Il Tribunale annulla l’iscrizione della Syria International Islamic Bank nell’elenco delle entità destinatarie delle misure restrittive nei confronti della Siria
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Data documento: 11-06-2014
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The General Court annuls the inclusion of Syria International Islamic Bank in the list of entities subject to the restrictive measures against Syria
Il Tribunale annulla l’iscrizione della Syria International Islamic Bank nell’elenco delle entità destinatarie delle misure restrittive nei confronti della Siria
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The fact that the bank has carried out financial transactions for persons who also have accounts with two other banks designated by the Council cannot be considered sufficient to justify its inclusion
La circostanza che la banca abbia effettuato transazioni finanziarie per persone che dispongono anche di conti presso altre due banche designate dal Consiglio non può essere considerata sufficiente a giustificare la sua iscrizione
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Syria International Islamic Bank (‘SIIB’) is a Syrian bank the capital of which is held by Qatari and Syrian shareholders.
La Syria International Islamic Bank («SIIB») è una banca siriana il cui capitale è detenuto da azionisti del Qatar e della Siria.
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The Council adopted restrictive measures (freezing of funds) against SIIB on the following ground:
Il Consiglio ha adottato misure restrittive (congelamento di capitali) nei confronti della SIIB con la seguente motivazione:
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‘SIIB has acted as a front for the Commercial Bank of Syria, which has allowed that bank to circumvent sanctions imposed on it by the EU.
«La SIIB ha offerto copertura alla Commercial Bank of Syria, consentendo a tale banca di eludere le sanzioni impostele dall’UE.
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From 2011 to 2012, SIIB surreptitiously facilitated financing worth almost $150 million on behalf of the Commercial Bank of Syria.
Dal 2011 al 2012, la SIIB ha agevolato in modo surrettizio finanziamenti per un valore di quasi 150 milioni di dollari per conto della Commercial Bank of Syria.
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Financial arrangements that were purportedly made by SIIB were actually made by the Commercial Bank of Syria.
Gli accordi finanziari che sarebbero stati conclusi dalla SIIB sono in realtà da attribuire alla Commercial Bank of Syria.
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In addition to working with the Commercial Bank of Syria to circumvent sanctions, in 2012, SIIB facilitated several substantial payments for the Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank, another bank already designated by the EU.
Oltre a lavorare con la Commercial Bank of Syria per eludere le sanzioni, nel 2012 la SIIB ha agevolato una serie di ingenti pagamenti per la Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank, un altro istituto già designato dall’UE.
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In these ways, SIIB has contributed to providing financial support to the Syrian regime.
Così facendo la SIIB ha contribuito a fornire sostegno finanziario al regime siriano».
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SIIB is seeking annulment of its inclusion.
La SIIB chiede l’annullamento della sua iscrizione.
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In today’s judgment, the General Court grants the application for annulment.
Con la sua odierna sentenza, il Tribunale accoglie il ricorso di annullamento.
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The General Court finds that SIIB became subject to restrictive measures on the ground that it had facilitated financing on behalf of Commercial Bank of Syria (‘CBS’) and Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank (‘SLCB’), both designated by the Council.
Il Tribunale rileva che la SIIB è stata colpita dalle misure restrittive con la motivazione che essa avrebbe agevolato finanziamenti per conto della Commercial Bank of Syria («CBS») e della Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank («SLCB»), entrambe designate dal Consiglio.
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More specifically, the Council alleges that SIIB carried out financial transactions for natural or legal persons who, without being included in the list of persons and entities affected by those measures, had bank accounts with the two aforementioned banks.
Più precisamente, il Consiglio imputa alla SIIB di aver effettuato transazioni finanziarie per persone fisiche o giuridiche che, senza essere a loro volta iscritte negli elenchi delle persone ed entità colpite da tali misure, disponevano di conti bancari presso le due banche citate.
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However, the Council has not, according to the General Court, proved that the transactions carried out by SIIB for clients who also have an account with CBS or SLCB involve a particularly high risk that the money comes from the Syrian regime or from natural or legal persons subject to the restrictive measures at issue:
Tuttavia, il Consiglio non è riuscito, secondo il Tribunale, a provare che le transazioni effettuate dalla SIIB per clienti che dispongono anche di un conto presso la CBS o la SLCB comportino il rischio particolarmente elevato che il denaro provenga dal regime siriano o da persone fisiche o giuridiche destinatarie delle misure restrittive in questione:
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CBS and SLCB have not been designated because of evidence relating to their clients, but because CBS belongs to the Syrian State and SLCB is its subsidiary.
la CBS e la SLCB, infatti, sono state designate non in considerazione di elementi relativi alla loro clientela, bensì a motivo, per la prima, della propria appartenenza allo Stato siriano e, per la seconda, della propria qualità di controllata della prima.
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Furthermore, the General Court notes that the Council has not presented any evidence from which it might be inferred that the clients of SIIB are implicated in the violent repression of the civilian population in Syria.
Peraltro, il Tribunale rileva che il Consiglio non ha presentato alcun elemento che consenta di ritenere che i clienti della SIIB siano coinvolti nella repressione violenta esercitata contro la popolazione civile in Siria.
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Moreover, the Council has not claimed that the names of those clients, which it did not identify, were included in the lists of persons and entities subject to the restrictive measures against Syria.
Il Consiglio, del resto, non ha sostenuto che i nomi di tali clienti, che non ha nemmeno identificato, fossero inseriti negli elenchi delle persone ed entità destinatarie delle misure restrittive nei confronti della Siria.
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Therefore, the fact that the applicant carried out financial transactions for persons who also have accounts with CBS or SLCB cannot be considered to be sufficient to justify its inclusion.
Pertanto, la circostanza che la ricorrente abbia effettuato transazioni finanziarie per persone che dispongono anche di conti presso la CBS o la SLCB non può essere considerata sufficiente a giustificare la sua iscrizione.
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Since the Council has not, during the proceedings, provided any other evidence from which it would have been possible to verify whether the alleged facts were materially accurate, the General Court annuls the contested acts due to a manifest error committed by the Council in the assessment of the facts.
Dato che il Consiglio, nel corso del procedimento, non ha fornito altri elementi dai quali fosse possibile verificare l’esattezza materiale dei fatti affermati, il Tribunale dispone l’annullamento degli atti impugnati a causa dell’errore manifesto in cui il Consiglio è incorso nella valutazione dei fatti.
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An appeal, limited to points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against the decision of the General Court within two months of notification of the decision.
Contro la decisione del Tribunale, entro due mesi a decorrere dalla data della sua notifica, può essere proposta un'impugnazione, limitata alle questioni di diritto, dinanzi alla Corte.
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An action for annulment seeks the annulment of acts of the institutions of the European Union that are contrary to European Union law.
Il ricorso di annullamento mira a far annullare atti delle istituzioni dell’Unione contrari al diritto dell’Unione.
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The Member States, the European institutions and individuals may, under certain conditions, bring an action for annulment before the Court of Justice or the General Court.
A determinate condizioni, gli Stati membri, le istituzioni europee e i privati possono investire la Corte di giustizia o il Tribunale di un ricorso di annullamento.
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If the action is well founded, the act is annulled.
Se il ricorso è fondato, l’atto viene annullato.
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The institution concerned must fill any legal vacuum created by the annulment of the act. |
L’istituzione interessata deve rimediare all’eventuale lacuna giuridica creata dall’annullamento dell’atto. |
The General Court annuls the inclusion of Syria International Islamic Bank
in the list of entities subject to the restrictive measures against Syria
The fact that the bank has carried out financial transactions for
persons who also have accounts with two other banks designated by the Council
cannot be considered sufficient to justify its inclusion
Syria International Islamic Bank (‘SIIB’) is a Syrian bank the capital of
which is held by Qatari and Syrian shareholders.
The Council adopted restrictive measures (freezing of funds) against SIIB on
the following ground:
‘SIIB has acted as a front for the Commercial Bank of Syria, which has
allowed that bank to circumvent sanctions imposed on it by the EU.
From 2011 to 2012, SIIB surreptitiously facilitated financing worth almost
$150 million on behalf of the Commercial Bank of Syria.
Financial arrangements that were purportedly made by SIIB were actually made
by the Commercial Bank of Syria.
In addition to working with the Commercial Bank of Syria to circumvent
sanctions, in 2012, SIIB facilitated several substantial payments for the Syrian
Lebanese Commercial Bank, another bank already designated by the EU.
In these ways, SIIB has contributed to providing financial support to the
Syrian regime.
SIIB is seeking annulment of its inclusion.
In today’s judgment, the General Court grants the application for annulment.
The General Court finds that SIIB became subject to restrictive measures on
the ground that it had facilitated financing on behalf of Commercial Bank of
Syria (‘CBS’) and Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank (‘SLCB’), both designated by
the Council.
More specifically, the Council alleges that SIIB carried out financial
transactions for natural or legal persons who, without being included in the
list of persons and entities affected by those measures, had bank accounts with
the two aforementioned banks.
However, the Council has not, according to the General Court, proved that the
transactions carried out by SIIB for clients who also have an account with CBS
or SLCB involve a particularly high risk that the money comes from the Syrian
regime or from natural or legal persons subject to the restrictive measures at
CBS and SLCB have not been designated because of evidence relating to their
clients, but because CBS belongs to the Syrian State and SLCB is its subsidiary.
Furthermore, the General Court notes that the Council has not presented any
evidence from which it might be inferred that the clients of SIIB are implicated
in the violent repression of the civilian population in Syria.
Moreover, the Council has not claimed that the names of those clients, which
it did not identify, were included in the lists of persons and entities subject
to the restrictive measures against Syria.
Therefore, the fact that the applicant carried out financial transactions for
persons who also have accounts with CBS or SLCB cannot be considered to be
sufficient to justify its inclusion.
Since the Council has not, during the proceedings, provided any other
evidence from which it would have been possible to verify whether the alleged
facts were materially accurate, the General Court annuls the contested acts due
to a manifest error committed by the Council in the assessment of the facts.
An appeal, limited to points of law only, may be brought before the Court of
Justice against the decision of the General Court within two months of
notification of the decision.
An action for annulment seeks the annulment of acts of the institutions of
the European Union that are contrary to European Union law.
The Member States, the European institutions and individuals may, under
certain conditions, bring an action for annulment before the Court of Justice or
the General Court.
If the action is well founded, the act is annulled.
The institution concerned must fill any legal vacuum created by the annulment
of the act.