Situazione occupazionale e sociale: la rassegna trimestrale indica che in molti rimangono indietro nonostante la ripresa economica
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Data documento: 30-06-2014
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Employment and Social Situation: Quarterly Review indicates economic recovery is leaving many people behind
Situazione occupazionale e sociale: la rassegna trimestrale indica che in molti rimangono indietro nonostante la ripresa economica
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The EU labour market is gradually recovering and, for the first time since 2011, GDP, employment and household incomes are growing.
Il mercato del lavoro dell'UE si sta gradualmente riprendendo e, per la prima volta dal 2011, il PIL, l'occupazione e i redditi delle famiglie tornano a crescere.
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However, long-term unemployment is still increasing and the situation of households with low incomes has not improved.
Tuttavia, la disoccupazione di lunga durata continua ad aumentare e la situazione delle famiglie a basso reddito non è migliorata.
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These are some of the main conclusions of the European Commission's latest Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review.
Sono solo alcune delle principali conclusioni dell'ultima rassegna trimestrale sull'occupazione e la situazione sociale (Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review) della Commissione europea.
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The Review also highlights persistent challenges for women in terms of unemployment and under-employment and provides an update on recent trends in worker mobility, confirming higher employment rates for mobile workers and their increasingly higher levels of education.
La rassegna sottolinea anche difficoltà persistenti per le donne in termini di disoccupazione e sottoccupazione e fornisce un aggiornamento sulle recenti tendenze in materia di mobilità dei lavoratori, confermando l'aumento dei tassi di occupazione e i livelli di istruzione sempre più elevati dei lavoratori mobili.
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Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor, commented "Many people are still experiencing serious difficulties in finding a job, in particular those who have been unemployed for a long time.
Il Commissario per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione, László Andor, ha dichiarato: "Molti cittadini continuano ad avere serie difficoltà a trovare un lavoro, in particolare coloro che sono disoccupati da lungo tempo.
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As emphasised in the 2014 Country Specific Recommendations, Member States must do more to support job creation and combat social exclusion, notably through active labour market policies and greater social investment.
Come evidenziato nelle raccomandazioni specifiche per paese del 2014, gli Stati membri devono fare di più per sostenere la creazione di posti di lavoro e per combattere l'esclusione sociale, in particolare attraverso politiche attive per il mercato del lavoro e maggiori investimenti sociali.
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Giving every young person a real chance in the labour market by implementing the Youth Guarantee is an urgent priority, and more needs to be done also to help the long-term unemployed".
È urgente offrire a tutti i giovani una possibilità concreta nel mercato del lavoro attraverso l'attuazione della Garanzia per i giovani, e va fatto di più anche per i disoccupati di lunga durata".
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Among recent positive signs, the Quarterly Review points out that jobs are being created in the private sector, mainly in services, and unemployment continues to fall, even if moderately.
Tra i recenti segnali positivi, la rassegna trimestrale segnala la creazione di posti di lavoro nel settore privato, soprattutto in quello dei servizi, e il costante, seppur moderato, calo della disoccupazione.
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However, current employment levels (with about 224 million employed persons) are still below their pre-crisis level (of about 230 million employed persons in mid-2008) and unemployment rates remain close to historically high levels (10.4 % in April 2014, following a peak rate of 10.9% observed throughout the first half of 2013).
Gli attuali livelli di occupazione (con circa 224 milioni di occupati) sono comunque ancora inferiori a quelli precedenti la crisi (circa 230 milioni di occupati a metà del 2008) e il tasso di disoccupazione resta prossimo ai suoi massimi storici (10,4% nell'aprile 2014, a seguito di un picco massimo del 10,9% osservato durante la prima metà del 2013).
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There are wide divergences in levels of unemployment between Member States, and the quality of jobs remains a concern, since growth in employment is mainly driven by temporary and part-time jobs.
Si registrano notevoli differenze tra gli Stati membri nei tassi di disoccupazione e la qualità dei posti di lavoro rimane una fonte di preoccupazione, giacché la crescita dell'occupazione è costituita principalmente da lavori temporanei e a tempo parziale.
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Most worrying, long term unemployment continues to increase in countries with the highest unemployment rates.
L'elemento più preoccupante è la disoccupazione di lunga durata in aumento proprio nei paesi con i tassi di disoccupazione più elevati.
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The labour market situation remains very difficult for young people under 25, with an unemployment rate of 22.5% in April 2014, while employment growth has so far primarily benefited older workers (55-64).
La situazione del mercato del lavoro rimane molto difficile per i giovani sotto i 25 anni, con un tasso di disoccupazione nell'aprile 2014 del 22,5%, mentre la crescita dell'occupazione ha finora beneficiato soprattutto i lavoratori più anziani (55-64).
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Young people are also the hardest hit by underemployment and feel discouraged to look for work.
I giovani sono anche quelli più duramente colpiti dalla sottoccupazione e si sentono scoraggiati nella ricerca di un lavoro.
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To support the transition from school to work, the Commission has proposed Country Specific Recommendations to Member States on improving public employment services, education and training, boosting apprenticeships, and urgently implementing the Youth Guarantee.
Per sostenere la transizione dalla scuola al lavoro, la Commissione ha proposto agli Stati membri raccomandazioni specifiche per paese su come migliorare i servizi pubblici per l'impiego, l'istruzione e la formazione, su come rilanciare l'apprendistato e attuare con urgenza la Garanzia per i giovani.
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Women still working less
Le donne continuano a lavorare meno
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Even if gender gaps have narrowed in the EU over recent years, the latest available data show that unemployment is decreasing less for women than for men.
Anche se i divari di genere nell'UE si sono ridotti negli ultimi anni, gli ultimi dati disponibili indicano che la disoccupazione cala meno tra le donne che tra gli uomini.
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Furthermore, women tend to be significantly more under-employed in all age groups (involuntarily working part-time), and large differences persist between countries in women's labour market participation rates and working hours.
Inoltre, le donne tendono a essere significativamente più colpite dalla sottoccupazione in tutte le fasce d'età (lavoro a tempo parziale non volontario) e persistono notevoli differenze tra paesi per quanto riguarda i tassi di partecipazione delle donne al mercato del lavoro e il loro orario lavorativo.
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The Commission has also proposed Country Specific Recommendations to a number of Member States to encourage women to take up work, notably by providing quality and affordable childcare and reducing fiscal disincentives.
La Commissione ha inoltre proposto ad alcuni Stati membri raccomandazioni specifiche per paese finalizzate a incoraggiare le donne a riprendere il lavoro, in particolare fornendo loro servizi di assistenza all'infanzia di qualità e a prezzi ragionevoli e riducendo i disincentivi fiscali.
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Increasing female participation in the labour market is indeed crucial to reach the employment target set in the EU 2020 Strategy (75% of those between 20 and 64 years old).
La crescente partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro è in effetti fondamentale per raggiungere l'obiettivo in materia di occupazione fissato dalla strategia UE 2020 (il 75% delle persone tra i 20 e i 64 anni).
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Mobile citizens: more often employed and highly educated
Cittadini mobili: più frequentemente occupati e più istruiti
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Recent trends in workers' mobility in the EU confirm that mobile EU citizens have higher employment rates than locals and do not use social security benefits more than locals.
Le recenti tendenze della mobilità dei lavoratori nell'UE confermano che i cittadini mobili dell'UE hanno tassi di occupazione più elevati rispetto ai locali e che il loro ricorso alle prestazioni di sicurezza sociale non è superiore a quello della popolazione locale.
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Analysis also shows that, while mobility in the EU decreased during 2010-2011, it has started recovering in 2012-2013, although with marked differences between countries.
L'analisi dimostra inoltre che la mobilità all'interno dell'UE, seppur diminuita nel 2010-2011, ha iniziato a riprendersi nel 2012-2013, sebbene con notevoli differenze tra i paesi.
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In particular, countries hardest hit by the economic crisis have seen large increases in outflows of workers to other Member States as well as to non-EU countries.
In particolare, i paesi più duramente colpiti dalla crisi economica hanno registrato forti aumenti dei flussi di lavoratori in uscita verso altri Stati membri e verso paesi terzi.
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Compared to the pre-crisis years (2004-2008), the number of workers moving within the EU from southern countries has increased (+38%) while the flows declined from Poland (-41%) and Romania (-33%), the two top countries of origin.
Rispetto agli anni precedenti la crisi (2004-2008), il numero di lavoratori in movimento all'interno dell'UE provenienti da paesi del Sud è aumentato (+38%), mentre sono diminuiti i flussi dalla Polonia (-41%) e dalla Romania (-33%), i due principali paesi di origine.
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Mobile workers from southern countries now make up 18% of the overall flows of intra-EU movers compared to 11% before, while the majority of intra-EU movers in 2009-2013 still originate in central and eastern Member States (58%) despite a decline (from 65% in 2004-08).
I lavoratori provenienti dai paesi del Sud rappresentano oggi il 18% dei flussi totali di cittadini mobili all'interno dell'UE rispetto all'11% precedente, mentre la maggioranza dei cittadini mobili all'interno dell'UE per il periodo 2009-2013 proviene ancora dagli Stati membri centrali e orientali (58%), anche se in calo (costituivano il 65% nel 2004-2008).
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Mobile EU workers are heading more than before towards Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Nordic countries, and less to Spain and Ireland, while overall Germany and the UK are the top two destination countries.
I lavoratori mobili dell'UE si dirigono più di prima verso la Germania, l'Austria, il Belgio e i paesi nordici e meno verso la Spagna e l'Irlanda, mentre i primi due paesi di destinazione in termini assoluti sono la Germania e il Regno Unito.
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In terms of age composition, intra-EU movers remain predominantly young, but the share of those aged 15-29 declined (from 48% to 41%).
In termini di composizione anagrafica, a spostarsi all'interno dell'UE restano prevalentemente i giovani, ma la percentuale rappresentata dalla fascia di età 15-29 è diminuita (dal 48% al 41%).
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Finally, mobile EU workers are much more likely to be more highly educated (41% having tertiary education during 2009-13) than before (27% during 2004-08).
Infine, i lavoratori mobili dell'UE hanno molte più probabilità di essere più istruiti (per il periodo 2009-2013 il 41% possedeva un'istruzione universitaria) rispetto al periodo precedente (nel 2004-2008 la percentuale era del 27%).
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The right to free movement of workers within the EU was enshrined in the Treaty more than 50 years ago and is one of the pillars of the Single Market.
Il diritto alla libera circolazione dei lavoratori nell'UE è stato sancito dal Trattato più di 50 anni fa e costituisce uno dei pilastri del mercato unico.
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To make the exercise of this right easier, the Commission proposed a new Directive, adopted in April 2014 by the EU's Council of Ministers (IP/14/421), to remove existing obstacles faced by mobile workers, such as the lack of awareness of EU rules among public and private employers and difficulties to get information, assistance and redress in host Member States.
Per rendere più agevole l'esercizio di tale diritto, la Commissione ha proposto una nuova direttiva, adottata nel aprile 2014 dal Consiglio dei ministri dell'UE (IP/14/421), con l'obiettivo di eliminare gli ostacoli incontrati dai lavoratori mobili, come la mancanza di consapevolezza delle norme UE da parte dei datori di lavoro sia pubblici che privati e le difficoltà nell'ottenere informazioni, assistenza e accesso al ricorso negli Stati membri ospitanti.
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The Commission has also proposed to further improve the pan-European job search network EURES, to make more job offers and more Curriculum Vitae available for those wishing to work in or to recruit from other Member States (IP/14/26).
La Commissione ha infine proposto un ulteriore miglioramento di EURES, la rete paneuropea per la ricerca di lavoro, per rendere disponibile un numero maggiore di offerte di lavoro e di CV a coloro che desiderano cercare lavoro o assumere personale in altri Stati membri (IP/14/26).
Employment and Social Situation: Quarterly Review indicates economic recovery
is leaving many people behind
The EU labour market is gradually recovering and, for the first time since
2011, GDP, employment and household incomes are growing.
However, long-term unemployment is still increasing and the situation of
households with low incomes has not improved.
These are some of the main conclusions of the European Commission's latest
Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review.
The Review also highlights persistent challenges for women in terms of
unemployment and under-employment and provides an update on recent trends in
worker mobility, confirming higher employment rates for mobile workers and their
increasingly higher levels of education.
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor,
commented "Many people are still experiencing serious difficulties in finding a
job, in particular those who have been unemployed for a long time.
As emphasised in the 2014 Country Specific Recommendations, Member States
must do more to support job creation and combat social exclusion, notably
through active labour market policies and greater social investment.
Giving every young person a real chance in the labour market by implementing
the Youth Guarantee is an urgent priority, and more needs to be done also to
help the long-term unemployed".
Among recent positive signs, the Quarterly Review points out that jobs are
being created in the private sector, mainly in services, and unemployment
continues to fall, even if moderately.
However, current employment levels (with about 224 million employed persons)
are still below their pre-crisis level (of about 230 million employed persons in
mid-2008) and unemployment rates remain close to historically high levels (10.4
% in April 2014, following a peak rate of 10.9% observed throughout the first
half of 2013).
There are wide divergences in levels of unemployment between Member States,
and the quality of jobs remains a concern, since growth in employment is mainly
driven by temporary and part-time jobs.
Most worrying, long term unemployment continues to increase in countries with
the highest unemployment rates.
The labour market situation remains very difficult for young people under 25,
with an unemployment rate of 22.5% in April 2014, while employment growth has so
far primarily benefited older workers (55-64).
Young people are also the hardest hit by underemployment and feel discouraged
to look for work.
To support the transition from school to work, the Commission has proposed
Country Specific Recommendations to Member States on improving public employment
services, education and training, boosting apprenticeships, and urgently
implementing the Youth Guarantee.
Women still working less
Even if gender gaps have narrowed in the EU over recent years, the latest
available data show that unemployment is decreasing less for women than for men.
Furthermore, women tend to be significantly more under-employed in all age
groups (involuntarily working part-time), and large differences persist between
countries in women's labour market participation rates and working hours.
The Commission has also proposed Country Specific Recommendations to a number
of Member States to encourage women to take up work, notably by providing
quality and affordable childcare and reducing fiscal disincentives.
Increasing female participation in the labour market is indeed crucial to
reach the employment target set in the EU 2020 Strategy (75% of those between 20
and 64 years old).
Mobile citizens: more often employed and highly educated
Recent trends in workers' mobility in the EU confirm that mobile EU citizens
have higher employment rates than locals and do not use social security benefits
more than locals.
Analysis also shows that, while mobility in the EU decreased during
2010-2011, it has started recovering in 2012-2013, although with marked
differences between countries.
In particular, countries hardest hit by the economic crisis have seen large
increases in outflows of workers to other Member States as well as to non-EU
Compared to the pre-crisis years (2004-2008), the number of workers moving
within the EU from southern countries has increased (+38%) while the flows
declined from Poland (-41%) and Romania (-33%), the two top countries of origin.
Mobile workers from southern countries now make up 18% of the overall flows
of intra-EU movers compared to 11% before, while the majority of intra-EU movers
in 2009-2013 still originate in central and eastern Member States (58%) despite
a decline (from 65% in 2004-08).
Mobile EU workers are heading more than before towards Germany, Austria,
Belgium and the Nordic countries, and less to Spain and Ireland, while overall
Germany and the UK are the top two destination countries.
In terms of age composition, intra-EU movers remain predominantly young, but
the share of those aged 15-29 declined (from 48% to 41%).
Finally, mobile EU workers are much more likely to be more highly educated
(41% having tertiary education during 2009-13) than before (27% during 2004-08).
The right to free movement of workers within the EU was enshrined in the
Treaty more than 50 years ago and is one of the pillars of the Single Market.
To make the exercise of this right easier, the Commission proposed a new
Directive, adopted in April 2014 by the EU's Council of Ministers (IP/14/421),
to remove existing obstacles faced by mobile workers, such as the lack of
awareness of EU rules among public and private employers and difficulties to get
information, assistance and redress in host Member States.
The Commission has also proposed to further improve the pan-European job
search network EURES, to make more job offers and more Curriculum Vitae
available for those wishing to work in or to recruit from other Member States