Lo sport: un volano della crescita per l'economia dell'UE
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Data documento: 19-06-2014
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Sport as a growth engine for EU economy
Lo sport: un volano della crescita per l'economia dell'UE
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Sport is an important economic sector in the EU in its own right, with a share in the national economies which is comparable to agriculture, forestry and fisheries combined.
Quello dello sport è nell'UE un importante settore economico a pieno titolo, con una quota dell'economia nazionale comparabile a quella dell'agricoltura, della silvicoltura e della pesca combinate.
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Moreover, its share is expected to rise in the future.
Inoltre, il suo peso pare destinato ad aumentare in futuro.
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Overall the sports sector accounts for 2% of the EU global GDP, while the total employment generated by sports activities is 7.3 million-equivalent to 3.5% of the total EU employment.
Nel complesso, il settore dello sport produce il 2% del PIL complessivo dell'UE, mentre l'occupazione complessiva generata dalle attività sportive è di 7,3 milioni di unità, pari al 3,5% dell'occupazione complessiva nell'UE.
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Despite these impressive figures, the economic impact of the sport-related industries is often underestimated.
Nonostante queste cifre impressionanti, l'impatto economico delle industrie dello sport è spesso sottovalutato.
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To underpin the role of sport-related industry as an economic driver, a High Level Meeting of stakeholders on the impact of sport and sport-related industries took place in Brussels.
Per ribadire il ruolo delle industrie sportive quali volano dell'economia si è svolta a Bruxelles una riunione ad alto livello degli stakeholder sull'impatto dello sport e delle industrie sportive.
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The meeting was aimed at taking stock of the progress made since the first meeting of the European Sport Industries on 21 January 2014.
La riunione intendeva fare un bilancio dei progressi realizzati dopo la prima riunione dell'industria europea di articoli sportivi svoltasi il 21 gennaio 2014.
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Furthermore, the meeting offered the opportunity to present an industry-led Action Plan on the economic impact of sport and sport-related industries.
Inoltre, la riunione ha offerto l'opportunità di presentare un piano d'azione portato avanti dall'industria relativo all'impatto economico dello sport e alle industrie dello sport.
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The meeting highlighted the role of sport as a powerful lever for innovation, industrial competitiveness and employment.
Nella riunione si è ribadito il ruolo dello sport quale importante leva dell'innovazione, della competitività industriale e dell'occupazione.
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Concrete actions to foster sport and sport-related industries in Europe
Azioni concrete per promuovere lo sport e le industrie dello sport in Europa
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Following the first meeting of the European Sport Industries on 21 January, the economic importance of sport has been elaborated with three main objectives:
In seguito alla prima riunione delle industrie europee dello sport del 21 gennaio, si è proceduto ad analizzare l'importanza economica dello sport in base a tre obiettivi principali:
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1. Maximising efficiency of investment in sports infrastructure:
1. Massimizzare l'efficienza degli investimenti nell'infrastruttura sportiva:
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With limited public funding, improving efficiency of investment in sport infrastructure has become crucial.
Con le restrizioni imposte ai finanziamenti pubblici, il miglioramento dell'efficienza degli investimenti nelle infrastrutture sportive è diventato cruciale.
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To this end, a number of actions are envisaged in this industry-led Action Plan, including:
A tal fine, il piano d'azione contempla diverse azioni tra cui:
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taking stock of existent infrastructures in all Member states, creating a forum bringing together policy makers and industry executives in order to share best practices, supporting sports clusters, facilitating the creation of public-private partnerships and raising awareness to sport community that sports projects can be included in “innovative public procurement” under Horizon 2010.
fare il bilancio delle infrastrutture esistenti in tutti gli Stati membri, costituire un forum di decisori politici e rappresentanti dell'industria per condividere le pratiche ottimali, incoraggiare i cluster sportivi, agevolare la costituzione di partenariati pubblico-privati e far opera di sensibilizzazione nella comunità sportiva del fatto che nell'ambito dell'iniziativa Orizzonte 2010 è possibile includere progetti sportivi alla voce "appalti pubblici innovativi".
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2. Fostering the competitiveness of sports-related industries:
2. Promuovere la competitività delle industrie dello sport:
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The sport industry is characterised by constant and rapid waves of innovation, often in close collaboration with other industries (textiles, electronics, aerospace, etc.).
L'industria dello sport è caratterizzata da ondate di innovazione ricorrenti e in rapida alternanza, spesso in collaborazione con altre industrie (tessile, elettronica, aerospaziale,ecc.).
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However, investment in innovative goods for sport can be done to the extent that IntellectualProperty Rights (IPR) are sufficiently protected.
Tuttavia, gli investimenti in prodotti innovativi per lo sport possono essere realizzati nella misura in cui i diritti di proprietà intellettuale sono sufficientemente protetti.
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Finally, Free Trade and Investment Agreements (FTAs) between the EU and third countries are critical to improve the market access conditions of EU sport-related industries.
Inoltre, gli accordi di libero scambio e di investimento tra l'UE e i paesi terzi sono essenziali per migliorare le condizioni di accesso al mercato per le industrie unionali dello sport.
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Against this background, a set of actions are proposed, including:
In tale contesto, si propongono diverse azioni tra cui:
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developing studies on the effectiveness and sustainability of sporting events in Europe, promoting synergies at EU level, encouraging Member states to take full benefit of the funding possibilities from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
sviluppo di studi sull'efficacia e la sostenibilità degli eventi sportivi in Europa, promozione di sinergie a livello di UE, incoraggiamento agli Stati membri affinché beneficino appieno delle possibilità di finanziamento da parte del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR).
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Moreover, Member states should exchange best practices so as to have an effective and unified enforcement of IPR.
Inoltre, gli Stati membri dovrebbero scambiare pratiche ottimali, in modo da assicurare un'applicazione efficace e uniforme dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale.
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The EU should also reinforce cluster collaboration across Member States, develop case studies about new trends and opportunities and consider sport-related industries' needs when negotiating bilateral FTAs.
L'UE dovrebbe inoltre rafforzare la collaborazione tra cluster negli Stati membri, sviluppare studi di casi sulle nuove tendenze e opportunità e tenere conto delle esigenze delle industrie dello sport all'atto di negoziare accordi bilaterali di libero scambio.
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Finally, an EU "Mission for Growth" focused on sports industries should be organised after every major sports event in third countries.
Infine, una "missione per la crescita" dell'UE imperniata sull'industria dello sport andrebbe organizzata dopo ogni grande evento sportivo celebrato in paesi terzi.
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3. Enabling demand for sports and recreational activities and related goods and maximizing the spill-over effects of sports on growth and employment:
3. Dare spazio alla domanda di attività sportive e ricreative e alla relativa domanda di prodotti e massimizzare gli effetti a cascata su crescita e occupazione:
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Every new job in the sport supply chain generates 0.65 new jobs in related industries outside the supply chain.
Nella catena di fornitura di articoli sportivi ogni nuovo posto di lavoro genera 0,65 nuovi posti di lavoro nell'indotto al di fuori della catena delle forniture.
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Sectors with the highest multipliers are found in the construction branch and in tourism-related sectors.
I settori con il potere moltiplicatore più grande sono quelli della costruzione e del turismo.
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Against this background, a set of actions are envisaged including:
In questo contesto è prevista una serie di azioni tra cui:
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exploiting COSME funding possibilities, supporting enterprises operating in the “app economy”, creating specific agencies at regional level to facilitate the organization of sporting events and adopt measures to facilitate sport-related tourism activities.
utilizzare le possibilità di finanziamento garantite da COSME, sostenere le imprese che operano nella "app economy", costituire agenzie specifiche a livello regionale per agevolare l'organizzazione di eventi sportivi e adottare misure per agevolare le attività legate al turismo sportivo.
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The EU together with Member states and other stakeholders shall also encourage tourism from third countries to Europe at the occasion of major sport events and, finally, consider whether to follow up the recommendations of the Expert Group on the sustainable financing on sports on reviews of the VAT system to take account the specific nature of sport.
L'UE, assieme agli Stati membri e agli altri stakeholder, incoraggerà inoltre il turismo dai paesi terzi verso l'Europa in occasione di grandi eventi sportivi ed esaminerà se sia il caso di dare seguito alle raccomandazioni del gruppo di esperti sul finanziamento sostenibile dello sport relative al riesame del sistema di IVA per tener conto della natura specifica dello sport.
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Due to the importance of sport as a driver of growth for the wider EU economy, an informal high-level stakeholder meeting was held on 21 January 2014 (MEMO/14/35), as a platform bringing together representatives of all sport-related economic sectors, clusters, academia and sport associations.
Considerata l'importanza dello sport quale volano della crescita per l'economia dell'UE in senso lato, il 21 gennaio 2014 si è tenuta una riunione informale di stakeholder ad alto livello (MEMO/14/35), intesa quale piattaforma per far incontrare i rappresentanti di tutti i settori economici legati allo sport, i cluster, il mondo universitario e le associazioni sportive.
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The meeting, which was a joint initiative by Vice-President Tajani with Commissioner Vassiliou, allowed stakeholders to share their views on which measures and/or initiatives the Commission should take into consideration at EU level in order to further promote the positive effects sport has on EU manufacturing and on the economy as a whole. |
La riunione, che era un'iniziativa congiunta del Vicepresidente Tajani e della Commissaria Vassiliou, ha consentito agli stakeholder di scambiare punti di vista sulle misure e/o iniziative che la Commissione dovrebbe prendere in considerazione a livello di UE per incentivare ulteriormente gli effetti positivi che lo sport ha sull'industria manifatturiera dell'UE e sull'economia nel suo complesso. |
Sport as a growth engine for EU economy
Sport is an important economic sector in the EU in its own right, with a
share in the national economies which is comparable to agriculture, forestry and
fisheries combined.
Moreover, its share is expected to rise in the future.
Overall the sports sector accounts for 2% of the EU global GDP, while the
total employment generated by sports activities is 7.3 million-equivalent to
3.5% of the total EU employment.
Despite these impressive figures, the economic impact of the sport-related
industries is often underestimated.
To underpin the role of sport-related industry as an economic driver, a High
Level Meeting of stakeholders on the impact of sport and sport-related
industries took place in Brussels.
The meeting was aimed at taking stock of the progress made since the first
meeting of the European Sport Industries on 21 January 2014.
Furthermore, the meeting offered the opportunity to present an industry-led
Action Plan on the economic impact of sport and sport-related industries.
The meeting highlighted the role of sport as a powerful lever for innovation,
industrial competitiveness and employment.
Concrete actions to foster sport and sport-related industries in Europe
Following the first meeting of the European Sport Industries on 21 January,
the economic importance of sport has been elaborated with three main objectives:
1. Maximising efficiency of investment in sports infrastructure:
With limited public funding, improving efficiency of investment in sport
infrastructure has become crucial.
To this end, a number of actions are envisaged in this industry-led Action
Plan, including:
taking stock of existent infrastructures in all Member states, creating a
forum bringing together policy makers and industry executives in order to share
best practices, supporting sports clusters, facilitating the creation of
public-private partnerships and raising awareness to sport community that sports
projects can be included in "innovative public procurement" under Horizon 2010.
2. Fostering the competitiveness of sports-related industries:
The sport industry is characterised by constant and rapid waves of
innovation, often in close collaboration with other industries (textiles,
electronics, aerospace, etc.).
However, investment in innovative goods for sport can be done to the extent
that IntellectualProperty Rights (IPR) are sufficiently protected.
Finally, Free Trade and Investment Agreements (FTAs) between the EU and third
countries are critical to improve the market access conditions of EU
sport-related industries.
Against this background, a set of actions are proposed, including:
developing studies on the effectiveness and sustainability of sporting events
in Europe, promoting synergies at EU level, encouraging Member states to take
full benefit of the funding possibilities from European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF).
Moreover, Member states should exchange best practices so as to have an
effective and unified enforcement of IPR.
The EU should also reinforce cluster collaboration across Member States,
develop case studies about new trends and opportunities and consider
sport-related industries' needs when negotiating bilateral FTAs.
Finally, an EU "Mission for Growth" focused on sports industries should be
organised after every major sports event in third countries.
3. Enabling demand for sports and recreational activities and related goods
and maximizing the spill-over effects of sports on growth and employment:
Every new job in the sport supply chain generates 0.65 new jobs in related
industries outside the supply chain.
Sectors with the highest multipliers are found in the construction branch and
in tourism-related sectors.
Against this background, a set of actions are envisaged including:
exploiting COSME funding possibilities, supporting enterprises operating in
the "app economy", creating specific agencies at regional level to facilitate
the organization of sporting events and adopt measures to facilitate
sport-related tourism activities.
The EU together with Member states and other stakeholders shall also
encourage tourism from third countries to Europe at the occasion of major sport
events and, finally, consider whether to follow up the recommendations of the
Expert Group on the sustainable financing on sports on reviews of the VAT system
to take account the specific nature of sport.
Due to the importance of sport as a driver of growth for the wider EU
economy, an informal high-level stakeholder meeting was held on 21 January 2014
(MEMO/14/35), as a platform bringing together representatives of all
sport-related economic sectors, clusters, academia and sport associations.
The meeting, which was a joint initiative by Vice-President Tajani with
Commissioner Vassiliou, allowed stakeholders to share their views on which
measures and/or initiatives the Commission should take into consideration at EU
level in order to further promote the positive effects sport has on EU
manufacturing and on the economy as a whole.