Le proposte della Commissione per contrastare la povertà a livello mondiale e promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile
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Data documento: 02-06-2014
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Commission presents proposal to address global poverty and sustainable development
Le proposte della Commissione per contrastare la povertà a livello mondiale e promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile
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Today the European Commission adopted a Communication to contribute to the EU position in international negotiations on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as the follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi una comunicazione che contribuisce a definire la posizione dell'UE nei negoziati internazionali sugli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS), come seguito agli obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio (OSM).
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The SDGs are intended to reinforce the international community's commitment to eradicating poverty and supporting sustainable development, challenges that affect the lives of current and future generations.
Scopo degli OSS è rafforzare l'impegno della comunità internazionale per eliminare la povertà e favorire uno sviluppo sostenibile, due sfide che incidono sulla vita delle generazioni attuali e future.
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The Commission Communication describes key principles and proposes priority areas and potential targets for the years following 2015, as a step towards establishing a limited number of Sustainable Development Goals.
La comunicazione della Commissione illustra alcuni principi fondamentali e propone settori prioritari e potenziali obiettivi per gli anni successivi al 2015, in quanto tappe per la definizione di un numero limitato di obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile.
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European Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
Janez Potocnik, Commissario per l'Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"A new framework is needed to rally the international community to tackle the intertwined challenges of eliminating poverty, improving well-being while ensuring that progress is sustainable within planetary boundaries.
"Occorre un nuovo quadro per mobilitare la comunità internazionale a favore di alcuni scopi strettamente collegati tra loro: eliminare la povertà, aumentare il benessere e al contempo garantire che il progresso sia sostenibile nei limiti delle risorse del pianeta.
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The UN post-2015 agenda should be universal, and provide a comprehensive response for all."
Il programma delle Nazioni Unite per il periodo successivo al 2015 dev'essere universale e fornire una risposta globale a tutti".
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European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs, added:
Ha aggiunto Andris Piebalgs, Commissario europeo per lo sviluppo:
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“It is now recognized that, for the first time, the world has the technology and resources to eradicate extreme poverty in our lifetime.
"È ormai riconosciuto che, per la prima volta, il mondo dispone delle tecnologie e delle risorse necessarie per eliminare la povertà estrema nell'arco della nostra generazione.
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There is no excuse for us failing to do so and avoiding it must be our stated commitment.
Non abbiamo scuse per mancare questo obiettivo e dobbiamo fermamente impegnarci per realizzarlo.
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This can only be done through growth and development which is sustainable.
Gli unici modi per farlo sono la crescita e uno sviluppo che sia sostenibile.
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We need to find solutions which truly balance economic, social and environmental objectives.
Dobbiamo trovare soluzioni che realizzino un autentico equilibrio tra obiettivi economici, sociali e ambientali.
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And we need to bring together governments, but also civil society, private sector and citizens to set up a global framework that will ensure a decent life for all."
E dobbiamo riunire i governi, ma anche la società civile, il settore privato e i cittadini per realizzare un quadro globale che assicuri a tutti una vita dignitosa".
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The Sustainable Development Goals will contribute to a new international framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals.
Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile contribuiranno a definire un nuovo quadro internazionale che dovrà succedere agli obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio.
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The framework will be universal and apply to all, on the basis of a partnership between all countries, as well as with civil society and the private sector.
Sarà un quadro universale e applicabile a tutti, basato su un partenariato tra tutti i paesi, nonché con la società civile e il settore privato.
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All countries should contribute their fair share towards reaching the global goals, and should be held to account by their citizens and the international community.
Tutti i paesi dovrebbero offrire il loro giusto contributo per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi globali e dovrebbero renderne conto ai loro cittadini e alla comunità internazionale.
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The framework will be based on the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, environmental and economic.
Il quadro si baserà su tre dimensioni dello sviluppo sostenibile: sociale, ambientale ed economica.
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Thus, it will also have tangible benefits for EU citizens: further promoting and encouraging the drivers of inclusive and sustainable growth, better social conditions and a healthier and cleaner environment.
In tal modo apporterà vantaggi tangibili ai cittadini dell'UE: la promozione dei fattori di crescita inclusiva e sostenibile, migliori condizioni sociali e un ambiente più sano e pulito.
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Proposed priority areas
I settori prioritari proposti
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The Commission proposal calls for tackling issues of global concern such as poverty, inequality, health, food security, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, sustainable energy, decent work, inclusive and sustainable growth, sustainable consumption and production, biodiversity, land degradation and sea and oceans.
La proposta della Commissione invita ad affrontare questioni di interesse globale quali la povertà, l'ineguaglianza, la salute, la sicurezza alimentare, l'istruzione, la parità tra uomini e donne, l'acqua e gli impianti igienico-sanitari, l'energia sostenibile, il lavoro dignitoso, la crescita inclusiva e sostenibile, il consumo e la produzione sostenibili, la biodiversità, il degrado del suolo, il mare e gli oceani.
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The post-2015 framework should also ensure a rights-based approach and address justice, equality and equity, good governance, democracy and the rule of law and address peaceful societies and freedom from violence.
Il quadro post 2015 dovrebbe inoltre adottare un'impostazione basata sui diritti e occuparsi di giustizia, uguaglianza ed equità, buon governo, democrazia e stato di diritto, mirando a società pacifiche e libere dalla violenza.
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Next Steps
Prossime tappe
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The Communication will now be discussed by Council of Ministers and the European Parliament.
La comunicazione sarà discussa dal Consiglio dei ministri e dal Parlamento europeo.
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The outcome will guide the EU's position in the negotiations at UN level and contribute to the preparation of the UN Secretary General's report on the post-2015 framework, due later in the year.
L'esito di questa discussione servirà per orientare la posizione dell'UE nei negoziati a livello delle Nazioni Unite e contribuirà alla preparazione della relazione del Segretario Generale dell'ONU sul quadro post 2015, che sarà pubblicata nel corso di quest'anno.
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The conclusions of the Open Working Group are expected to be published next month.
Le conclusioni del gruppo di lavoro aperto dovrebbero essere pubblicate il mese prossimo.
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Today's Communication builds on earlier EU positions set out in Council Conclusions of June 2013 on "the Overarching post-2015 Agenda", and a previous Communication "A Decent Life for All: Ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future".
La comunicazione odierna si basa su precedenti posizioni dell'UE illustrate nelle conclusioni del Consiglio del giugno 2013 in merito all'"Agenda globale post 2015" e sulla comunicazione "Un'esistenza dignitosa per tutti: sconfiggere la povertà e offrire al mondo un futuro sostenibile".
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It also builds on relevant international discussions on sustainable development and poverty eradication in particular the UN Open Working Group on SDGs, as well as public consultations.
Si basa inoltre sulle discussioni internazionali in materia di sviluppo sostenibile ed eliminazione della povertà, in particolare del gruppo di lavoro aperto sugli OSS, nonché su consultazioni pubbliche.
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The UN General Assembly Special Event on the Millennium Development Goals in September 2013 had already agreed the main parameters of the post-2015 development agenda, building on progress with the MDGs, and on the outcome of the Rio+20 Conference, which agreed to develop Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
L'Evento speciale sugli obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio dell'Assemblea generale dell'ONU, del settembre 2013, aveva già approvato i principali parametri del programma di sviluppo post 2015, sulla base dei progressi conseguiti con gli OSM e dei risultati della conferenza di Rio+20, che aveva stabilito di elaborare obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS).
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Today's Communication is a step towards developing a more detailed EU position in the negotiations to establish the SDGs.
La comunicazione odierna costituisce un passo avanti nella definizione di una posizione più precisa dell'UE nei negoziati per fissare gli OSS.
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At a UN summit in 2000, eight Millennium Development Goals were agreed, to be achieved by 2015. Known as the MDGs, they cover areas such as poverty eradication, gender equality, child mortality, HIV, environmental sustainability and development.
In occasione del vertice dell'ONU del 2000 erano stati concordati otto obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio da raggiungere entro il 2015, noti come OSM, che spaziano in settori quali l'eliminazione della povertà, la parità di genere, la mortalità infantile, l'HIV, la sostenibilità ambientale e lo sviluppo.
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Progress towards the goal has been remarkable but, and as the 2015 deadline approaches, significant challenges remain in many countries.
Il progresso verso il conseguimento di tali obiettivi è stato notevole, ma all'avvicinarsi del termine del 2015 le sfide restano significative in molti paesi.
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The SDGs will be at the heart of a framework which aims to resolve outstanding problems by addressing poverty eradication and sustainable development together. |
Gli OSS saranno al centro di un quadro che si prefigge di risolvere i problemi tuttora esistenti, mediante un impegno collettivo per l'eliminazione della povertà e la promozione dello sviluppo sostenibile. |
Commission presents proposal to address global poverty and sustainable
Today the European Commission adopted a Communication to contribute to the EU
position in international negotiations on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
as the follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The SDGs are intended to reinforce the international community's commitment
to eradicating poverty and supporting sustainable development, challenges that
affect the lives of current and future generations.
The Commission Communication describes key principles and proposes priority
areas and potential targets for the years following 2015, as a step towards
establishing a limited number of Sustainable Development Goals.
European Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik said:
"A new framework is needed to rally the international community to tackle the
intertwined challenges of eliminating poverty, improving well-being while
ensuring that progress is sustainable within planetary boundaries.
The UN post-2015 agenda should be universal, and provide a comprehensive
response for all."
European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs, added:
"It is now recognized that, for the first time, the world has the technology
and resources to eradicate extreme poverty in our lifetime.
There is no excuse for us failing to do so and avoiding it must be our stated
This can only be done through growth and development which is sustainable.
We need to find solutions which truly balance economic, social and
environmental objectives.
And we need to bring together governments, but also civil society, private
sector and citizens to set up a global framework that will ensure a decent life
for all."
The Sustainable Development Goals will contribute to a new international
framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals.
The framework will be universal and apply to all, on the basis of a
partnership between all countries, as well as with civil society and the private
All countries should contribute their fair share towards reaching the global
goals, and should be held to account by their citizens and the international
The framework will be based on the three dimensions of sustainable
development: social, environmental and economic.
Thus, it will also have tangible benefits for EU citizens: further promoting
and encouraging the drivers of inclusive and sustainable growth, better social
conditions and a healthier and cleaner environment.
Proposed priority areas
The Commission proposal calls for tackling issues of global concern such as
poverty, inequality, health, food security, education, gender equality, water
and sanitation, sustainable energy, decent work, inclusive and sustainable
growth, sustainable consumption and production, biodiversity, land degradation
and sea and oceans.
The post-2015 framework should also ensure a rights-based approach and
address justice, equality and equity, good governance, democracy and the rule of
law and address peaceful societies and freedom from violence.
Next Steps
The Communication will now be discussed by Council of Ministers and the
European Parliament.
The outcome will guide the EU's position in the negotiations at UN level and
contribute to the preparation of the UN Secretary General's report on the
post-2015 framework, due later in the year.
The conclusions of the Open Working Group are expected to be published next
Today's Communication builds on earlier EU positions set out in Council
Conclusions of June 2013 on "the Overarching post-2015 Agenda", and a previous
Communication "A Decent Life for All: Ending poverty and giving the world a
sustainable future".
It also builds on relevant international discussions on sustainable
development and poverty eradication in particular the UN Open Working Group on
SDGs, as well as public consultations.
The UN General Assembly Special Event on the Millennium Development Goals in
September 2013 had already agreed the main parameters of the post-2015
development agenda, building on progress with the MDGs, and on the outcome of
the Rio+20 Conference, which agreed to develop Sustainable Development Goals
Today's Communication is a step towards developing a more detailed EU
position in the negotiations to establish the SDGs.
At a UN summit in 2000, eight Millennium Development Goals were agreed, to be
achieved by 2015. Known as the MDGs, they cover areas such as poverty
eradication, gender equality, child mortality, HIV, environmental sustainability
and development.
Progress towards the goal has been remarkable but, and as the 2015 deadline
approaches, significant challenges remain in many countries.
The SDGs will be at the heart of a framework which aims to resolve
outstanding problems by addressing poverty eradication and sustainable
development together.