Costruire la crescita: raccomandazioni specifiche per paese 2014
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Data documento: 02-06-2014
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Building growth: Country-specific recommendations 2014
Costruire la crescita: raccomandazioni specifiche per paese 2014
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Brussels, 2 June 2014 – The European Commission has today adopted a series of economic policy recommendations to individual Member States to strengthen the recovery that began a year ago.
Bruxelles, 2 giugno 2014 – Oggi la Commissione europea ha adottato una serie di raccomandazioni di politica economica rivolte ai singoli Stati membri per consolidare la ripresa iniziata l'anno scorso.
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The recommendations are based on detailed analyses of each country's situation and provide guidance on how to boost growth, increase competitiveness and create jobs in 2014-2015.
Le raccomandazioni si basano sull'analisi dettagliata della situazione di ciascun paese e forniscono orientamenti su come rilanciare la crescita, aumentare la competitività e creare posti di lavoro nel 2014-2015.
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This year, the emphasis has shifted from addressing the urgent problems caused by the crisis to strengthening the conditions for sustainable growth and employment in a post-crisis economy.
Dopo aver affrontato i problemi urgenti causati dalla crisi, quest'anno è stato posto l'accento sulla creazione di un contesto più favorevole alla crescita sostenibile e all'occupazione in un'economia post-crisi.
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As part of today's package, which marks the culmination of the fourth European Semester of economic policy coordination, the Commission has also adopted several decisions on Member States' public finances under the Stability and Growth Pact.Taken together, they represent an ambitious set of reforms for the EU economy.
Come parte del pacchetto odierno, che segna il culmine del quarto semestre europeo per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche, la Commissione ha adottato anche, nell'ambito del patto di stabilità e crescita, numerose decisioni relative alle finanze pubbliche degli Stati membri, che rappresentano complessivamente un'ambiziosa serie di riforme dell'economia dell'UE.
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President José Manuel Barroso said:
Il Presidente José Manuel Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"This is about helping Member States firmly out of the crisis and back to growth, with the country-specific recommendations acting as a compass showing the direction.
"Le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese indicano agli Stati membri la direzione da seguire per uscire definitivamente dalla crisi e rilanciare la crescita.
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The efforts and sacrifices made across Europe have started to pay off.
Gli sforzi e i sacrifici compiuti in tutta Europa iniziano a dare i loro frutti.
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Growth is picking up and - while still too modest - we will see a rise in employment from this year onwards.
La crescita sta ripartendo e l'occupazione, il cui livello è ancora troppo basso, aumenterà a partire da quest'anno.
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The fundamental challenge for the EU now is political:
Ora la sfida principale per l'UE è di natura politica:
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How do we keep up support for reform as the pressure of the crisis recedes?
come fare per continuare a sostenere le riforme a mano a mano che la pressione della crisi si attenua?
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If politicians show leadership and summon the political will to see reform through – even if it is unpopular - we can deliver a stronger recovery and a better standard of living for everyone."
Se i politici assumeranno un ruolo guida e mobiliteranno la volontà politica necessaria per attuare le riforme, comprese quelle impopolari, sarà possibile consolidare la crescita e garantire a tutti un miglior tenore di vita."
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According to the Commission's analysis, sustained policy efforts at all levels in recent years have put the EU economy on much firmer ground.
Secondo l'analisi della Commissione, il notevole impegno in termini di politiche profuso a tutti i livelli da qualche anno a questa parte ha notevolmente consolidato le basi dell'economia dell'Unione.
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However, growth will remain uneven and fragile over 2014-2015, so the momentum for reform must be maintained.
Nel 2014-2015, tuttavia, la crescita rimarrà fragile e disomogenea, per cui bisogna mantenere lo slancio delle riforme.
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Over the longer term, the EU's growth potential is still relatively low:
Il potenziale di crescita a lungo termine dell'UE è ancora relativamente modesto:
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high unemployment levels and the difficult social situation will only improve slowly and the large investment gap will take time to be filled.
gli elevati livelli di disoccupazione e la difficile situazione sociale miglioreranno lentamente e ci vorrà tempo per colmare l'enorme fabbisogno di investimenti.
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The 2014 country-specific recommendations
Raccomandazioni specifiche per paese 2014
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This year, recommendations have been made to 26 countries (excluding Greece and Cyprus, which are implementing economic adjustment programmes).They reflect progress made since the 2013 round of recommendations, which has yielded positive results:
Quest'anno sono state rivolte raccomandazioni a 26 paesi (tranne Grecia e Cipro, che stanno attuando programmi di aggiustamento economico), da cui risulta che i progressi compiuti dal 2013 hanno dato risultati positivi:
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- Growth has returned, including in most of the countries affected by the crisis.
- la crescita è ripresa, anche nella maggior parte dei paesi colpiti dalla crisi.
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Only Cyprus and Croatia are expected to see their economies shrink this year, and by 2015, all EU economies are expected to be growing again.
Solo le economie cipriota e croata dovrebbero registrare una contrazione quest'anno e tutte le economie dovrebbero essere nuovamente in fase di espansione entro il 2015;
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- Public finances continue to improve.
- le finanze pubbliche continuano a migliorare.
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In 2014, the aggregate budget deficit of EU countries is expected to fall below the 3% of GDP limit for the first time since the crisis hit.
Nel 2014 i disavanzi di bilancio aggregati dei paesi dell'UE dovrebbero scendere, per la prima volta dall'inizio della crisi, sotto il limite del 3% del PIL.
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The Commission recommends that Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Slovakia and The Netherlands exit the Excessive Deficit Procedure, which will bring the number of countries still in the Excessive Deficit Procedure down to 11 (from 24 in 2011).
La Commissione raccomanda che l'Austria, il Belgio, la Repubblica ceca, la Danimarca, la Slovacchia e i Paesi Bassi escano dalla procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi, il che porterà a 11 (da 24 nel 2011) il numero dei paesi ancora soggetti a questa procedura;
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- Reforms in the most vulnerable countries are paying off.
- le riforme nei paesi più vulnerabili stanno iniziando a dare i loro frutti.
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Ireland exited its financial assistance programme in December 2013, Spain in January 2014 and Portugal in May 2014.
Irlanda, Spagna e Portogallo sono usciti dai programmi di assistenza finanziaria rispettivamente a dicembre 2013, gennaio 2014 e maggio 2014.
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Greece is forecast to return to growth in 2014, while the situation in Cyprus has stabilised.
Nel 2014 è previsto un ritorno della crescita in Grecia, mentre a Cipro la situazione si è stabilizzata.
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Thanks to its determined pursuit of economic reforms, Latvia was able to join the euro in January.
Una risoluta attuazione delle riforme economiche ha permesso alla Lettonia di aderire all'euro a gennaio;
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- Rebalancing is taking place, with current account positions improving in a number of countries.
- è in atto una correzione degli squilibri, con un miglioramento delle posizioni delle partite correnti di diversi paesi.
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In March 2014, for the first time since the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure was introduced, the Commission concluded that two countries (Denmark and Malta) are no longer experiencing imbalances, and that Spain was no longer in a situation of excessive imbalance.
Nel marzo 2014, per la prima volta dall'istituzione della procedura per gli squilibri macroeconomici, la Commissione ha concluso che due paesi (Danimarca e Malta) non presentavano più squilibri e che la Spagna non si trovava più in una situazione di squilibrio eccessivo;
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- The outlook is for a modest rise in employment from this year onwards, and a decline in unemployment to 10.4% by 2015, as labour market developments typically lag behind GDP by half a year or more.
- visto che di norma gli sviluppi del mercato del lavoro si manifestano con almeno sei mesi di ritardo rispetto all'evoluzione del PIL, si prevedono un modesto aumento dell'occupazione da quest'anno in poi e un calo del tasso di disoccupazione a livello di UE fino al 10,4% entro il 2015.
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Major reforms to improve the resilience of the labour market have been introduced in several Member States, including Spain, Portugal, Italy and France.
In diversi Stati membri, tra cui Spagna, Portogallo, Italia e Francia, sono state intraprese profonde riforme per migliorare la resilienza del mercato del lavoro.
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However, because the recovery is still unevenly spread and fragile, structural reforms of our economies need to continue, specifically:
Visto il carattere ancora fragile e disomogeneo della ripresa, tuttavia, occorre proseguire le riforme strutturali delle nostre economie, mirando in particolare a:
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- To tackle high unemployment, inequality and poverty:
- lottare contro l'elevata disoccupazione, le disuguaglianze e la povertà:
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The crisis has had a severe and lasting impact on the level of unemployment in the EU, which remained dramatically high at 10.8% in 2013, with differences ranging from 4.9% in Austria to 27.3% in Greece.
la crisi ha avuto ripercussioni pesanti e durature sul livello di disoccupazione nell'UE, che nel 2013 è rimasto altissimo (10,8%) con variazioni dal 4,9% dell'Austria al 27,3% della Grecia.
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This requires continued reforms of employment policies, as well as improved coverage and performance of education and welfare systems.
Occorre pertanto continuare a riformare le politiche occupazionali e migliorare la copertura e i risultati dei sistemi di istruzione e previdenza sociale.
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Particular attention is paid in the recommendations to tackling youth unemployment, notably by implementing a Youth Guarantee.
Va rivolta particolare attenzione alle raccomandazioni relative
alla lotta contro la disoccupazione giovanile, in particolare attraverso
l'attuazione di una Garanzia per i giovani.8c
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- To shift to jobs-friendlier taxation:
- passare a un'imposizione più favorevole all'occupazione:
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Many countries have relied on tax rises rather than spending cuts during the crisis and the overall tax burden has risen.
durante la crisi molti paesi hanno optato per un aumento delle imposte anziché operare tagli alla spesa, con un conseguente incremento del carico fiscale complessivo.
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Because there is limited room for manoeuvre when it comes to public finances, a number of recommendations focus on shifting taxation from labour to more recurrent property, consumption and environmental taxes, to strengthen tax compliance and fight tax fraud.
Visto il margine di manovra limitato a livello di finanze
pubbliche, un certo numero di raccomandazioni prevede lo spostamento del carico
fiscale dal lavoro alle imposte ricorrenti sui beni immobili, sui consumi e
sull'ambiente, in modo da rafforzare il rispetto dell'obbligo tributario e
combattere l'evasione fiscale.
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- To boost private investment:
- rilanciare gli investimenti privati:
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Bank funding remains tight in Italy, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia and Cyprus, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
la concessione di finanziamenti bancari, specialmente per le piccole e medie imprese, rimane soggetta a condizioni estremamente rigide in Italia, Grecia, Spagna, Lituania, Slovenia, Croazia e Cipro.
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The recommendations point to a need to further stabilise the banking sector and support alternative forms of finance – for instance, loan guarantee schemes or corporate bonds.
Le raccomandazioni evidenziano la necessità di stabilizzare ulteriormente il settore bancario e di sostenere forme di finanziamento alternative, come i sistemi di garanzia dei prestiti o le obbligazioni societarie;
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- To make our economies more competitive:
- rendere più competitive le nostre economie:
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Progress on structural reforms of key sectors remains limited compared to 2013.
i progressi sul fronte delle riforme strutturali nei settori principali rimangono limitati rispetto al 2013.
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A number of recommendations this year push for further reforms in the services sector, energy and transport infrastructure, R&D systems and competition law.
Quest'anno diverse raccomandazioni caldeggiano ulteriori riforme dei servizi, delle infrastrutture dell'energia e dei trasporti, dei sistemi di R&S e del diritto della concorrenza;
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- To bring down debt:
- ridurre il debito:
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Due to the accumulation of deficits over time, public debt is forecast to peak this year and needs to be put on a downward path, particularly in Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Portugal, where it remains above 100% of GDP.
il debito pubblico, che quest'anno dovrebbe raggiungere un picco a causa dei disavanzi accumulatisi nel tempo, va riportato su un percorso discendente, specialmente in Belgio, Irlanda, Grecia, Spagna, Italia, Cipro e Portogallo, dove supera tuttora il 100% del PIL.
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The challenge for public finances is to manage the costs of ageing – particularly pensions and healthcare - and to preserve growth-enhancing expenditure in education, research and innovation
Il problema per le finanze pubbliche è gestire il costo dell'invecchiamento demografico, soprattutto in termini di pensioni e assistenza sanitaria, pur mantenendo una spesa favorevole alla crescita per l'istruzione, la ricerca e l'innovazione.
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Budgetary decisions
Decisioni di bilancio
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The European Commission has today recommended that the EU Council of Ministers close the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) for six countries:
Oggi la Commissione europea ha raccomandato che il Consiglio dei ministri dell'UE chiuda la procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi per sei paesi:
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Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands and Slovakia.
Austria, Belgio, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Paesi Bassi e Slovacchia.
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The Commission has also published a report analysing the reasons for a planned and forecast breach of the Treaty reference value for public debt (60% of GDP) in the case of Finland. It has concluded that the launch of an EDP is not merited since the excess is due to the country’s contributions to solidarity operations for euro area countries.
La Commissione ha inoltre pubblicato una relazione in cui analizza i motivi di una violazione programmata e prevista del valore di riferimento stabilito dal trattato per il debito pubblico (60% del PIL) nel caso della Finlandia, concludendo che l'avvio di una procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi non si giustifica in quanto il superamento è dovuto ai contributi del paese alle operazioni di solidarietà per i paesi della zona euro.
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In addition, the Commission has concluded that two countries, Poland and Croatia, have taken effective action in response to the Council Recommendations to those countries under the EDP.
La Commissione ha concluso altresì che due paesi, cioè Polonia e Croazia, hanno dato seguito effettivo alle raccomandazioni rivolte loro dal Consiglio nell'ambito della procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The country-specific recommendations will be discussed by EU leaders and EU ministers in June. They will be formally adopted by the EU's Council of Finance Ministers on 8 July.
Le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese saranno discusse a giugno dai leader e dai ministri dell'UE, per poi essere formalmente adottate l'8 luglio dal Consiglio dei ministri delle Finanze dell'Unione.
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It will then be up to Member States to implement the recommendations by taking them up when drafting their national budgets and other relevant policies for 2015.
A quel punto spetterà agli Stati membri metterle in atto integrandole nell'elaborazione dei bilanci nazionali e delle altre politiche pertinenti per il 2015.
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The recommendations under the Stability and Growth Pact will be discussed and adopted at the EU's Council of Finance Ministers on 20 June. |
Le raccomandazioni formulate nell'ambito del patto di stabilità e crescita saranno discusse e adottate in occasione del Consiglio dei ministri delle Finanze dell'UE del 20 giugno. |
Building growth: Country-specific recommendations 2014
Brussels, 2 June 2014 – The European Commission has today adopted a series of
economic policy recommendations to individual Member States to strengthen the
recovery that began a year ago.
The recommendations are based on detailed analyses of each country's
situation and provide guidance on how to boost growth, increase competitiveness
and create jobs in 2014-2015.
This year, the emphasis has shifted from addressing the urgent problems
caused by the crisis to strengthening the conditions for sustainable growth and
employment in a post-crisis economy.
As part of today's package, which marks the culmination of the fourth
European Semester of economic policy coordination, the Commission has also
adopted several decisions on Member States' public finances under the Stability
and Growth Pact.Taken together, they represent an ambitious set of reforms for
the EU economy.
President José Manuel Barroso said:
"This is about helping Member States firmly out of the crisis and back to
growth, with the country-specific recommendations acting as a compass showing
the direction.
The efforts and sacrifices made across Europe have started to pay off.
Growth is picking up and - while still too modest - we will see a rise in
employment from this year onwards.
The fundamental challenge for the EU now is political:
How do we keep up support for reform as the pressure of the crisis recedes?
If politicians show leadership and summon the political will to see reform
through – even if it is unpopular - we can deliver a stronger recovery and a
better standard of living for everyone."
According to the Commission's analysis, sustained policy efforts at all
levels in recent years have put the EU economy on much firmer ground.
However, growth will remain uneven and fragile over 2014-2015, so the
momentum for reform must be maintained.
Over the longer term, the EU's growth potential is still relatively low:
high unemployment levels and the difficult social situation will only improve
slowly and the large investment gap will take time to be filled.
The 2014 country-specific recommendations
This year, recommendations have been made to 26 countries (excluding Greece
and Cyprus, which are implementing economic adjustment programmes).They reflect
progress made since the 2013 round of recommendations, which has yielded
positive results:
- Growth has returned, including in most of the countries affected by the
Only Cyprus and Croatia are expected to see their economies shrink this year,
and by 2015, all EU economies are expected to be growing again.
- Public finances continue to improve.
In 2014, the aggregate budget deficit of EU countries is expected to fall
below the 3% of GDP limit for the first time since the crisis hit.
The Commission recommends that Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark,
Slovakia and The Netherlands exit the Excessive Deficit Procedure, which will
bring the number of countries still in the Excessive Deficit Procedure down to
11 (from 24 in 2011).
- Reforms in the most vulnerable countries are paying off.
Ireland exited its financial assistance programme in December 2013, Spain in
January 2014 and Portugal in May 2014.
Greece is forecast to return to growth in 2014, while the situation in Cyprus
has stabilised.
Thanks to its determined pursuit of economic reforms, Latvia was able to join
the euro in January.
- Rebalancing is taking place, with current account positions improving in a
number of countries.
In March 2014, for the first time since the Macroeconomic Imbalances
Procedure was introduced, the Commission concluded that two countries (Denmark
and Malta) are no longer experiencing imbalances, and that Spain was no longer
in a situation of excessive imbalance.
- The outlook is for a modest rise in employment from this year onwards, and
a decline in unemployment to 10.4% by 2015, as labour market developments
typically lag behind GDP by half a year or more.
Major reforms to improve the resilience of the labour market have been
introduced in several Member States, including Spain, Portugal, Italy and
However, because the recovery is still unevenly spread and fragile,
structural reforms of our economies need to continue, specifically:
- To tackle high unemployment, inequality and poverty:
The crisis has had a severe and lasting impact on the level of unemployment
in the EU, which remained dramatically high at 10.8% in 2013, with differences
ranging from 4.9% in Austria to 27.3% in Greece.
This requires continued reforms of employment policies, as well as improved
coverage and performance of education and welfare systems.
Particular attention is paid in the recommendations to tackling youth
unemployment, notably by implementing a Youth Guarantee.
- To shift to jobs-friendlier taxation:
Many countries have relied on tax rises rather than spending cuts during the
crisis and the overall tax burden has risen.
Because there is limited room for manoeuvre when it comes to public finances,
a number of recommendations focus on shifting taxation from labour to more
recurrent property, consumption and environmental taxes, to strengthen tax
compliance and fight tax fraud.
- To boost private investment:
Bank funding remains tight in Italy, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Slovenia,
Croatia and Cyprus, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The recommendations point to a need to further stabilise the banking sector
and support alternative forms of finance – for instance, loan guarantee schemes
or corporate bonds.
- To make our economies more competitive:
Progress on structural reforms of key sectors remains limited compared to
A number of recommendations this year push for further reforms in the
services sector, energy and transport infrastructure, R&D systems and
competition law.
- To bring down debt:
Due to the accumulation of deficits over time, public debt is forecast to
peak this year and needs to be put on a downward path, particularly in Belgium,
Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Portugal, where it remains above 100%
of GDP.
The challenge for public finances is to manage the costs of ageing –
particularly pensions and healthcare - and to preserve growth-enhancing
expenditure in education, research and innovation
Budgetary decisions
The European Commission has today recommended that the EU Council of
Ministers close the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) for six countries:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands and Slovakia.
The Commission has also published a report analysing the reasons for a
planned and forecast breach of the Treaty reference value for public debt (60%
of GDP) in the case of Finland. It has concluded that the launch of an EDP is
not merited since the excess is due to the country’s contributions to solidarity
operations for euro area countries.
In addition, the Commission has concluded that two countries, Poland and
Croatia, have taken effective action in response to the Council Recommendations
to those countries under the EDP.
Next steps
The country-specific recommendations will be discussed by EU leaders and EU
ministers in June. They will be formally adopted by the EU's Council of Finance
Ministers on 8 July.
It will then be up to Member States to implement the recommendations by
taking them up when drafting their national budgets and other relevant policies
for 2015.
The recommendations under the Stability and Growth Pact will be discussed and
adopted at the EU's Council of Finance Ministers on 20 June.