Ambiente: obiettivi di riciclaggio più ambiziosi per passare a un'economia circolare con più occupazione e crescita sostenibile
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Data documento: 02-07-2014
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Environment: Higher recycling targets to drive transition to a Circular Economy with new jobs and sustainable growth
Ambiente: obiettivi di riciclaggio più ambiziosi per passare a un'economia circolare con più occupazione e crescita sostenibile
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Today the Commission adopted proposals to turn Europe into a more circular economy and boost recycling in the Member States.
Oggi la Commissione ha adottato alcune proposte intese a sviluppare un'economia più circolare in Europa e a promuovere il riciclaggio negli Stati membri.
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Achieving the new waste targets would create 580 000 new jobs compared to today's performance, while making Europe more competitive and reducing demand for costly scarce resources.
Il conseguimento dei nuovi obiettivi in materia di rifiuti creerebbe 580 000 nuovi posti di lavoro, rendendo l'Europa più competitiva e riducendo la domanda di risorse scarse e costose.
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The proposals also mean lower environmental impacts and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.The plans ask Europeans to recycle 70 % of municipal waste and 80 % of packaging waste by 2030, and ban burying recyclable waste in landfill as of 2025.
Le misure proposte, che consentirebbero peraltro di ridurre l'impatto ambientale e le emissioni di gas a effetto serra, prevedono il riciclaggio del 70% dei rifiuti urbani e dell'80% dei rifiuti di imballaggio entro il 2030 e, a partire dal 2025, il divieto di collocare in discarica i rifiuti riciclabili.
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A target is also included for reducing marine litter along with food waste reduction objectives.
Tra gli obiettivi figura anche la riduzione dei rifiuti marini e alimentari.
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The review to strengthen waste targets in existing directives is put in the context of an ambitious drive towards fundamental transition from a linear to a more circular economy.
L'innalzamento degli obiettivi in materia di rifiuti nelle direttive esistenti rientra nell'ambizioso sforzo di realizzare una transizione fondamentale da un'economia lineare a una più circolare.
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Instead of extracting raw materials, using them once and throwing them away, the new vision is for a different economic model.
La nuova visione propone un modello economico diverso, dove le materie prime non vengono più estratte, utilizzate una sola volta e gettate via.
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In a circular economy, re-use, repair and recycling become the norm, and waste is a thing of the past.
In un'economia circolare i rifiuti spariscono e il riutilizzo, la riparazione e il riciclaggio diventano la norma.
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Keeping materials in productive use for longer, reusing them, and with improved efficiency would also improve EU competitiveness on the global stage.
Prolungare l'uso produttivo dei materiali, riutilizzarli e aumentarne l'efficienza servono anche a rafforzare la competitività dell'UE sulla scena mondiale.
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This approach is set out in a Communication which explains how innovation in markets for recycled materials, new business models, eco-design and industrial symbiosis can move us towards a zero-waste economy and society.
Tale approccio è delineato in una comunicazione che spiega come l'innovazione nei mercati dei materiali riciclati, nuovi modelli imprenditoriali, la progettazione ecocompatibile e la simbiosi industriale possano permetterci di passare a una società e a un'economia a "rifiuti zero".
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Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
Potočnik, Commissario per l'Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"We are living with linear economic systems inherited from the 19th Century in the 21st Century world of emerging economies, millions of new middle class consumers, and inter-connected markets.
"Nel XXI secolo, caratterizzato da economie emergenti, milioni di consumatori appartenenti alla nuova classe media e mercati interconnessi, utilizziamo ancora sistemi economici lineari ereditati dal XIX secolo.
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If we want to compete we have to get the most out of our resources, and that means recycling them back into productive use, not burying them in landfills as waste.
Se vogliamo essere competitivi dobbiamo trarre il massimo dalle nostre risorse, reimmettendole nel ciclo produttivo invece di collocarle in discarica come rifiuti.
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Moving to a circular economy is not only possible, it is profitable, but that does not mean it will happen without the right policies.
Il passaggio a un'economia circolare, oltre ad essere possibile, è redditizio, ma non avverrà senza le politiche giuste.
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The 2030 targets that we propose are about taking action today to accelerate the transition to a circular economy and exploiting the business and job opportunities it offers."
Per realizzare gli obiettivi proposti per il 2030 bisogna agire da subito per accelerare la transizione verso un'economia circolare e sfruttare le opportunità commerciali e occupazionali che offre."
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European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria europea per la ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, ha dichiarato:
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"Research and innovation are the keys to success for the Circular Economy, which is why we are proposing a joined-up approach today.
"La ricerca e l'innovazione sono essenziali per il successo dell'economia circolare, ed è per questo che oggi proponiamo un approccio coerente.
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Alongside a supportive regulatory framework, our new Horizon 2020 programme will contribute the know-how necessary to shape a resource-efficient, green and competitive low-carbon economy in the EU."
Oltre a fornire un quadro normativo di sostegno, il nuovo programma Orizzonte 2020 apporterà il know-how necessario per dar vita nell'UE a un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio efficiente nell'impiego delle risorse, verde e competitiva."
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The Communication shows how new growth and job opportunities will emerge from a more efficient use of resources.
La comunicazione indica come da un uso più efficiente delle risorse deriveranno nuove opportunità di crescita e occupazione.
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Greater efficiency will be driven by innovative design, better performing and more durable products and production processes, forward-looking business models and technical advances to turn waste into a resource.
Una progettazione innovativa, prodotti migliori e più resistenti, processi produttivi più efficienti e sostenibili, modelli imprenditoriali lungimiranti e i progressi tecnici per trasformare i rifiuti in una risorsa concorreranno ad accrescere l'efficienza.
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The package that accompanies the Communication aims to create a framework to help the circular economy become a reality, with policies that are better inter-linked, smart regulation and active support from research and innovation.
Il pacchetto che accompagna la comunicazione intende creare il contesto che consentirà di trasformare in realtà l'economia circolare, con politiche meglio interconnesse, una regolamentazione intelligente e il sostegno attivo delle attività di ricerca e innovazione.
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This will unlock investment and attract financing while promoting a strong role for business and participation by consumers.
Ciò permetterà di sbloccare gli investimenti e attrarre i finanziamenti, incentivando nel contempo la partecipazione dei consumatori e il coinvolgimento più intenso delle imprese.
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The package also suggests that resource productivity should be measured on the basis of GDP/Raw Material Consumption, and that a, improvement of 30 % by 2030 could be considered as a possible candidate for a headline target in the forthcoming review of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Il pacchetto suggerisce inoltre di misurare la produttività delle risorse in base al rapporto tra PIL e consumo di materie prime, proponendo di individuare nell'aumento del 30% di tale produttività entro il 2030 un possibile obiettivo principale da inserire nella prossima revisione della strategia Europa 2020.
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These initiatives are adopted simultaneously with complementary Communications on
Queste iniziative sono accompagnate dalle rispettive comunicazioni che riguardano:
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- A Green Employment Initiative
- un'iniziativa sull'occupazione verde;
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- A Green Action Plan for SMEs,
- un piano d'azione verde per le PMI;
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- Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector,
- le opportunità per un uso efficiente delle risorse nel settore edilizio.
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Together these will launch a renewed resource efficiency agenda for the coming years.
Tutte queste iniziative consentiranno di rinnovare l'agenda sull'impiego efficiente delle risorse per i prossimi anni.
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Next Steps
Prossime tappe
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The legislative proposals will now pass to the Council and the European Parliament.
Le proposte legislative passeranno ora al Consiglio e al Parlamento europeo.
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Progress on achieving the resource productivity target will be monitored in the European Semester of economic governance.
I progressi nel conseguimento dell'obiettivo relativo alla produttività delle risorse saranno monitorati nell'ambito del semestre europeo per la governance economica.
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Such a target is to be considered in the context of the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Tale obiettivo va considerato nel contesto della revisione intermedia della strategia Europa 2020.
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Research and innovation efforts in the area of circular economy will be stepped-up.
Gli sforzi in materia di ricerca e innovazione nel campo dell'economia circolare saranno intensificati.
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The policy framework for promoting the circular economy will be further developed over the coming years.
Il quadro politico per la promozione dell'economia circolare sarà ulteriormente sviluppato nel corso dei prossimi anni.
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The legislative proposals refer mainly to the Waste Framework Directive, the Landfill Directive and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.
Le proposte legislative riguardano principalmente la direttiva quadro sui rifiuti, la direttiva sulle discariche e la direttiva sugli imballaggi e sui rifiuti di imballaggio.
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In addition to the targets review, waste legislation will be simplified, and co-operation between the Commission and Member States will be stepped up to ensure better implementation.
Oltre a rivedere gli obiettivi, le proposte mirano a semplificare la legislazione in materia di rifiuti e a intensificare la cooperazione tra Commissione e Stati membri, al fine di garantire una migliore attuazione.
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Minimum operating conditions for extended producer responsibility schemes will be laid down. Tailor-made approaches will be implemented for specific waste streams, such as marine litter, phosphorus, construction and demolition, food, hazardous and plastic wastes.
Saranno definite le condizioni operative minime per i regimi di responsabilità estesa del produttore e saranno adottati approcci su misura per flussi di rifiuti specifici, quali ad esempio i rifiuti marini, il fosforo, i rifiuti da costruzione e demolizione, gli alimenti, i rifiuti pericolosi e la plastica.
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Moving towards a circular economy is at the heart of the resource efficiency agenda established under the Europe 2020 Strategy on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
La transizione verso un'economia circolare è al centro dell'agenda per l'efficienza delle risorse stabilita nell'ambito della strategia Europa 2020 sulla crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva.
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With the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe in 2011 the Commission proposed a framework for action and underlined the need for an integrated approach across many policy areas and levels.
Con la tabella di marcia verso un'Europa efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse, presentata nel 2011, la Commissione ha proposto un quadro d'azione e ha sottolineato la necessità di un approccio integrato in molti settori d'intervento e a più livelli.
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The main ideas from the Roadmap were developed further in the General Union Environment Action Programme (7th EAP), which has as a priority objective to turn the EU into a resource-efficient, green and competitive low-carbon economy.
Le idee principali della tabella di marcia sono state ulteriormente sviluppate nel programma d'azione generale per l'ambiente (7° PAA), il cui obiettivo prioritario è trasformare l'Unione in un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio, efficiente nell'impiego delle risorse, verde e competitiva.
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The high-level European Resource Efficiency Platform, bringing together governments, businesses and civil society organisations, has called for action to move to a more circular economy, which requires more re-use and high quality recycling to reduce reliance on primary raw materials.
La Piattaforma europea sull'efficienza nell'impiego delle risorse, che riunisce governi, imprese e organizzazioni della società civile, è un'iniziativa di alto livello che esorta ad agire per progredire verso un'economia circolare, che impone un maggiore ricorso al riutilizzo e al riciclaggio di alta qualità per ridurre la dipendenza dalle materie prime primarie.
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In the 7th EAP, Member States and the European Parliament decided to establish indicators and set targets for resource efficiency, as well as to assess the appropriateness of the inclusion of a headline indicator and target in the European Semester.
Nel 7° PAA gli Stati membri e il Parlamento europeo hanno deciso di stabilire indicatori e definire obiettivi per l'efficienza delle risorse, nonché di valutare se sia opportuno includere un indicatore e un obiettivo principali nel semestre europeo.
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Following wide consultations, resource productivity, as measured by GDP relative to Raw Material Consumption (RMC), was identified as the most suitable indicator for a possible resource efficiency target.
Ampie consultazioni hanno evidenziato che la produttività delle risorse, intesa come rapporto tra PIL e consumo di materie prime, è ritenuta l'indicatore più idoneo per un eventuale obiettivo di efficienza delle risorse.
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The EU is already expected to increase its resource productivity by 15 % between 2014 and 2030 under a business as usual scenario.
Si prevede già che tra il 2014 e il 2030, a scenario immutato, la produttività delle risorse nell'UE aumenterà del 15%.
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Policies to promote the transition to a more circular economy, as called for by the European Resource Efficiency Platform, could result in a doubling of this rate, while boosting job creation and generating further growth. |
L'adozione di politiche volte a promuovere la transizione verso un'economia più circolare, come richiesto dalla Piattaforma europea sull'efficienza nell'impiego delle risorse, potrebbe raddoppiare questa percentuale, incentivando nel contempo crescita e occupazione. |
Environment: Higher recycling targets to drive transition to a Circular
Economy with new jobs and sustainable growth
Today the Commission adopted proposals to turn Europe into a more circular
economy and boost recycling in the Member States.
Achieving the new waste targets would create 580 000 new jobs compared to
today's performance, while making Europe more competitive and reducing demand
for costly scarce resources.
The proposals also mean lower environmental impacts and reduced greenhouse
gas emissions.The plans ask Europeans to recycle 70 % of municipal waste and 80
% of packaging waste by 2030, and ban burying recyclable waste in landfill as of
A target is also included for reducing marine litter along with food waste
reduction objectives.
The review to strengthen waste targets in existing directives is put in the
context of an ambitious drive towards fundamental transition from a linear to a
more circular economy.
Instead of extracting raw materials, using them once and throwing them away,
the new vision is for a different economic model.
In a circular economy, re-use, repair and recycling become the norm, and
waste is a thing of the past.
Keeping materials in productive use for longer, reusing them, and with
improved efficiency would also improve EU competitiveness on the global stage.
This approach is set out in a Communication which explains how innovation in
markets for recycled materials, new business models, eco-design and industrial
symbiosis can move us towards a zero-waste economy and society.
Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik said:
"We are living with linear economic systems inherited from the 19th Century
in the 21st Century world of emerging economies, millions of new middle class
consumers, and inter-connected markets.
If we want to compete we have to get the most out of our resources, and that
means recycling them back into productive use, not burying them in landfills as
Moving to a circular economy is not only possible, it is profitable, but that
does not mean it will happen without the right policies.
The 2030 targets that we propose are about taking action today to accelerate
the transition to a circular economy and exploiting the business and job
opportunities it offers."
European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"Research and innovation are the keys to success for the Circular Economy,
which is why we are proposing a joined-up approach today.
Alongside a supportive regulatory framework, our new Horizon 2020 programme
will contribute the know-how necessary to shape a resource-efficient, green and
competitive low-carbon economy in the EU."
The Communication shows how new growth and job opportunities will emerge from
a more efficient use of resources.
Greater efficiency will be driven by innovative design, better performing and
more durable products and production processes, forward-looking business models
and technical advances to turn waste into a resource.
The package that accompanies the Communication aims to create a framework to
help the circular economy become a reality, with policies that are better
inter-linked, smart regulation and active support from research and innovation.
This will unlock investment and attract financing while promoting a strong
role for business and participation by consumers.
The package also suggests that resource productivity should be measured on
the basis of GDP/Raw Material Consumption, and that a, improvement of 30 % by
2030 could be considered as a possible candidate for a headline target in the
forthcoming review of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
These initiatives are adopted simultaneously with complementary
Communications on
- A Green Employment Initiative
- A Green Action Plan for SMEs,
- Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector,
Together these will launch a renewed resource efficiency agenda for the
coming years.
Next Steps
The legislative proposals will now pass to the Council and the European
Progress on achieving the resource productivity target will be monitored in
the European Semester of economic governance.
Such a target is to be considered in the context of the mid-term review of
the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Research and innovation efforts in the area of circular economy will be
The policy framework for promoting the circular economy will be further
developed over the coming years.
The legislative proposals refer mainly to the Waste Framework Directive, the
Landfill Directive and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.
In addition to the targets review, waste legislation will be simplified, and
co-operation between the Commission and Member States will be stepped up to
ensure better implementation.
Minimum operating conditions for extended producer responsibility schemes
will be laid down. Tailor-made approaches will be implemented for specific waste
streams, such as marine litter, phosphorus, construction and demolition, food,
hazardous and plastic wastes.
Moving towards a circular economy is at the heart of the resource efficiency
agenda established under the Europe 2020 Strategy on smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth.
With the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe in 2011 the Commission
proposed a framework for action and underlined the need for an integrated
approach across many policy areas and levels.
The main ideas from the Roadmap were developed further in the General Union
Environment Action Programme (7th EAP), which has as a priority objective to
turn the EU into a resource-efficient, green and competitive low-carbon economy.
The high-level European Resource Efficiency Platform, bringing together
governments, businesses and civil society organisations, has called for action
to move to a more circular economy, which requires more re-use and high quality
recycling to reduce reliance on primary raw materials.
In the 7th EAP, Member States and the European Parliament decided to
establish indicators and set targets for resource efficiency, as well as to
assess the appropriateness of the inclusion of a headline indicator and target
in the European Semester.
Following wide consultations, resource productivity, as measured by GDP
relative to Raw Material Consumption (RMC), was identified as the most suitable
indicator for a possible resource efficiency target.
The EU is already expected to increase its resource productivity by 15 %
between 2014 and 2030 under a business as usual scenario.
Policies to promote the transition to a more circular economy, as called for
by the European Resource Efficiency Platform, could result in a doubling of this
rate, while boosting job creation and generating further growth.