprietà dei beni che ha acquisito legalmente, di usarli, di disporne e di lasciarli in eredità.

No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss.

Nessuna persona può essere privata della proprietà se non per causa di pubblico interesse, nei casi e nei modi previsti dalla legge e contro il pagamento in tempo utile di una giusta indennità per la perdita della stessa.

The use of property may be regulated by law insofar as is necessary for the general interest.

L'uso dei beni può essere regolato dalla legge nei limiti imposti dall'interesse generale.

2. Intellectual property shall be protected.

2. La proprietà intellettuale è protetta.

Article II-78

Articolo II-78

Right to asylum

Diritto di asilo

The right to asylum shall be guaranteed with due respect for the rules of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 and the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the status of refugees and in accordance with the Constitution.

Il diritto di asilo è garantito nel rispetto delle norme stabilite dalla convenzione di Ginevra del 28 luglio 1951 e dal protocollo del 31 gennaio 1967, relativi allo status dei rifugiati, e a norma della Costituzione.

Article II-79

Articolo II-79

Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition

Protezione in caso di allontanamento, di espulsione e di estradizione

1. Collective expulsions are prohibited.

1. Le espulsioni collettive sono vietate.

2. No one may be removed, expelled or extradited to a State where there is a serious risk that he or she would be subjected to the death penalty, torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

2. Nessuno può essere allontanato, espulso o estradato verso uno Stato in cui esiste un rischio serio di essere sottoposto alla pena di morte, alla tortura o ad altre pene o trattamenti inumani o degradanti.





Article II-80

Articolo II-80

Equality before the law

Uguaglianza davanti alla legge

Everyone is equal before the law.

Tutte le persone sono uguali davanti alla legge.

Article II-81

Articolo II-81


Non discriminazione

1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.

1. È vietata qualsiasi forma di discriminazione fondata, in particolare, sul sesso, la razza, il colore della pelle o l'origine etnica o sociale, le caratteristiche genetiche, la lingua, la religione o le convinzioni personali, le opinioni politiche o di qualsiasi altra natura, l'appartenenza ad una minoranza nazionale, il patrimonio, la nascita, la disabilità, l'età o l'orientamento sessuale.

2. Within the scope of application of the Constitution and without prejudice to any of its specific provisions, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.

2. Nell'ambito d'applicazione della Costituzione e fatte salve disposizioni specifiche in essa contenute, è vietata qualsiasi discriminazione in base alla nazionalità.

Article II-82

Articolo II-82

Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity

Diversità culturale, religiosa e linguistica

The Union shall respect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.

L'Unione rispetta la diversità culturale, religiosa e linguistica.

Article II-83

Articolo II-83

Equality between women and men

Parità tra donne e uomini

Equality between women and men must be ensured in all areas, including employment, work and pay.

La parità tra donne e uomini deve essere assicurata in tutti i campi, compreso in materia di occupazione, di lavoro e di retribuzione.

The principle of equality shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures providing for specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex.

Il principio della parità non osta al mantenimento o all'adozione di misure che prevedano vantaggi specifici a favore del sesso sottorappresentato.

Article II-84

Articolo II-84

The rights of the child

Diritti del minore

1. Children shall have the right to such protection and care as is necessary for their well-being.

1. I minori hanno diritto alla protezione e alle cure necessarie per il loro benessere.

They may express their views freely.

Essi possono esprimere liberamente la propria opinione;

Such views shall be taken into consideration on matters which concern them in accordance with their age and maturity.

questa viene presa in considerazione sulle questioni che li riguardano in funzione della loro età e della loro maturità.

2. In all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or private institutions, the child's best interests must be a primary consideration.

2. In tutti gli atti relativi ai minori, siano essi compiuti da autorità pubbliche o da istituzioni private, l'interesse superiore del minore deve essere considerato preminente.

3. Every child shall have the right to maintain on a regular basis a personal relationship and direct contact with both his or her parents, unless that is contrary to his or her interests.

3. Il minore ha diritto di intrattenere regolarmente relazioni personali e contatti diretti con i due genitori, salvo qualora ciò sia contrario al suo interesse.

Article II-85

Articolo II-85

The rights of the elderly

Diritti degli anziani

The Union recognises and respects the rights of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life.

L'Unione riconosce e rispetta il diritto degli anziani di condurre una vita dignitosa e indipendente e di partecipare alla vita sociale e culturale.

Article II-86

Articolo II-86

Integration of persons with disabilities

Inserimento delle persone con disabilità

The Union recognises and respects the right of persons with disabilities to benefit from measures designed to ensure their independence, social and occupational integration and participation in the life of the community.

L'Unione riconosce e rispetta il diritto delle persone con disabilità di beneficiare di misure intese a garantirne l'autonomia, l'inserimento sociale e professionale e la partecipazione alla vita della comunità.



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Article I-30

The European Central Bank

1. The European Central Bank, together with the national central banks, shall constitute the European System of Central Banks.

The European Central Bank, together with the national central banks of the Member States whose currency is the euro, which constitute the Eurosystem, shall conduct the monetary policy of the Union.

2. The European System of Central Banks shall be governed by the decision-making bodies of the European Central Bank.

The primary objective of the European System of Central Banks shall be to maintain price stability.

Without prejudice to that objective, it shall support the general economic policies in the Union in order to contribute to the achievement of the latter's objectives.

It shall conduct other Central Bank tasks in accordance with Part III and the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

3. The European Central Bank is an institution.

It shall have legal personality.

It alone may authorise the issue of the euro.

It shall be independent in the exercise of its powers and in the management of its finances.

Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and the governments of the Member States shall respect that independence.

4. The European Central Bank shall adopt such measures as are necessary to carry out its tasks in accordance with Articles III-185 to III-191 and Article III-196, and with the conditions laid down in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

In accordance with these same Articles, those Member States whose currency is not the euro, and their central banks, shall retain their powers in monetary matters.

5. Within the areas falling within its responsibilities, the European Central Bank shall be consulted on all proposed Union acts, and all proposals for regulation at national level, and may give an opinion.

6. The decision-making organs of the European Central Bank, their composition and operating methods are set out in Articles III-382 and III-383, as well as in the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank.

Article I-31

The Court of Auditors

1. The Court of Auditors is an institution.

It shall carry out the Union's audit.

2. It shall examine the accounts of all Union revenue and expenditure, and shall ensure good financial management.

3. It shall consist of one national of each Member State.

Its members shall be completely independent in the performance of their duties, in the Union's general interest.

Article I-32

The Union's advisory bodies

1. The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission shall be assisted by a Committee of the Regions and an Economic and Social Committee, exercising advisory functions.

2. The Committee of the Regions shall consist of representatives of regional and local bodies who either hold a regional or local authority electoral mandate or are politically accountable to an elected assembly.

3. The Economic and Social Committee shall consist of representatives of organisations of employers, of the employed, and of other parties representative of civil society, notably in socioeconomic, civic, professional and cultural areas.

4. The members of the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee shall not be bound by any mandatory instructions.

They shall be completely independent in the performance of their duties, in the Union's general interest.

5. Rules governing the composition of these Committees, the designation of their members, their powers and their operations are set out in Articles III-386 to III-392.

The rules referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 governing the nature of their composition shall be reviewed at regular intervals by the Council to take account of economic, social and demographic developments within the Union.

The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt European decisions to that end.





Article I-33

The legal acts of the Union

1. To exercise the Union's competences the institutions shall use as legal instruments, in accordance with Part III, European laws, European framework laws, European regulations, European decisions, recommendations and opinions.

A European law shall be a legislative act of general application.

It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

A European framework law shall be a legislative act binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

A European regulation shall be a non-legislative act of general application for the implementation of legislative acts and of certain provisions of the Constitution.

It may either be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States, or be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

A European decision shall be a non-legislative act, binding in its entirety.

A decision which specifies those to whom it is addressed shall be binding only on them.

Recommendations and opinions shall have no binding force.

2. When considering draft legislative acts, the European Parliament and the Council shall refrain from adopting acts not provided for by the relevant legislative procedure in the area in question.

Article I-34

Legislative acts

1. European laws and framework laws shall be adopted, on the basis of proposals from the Commission, jointly by the European Parliament and the Council under the ordinary legislative procedure as set out in Article III-396.

If the two institutions cannot reach agreement on an act, it shall not be adopted.

2. In the specific cases provided for in the Constitution, European laws and framework laws shall be adopted by the European Parliament with the participation of the Council, or by the latter with the participation of the European Parliament, in accordance with special legislative procedures.

3. In the specific cases provided for in the Constitution, European laws and framework laws may be adopted at the initiative of a group of Member States or of the European Parliament, on a recommendation from the European Central Bank or at the request of the Court of Justice or the European Investment Bank.

Article I-35

Non-legislative acts

1. The European Council shall adopt European decisions in the cases provided for in the Constitution.

2. The Council and the Commission, in particular in the cases referred to in articles I-36 and I-37, and the European Central Bank in the specific cases provided for in the constitution, shall adopt European regulations and decisions.

3. The Council shall adopt recommendations.

It shall act on a proposal from the Commission in all cases where the Constitution provides that it shall adopt acts on a proposal from the Commission.

It shall act unanimously in those areas in which unanimity is required for the adoption of a Union act.

The Commission, and the European Central Bank in the specific cases provided for in the Constitution, shall adopt recommendations.

Article I-36

Delegated European regulations

1. European laws and framework laws may delegate to the Commission the power to adopt delegated European regulations to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of the law or framework law.

The objectives, content, scope and duration of the delegation of power shall be explicitly defined in the European laws and framework laws.

The essential elements of an area shall be reserved for the European law or framework law and accordingly shall not be the subject of a delegation of power.

2. European laws and framework laws shall explicitly lay down the conditions to which the delegation is subject; these conditions may be as follows:

(a) the European Parliament or the Council may decide to revoke the delegation;

(b) the delegated European regulation may enter into force only if no objection has been expressed by the European Parliament or the Council within a period set by the European law or framework law.

For the purposes of (a) and (b), the European Parliament shall act by a majority of its component members, and the Council by a qualified majority.

Article I-37

Implementing acts

1. Member States shall adopt all measures of national law necessary to implement legally binding Union acts.

2. Where uniform conditions for implementing legally binding Union acts are needed, those acts shall confer implementing powers on the Commission, or, in duly justified specific cases and in the cases provided for in Article I-40, on the Council.

3. For the purposes of paragraph 2, European laws shall lay down in advance the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers.

4. Union implementing acts shall take the form of European implementing regulations or European implementing decisions.

Article I-38

Principles common to the Union's legal acts

1. Where the Constitution does not specify the type of act to be adopted, the institutions shall select it on a case-by-case basis, in compliance with the applicable procedures and with the principle of proportionality referred to in Article I-11.

2. Legal acts shall state the reasons on which they are based and shall refer to any proposals, initiatives, recommendations, requests or opinions required by the Constitution.

Article I-39

Publication and entry into force

1. European laws and framework laws adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure shall be signed by the President of the European Parliament and by the President of the Council.

In other cases they shall be signed by the President of the institution which adopted them.

European laws and framework laws shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and shall enter into force on the date specified in them or, in the absence thereof, on the twentieth day following their publication.

2. European regulations, and European decisions which do not specify to whom they are addressed, shall be signed by the President of the institution which adopted them.

European regulations, and European decisions when the latter do not specify to whom they are addressed, shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and shall enter into force on the date specified in them or, in the absence thereof, on the twentieth day following that of their publication.

3. European decisions other than those referred to in paragraph 2 shall be notified to those to whom they are addressed and shall take effect upon such notification.



Article I-40

Specific provisions relating to the common foreign and security policy

1. The European Union shall conduct a common foreign and security policy, based on the development of mutual political solidarity among Member States, the identification of questions of general interest and the achievement of an ever-increasing degree of convergence of Member States' actions.

2. The European Council shall identify the Union's strategic interests and determine the objectives of its common foreign and security policy.

The Council shall frame this policy within the framework of the strategic guidelines established by the European Council and in accordance with Part III.

3. The European Council and the Council shall adopt the necessary European decisions.

4. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs and by the Member States, using national and Union resources.

5. Member States shall consult one another within the European Council and the Council on any foreign and security policy issue which is of general interest in order to determine a common approach.

Before undertaking any action on the international scene or any commitment which could affect the Union's interests, each Member State shall consult the others within the European Council or the Council.

Member States shall ensure, through the convergence of their actions, that the Union is able to assert its interests and values on the international scene.

Member States shall show mutual solidarity.

6. European decisions relating to the common foreign and security policy shall be adopted by the European Council and the Council unanimously, except in the cases referred to in Part III.

The European Council and the Council shall act on an initiative from a Member State, on a proposal from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs or on a proposal from that Minister with the Commission's support.

European laws and framework laws shall be excluded.

7. The European Council may, unanimously, adopt a European decision authorising the Council to act by a qualified majority in cases other than those referred to in Part III.

8. The European Parliament shall be regularly consulted on the main aspects and basic choices of the common foreign and security policy.

It shall be kept informed of how it evolves.

Article I-41

Specific provisions relating to the common security and defence policy

1. The common security and defence policy shall be an integral part of the common foreign and security policy.

It shall provide the Union with an operational capacity drawing on civil and military assets.

The Union may use them on missions outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter.

The performance of these tasks shall be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States.

2. The common security and defence policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defence policy.

This will lead to a common defence, when the European Council, acting unanimously, so decides.

It shall in that case recommend to the Member States the adoption of such a decision in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.

The policy of the Union in accordance with this Article shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States, it shall respect the obligations of certain Member States, which see their common defence realised in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, under the North Atlantic Treaty, and be compatible with the common security and defence policy established within that framework.

3. Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the objectives defined by the Council.

Those Member States which together establish multinational forces may also make them available to the common security and defence policy.

Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities.

An Agency in the field of defence capabilities development, research, acquisition and armaments (European Defence Agency) shall be established to identify operational requirements, to promote measures to satisfy those requirements, to contribute to identifying and, where appropriate, implementing any measure needed to strengthen the industrial and technological base of the defence sector, to participate in defining a European capabilities and armaments policy, and to assist the Council in evaluating the improvement of military capabilities.

4. European decisions relating to the common security and defence policy, including those initiating a mission as referred to in this Article, shall be adopted by the Council acting unanimously on a proposal from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs or an initiative from a Member State.

The Union Minister for Foreign Affairs may propose the use of both national resources and Union instruments, together with the Commission where appropriate.

5. The Council may entrust the execution of a task, within the Union framework, to a group of Member States in order to protect the Union's values and serve its interests.

The execution of such a task shall be governed by Article III-310.

6. Those Member States whose military capabilities fulfil higher criteria and which have made more binding commitments to one another in this area with a view to the most demanding missions shall establish permanent structured cooperation within the Union framework.

Such cooperation shall be governed by Article III-312.

It shall not affect the provisions of Article III-309.

7. If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

This shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States.

Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which, for those States which are members of it, remains the foundation of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation.

8. The European Parliament shall be regularly consulted on the main aspects and basic choices of the common security and defence policy.

It shall be kept informed of how it evolves.

Article I-42

Specific provisions relating to the area of freedom, security and justice

1. The Union shall constitute an area of freedom, security and justice:

(a) by adopting European laws and framework laws intended, where necessary, to approximate laws and regulations of the Member States in the areas referred to in Part III;

(b) by promoting mutual confidence between the competent authorities of the Member States, in particular on the basis of mutual recognition of judicial and extrajudicial decisions;

(c) by operational cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, including the police, customs and other services specialising in the prevention and detection of criminal offences.

2. National Parliaments may, within the framework of the area of freedom, security and justice, participate in the evaluation mechanisms provided for in Article III-260.

They shall be involved in the political monitoring of Europol and the evaluation of Eurojust's activities in accordance with Articles III-276 and III-273.

3. Member States shall have a right of initiative in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, in accordance with Article III-264.

Article I-43

Solidarity clause

1. The Union and its Member States shall act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster.

The Union shall mobilise all the instruments at its disposal, including the military resources made available by the Member States, to:


— prevent the terrorist threat in the territory of the Member States;

— protect democratic institutions and the civilian population from any terrorist attack;

— assist a Member State in its territory, at the request of its political authorities, in the event of a terrorist attack;

(b) assist a Member State in its territory, at the request of its political authorities, in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

2. The detailed arrangements for implementing this Article are set out in Article III-329.



Article I-44

Enhanced cooperation

1. Member States which wish to establish enhanced cooperation between themselves within the framework of the Union's non-exclusive competences may make use of its institutions and exercise those competences by applying the relevant provisions of the Constitution, subject to the limits and in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Article and in Articles III-416 to III-423.

Enhanced cooperation shall aim to further the objectives of the Union, protect its interests and reinforce its integration process.

Such cooperation shall be open at any time to all Member States, in accordance with Article III-418.

2. The European decision authorising enhanced cooperation shall be adopted by the Council as a last resort, when it has established that the objectives of such cooperation cannot be attained within a reasonable period by the Union as a whole, and provided that at least one third of the Member States participate in it.

The Council shall act in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article III-419.

3. All members of the Council may participate in its deliberations, but only members of the Council representing the Member States participating in enhanced cooperation shall take part in the vote.

Unanimity shall be constituted by the votes of the representatives of the participating Member States only.

A qualified majority shall be defined as at least 55 % of the members of the Council representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

A blocking minority must include at least the minimum number of Council members representing more than 35 % of the population of the participating Member States, plus one member, failing which the qualified majority shall be deemed attained.

By way of derogation from the third and fourth subparagraphs, where the Council does not act on a proposal from the Commission or from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, the required qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72 % of the members of the Council representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

4. Acts adopted in the framework of enhanced cooperation shall bind only participating Member States.

They shall not be regarded as part of the acquis which has to be accepted by candidate States for accession to the Union.



Article I-45

The principle of democratic equality

In all its activities, the Union shall observe the principle of the equality of its citizens, who shall receive equal attention from its institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

Article I-46

The principle of representative democracy

1. The functioning of the Union shall be founded on representative democracy.

2. Citizens are directly represented at Union level in the European Parliament.

Member States are represented in the European Council by their Heads of State or Government and in the Council by their governments, themselves democratically accountable either to their national Parliaments, or to their citizens.

3. Every citizen shall have the right to participate in the democratic life of the Union.

Decisions shall be taken as openly and as closely as possible to the citizen.

4. Political parties at European level contribute to forming European political awareness and to expressing the will of citizens of the Union.

Article I-47

The principle of participatory democracy

1. The institutions shall, by appropriate means, give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action.

2. The institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society.

3. The Commission shall carry out broad consultations with parties concerned in order to ensure that the Union's actions are coherent and transparent.

4. Not less than one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States may take the initiative of inviting the Commission, within the framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Constitution.

European laws shall determine the provisions for the procedures and conditions required for such a citizens' initiative, including the minimum number of Member States from which such citizens must come.

Article I-48

The social partners and autonomous social dialogue

The Union recognises and promotes the role of the social partners at its level, taking into account the diversity of national systems.

It shall facilitate dialogue between the social partners, respecting their autonomy.

The Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment shall contribute to social dialogue.

Article I-49

The European Ombudsman

A European Ombudsman elected by the European Parliament shall receive, examine and report on complaints about maladministration in the activities of the Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, under the conditions laid down in the Constitution.

The European Ombudsman shall be completely independent in the performance of his or her duties.

Article I-50

Transparency of the proceedings of Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies

1. In order to promote good governance and ensure the participation of civil society, the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies shall conduct their work as openly as possible.

2. The European Parliament shall meet in public, as shall the Council when considering and voting on a draft legislative act.

3. Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State shall have, under the conditions laid down in Part III, a right of access to documents of the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, whatever their medium.

European laws shall lay down the general principles and limits which, on grounds of public or private interest, govern the right of access to such documents.

4. Each institution, body, office or agency shall determine in its own rules of procedure specific provisions regarding access to its documents, in accordance with the European laws referred to in paragraph 3.

Article I-51

Protection of personal data

1. Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.

2. European laws or framework laws shall lay down the rules relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, and by the Member States when carrying out activities which fall within the scope of Union law, and the rules relating to the free movement of such data.

Compliance with these rules shall be subject to the control of independent authorities.

Article I-52

Status of churches and non-confessional organisations

1. The Union respects and does not prejudice the status under national law of churches and religious associations or communities in the Member States.

2. The Union equally respects the status under national law of philosophical and non-confessional organisations.

3. Recognising their identity and their specific contribution, the Union shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with these churches and organisations.



Article I-53

Budgetary and financial principles

1. All items of Union revenue and expenditure shall be included in estimates drawn up for each financial year and shall be shown in the Union's budget, in accordance with Part III.

2. The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance.

3. The expenditure shown in the budget shall be authorised for the annual budgetary period in accordance with the European law referred to in Article III-412.

4. The implementation of expenditure shown in the budget shall require the prior adoption of a legally binding Union act providing a legal basis for its action and for the implementation of the corresponding expenditure in accordance with the European law referred to in Article III-412, except in cases for which that law provides.

5. With a view to maintaining budgetary discipline, the Union shall not adopt any act which is likely to have appreciable implications for the budget without providing an assurance that the expenditure arising from such an act is capable of being financed within the limit of the Union's own resources and in compliance with the multiannual financial framework referred to in Article I-55.

6. The budget shall be implemented in accordance with the principle of sound financial management.

Member States shall cooperate with the Union to ensure that the appropriations entered in the budget are used in accordance with this principle.

7. The Union and the Member States, in accordance with Article III-415, shall counter fraud and any other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union.

Article I-54

The Union's own resources

1. The Union shall provide itself with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies.

2. Without prejudice to other revenue, the Union's budget shall be financed wholly from its own resources.

3. A European law of the Council shall lay down the provisions relating to the system of own resources of the Union.

In this context it may establish new categories of own resources or abolish an existing category.

The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the European Parliament.

That law shall not enter into force until it is approved by the Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.

4. A European law of the Council shall lay down implementing measures of the Union's own resources system insofar as this is provided for in the European law adopted on the basis of paragraph 3.

The Council shall act after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Article I-55

The multiannual financial framework

1. The multiannual financial framework shall ensure that Union expenditure develops in an orderly manner and within the limits of its own resources.

It shall determine the amounts of the annual ceilings of appropriations for commitments by category of expenditure in accordance with Article III-402.

2. A European law of the Council shall lay down the multiannual financial framework.

The Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament, which shall be given by a majority of its component members.

3. The annual budget of the Union shall comply with the multiannual financial framework.

4. The European Council may, unanimously, adopt a European decision authorising the Council to act by a qualified majority when adopting the European law of the Council referred to in paragraph 2.

Article I-56

The Union's budget

A European law shall establish the Union's annual budget in accordance with Article III-404.



Article I-57

The Union and its neighbours

1. The Union shall develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the Union may conclude specific agreements with the countries concerned.

These agreements may contain reciprocal rights and obligations as well as the possibility of undertaking activities jointly.

Their implementation shall be the subject of periodic consultation.



Article I-58

Conditions of eligibility and procedure for accession to the Union

1. The Union shall be open to all European States which respect the values referred to in Article I-2, and are committed to promoting them together.

2. Any European State which wishes to become a member of the Union shall address its application to the Council.

The European Parliament and national Parliaments shall be notified of this application.

The Council shall act unanimously after consulting the Commission and after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament, which shall act by a majority of its component members.

The conditions and arrangements for admission shall be the subject of an agreement between the Member States and the candidate State.

That agreement shall be subject to ratification by each contracting State, in accordance with its respective constitutional requirements.

Article I-59

Suspension of certain rights resulting from Union membership

1. On the reasoned initiative of one third of the Member States or the reasoned initiative of the European Parliament or on a proposal from the Commission, the Council may adopt a European decision determining that there is a clear risk of a serious breach by a Member State of the values referred to in Article I-2.

The Council shall act by a majority of four fifths of its members after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

Before making such a determination, the Council shall hear the Member State in question and, acting in accordance with the same procedure, may address recommendations to that State.

The Council shall regularly verify that the grounds on which such a determination was made continue to apply.

2. The European Council, on the initiative of one third of the Member States or on a proposal from the Commission, may adopt a European decision determining the existence of a serious and persistent breach by a Member State of the values mentioned in Article I-2, after inviting the Member State in question to submit its observations.

The European Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

3. Where a determination under paragraph 2 has been made, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may adopt a European decision suspending certain of the rights deriving from the application of the Constitution to the Member State in question, including the voting rights of the member of the Council representing that State.

The Council shall take into account the possible consequences of such a suspension for the rights and obligations of natural and legal persons.

In any case, that State shall continue to be bound by its obligations under the Constitution.

4. The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may adopt a European decision varying or revoking measures adopted under paragraph 3 in response to changes in the situation which led to their being imposed.

5. For the purposes of this Article, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the Member State in question shall not take part in the vote and the Member State in question shall not be counted in the calculation of the one third or four fifths of Member States referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.

Abstentions by members present in person or represented shall not prevent the adoption of European decisions referred to in paragraph 2.

For the adoption of the European decisions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4, a qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72 % of the members of the Council, representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

Where, following a decision to suspend voting rights adopted pursuant to paragraph 3, the Council acts by a qualified majority on the basis of a provision of the Constitution, that qualified majority shall be defined as in the second subparagraph, or, where the Council acts on a proposal from the Commission or from the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, as at least 55 % of the members of the Council representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

In the latter case, a blocking minority must include at least the minimum number of Council members representing more than 35 % of the population of the participating Member States, plus one member, failing which the qualified majority shall be deemed attained.

6. For the purposes of this Article, the European Parliament shall act by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, representing the majority of its component members.

Article I-60

Voluntary withdrawal from the Union

1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.

2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention.

In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union.

That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article III-325(3).

It shall be concluded by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.

3. The Constitution shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.

4. For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in European decisions concerning it.

A qualified majority shall be defined as at least 72 % of the members of the Council, representing the participating Member States, comprising at least 65 % of the population of these States.

5. If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article I-58.



The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values.

Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, the Union is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity;

it is based on the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

It places the individual at the heart of its activities, by establishing the citizenship of the Union and by creating an area of freedom, security and justice.

The Union contributes to the preservation and to the development of these common values while respecting the diversity of the cultures and traditions of the peoples of Europe as well as the national identities of the Member States and the organisation of their public authorities at national, regional and local levels;

it seeks to promote balanced and sustainable development and ensures free movement of persons, services, goods and capital, and the freedom of establishment.

To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of fundamental rights in the light of changes in society, social progress and scientific and technological developments by making those rights more visible in a Charter.

This Charter reaffirms, with due regard for the powers and tasks of the Union and the principle of subsidiarity, the rights as they result, in particular, from the constitutional traditions and international obligations common to the Member States, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Social Charters adopted by the Union and by the Council of Europe and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the European Court of Human Rights.

In this context the Charter will be interpreted by the courts of the Union and the Member States with due regard to the explanations prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter and updated under the responsibility of the Praesidium of the European Convention.

Enjoyment of these rights entails responsibilities and duties with regard to other persons, to the human community and to future generations.

The Union therefore recognises the rights, freedoms and principles set out hereafter.



Article II-61

Human dignity

Human dignity is inviolable.

It must be respected and protected.

Article II-62

Right to life

1. Everyone has the right to life.

2. No one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed.

Article II-63

Right to the integrity of the person

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity.

2. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following must be respected in particular:

(a) the free and informed consent of the person concerned, according to the procedures laid down by law;

(b) the prohibition of eugenic practices, in particular those aiming at the selection of persons;

(c) the prohibition on making the human body and its parts as such a source of financial gain;

(d) the prohibition of the reproductive cloning of human beings.

Article II-64

Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article II-65

Prohibition of slavery and forced labour

1. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.

2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.

3. Trafficking in human beings is prohibited.



Article II-66

Right to liberty and security

Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.

Article II-67

Respect for private and family life

Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, home and communications.

Article II-68

Protection of personal data

1. Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.

2. Such data must be processed fairly for specified purposes and on the basis of the consent of the person concerned or some other legitimate basis laid down by law.

Everyone has the right of access to data which has been collected concerning him or her, and the right to have it rectified.

3. Compliance with these rules shall be subject to control by an independent authority.

Article II-69

Right to marry and right to found a family

The right to marry and the right to found a family shall be guaranteed in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of these rights.

Article II-70

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

2. The right to conscientious objection is recognised, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right.

Article II-71

Freedom of expression and information

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.

This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

Article II-72

Freedom of assembly and of association

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association at all levels, in particular in political, trade union and civic matters, which implies the right of everyone to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his or her interests.

2. Political parties at Union level contribute to expressing the political will of the citizens of the Union.

Article II-73

Freedom of the arts and sciences

The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint.

Academic freedom shall be respected.

Article II-74

Right to education

1. Everyone has the right to education and to have access to vocational and continuing training.

2. This right includes the possibility to receive free compulsory education.

3. The freedom to found educational establishments with due respect for democratic principles and the right of parents to ensure the education and teaching of their children in conformity with their religious, philosophical and pedagogical convictions shall be respected, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of such freedom and right.

Article II-75

Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work

1. Everyone has the right to engage in work and to pursue a freely chosen or accepted occupation.

2. Every citizen of the Union has the freedom to seek employment, to work, to exercise the right of establishment and to provide services in any Member State.

3. Nationals of third countries who are authorised to work in the territories of the Member States are entitled to working conditions equivalent to those of citizens of the Union.

Article II-76

Freedom to conduct a business

The freedom to conduct a business in accordance with Union law and national laws and practices is recognised.

Article II-77

Right to property

1. Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions.

No one may be deprived of his or her possessions, except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss.

The use of property may be regulated by law insofar as is necessary for the general interest.

2. Intellectual property shall be protected.

Article II-78

Right to asylum

The right to asylum shall be guaranteed with due respect for the rules of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 and the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the status of refugees and in accordance with the Constitution.

Article II-79

Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition

1. Collective expulsions are prohibited.

2. No one may be removed, expelled or extradited to a State where there is a serious risk that he or she would be subjected to the death penalty, torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.



Article II-80

Equality before the law

Everyone is equal before the law.

Article II-81


1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.

2. Within the scope of application of the Constitution and without prejudice to any of its specific provisions, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be prohibited.

Article II-82

Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity

The Union shall respect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.

Article II-83

Equality between women and men

Equality between women and men must be ensured in all areas, including employment, work and pay.

The principle of equality shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures providing for specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex.

Article II-84

The rights of the child

1. Children shall have the right to such protection and care as is necessary for their well-being.

They may express their views freely.

Such views shall be taken into consideration on matters which concern them in accordance with their age and maturity.

2. In all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or private institutions, the child's best interests must be a primary consideration.

3. Every child shall have the right to maintain on a regular basis a personal relationship and direct contact with both his or her parents, unless that is contrary to his or her interests.

Article II-85

The rights of the elderly

The Union recognises and respects the rights of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life.

Article II-86

Integration of persons with disabilities

The Union recognises and respects the right of persons with disabilities to benefit from measures designed to ensure their independence, social and occupational integration and participation in the life of the community.