Aiuto di Stato: la Commissione approva la concessione di aiuti al funzionamento all'aeroporto dello Stretto (Italia)
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Data documento: 11-06-2014
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State aid: Commission approves Italian operating aid to Stretto airport
Aiuto di Stato: la Commissione approva la concessione di aiuti al funzionamento all'aeroporto dello Stretto (Italia)
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The European Commission has found that Italian public capital injections into Stretto airport in Calabria, Italy, are in line with EU state aid rules.
La Commissione europea ha constatato che i conferimenti di capitale pubblico italiano all’aeroporto dello Stretto, in Calabria, sono conformi alle norme UE in materia di aiuti di Stato.
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In particular, the Commission has concluded that the measures have furthered the connectivity of Calabria, in line with EU transport objectives, without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.
In particolare, la Commissione ha concluso che le misure hanno migliorato la connettività in Calabria, in linea con gli obiettivi dell’UE in materia di trasporti, senza falsare indebitamente la concorrenza nel mercato unico.
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In 2010, the Commission had opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether capital injections carried out by the public shareholders of SO.G.A.S., the manager of the Italian Stretto airport, in 2005, 2006 and 2007 were in line with the state aid rules.
Nel 2010, la Commissione ha avviato un’indagine approfondita per valutare se i conferimenti di capitale effettuati dagli azionisti pubblici di SO.G.A.S., il gestore dell’aeroporto dello Stretto, nel 2005, 2006 e 2007 fossero conformi alle norme in materia di aiuti di Stato.
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The Commission's investigation has shown that the financing provided to SO.G.A.S.contributed to the development of safe and viable air transport infrastructure in Calabria, a region where remote accessibility and the underdeveloped freight mobility raise critical issues. |
L’indagine della Commissione ha dimostrato che i finanziamenti accordati a favore di SO.G.A.S.hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di infrastrutture di trasporto aereo sicure ed efficienti in Calabria, ove la scarsa accessibilità e l’insufficiente offerta di mobilità per le merci costituiscono altrettante criticità per la regione.
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This has clearly helped improving the accessibility and connectivity of Calabria and furthered the development of the region.
I finanziamenti hanno chiaramente contribuito a migliorare l’accessibilità e la connettività in Calabria e potenziato lo sviluppo della regione.
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The Commission found that the aid did not exceed the amount required to cover the airport's losses.
La Commissione ha appurato che l’aiuto non supera l’importo necessario per coprire le perdite dell’aeroporto.
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Moreover, Stretto is over 100 km from the next regional airport.This limits the potential distortion of competition triggered by the aid.
Inoltre, l'aeroporto dello Stretto si trova a oltre 100 km dal più vicino aeroporto regionale, aspetto che limita i potenziali effetti di distorsione della concorrenza provocati dagli aiuti.
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The Commission has assessed the aid under the new Aviation Guidelines, which allow, under certain conditions, operating aid to airports for a transitional period of ten years (see IP/14/72).
Questo è il primo aiuto al funzionamento che la Commissione ha valutato alla luce dei nuovi orientamenti per il settore dell’aviazione, i quali consentono, a talune condizioni e per un periodo transitorio di dieci anni, la concessione di aiuti al funzionamento agli aeroporti (cfr. IP/14/72).
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On 20 March 2014, the Commission adopted new Aviation Guidelines (see IP/14/72), which came into force on 4 April 2014.
Il 20 marzo 2014, la Commissione ha adottato i nuovi orientamenti per il settore dell’aviazione (cfr.IP/14/72), che sono entrati in vigore il 4 aprile 2014.
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The new guidelines replaced the previously applicable guidelines adopted in 2005.
I nuovi orientamenti hanno sostituito quelli precedentemente in vigore, adottati nel 2005.
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Under the new rules, past operating aid in favour of regional airports is in line with EU state aid rules when it increases the mobility of EU citizens and connectivity of the regions or facilitates regional development, is limited to the minimum necessary and does not lead to undue distortions of competition.
In base alle nuove norme, i precedenti aiuti al funzionamento a favore di aeroporti regionali sono considerati in linea con le norme UE in materia di aiuti di Stato se aumentano la mobilità dei cittadini dell’UE e la connettività delle regioni o agevolano lo sviluppo regionale, se sono limitati al minimo necessario e se non causano indebite distorsioni della concorrenza.
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The non-confidential version of the decision will be available under the case number SA.26818 in the State Aid Register on the competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.
La versione non riservata della decisione sarà consultabile sotto il numero SA.26818 del State Aid Register, sul sito internet della DG Concorrenza, una volta risolte eventuali questioni di riservatezza.
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New publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the Official Journal are listed in the State Aid Weekly e-News.
Le nuove decisioni in materia di aiuti di Stato pubblicate su internet e nella Gazzetta ufficiale figurano nel bollettino elettronico di informazione settimanale in materia di aiuti di Stato (State Aid Weekly e-News).
State aid: Commission approves Italian operating aid to Stretto airport
The European Commission has found that Italian public capital injections into
Stretto airport in Calabria, Italy, are in line with EU state aid rules.
In particular, the Commission has concluded that the measures have furthered
the connectivity of Calabria, in line with EU transport objectives, without
unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.
In 2010, the Commission had opened an in-depth investigation to assess
whether capital injections carried out by the public shareholders of SO.G.A.S.,
the manager of the Italian Stretto airport, in 2005, 2006 and 2007 were in line
with the state aid rules.
The Commission's investigation has shown that the financing provided to
SO.G.A.S.contributed to the development of safe and viable air transport
infrastructure in Calabria, a region where remote accessibility and the
underdeveloped freight mobility raise critical issues
This has clearly helped improving the accessibility and connectivity of
Calabria and furthered the development of the region.
The Commission found that the aid did not exceed the amount required to cover
the airport's losses.
Moreover, Stretto is over 100 km from the next regional airport.This limits
the potential distortion of competition triggered by the aid.
The Commission has assessed the aid under the new Aviation Guidelines, which
allow, under certain conditions, operating aid to airports for a transitional
period of ten years (see IP/14/72).
On 20 March 2014, the Commission adopted new Aviation Guidelines (see
IP/14/72), which came into force on 4 April 2014.
The new guidelines replaced the previously applicable guidelines adopted in
Under the new rules, past operating aid in favour of regional airports is in
line with EU state aid rules when it increases the mobility of EU citizens and
connectivity of the regions or facilitates regional development, is limited to
the minimum necessary and does not lead to undue distortions of competition.
The non-confidential version of the decision will be available under the case
number SA.26818 in the State Aid Register on the competition website once any
confidentiality issues have been resolved.
New publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the Official
Journal are listed in the State Aid Weekly e-News.