Stagione di pesca del tonno rosso 2014: l'UE chiede elevati standard di controllo
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Data documento: 23-05-2014
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Bluefin tuna fishing season 2014: EU prioritises high control standards
Stagione di pesca del tonno rosso 2014: l'UE chiede elevati standard di controllo
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The European Commission has reiterated its commitment to implementing the international control measures for Bluefin tuna during the 2014 main fishing season.
La Commissione europea ha ribadito l'impegno ad attuare le misure internazionali di controllo del tonno rosso durante la campagna di pesca principale 2014.
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Running from the 26 May to 24 June in the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic, the season sees large vessels, purse seiners, allowed to fish for Bluefin tuna.
Dal 26 maggio al 24 giugno nel Mediterraneo e nell'Atlantico orientale incrociano grandi pescherecci con reti a circuizione autorizzati a pescare il tonno rosso.
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The short fishing season is part of the recovery plan agreed at international level to bring back the Bluefin tuna stock to sustainable levels.
La breve durata della campagna fa parte del piano di ricostituzione concordato a livello internazionale per riportare gli stock di tonno rosso a livelli sostenibili.
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European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, said:
Maria Damanaki, Commissaria europea per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, ha dichiarato:
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"The EU has been working relentlessly to protect Bluefin tuna:
"L'UE ha lavorato incessantemente per proteggere il tonno rosso:
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we have reduced our fishing fleet, we have tightened controls and we have played a consistently active role within the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna which is responsible for managing this fishery.
abbiamo ridotto la flotta da pesca, rafforzato i controlli e svolto un ruolo costantemente attivo nell'ambito della Convenzione internazionale per la conservazione dei tonnidi dell'Atlantico, responsabile della gestione di questo tipo di pesca.
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That helped to bring the Eastern Atlantic Bluefin tuna stock back from the brink of extinction.
Siamo così riusciti a sottrarre gli stock di tonno rosso dell'Atlantico orientale alla minaccia di estinzione.
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I am confident that we are on the right path."
Sono convinta che siamo sulla strada giusta".
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This year, Croatia will be a full part of the EU fleet for the first time.
Quest'anno la Croazia entrerà per la prima volta a far parte della flotta dell'UE.
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Consequently the number of purse seine vessels has increased and the EU quota for 2014 has risen by 5% to 7.939 tonnes.
Di conseguenza, il numero di pescherecci con reti a circuizione è aumentato e il contingente dell'UE, per il 2014, è aumentato del 5%, pari a 7 939 tonnellate.
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The other Member States actively involved in the Bluefin tuna fishery are Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, and Cyprus.
Gli altri Stati membri coinvolti attivamente nella pesca del tonno rosso sono: Spagna, Francia, Italia, Grecia, Portogallo, Cipro e Malta.
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The 8 countries share the EU quota, with Spain and France having the largest parts.
Gli 8 paesi condividono il contingente dell'UE, di cui Spagna e Francia detengono le quote maggiori.
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To ensure that no overfishing is taking place, a strict control and inspection programme has been put in place.
Per evitare di superare il contingente di pesca si è approntato un rigoroso programma di controllo e ispezione.
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To ensure high control standards, this programme sets concrete control priorities and benchmarks.
A garanzia di elevati standard di controllo, il programma definisce priorità e parametri di riferimento concreti;
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It involves a significant deployment of inspectors, patrol vessels and aircrafts coordinated by the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the Member States concerned.
coinvolge un numero importante di ispettori, navi e aeromobili di sorveglianza coordinati dall'Agenzia europea di controllo della pesca (EFCA) e dagli Stati membri interessati.
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The European Commission also monitors catches and analyses Vessel Monitoring System data (a satellite based control system) on a constant basis to ensure that all rules, and particularly the individual vessels' quotas, are fully respected.
La Commissione europea monitora inoltre le catture e analizza regolarmente i dati forniti dal sistema di controllo dei pescherecci (un sistema di controllo satellitare), al fine di garantire che tutte le regole, soprattutto le quote delle singole navi, siano pienamente rispettate.
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The Bluefin tuna fishery is regulated by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) where the EU and member states are members.
La pesca del tonno rosso è regolata dalla Commissione internazionale per la conservazione dei tonnidi dell'Atlantico (ICCAT) di cui l'UE è parte contraente insieme ai suoi Stati membri.
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The close collaboration with EFCA, Member States and other ICCAT Contracting Parties, means that all necessary measures are being taken to support the stock's recovery plan and its long term sustainability.
La stretta collaborazione tra l'EFCA, gli Stati membri e le altre parti contraenti dell'ICCAT consente l'adozione di tutte le misure necessarie per contribuire al piano di ricostituzione degli stock e alla sua sostenibilità a lungo termine.
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Contesto generale
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In 2006, ICCAT adopted a 15-year recovery plan for Bluefin tuna in the East Atlantic and Mediterranean which has been regularly modified based on stock assessment, control experiences and new technologies.
Nel 2006 l'ICCAT ha adottato un piano di 15 anni per la ricostituzione degli stock di tonno rosso nell'Atlantico orientale e nel Mediterraneo, che è modificato periodicamente sulla base della valutazione degli stock, del controllo delle esperienze e delle nuove tecnologie.
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In 2010 and 2012 substantial measures have been introduced to enforce the sustainable management of the stock.
Nel 2010 e nel 2012 sono state introdotte misure più concrete per rafforzare la gestione sostenibile degli stock.
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At its last annual meeting in November 2013, complementary measures have been adopted to improve the control of Bluefin tuna caught alive for farming purposes by laying down detailed rules for the application of new technologies. |
Nell'ultima riunione annuale nel novembre 2013, l'ICCAT ha adottato misure complementari per migliorare il controllo del tonno rosso catturato vivo a fini di allevamento, con regole dettagliate per l'applicazione delle nuove tecnologie. |
Bluefin tuna fishing season 2014: EU prioritises high control standards
The European Commission has reiterated its commitment to implementing the
international control measures for Bluefin tuna during the 2014 main fishing
Running from the 26 May to 24 June in the Mediterranean and the Eastern
Atlantic, the season sees large vessels, purse seiners, allowed to fish for
Bluefin tuna.
The short fishing season is part of the recovery plan agreed at international
level to bring back the Bluefin tuna stock to sustainable levels.
European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki,
"The EU has been working relentlessly to protect Bluefin tuna:
we have reduced our fishing fleet, we have tightened controls and we have
played a consistently active role within the International Convention for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tuna which is responsible for managing this fishery.
That helped to bring the Eastern Atlantic Bluefin tuna stock back from the
brink of extinction.
I am confident that we are on the right path."
This year, Croatia will be a full part of the EU fleet for the first time.
Consequently the number of purse seine vessels has increased and the EU quota
for 2014 has risen by 5% to 7.939 tonnes.
The other Member States actively involved in the Bluefin tuna fishery are
Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, and Cyprus.
The 8 countries share the EU quota, with Spain and France having the largest
To ensure that no overfishing is taking place, a strict control and
inspection programme has been put in place.
To ensure high control standards, this programme sets concrete control
priorities and benchmarks.
It involves a significant deployment of inspectors, patrol vessels and
aircrafts coordinated by the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the
Member States concerned.
The European Commission also monitors catches and analyses Vessel Monitoring
System data (a satellite based control system) on a constant basis to ensure
that all rules, and particularly the individual vessels' quotas, are fully
The Bluefin tuna fishery is regulated by the International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) where the EU and member states are
The close collaboration with EFCA, Member States and other ICCAT Contracting
Parties, means that all necessary measures are being taken to support the
stock's recovery plan and its long term sustainability.
In 2006, ICCAT adopted a 15-year recovery plan for Bluefin tuna in the East
Atlantic and Mediterranean which has been regularly modified based on stock
assessment, control experiences and new technologies.
In 2010 and 2012 substantial measures have been introduced to enforce the
sustainable management of the stock.
At its last annual meeting in November 2013, complementary measures have been
adopted to improve the control of Bluefin tuna caught alive for farming purposes
by laying down detailed rules for the application of new technologies.