Il sostegno agli studenti è essenziale per compensare l'impatto delle tasse universitarie, segnala una relazione
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Data documento: 23-06-2014
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Student support crucial for offsetting impact of university tuition fees, says report
Il sostegno agli studenti è essenziale per compensare l'impatto delle tasse universitarie, segnala una relazione
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When balanced with student support, increased tuition fees do not have an overall negative impact on enrolments in higher education, even among students from lower socio-economic groups, unless the magnitude of change is exceptional.
Se controbilanciato da un sostegno erogato agli studenti l'aumento delle tasse universitarie non ha un impatto complessivamente negativo sulle iscrizioni, anche tra gli studenti di estrazione socioeconomica più bassa, a meno che l'entità dell'aumento non sia eccezionale.
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However increases in fees can result in falling enrolments among older students, according to an international study released by the European Commission today.
L'aumento delle tasse universitarie può comunque determinare una riduzione delle iscrizioni tra gli studenti più anziani, come emerge da uno studio internazionale pubblicato oggi dalla Commissione europea.
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The report underlines that grants and/or loans are crucial for offsetting negative consequences of fees or fee rises on university enrolments, particularly from vulnerable groups.
La relazione ribadisce che le borse e/o i prestiti sono elementi essenziali per controbilanciare le conseguenze negative delle tasse universitarie o dei loro aumenti sul numero di iscrizioni, in particolare per i gruppi vulnerabili.
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The Commission-funded study, carried out by independent researchers, analysed the impact of changes in student fees in nine countries with different models of funding over the past 15 years (Austria, Canada, UK-England, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and South Korea).
Lo studio, finanziato dalla Commissione e condotto da ricercatori indipendenti, ha analizzato l'impatto negli ultimi 15 anni dell'evoluzione delle tasse universitarie in nove paesi che presentano modelli diversi di finanziamento (Austria, Canada, Regno Unito -Inghilterra, Finlandia, Germania, Ungheria, Polonia, Portogallo e Corea del Sud).
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said "Student fees are a reality for a large proportion of students in Europe – and a controversial issue.
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria europea responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, la gioventù e lo sport, ha affermato "Le tasse universitarie sono un fattore che incide su gran parte degli studenti europei e sono anche una questione controversa.
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This study questions some common assumptions and provides valuable evidence for the on-going debate in the EU on how best to fund higher education to ensure institutions provide the highest quality of education to increasing numbers of students, while guaranteeing fair access."
Lo studio ora pubblicato pone in questione certe idee diffuse e fornisce dati utili per il dibattito in corso nell'UE sul modo migliore per finanziare l'istruzione superiore in modo da assicurare che le istituzioni d'istruzione forniscano un'istruzione della massima qualità a un numero crescente di studenti garantendo nel contempo l'equità dell'accesso."
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The key findings of the study are:
Le principali risultanze dello studio sono:
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- For students, fee rises do not generally have detectable negative effects on overall enrolment in higher education or on enrolment among students from lower socio-economic groups.
- per gli studenti, gli aumenti delle tasse non hanno in generale effetti negativi rilevabili sulle iscrizioni complessive nell'istruzione superiore o sulle iscrizioni tra gli studenti provenienti dagli strati socioeconomici più bassi.
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This was the pattern in Germany and Austria (which both introduced and subsequently abolished fees), in Portugal, and after fee rises in England in 1998 and 2006, as well as in Canada and South Korea where fees increased modestly over time.
Ciò vale per la Germania e l'Austria (che entrambe hanno introdotto tasse di studio e poi le hanno abolite), per il Portogallo e, dopo aumenti delle tasse, in Inghilterra nel 1998 e nel 2006, come anche in Canada e nella Corea del Sud in cui gli aumenti sono stati di entità modesta nel tempo;
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- But rises in tuition fees can have negative effects on enrolments of older students.
- ma gli aumenti delle tasse universitarie possono avere effetti negativi sull'iscrizione degli studenti più anziani.
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This was the experience following the most recent fees increase in England, although it is still too early to judge the longer term effects.
Ciò è stato rilevato in seguito ai più recenti aumenti in Inghilterra, anche se è troppo presto per trarre conclusioni sugli effetti nel lungo periodo;
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- Study aid - grants and/or loans – is crucial for offsetting negative consequences of fees or fee rises on participation, particularly from vulnerable groups.
- gli aiuti per lo studio, borse e/o prestiti, sono essenziali per controbilanciare le conseguenze negative delle tasse universitarie o dei loro aumenti sulla partecipazione, in particolare per quanto concerne i gruppi vulnerabili.
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In cases where fees play a significant role in higher education funding (notably in England, Canada and South Korea where fees are highest) student support systems reduce the impact on students through grants, tax advantages and/or loans with favourable repayment conditions.
Nei casi in cui le tasse universitarie svolgono un ruolo significativo nel finanziamento dell'istruzione superiore (in particolare in Inghilterra, Canada e Corea del Sud dove sono le più elevate) i sistemi di sostegno agli studenti riducono l'impatto attraverso borse, sgravi fiscali e/o prestiti a condizioni agevolate;
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- Getting the right balance between fees and student support is important for governments adapting their fees policies.
- trovare il giusto equilibrio tra tasse e sostegno agli studenti è importante per i governi allorché adattano le loro politiche impositive;
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- For higher education institutions, introducing tuition fees usually increases their total amount of resources.
- per le istituzioni d'istruzione superiore, l'introduzione di tasse universitarie incrementa in generale il totale delle risorse a loro disposizione.
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However, new income from fees is not always invested in ways – such as additional teaching posts - that directly improves the student experience.
Tuttavia, il nuovo gettito proveniente dalle tasse universitarie non è sempre investito in modi che migliorino direttamente l'esperienza degli studenti, come ad esempio nell'assunzione di nuovi insegnanti;
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- Tuition fees do not seem to make public university systems more responsive to changing demand (for example by developing new types of programme):
- le tasse universitarie non sembrano rendere i sistemi universitari pubblici maggiormente reattivi al cambiamento della domanda (ad esempio con lo sviluppo di nuovi programmi):
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many other factors, including tradition, prestige and accreditation rules, influence how institutions can and do act.
diversi altri fattori, tra cui le tradizioni, il prestigio e le regole di accreditamento influenzano il modo in cui le istituzioni possono agire e agiscono di fatto.
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The study - 'Do changes in cost-sharing have an impact on the behaviour of students and higher education institutions?' - was carried out for the European Commission by Hanover-based Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW) and Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA) in Toronto, Canada.
Lo studio – "Do changes in cost-sharing have an impact on the behaviour of students and higher education institutions?" è stato condotto per conto della Commissione europea dal Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW) sito ad Hannover e da Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA) di Toronto, Canada.
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The study used quantitative data and qualitative evidence to examine the impact of changes in tuition fee policies on higher education applicants, students and institutions.
Lo studio ha usato dati quantitativi e indicazioni qualitative per esaminare l'impatto dei cambiamenti apportati alle tasse universitarie sulle matricole, sugli studenti e sulle istituzioni.
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In each case, the research team used the available evidence to test common theories about the impact of tuition fees.
In ciascun caso il gruppo di ricercatori ha utilizzato le prove disponibili per verificare le teorie diffuse quanto all'impatto delle tasse di studio.
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The study results are presented in a main report, with executive summaries in English, French and German and in nine in-depth national reports, which cover many aspects of cost-sharing in the respective higher education systems.
I risultati dello studio sono presentati in una relazione d'insieme corredata di sintesi in inglese, francese e tedesco e in nove relazioni nazionali approfondite che trattano gli aspetti principali della condivisione dei costi nei rispettivi sistemi d'istruzione superiore.
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The study is part of the follow-up to the agenda for the modernisation of Europe's higher education systems, adopted by the Commission in September 2011. It does not advocate a particular system of funding or cost-sharing in higher education.
Lo studio è parte del seguito dato al progetto per la modernizzazione dei sistemi d'istruzione superiore in Europa, adottato dalla Commissione nel settembre del 2011, che non promuove un particolare sistema di finanziamento o di ripartizione dei costi nell'ambito dell'istruzione superiore.
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In Europe there is a diversity of funding systems;
In Europa esistono vari sistemi di finanziamento:
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it is for Member States to decide which is the most appropriate for them. |
spetta ai singoli Stati membri decidere qual è il più idoneo alle proprie esigenze. |
Student support crucial for offsetting impact of university tuition fees,
says report
When balanced with student support, increased tuition fees do not have an
overall negative impact on enrolments in higher education, even among students
from lower socio-economic groups, unless the magnitude of change is exceptional.
However increases in fees can result in falling enrolments among older
students, according to an international study released by the European
Commission today.
The report underlines that grants and/or loans are crucial for offsetting
negative consequences of fees or fee rises on university enrolments,
particularly from vulnerable groups.
The Commission-funded study, carried out by independent researchers, analysed
the impact of changes in student fees in nine countries with different models of
funding over the past 15 years (Austria, Canada, UK-England, Finland, Germany,
Hungary, Poland, Portugal and South Korea).
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and
Sport, said "Student fees are a reality for a large proportion of students in
Europe – and a controversial issue.
This study questions some common assumptions and provides valuable evidence
for the on-going debate in the EU on how best to fund higher education to ensure
institutions provide the highest quality of education to increasing numbers of
students, while guaranteeing fair access."
The key findings of the study are:
- For students, fee rises do not generally have detectable negative effects
on overall enrolment in higher education or on enrolment among students from
lower socio-economic groups.
This was the pattern in Germany and Austria (which both introduced and
subsequently abolished fees), in Portugal, and after fee rises in England in
1998 and 2006, as well as in Canada and South Korea where fees increased
modestly over time.
- But rises in tuition fees can have negative effects on enrolments of older
This was the experience following the most recent fees increase in England,
although it is still too early to judge the longer term effects.
- Study aid - grants and/or loans – is crucial for offsetting negative
consequences of fees or fee rises on participation, particularly from vulnerable
In cases where fees play a significant role in higher education funding
(notably in England, Canada and South Korea where fees are highest) student
support systems reduce the impact on students through grants, tax advantages
and/or loans with favourable repayment conditions.
- Getting the right balance between fees and student support is important for
governments adapting their fees policies.
- For higher education institutions, introducing tuition fees usually
increases their total amount of resources.
However, new income from fees is not always invested in ways – such as
additional teaching posts - that directly improves the student experience.
- Tuition fees do not seem to make public university systems more responsive
to changing demand (for example by developing new types of programme):
many other factors, including tradition, prestige and accreditation rules,
influence how institutions can and do act.
The study - 'Do changes in cost-sharing have an impact on the behaviour of
students and higher education institutions?' - was carried out for the European
Commission by Hanover-based Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und
Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW) and Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA) in
Toronto, Canada.
The study used quantitative data and qualitative evidence to examine the
impact of changes in tuition fee policies on higher education applicants,
students and institutions.
In each case, the research team used the available evidence to test common
theories about the impact of tuition fees.
The study results are presented in a main report, with executive summaries in
English, French and German and in nine in-depth national reports, which cover
many aspects of cost-sharing in the respective higher education systems.
The study is part of the follow-up to the agenda for the modernisation of
Europe's higher education systems, adopted by the Commission in September 2011.
It does not advocate a particular system of funding or cost-sharing in higher
In Europe there is a diversity of funding systems;
it is for Member States to decide which is the most appropriate for them.