Brasile 2014: campagna UE contro lo sfruttamento sessuale di minori
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Data documento: 12-06-2014
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EU launches campaign to combat sexual violence against minors during World Cup
Brasile 2014: campagna UE contro lo sfruttamento sessuale di minori
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A new campaign designed to raise awareness of the sexual exploitation of minors in Brazil during the World Cup was today launched by the European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso.
Il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha lanciato oggi una campagna di sensibilizzazione contro lo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori in vista dei mondiali di calcio 2014 in Brasile.
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The ‘Don’t Look Away’ (or “Não Desvie o Olhar” in Portuguese) campaign is being supported by well-known Brazilian footballers, such as Kaká and Juninho Pernambucano, and targets Brazilians and foreigners who are attending the World Cup 2014, raising awareness that sexual exploitation is a crime.
Sostenuta da stelle del football brasiliano del calibro di Kakà e Juninho Pernambucano, la campagna Não Desvie o Olhar (in inglese Don't look away) intende ricordare ai brasiliani e a chi si recherà in Brasile per i mondiali 2014 che lo sfruttamento sessuale è un reato.
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The project involves setting up training seminars for public managers and debates on the subject in each host city of the World Cup matches, as well as increasing support to combat sexual exploitation and making victims aware of their rights. It includes the wide promotion of the 'Call 100' hotline to enable anyone who witnesses the sexual exploitation of minors to report it.
Oltre a dibattiti sul tema e seminari rivolti a dirigenti pubblici nelle città in cui si disputano i mondiali, è previsto un potenziamento del sostegno alla lotta contro lo sfruttamento sessuale e verrà colta l'occasione per far conoscere alle vittime i propri diritti e promuovere il servizio Call 100, un numero verde che permette di segnalare i casi di sfruttamento sessuale.
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Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs said:
Il Commissario per lo Sviluppo Andris Piebalgs ha aggiunto:
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"Brazil has had an incredible story to tell in terms of its development, with around 40 million people being lifted out of poverty in 10 years.
"Il Brasile è riuscito in un decennio a far uscire dalla povertà qualcosa come 40 milioni di
persone: un percorso di sviluppo che ha dell'incredibile.
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Yet some parts of society still don't enjoy the human rights that we take for granted.
Oggi però alcuni settori della società non hanno ancora accesso a diritti umani per noi scontati.
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The EU has worked on key projects to address this in the 12 host cities for the World Cup; such as supporting young people's rights in the favelas of Rio, empowering indigenous communities in Cuiaba, or protecting the poorest workers of São Paulo."
Per questo l'Unione europea ha lanciato una serie di importanti progetti nelle 12 città dei mondiali a sostegno dei diritti dei minori nelle favelas di Rio, dell'emancipazione delle comunità indigene di Cuiaba e dei lavoratori di São Paulo più indigenti".
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The ‘Don’t Look Away’ international campaign, organised by the EU’s delegation in Brazil, is being run in more than 15 countries with the ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking) network.
Não Desvie o Olhar è una campagna internazionale organizzata dalla delegazione UE in Brasile e che coinvolge oltre 15 paesi nel quadro della rete ECPAT contro la prostituzione, la pornografia e la tratta di minori.
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The mayors of the 12 World Cup host cities have embraced the campaign, with a view to further improving the protection of children and adolescents, during the 2014 World Cup and other major events, such as the 2016 Olympics, which will also take place in Brazil.
I sindaci della 12 città dei mondiali hanno sottoscritto l'iniziativa per tutelare meglio bambini e adolescenti in vista dei mondiali di calcio 2014 e di altri grandi eventi, come le Olimpiadi del 2016, che si terranno anche in Brasile.
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Human rights are one of the main areas of the EU’s work in Brazil. The EU has been running key projects in this area in the 12 host cities of the World Cup.
I diritti umani sono tra i principali ambiti d'intervento dell'Unione europea in Brasile, dove l'UE conduce una serie di importanti progetti nelle 12 città dei mondiali.
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These include:
Tra questi:
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- A project to protect women from violence in Paraíba (a state in the South of Natal)- helping them to get involved in the legal decision-making process and providing training in matters relating to violence, gender, race and political involvement.
- un progetto contro la violenza femminile nello Stato di Paraíba (a sud di Natal) che promuove la partecipazione delle donne al processo decisionale e informa su temi quali parità di genere, violenza, razzismo e partecipazione politica.
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Women involved in the project include female farmers, indigenous groups and wives of the area’s recycled waste collectors.
Vi partecipano agricoltrici e gruppi di indigene della zona di raccolta dei rifiuti riciclati;
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- A new programme to safeguard the rights of children and adolescents in Salvador, designed to highlight the problems of domestic violence, sexual abuse, mistreatment, theft and drug trafficking in the area.
- un nuovo programma a tutela dei diritti di bambini e adolescenti di Salvador che affronta problemi di violenza domestica, abuso sessuale, maltrattamento, furto e traffico di stupefacenti nella zona.
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The project will provide 1,120 children and adolescents with day care or residential facilities and will raise awareness with more than 15,000 citizens of the dramatic consequences of sexual exploitation and violence on its young victims.
L'obiettivo è erogare servizi di assistenza diurna e accoglienza residenziale a 1 120 bambini e adolescenti e sensibilizzare oltre 15 000 cittadini sulle conseguenze drammatiche dello sfruttamento e delle violenze sessuali sulle giovani vittime;
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- A project to provide legal aid to help the indigenous peoples of Xingu, in Cuiaba and other areas of the Mato Grosso state, and Quilombos communities in the Ribeira valley, in Sao Paolo, to defend their territorial rights.
- un progetto di patrocinio legale gratuito inteso a difendere i diritti territoriali delle popolazioni indigene di Xingun, a Cuiaba e in altre aree dello stato del Mato Grosso, e delle comunità Quilombos nella valle di Ribeira a São Paulo.
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The Quilombos communities suffer from the lack of recognition of their territorial rights and their identity as a community.This project observes the legal actions which threaten the right of the indigenous peoples to their traditional territories, and keeps them informed of developments therein (such as disputes over already approved boundaries.)
A fronte del disconoscimento dell'identità e dei diritti territoriali della comunità Quilombos, il progetto monitorizza le procedure giudiziarie che minacciano le popolazioni indigene nel godimento dei loro diritti territoriali, informandole sugli sviluppi (per es. le controversie sui confini già riconosciuti).
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Between 2007-2013, the European Commission provided €61m in funding to Brazil for EU-Brazil relations (eg trade, human rights, economic and social development and the environment).
Tra il 2007 e il 2013 la Commissione europea ha erogato al Brasile fondi per 61 milioni di euro nel quadro delle relazioni bilaterali (per es. commercio, diritti umani, sviluppo economico e sociale e ambiente).
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Between 2014-2020, the European Commission will provide €7.5m in funding to Brazil for EU-Brazil relations (higher education with Erasmus Mundus and a Sectorial Dialogues project, which includes among other themes, human rights, environment and science and technology).
L'importo stanziato per le relazioni UE-Brasile per il periodo 2014-2020 ammonta a 7,5 milioni di euro (istruzione superiore nel quadro di Erasmus Mundus e un progetto di dialoghi settoriali che abbraccia diritti umani, ambiente, scienza e tecnologia).
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The new Partnership Instrument (PI), for which projects are under preparation, will also contribute with new resources for cooperation with Brazil in several sectors such as climate change, renewable energy, public diplomacy, and promoting trade and investment, among other areas.
Il nuovo strumento di partenariato, i cui progetti sono in fase di elaborazione, metterà inoltre a disposizione della cooperazione con il paese nuovi fondi destinati a cambiamenti climatici, energie rinnovabili, diplomazia pubblica e promozione di scambi e investimenti. |
EU launches campaign to combat sexual violence against minors during World
A new campaign designed to raise awareness of the sexual exploitation of
minors in Brazil during the World Cup was today launched by the European
Commission President, José Manuel Barroso.
The ‘Don’t Look Away’ (or "Não Desvie o Olhar" in Portuguese) campaign is
being supported by well-known Brazilian footballers, such as Kaká and Juninho
Pernambucano, and targets Brazilians and foreigners who are attending the World
Cup 2014, raising awareness that sexual exploitation is a crime.
The project involves setting up training seminars for public managers and
debates on the subject in each host city of the World Cup matches, as well as
increasing support to combat sexual exploitation and making victims aware of
their rights. It includes the wide promotion of the 'Call 100' hotline to enable
anyone who witnesses the sexual exploitation of minors to report it.
Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs said:
"Brazil has had an incredible story to tell in terms of its development, with
around 40 million people being lifted out of poverty in 10 years.
Yet some parts of society still don't enjoy the human rights that we take for
The EU has worked on key projects to address this in the 12 host cities for
the World Cup; such as supporting young people's rights in the favelas of Rio,
empowering indigenous communities in Cuiaba, or protecting the poorest workers
of São Paulo."
The ‘Don’t Look Away’ international campaign, organised by the EU’s
delegation in Brazil, is being run in more than 15 countries with the ECPAT (End
Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking) network.
The mayors of the 12 World Cup host cities have embraced the campaign, with a
view to further improving the protection of children and adolescents, during the
2014 World Cup and other major events, such as the 2016 Olympics, which will
also take place in Brazil.
Human rights are one of the main areas of the EU’s work in Brazil. The EU has
been running key projects in this area in the 12 host cities of the World Cup.
These include:
- A project to protect women from violence in Paraíba (a state in the South
of Natal)- helping them to get involved in the legal decision-making process and
providing training in matters relating to violence, gender, race and political
Women involved in the project include female farmers, indigenous groups and
wives of the area’s recycled waste collectors.
- A new programme to safeguard the rights of children and adolescents in
Salvador, designed to highlight the problems of domestic violence, sexual abuse,
mistreatment, theft and drug trafficking in the area.
The project will provide 1,120 children and adolescents with day care or
residential facilities and will raise awareness with more than 15,000 citizens
of the dramatic consequences of sexual exploitation and violence on its young
- A project to provide legal aid to help the indigenous peoples of Xingu, in
Cuiaba and other areas of the Mato Grosso state, and Quilombos communities in
the Ribeira valley, in Sao Paolo, to defend their territorial rights.
The Quilombos communities suffer from the lack of recognition of their
territorial rights and their identity as a community.This project observes the
legal actions which threaten the right of the indigenous peoples to their
traditional territories, and keeps them informed of developments therein (such
as disputes over already approved boundaries.)
Between 2007-2013, the European Commission provided €61m in funding to Brazil
for EU-Brazil relations (eg trade, human rights, economic and social development
and the environment).
Between 2014-2020, the European Commission will provide €7.5m in funding to
Brazil for EU-Brazil relations (higher education with Erasmus Mundus and a
Sectorial Dialogues project, which includes among other themes, human rights,
environment and science and technology).
The new Partnership Instrument (PI), for which projects are under
preparation, will also contribute with new resources for cooperation with Brazil
in several sectors such as climate change, renewable energy, public diplomacy,
and promoting trade and investment, among other areas.