Norme UE più chiare per i minori non accompagnati che chiedono protezione internazionale
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Data documento: 26-06-2014
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Clearer EU rules for unaccompanied minors seeking international protection
Norme UE più chiare per i minori non accompagnati che chiedono protezione internazionale
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Last year 12 690 unaccompanied minors submitted an asylum application in the EU.
Lo scorso anno 12 690 minori non accompagnati hanno presentato domanda di asilo nell'Unione europea.
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Some of them have no one to turn to in EU Member States and find themselves in extremely vulnerable positions, facing particular challenges in the early steps of the asylum procedure.
Alcuni non hanno nessuno cui rivolgersi negli Stati membri e si trovano in una posizione di estrema vulnerabilità, confrontati a situazioni particolarmente difficili nelle prime fasi della procedura di asilo.
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In the light of a recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU, the Commission is proposing to clarify which Member State is responsible for examining applications made by unaccompanied minors.
Alla luce di una recente sentenza della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea, la Commissione propone di chiarire qual è lo Stato membro competente per l'esame di una domanda presentata da un minore non accompagnato.
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The proposal will, in particular, improve the situation of those minor applicants for international protection who have no family, siblings or relatives on the EU territory.
La proposta migliorerà la situazione dei minori che chiedono protezione internazionale e che non hanno familiari, fratelli o parenti nel territorio dell'UE.
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As a matter of principle, the minor applicant for international protection found in such a situation will have his/her case examined by the Member State where he/she has lodged an application and where he/she is present.
In linea di principio, la domanda del minore che chiede protezione internazionale e che si trova in una situazione di questo tipo sarà esaminata dallo Stato membro in cui il minore ha presentato domanda e in cui lo stesso si trova.
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The applicant will remain on the territory of that Member State during the examination application process, unless this is not in his/her best interests.
Il richiedente rimarrà nel territorio di detto Stato membro durante la procedura di esame della domanda, a meno che ciò sia in contrasto con l'interesse superiore del minore.
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"The rights of the child must always come first.
"I diritti del minore devono avere sempre la precedenza.
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We need clearer and more predictable EU asylum rules for unaccompanied minors.
Abbiamo bisogno di norme UE più chiare e prevedibili in materia di asilo per i minori non accompagnati.
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Our proposal will ensure that the best interests of minors will always prevail in the Dublin procedure and that these minors will not be needlessly transferred from one EU State to another.
La nostra proposta garantirà che nella procedura Dublino l'interesse superiore del minore prevalga sempre e che il minore non sia inutilmente trasferito da uno Stato membro all'altro.
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They will have quicker access to the procedures for determining international protection status.
Il minore avrà un accesso più rapido alle procedure di determinazione dello status di protezione internazionale.
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This will boost the effectiveness of our common asylum system for some of the most vulnerable of all", said Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström.
Aumenterà così l'efficacia del nostro sistema comune di asilo per alcuni dei richiedenti più vulnerabili", ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria per gli Affari interni.
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Today's proposal amending the Dublin Regulation provides legal certainty in respect of responsibility for examining the application for international protection of unaccompanied minors who have no family, siblings or relatives on the EU territory.
La proposta odierna, che modifica il regolamento Dublino, garantisce certezza giuridica quanto alla competenza per l'esame delle domande di protezione internazionale presentate da minori non accompagnati che non hanno familiari, fratelli o parenti nel territorio dell'UE.
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It covers the two possible cases of minors in such cases:
Essa contempla i due possibili casi di minori non accompagnati che si trovano in tale situazione:
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- When the minor has lodged multiple applications for international protection, including in the Member State where he or she is currently present, this Member State will be responsible for examining his/her application (provided that this corresponds to the minor's best interest).
- quando il minore ha presentato più domande di protezione internazionale, tra cui una nello Stato membro in cui si trova attualmente, tale Stato membro è competente per l'esame della domanda (a condizione che ciò corrisponda all'interesse superiore del minore);
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- When the minor who is an applicant for international protection is present in the territory of a Member State without having lodged an application there, this Member State must provide him/her with an effective opportunity to lodge an application there.
- quando il minore che chiede protezione internazionale si trova in uno Stato membro in cui non ha presentato domanda, tale Stato membro deve offrirgli l'effettiva possibilità di presentarla nel suo territorio;
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- If he/she decides to apply in that Member State, he/she will remain in that Member State who will be responsible for examining his/her application (provided that this corresponds to the minor's best interest).
- in tal caso: se decide di presentare domanda in quello Stato membro, il minore resterà in tale Stato membro, che sarà competente per l'esame della domanda (a condizione che ciò corrisponda all'interesse superiore del minore);
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- If he/she decides not to lodge an application in the Member State where he/she is present, the Member State responsible should be the one where the minor has lodged his/her most recent application, unless this is not in the best interests of the minor.
- se il minore decide di non presentare domanda nello Stato membro in cui si trova, sarà competente lo Stato membro in cui il minore ha presentato l'ultima domanda (a meno che ciò sia in contrasto con l'interesse superiore del minore).
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In order to jointly establish the Member State responsible and avoid conflicts of interest, the concerned Member States shall cooperate in assessing the best interests of the minor.
Affinché lo Stato membro competente sia definito congiuntamente e siano evitati conflitti di interesse, gli Stati membri interessati devono cooperare nella valutazione dell'interesse superiore del minore.
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Finally, to facilitate cooperation between Member States and prevent abuse, the proposal provides that Member States must inform each other of a newly assumed responsibility.
Infine, per facilitare la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri e prevenire gli abusi, la proposta prevede che gli Stati membri si informino reciprocamente in merito alle nuove competenze assunte.
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The Commission proposal will now be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.
La proposta della Commissione passerà ora all'esame del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio.
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The Commission hopes an agreement can be reached during the Italian Presidency.
La Commissione auspica che possa essere raggiunto un accordo nel corso della presidenza italiana.
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The Dublin Regulation establishes criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States.
Il regolamento Dublino stabilisce i criteri e i meccanismi di determinazione dello Stato membro competente per l'esame di una domanda di protezione internazionale presentata in uno degli Stati membri.
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The criteria for establishing responsibility run, in hierarchical order, from family considerations, to recent possession of visa or residence permit in a Member State, to whether the applicant has entered EU irregularly, or regularly.
I criteri per stabilire la competenza sono, in ordine gerarchico: considerazioni di natura familiare, il possesso recente di un visto o di un permesso di soggiorno in uno Stato membro, l'ingresso regolare o irregolare del richiedente nell'UE.
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When the new Dublin Regulation (so-called 'Dublin III') was agreed in June 2013, the Commission announced its intention to address the current ambiguity of the provision on unaccompanied minors who have no family, siblings or relatives on the territory of the Member States, and to take account of the relevant ruling of the EU Court of Justice (case C-648/11 MA and Others vs. Secretary of State for the Home Department delivered on 6 June 2013).
Quando, nel giugno 2013, è stato adottato il nuovo regolamento Dublino (detto "regolamento Dublino III"), la Commissione ha annunciato l'intenzione di chiarire l'ambiguità della disposizione sui minori non accompagnati che non hanno familiari, fratelli o parenti nel territorio degli Stati membri, tenendo conto della pertinente giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea (sentenza del 6 giugno 2013 nella causa C-648/11 MA e a./Secretary of State for the Home Department).
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The Dublin III Regulation also contains guarantees that apply to all minors subject to the 'Dublin procedure' (Article 6), including to:
Il regolamento Dublino III prevede inoltre garanzie per tutti i minori soggetti alla "procedura Dublino" (articolo 6), tra cui:
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ensure representation of the unaccompanied minor;
la rappresentanza del minore non accompagnato;
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attempt to trace the unaccompanied minors' family members as quickly as possible;
il tentativo di rintracciare quanto prima i suoi familiari;
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consider family unity, welfare and social development of the unaccompanied minor as well as his/her safety and opinion when assessing the best interests of the child.
e la considerazione, nella valutazione dell'interesse superiore del minore, dell'unità familiare, del benessere del minore, del suo sviluppo sociale, della sua sicurezza e del suo parere.
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The Dublin III Regulation applies since 1 January 2014 in all Member States, including the UK, Ireland and Denmark (by virtue of an international agreement concluded in 2006 between the European Community and Denmark), as well as in the four non EU countries participating in Schengen (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein). |
Il regolamento Dublino III si applica dal 1º gennaio 2014 in tutti gli Stati membri, compreso il Regno Unito, l'Irlanda e la Danimarca (in virtù di un accordo internazionale concluso nel 2006 tra la Comunità europea e la Danimarca), nonché nei quattro paesi terzi che partecipano all'accordo di Schengen (Islanda, Norvegia, Svizzera e Liechtenstein). |
Clearer EU rules for unaccompanied minors seeking international protection
Last year 12 690 unaccompanied minors submitted an asylum application in the
Some of them have no one to turn to in EU Member States and find themselves
in extremely vulnerable positions, facing particular challenges in the early
steps of the asylum procedure.
In the light of a recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU, the
Commission is proposing to clarify which Member State is responsible for
examining applications made by unaccompanied minors.
The proposal will, in particular, improve the situation of those minor
applicants for international protection who have no family, siblings or
relatives on the EU territory.
As a matter of principle, the minor applicant for international protection
found in such a situation will have his/her case examined by the Member State
where he/she has lodged an application and where he/she is present.
The applicant will remain on the territory of that Member State during the
examination application process, unless this is not in his/her best interests.
"The rights of the child must always come first.
We need clearer and more predictable EU asylum rules for unaccompanied
Our proposal will ensure that the best interests of minors will always
prevail in the Dublin procedure and that these minors will not be needlessly
transferred from one EU State to another.
They will have quicker access to the procedures for determining international
protection status.
This will boost the effectiveness of our common asylum system for some of the
most vulnerable of all", said Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström.
Today's proposal amending the Dublin Regulation provides legal certainty in
respect of responsibility for examining the application for international
protection of unaccompanied minors who have no family, siblings or relatives on
the EU territory.
It covers the two possible cases of minors in such cases:
- When the minor has lodged multiple applications for international
protection, including in the Member State where he or she is currently present,
this Member State will be responsible for examining his/her application
(provided that this corresponds to the minor's best interest).
- When the minor who is an applicant for international protection is present
in the territory of a Member State without having lodged an application there,
this Member State must provide him/her with an effective opportunity to lodge an
application there.
- If he/she decides to apply in that Member State, he/she will remain in that
Member State who will be responsible for examining his/her application (provided
that this corresponds to the minor's best interest).
- If he/she decides not to lodge an application in the Member State where
he/she is present, the Member State responsible should be the one where the
minor has lodged his/her most recent application, unless this is not in the best
interests of the minor.
In order to jointly establish the Member State responsible and avoid
conflicts of interest, the concerned Member States shall cooperate in assessing
the best interests of the minor.
Finally, to facilitate cooperation between Member States and prevent abuse,
the proposal provides that Member States must inform each other of a newly
assumed responsibility.
The Commission proposal will now be discussed by the European Parliament and
the Council of the EU.
The Commission hopes an agreement can be reached during the Italian
The Dublin Regulation establishes criteria and mechanisms for determining the
Member State responsible for examining an application for international
protection lodged in one of the Member States.
The criteria for establishing responsibility run, in hierarchical order, from
family considerations, to recent possession of visa or residence permit in a
Member State, to whether the applicant has entered EU irregularly, or regularly.
When the new Dublin Regulation (so-called 'Dublin III') was agreed in June
2013, the Commission announced its intention to address the current ambiguity of
the provision on unaccompanied minors who have no family, siblings or relatives
on the territory of the Member States, and to take account of the relevant
ruling of the EU Court of Justice (case C-648/11 MA and Others vs. Secretary of
State for the Home Department delivered on 6 June 2013).
The Dublin III Regulation also contains guarantees that apply to all minors
subject to the 'Dublin procedure' (Article 6), including to:
ensure representation of the unaccompanied minor;
attempt to trace the unaccompanied minors' family members as quickly as
consider family unity, welfare and social development of the unaccompanied
minor as well as his/her safety and opinion when assessing the best interests of
the child.
The Dublin III Regulation applies since 1 January 2014 in all Member States,
including the UK, Ireland and Denmark (by virtue of an international agreement
concluded in 2006 between the European Community and Denmark), as well as in the
four non EU countries participating in Schengen (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland
and Liechtenstein).