Relazione sul mercato dei prodotti lattiero-caseari e sul «pacchetto latte»
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Data documento: 13-06-2014
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Report on the dairy market and the "Milk Package"
Relazione sul mercato dei prodotti lattiero-caseari e sul «pacchetto latte»
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The European Commission has today published a report on the development of the dairy market situation and the operation of the 2012 "Milk Package". It describes the rather positive outlook for the dairy market, takes stock of the implementation of the provisions and possibilities of the "Milk Package" and outlines further considerations in view of the end of the quota system in 2015.
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato oggi una relazione sullo sviluppo della situazione del mercato lattiero-caseario e sul funzionamento del «pacchetto latte» 2012, che descrive il quadro piuttosto positivo del mercato lattiero-caseario, fa il punto sull’attuazione delle disposizioni e delle possibilità del «pacchetto latte» ed illustra altre considerazioni in vista della fine del sistema delle quote nel 2015.
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The so-called "Milk Package", adopted under co-decision in 2012, aims at strengthening the position of dairy producers in the dairy supply chain and preparing the sector for a more market-oriented and sustainable future, seeking in particular to learn lessons from the 2009 dairy market crisis.
Il cosiddetto «pacchetto latte», adottato in codecisione nel 2012, mira a rafforzare la posizione dei produttori lattiero-caseari nella filiera lattiero-casearia e a preparare il settore ad un futuro più sostenibile e orientato verso il mercato, cercando in particolare di trarre insegnamento dalla crisi del mercato lattiero-caseario del 2009.
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Member States have the option to make written contracts between milk producers and processors compulsory.
Gli Stati membri hanno la possibilità di rendere obbligatori i contratti scritti tra le aziende di produzione e le aziende di trasformazione del latte.
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Farmers have the possibility to negotiate contract terms including the price of raw milk collectively via producer organisations.
Gli allevatori possono negoziare collettivamente le condizioni contrattuali, compreso il prezzo del latte crudo, attraverso le organizzazioni di produttori.
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Specific EU rules for inter-branch organisations allow actors in the dairy supply chain to dialogue and to carry out a number of activities, and Member States are allowed, under certain conditions, to apply rules to regulate the supply of PDO/PGI cheeses.
Alcune norme specifiche dell’UE sulle organizzazioni interprofessionali consentono agli attori della filiera lattiero-casearia di dialogare e svolgere una serie di attività, e gli Stati membri sono autorizzati, a determinate condizioni, ad applicare norme per regolamentare la fornitura di formaggi DOP e IGP.
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The report confirms that contracts between farmers and processors have been made compulsory in 12 Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain), while in some others (Belgium, United Kingdom), codes of good practice have been agreed between farmers and processors organisations.
La relazione conferma che i contratti tra allevatori e trasformatori sono stati resi obbligatori in 12 Stati membri (Bulgaria, Croazia, Cipro, Francia, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Portogallo, Romania, Slovacchia, Spagna e Ungheria), mentre in altri (Belgio e Regno Unito) sono stati concordati codici di buone prassi tra le organizzazioni di allevatori e di trasformatori.
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National provisions for recognition of Producer Organisations (POs) have resulted in 228 formally recognised POs in six Member States (Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy and Spain).
Le disposizioni nazionali per il riconoscimento delle organizzazioni dei produttori (OP) hanno consentito il riconoscimento ufficiale di 228 OP in sei Stati membri (Belgio, Francia, Germania, Italia, Repubblica ceca e Spagna).
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In four of those Member States (Czech Republic, France, Germany and Spain), POs have conducted collective negotiations covering between 4 and 33% of total deliveries.
In quattro di questi Stati (Francia, Germania, Repubblica ceca, e Spagna) le OP hanno condotto negoziati collettivi coprendo tra il 4 e il 33% del totale delle forniture.
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Two Member States (France and Italy) have applied rules for regulating the supply of certain PDO/PGI cheeses.
Due Stati membri (Francia e Italia) hanno applicato norme per regolamentare l’offerta di determinati formaggi DOP e IGP.
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The Commission considers that it is too early to see significant effects of the Milk Package on the milk sector, especially in disadvantaged regions.
La Commissione ritiene che sia troppo presto per vedere effetti significativi del “pacchetto latte” sul settore lattiero-caseario, in particolare nelle regioni svantaggiate.
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The arrangements needed to actually apply the possibilities of the Milk Package, like the creation of POs and the organisation of collective negotiations, require time and a strong dynamic from farmers themselves.
Le misure necessarie per realizzare effettivamente le possibilità del “pacchetto latte”, come la creazione di OP e l’organizzazione di negoziati collettivi, richiedono tempo e un forte dinamismo da parte degli allevatori stessi.
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As a further measure for the post-quota market, the Commission recently launched the European Milk Market Observatory (MMO), aimed at improved market transparency and analysis for economic operators when they take their business decisions.
La Commissione ha voluto dare un ulteriore messaggio per il mercato post-quota avviando recentemente l’iniziativa dell’Osservatorio del mercato europeo del latte, mirante a una maggiore trasparenza e a una più efficace analisi del mercato, allo scopo di aiutare gli operatori economici nelle loro decisioni commerciali.
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The MMO will help the Commission to monitor market developments, to deploy "safety net provisions" in a proactive manner and to react to exceptional circumstances.
L’Osservatorio aiuterà la Commissione a monitorare gli sviluppi del mercato, ad applicare le disposizioni sulla «rete di sicurezza» in modo proattivo e a reagire a circostanze eccezionali.
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Despite a largely positive outlook for world dairy markets, with significant growth opportunities in the coming years, the report reflects on doubts that have been voiced about the capacity of the EU regulatory framework to deal with extreme market volatility or with a crisis situation after the end of the quota regime, especially with a view to ensuring the balanced development of milk production across the European Union and avoiding extreme concentration in the most productive areas.
Nonostante una prospettiva ampiamente positiva per i mercati mondiali di prodotti lattiero-caseari, con significative opportunità di crescita negli anni a venire, la relazione analizza alcuni dubbi che sono stati espressi circa la capacità del quadro normativo dell’Unione europea di far fronte ad un’estrema volatilità del mercato o ad una situazione di crisi dopo il termine del regime di quote, in particolare per garantire uno sviluppo equilibrato della produzione lattiera in tutta l’Unione europea ed evitare una forte concentrazione nelle aree più produttive.
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The Report confirms that the Commission will pursue the debate to address these concerns and will explore the need and scope for additional tools. |
La relazione conferma che la Commissione porterà avanti il dibattito per rispondere a tali preoccupazioni e valuterà la necessità e la portata di eventuali strumenti supplementari. |
Report on the dairy market and the "Milk Package"
The European Commission has today published a report on the development of
the dairy market situation and the operation of the 2012 "Milk Package". It
describes the rather positive outlook for the dairy market, takes stock of the
implementation of the provisions and possibilities of the "Milk Package" and
outlines further considerations in view of the end of the quota system in 2015.
The so-called "Milk Package", adopted under co-decision in 2012, aims at
strengthening the position of dairy producers in the dairy supply chain and
preparing the sector for a more market-oriented and sustainable future, seeking
in particular to learn lessons from the 2009 dairy market crisis.
Member States have the option to make written contracts between milk
producers and processors compulsory.
Farmers have the possibility to negotiate contract terms including the price
of raw milk collectively via producer organisations.
Specific EU rules for inter-branch organisations allow actors in the dairy
supply chain to dialogue and to carry out a number of activities, and Member
States are allowed, under certain conditions, to apply rules to regulate the
supply of PDO/PGI cheeses.
The report confirms that contracts between farmers and processors have been
made compulsory in 12 Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain), while in some
others (Belgium, United Kingdom), codes of good practice have been agreed
between farmers and processors organisations.
National provisions for recognition of Producer Organisations (POs) have
resulted in 228 formally recognised POs in six Member States (Belgium, Czech
Republic, France, Germany, Italy and Spain).
In four of those Member States (Czech Republic, France, Germany and Spain),
POs have conducted collective negotiations covering between 4 and 33% of total
Two Member States (France and Italy) have applied rules for regulating the
supply of certain PDO/PGI cheeses.
The Commission considers that it is too early to see significant effects of
the Milk Package on the milk sector, especially in disadvantaged regions.
The arrangements needed to actually apply the possibilities of the Milk
Package, like the creation of POs and the organisation of collective
negotiations, require time and a strong dynamic from farmers themselves.
As a further measure for the post-quota market, the Commission recently
launched the European Milk Market Observatory (MMO), aimed at improved market
transparency and analysis for economic operators when they take their business
The MMO will help the Commission to monitor market developments, to deploy
"safety net provisions" in a proactive manner and to react to exceptional
Despite a largely positive outlook for world dairy markets, with significant
growth opportunities in the coming years, the report reflects on doubts that
have been voiced about the capacity of the EU regulatory framework to deal with
extreme market volatility or with a crisis situation after the end of the quota
regime, especially with a view to ensuring the balanced development of milk
production across the European Union and avoiding extreme concentration in the
most productive areas.
The Report confirms that the Commission will pursue the debate to address
these concerns and will explore the need and scope for additional tools.