Tempo di vacanze: consigli utili per un’estate senza pensieri
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Data documento: 20-05-2014
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Holiday season: useful tips for a worry-free summer
Tempo di vacanze: consigli utili per un’estate senza pensieri
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With the holiday season already starting and millions of Europeans planning trips across the continent and beyond.
Con la stagione delle vacanze ormai alle porte, milioni di cittadini europei progettano spostamenti all'interno del continente e anche al di fuori di esso.
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Here are a few tips on what to do when faced with a problem.
Ecco un paio di consigli su cosa occorre fare di fronte a un problema.
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If you are wondering who will cover the costs of your treatment in case of an accident or want to know what papers to prepare before taking your dog aboard, here is a list of the things the European Union is doing to assist you on your travels.
Per sapere chi copra le spese sanitarie in caso di incidente o quali documenti servano affinché il proprio cane possa “salire a bordo”, ecco un elenco di iniziative prese dall’Unione europea per assistere i cittadini europei in viaggio.
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I'm travelling outside Europe but my country has no embassy or consulate at my destination. Whom should I contact, if I need help?
Chi contattare in caso di necessità se, viaggiando in Stati al di fuori dell’Europa, non esistono in essi ambasciate o consolati del proprio paese d’origine.
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As a citizen of an EU Member State, you are automatically an EU citizen, thus entitled to consular assistance if you are outside the EU (even if your own country is not represented).
Un cittadino di uno Stato membro dell’UE è automaticamente cittadino della UE e ha quindi diritto all’assistenza consolare quando si trova fuori dal territorio dell’Unione (anche se il suo paese non vi è rappresentato).
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You can go to any other EU Member State's consulate or embassy to ask for help, if for example you are arrested, have a serious accident or lose important documents.
È possibile rivolgersi al consolato o all’ambasciata di un qualsiasi altro Stato membro della UE in caso, ad esempio, di arresto, di incidente grave o di smarrimento di documenti importanti.
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You are also entitled to assistance in crisis situations:
Si ha diritto a essere assistiti anche in situazioni di crisi:
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EU Member States must help citizens evacuate when needed as if they were their own nationals.
gli Stati membri della UE devono aiutare se necessario qualunque cittadino UE come se fosse un proprio concittadino.
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You can find out if your country is represented at your destination on the European Commission's consular protection website.
Per sapere se un paese ha una rappresentanza nello Stato in cui ci si intende recare, consultare il sito web sulla protezione consolare della Commissione europea.
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Whom should I call, if my child should go missing?
A chi rivolgersi quando si perde un figlio?
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The European Union has agreed on a common helpline number (116 000) to report a missing child in any EU Member State.
L’Unione europea ha concordato un numero telefonico comune (116 000) per segnalare la scomparsa di un bambino in qualsiasi Stato membro della UE.
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Whether you are a parent whose child has gone missing, a child who has got lost or run away, or a person holding information about a missing child, you can dial the same number.
È possibile rivolgersi a tale numero se si è genitori di un minore scomparso, smarrito o scappato di casa, o se si hanno informazioni su un minore scomparso.
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It will connect you to an experienced organisation able to provide support and practical assistance, whether it is psychological, legal or administrative.
Esso mette in contatto con un’organizzazione di esperti in grado di fornire sostegno e assistenza pratica d’ordine psicologico, giuridico o amministrativo.
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Who can help me, if during my holidays I have problems with an airline, a car rental company or a tour operator?
Durante le vacanze possono nascere problemi con la compagnia aerea, l’autonoleggio o l’operatore turistico:
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If my plane, train, bus and boat journeys are delayed or cancelled…
a chi rivolgersi se un passaggio aereo, in treno, in bus o in nave subisce un ritardo o viene annullato.
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Thanks to EU passenger rights rules, if your flight or trip is delayed by several hours, the transports company you are travelling with should compensate you in a fair way.
Grazie alle norme UE sui diritti dei passeggeri, se il volo o il viaggio subiscono un ritardo di un certo numero di ore, è lecito attendersi un equo risarcimento dalla compagnia di trasporto che li ha organizzati.
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If it is cancelled and you have to stay in a hotel away from your final destination, the airline or the train operator should pay for it.
Se saranno stati annullati e sarà necessario pernottare in un hotel lontano dalla destinazione finale, l’operatore aereo o ferroviario dovrà accollarsi tale servizio.
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Before travelling, check how to claim your rights at airports, ports, and bus and train stations across Europe, or download the application for smartphones.
Prima di iniziare il viaggio, controllare le modalità con cui poter reclamare i propri diritti presso porti, aeroporti, stazioni ferroviarie e di autobus in tutta Europa o scaricare l’applicazione per smartphone.
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What specific rights do I have, if I am a disabled traveller?
Diritti specifici dei viaggiatori disabili
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EU passenger rights rules protect disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility from discrimination when travelling by air or train and grant them the same access to transport as other citizens.
La normativa UE sui diritti dei passeggeri protegge i disabili e le persone a mobilità ridotta da discriminazioni negli spostamenti aerei o ferroviari e dà loro lo stesso accesso ai trasporti degli altri cittadini.
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If you have the right to disabled parking facilities when travelling by a car in your home country, you are granted access to identical facilities all over Europe.
Chi ha diritto a fruire di parcheggi per disabili quando viaggia in automobile nel proprio paese d’origine, fruisce dello stesso diritto anche nel resto d’Europa.
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All you need for this is your standardised model of disabled parking card.
A questo scopo è sufficiente munirsi del modello standardizzato del contrassegno unificato UE per disabili.
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I have booked a package holiday but my operator went bust. Can I get a refund?
Diritto di rimborso quando, dopo aver prenotato una vacanza "tutto compreso", il tour operator fallisce.
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The Package Travel Directive protects European consumers going on holidays and covers pre-arranged package holidays combining at least two of the following:
La direttiva sui viaggi "tutto compreso" tutela i consumatori europei in vacanza e copre i pacchetti vacanza "tutto compreso" in cui ricorrano almeno due delle seguenti prestazioni:
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(1) transport, (2) accommodation (3) other tourists services such as sightseeing tours (sold at an inclusive price).
1) trasporto, 2) alloggio, 3) altri servizi turistici come, ad esempio, visite guidate (venduti a un prezzo "tutto compreso").
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The Directive provides protection covering:
La tutela garantita dalla direttiva riguarda:
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information in brochures, rights to cancel without penalty, liability for services (e.g. sub-standard hotels) and protection in the case of a tour operator or airline going bust.
informazioni negli opuscoli, diritto di annullamento senza corresponsione di penali, responsabilità nei confronti dei servizi ( hotel di standard inferiore a quello indicato) e tutela in caso di fallimento del tour operator o della compagna aerea.
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In future, this protection will be extended to holidaymakers who book customised packages online (either from one trader or several commercially linked traders), under new proposals from the European Commission, backed by the European Parliament (MEMO/14/184).
In seguito a nuove proposte della Commissione europea e del Parlamento europeo (MEMO/14/184), questa tutela sarà in futuro estesa a turisti che avranno prenotato pacchetti personalizzati via Internet (presso uno o più professionisti con legami commerciali tra loro).
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Around 120 million people will gain additional protection.
Circa 120 milioni di persone beneficeranno così di una tutela aggiuntiva.
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I liked my holiday so much, I'm thinking of buying a timeshare at the same resort.
La vacanza è stata così bella da indurre ad acquistare, proprio lì, un contratto di multiproprietà.
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What should I keep in mind?
Aspetti importanti da tener presenti.
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Thanks to the EU rules timeshare sellers must provide detailed information to customers in appropriate time, before the customer is bound by any contract, including the price to be paid, a description of the product and the exact period and length of stay that the customer is entitled to under the contract.
Grazie alla normativa UE chi vende contratti di multiproprietà deve fornire al cliente informazioni dettagliate in tempo utile, prima che questi sia vincolato da un contratto e indicare il prezzo da pagare, una descrizione del prodotto e il periodo e la lunghezza esatti del soggiorno cui il cliente ha diritto in forza del contratto.
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This information should be provided in the customer's own language if they so choose.
Queste informazioni vanno fornite nella lingua del cliente se questi lo desidera.
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The rules also ensure that customers may withdraw from a contract within a "cooling-off" period of 14 calendar days and that traders are not allowed to ask customers for any form of advance payment or deposit during that period.
La normativa prevede che il cliente possa recedere dal contratto entro un periodo di ripensamento di 14 giorni di calendario e che il venditore non possa chiedere al cliente alcuna forma di anticipo o di deposito durante tale periodo.
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Before the conclusion of the contract, the trader is required to explicitly draw the customer’s attention to the existence of the right of withdrawal, the length of the withdrawal period and the ban on advance payments during the withdrawal period.
Prima della conclusione del contratto il venditore deve esplicitamente attirare l’attenzione del cliente sull’esistenza del diritto di recesso, sulla lunghezza del diritto di recesso e sul divieto di chiedere anticipi durante il periodo di recesso.
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Exorbitant telephone bills ruin my holiday budget. How can I reduce them while traveling?
Bollette telefoniche esorbitanti rovinano le vacanze: come ridurle quando si è in viaggio.
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The EU is even saving you money when you travel, with further price drops this summer - the biggest drop being for data roaming: down from 45 cents per MB to 20 cents per MB (charged per Kilobyte used).
L’UE fa risparmiare chi viaggia imponendo, dall’estate prossima, ulteriori ribassi tariffari: il ribasso maggiore è quello sulle tariffe per i dati in roaming che scende da 45 cent per MB a 20 cent per MB (calcolati per kilobyte usato).
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See the table below for all new caps.
Per tutte le nuove tariffe, si veda la tabella che segue.
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What's more, from 1 July 2014 some mobile providers in Europe will allow you to choose a separate roaming contract before you travel and, where available, allow you to choose a local provider of mobile data roaming services in the country you are visiting.
Dall’1 luglio 2014, alcuni operatori di telefonia mobile in Europa consentono agli abbonati di scegliere prima del viaggio un contratto di roaming separato e, se esiste, un fornitore locale di servizi mobili di dati in roaming nel paese che si intende visitare.
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In this way, you can compare roaming offers, and benefit from more attractive offers and prices while you are on holiday.
È così possibile, quando si è in vacanza, comparare le offerte di roaming nonché prezzi e benefici delle offerte più attraenti.
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All this is good news for you, as you can relax and enjoy your summer while staying in touch with family and friends at home.
È una buona notizia: ci si può rilassare e godere l’estate senza perdere il contatto con la famiglia e gli amici rimasti a casa.
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Even better news is that the EU is working on new rules right now to eliminate roaming charges altogether!
E ancora migliore è la notizia che l’UE sta lavorando a nuove norme tese a eliminare in modo generalizzato le tariffe di roaming!
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So by next Christmas, we expect roaming charges to be a thing of the past, and you can chat, text, download and surf anywhere in the EU just like you would at home!
Così, dal prossimo Natale, le tariffe di roaming apparterranno al passato e si potrà chattare, inviare testi, scaricare e navigare in qualsiasi paese UE, come da casa propria!
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Type of mobile activity in the EU
Tipo di attività di telefonia mobile nella UE
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Making a call
Effettuare una chiamata telefonica
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Price caps in 2013: 24 cents per min
Prezzi massimi nel 2013 :24 cent al minuto
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Price caps in 2014:19 cents per min
Prezzi massimi nel 2014 : 19 cent al minuto
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Receiving a call
Ricevere una chiamata telefonica
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in 2013 : 7 cents per mi
nel 2013: 7 cent al minuto
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in 2014: 5 cents per min
nel 2014: 5 cent al minuto
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Sending a text message
Inviare un SMS
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in 2013: Max. 8 cents
nel 2013: Max: 8 cents
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in 2014: Max. 6 cents
nel 2014: Max: 6 cent
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Downloading data/browsing net
Scaricare dati/navigare in rete
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in 2013: 45 cents per MB
nel 2013: 45 cent per MB
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in 2014: 20 cents per mB
nel 2014: 20 cent per mB
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What do I need to know if I want to take my pet (cat, dog or ferret) with me on holiday in the EU?
Cosa occorre per portare con sé in vacanza, nella UE, un animale da compagnia (gatto, cane, furetto).
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If you are travelling within the EU, you can easily take your pet, if you respect the following rules:
Chi si sposta all’interno della UE può portare con sé senza problemi un animale da compagnia, rispettando le regole seguenti:
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If you are taking your dog, cat or ferret, make sure that it has an anti-rabies vaccination and that this information is written down into your pet's passport.
cani, gatti o furetti vanno vaccinati contro la rabbia; la vaccinazione va trascritta sul passaporto dell’animale da compagnia.
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If you are going to Ireland, Finland, Malta or the United Kingdom, your pet will also need to undergo an anti-parasite treatment.
L’animale da compagnia di chi si rechi in Irlanda, Finlandia, Malta o nel Regno Unito va sottoposto anche a un trattamento antiparassitario.
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If your dog or cat is less than 3 months old or if you have a pet which is not a dog, cat or ferret, country specific rules may apply.
Se il cane o il gatto hanno meno di 3 mesi d’età o se l’animale da compagnia non è un cane, né un gatto né un furetto, è possibile che siano applicate norme specifiche a seconda dei paesi.
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Check our website for more information on this topic.
Per maggiori informazioni sull’argomento, consultare il nostro sito UE.
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If you are an EU citizen travelling home with your pet from outside the EU, you will still need your pet's passport.
Anche i cittadini UE che rientrano a casa con animali da compagnia originari di zone esterne alla UE devono possedere il relativo passaporto.
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Depending on your holiday destination, your pet may need to undergo additional tests to the anti-rabies vaccination before going on holiday.
A seconda della propria destinazione turistica, non è escluso che l’animale vada sottoposto ad altre analisi oltre alla vaccinazione antirabbica prima di andare in vacanza.
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If you are a resident of Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland or the Vatican City State holding a pet passport, you have the same rights as EU citizens.
Chi risieda in Andorra, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Principato di Monaco, Norvegia, San Marino, Svizzera e Città del Vaticano e abbia un passaporto sanitario per animali da compagnia, ha gli stessi diritti dei cittadini UE.
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Before departure, check the requirements of the country you are planning to visit.
Prima della partenza, controllare le prescrizioni del paese che si intende visitare.
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Can I bring back some meat or cheese from my holidays abroad?
Rientrare a casa con specialità alimentari del paese in cui si è stati in vacanza.
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When returning home from most countries outside the EU, it is illegal to bring back any meat or dairy products whether these are for yourself or as a gift for others.
È illegale rientrare nel proprio paese dalla maggior parte dei paesi non membri della UE portando con sé prodotti a base di carne o latticini indipendentemente dal fatto che siano destinati al consumo personale o a essere regalati ad altri.
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If you are coming back from the Faeroe Islands, Greenland or Iceland, you can bring back up to 10 kilos of certain products of animal origin, powdered infant milk, infant food, special food or special pet food required for medical reasons.
Chi torni dalle Isole Færøer, dalla Groenlandia o dall’Islanda può portare con sé fino a 10 chili di taluni prodotti di origine animale, latte in polvere per lattanti, preparazioni alimentari per bambini e alimenti speciali (anche per animali da compagnia) necessari per motivi sanitari.
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To be able to transport these products, they must be put in sealed packages and should not weigh more than two kilos or require refrigeration before opening.
Per essere trasportati, tali prodotti devono essere contenuti in confezioni sigillate, non pesare più di due kg né richiedere refrigerazione prima di essere aperti.
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You can also bring back fish and certain shellfish from Greenland, if they weigh up to 20 kilos.
È possibile portare con sé dalla Groenlandia determinati prodotti ittici e alcuni crostacei fino a un peso massimo di 20 chili.
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For the Faeroe Islands or Iceland, no weight restrictions apply.
Le restrizioni di peso non si applicano alle isole Færøer e all’Islanda.
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For other animal products, such as honey, you are also limited to two kilos.
Per altri prodotti di origine animale (, esiste un limite di due kg.
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When transporting animal products between countries inside the EU, these rules do not apply. Nor do they apply, if you are coming from Andorra, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino or Switzerland.
Quanto sopra non si applica né al trasporto di prodotti di origine animale tra paesi all’interno della UE né a trasporti in provenienza da Andorra, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, San Marino e Svizzera.
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The EU may introduce further restrictions in the event of infectious animal diseases in third countries.
La UE può introdurre restrizioni se si manifestano malattie infettive in animali di paesi terzi.
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In case of doubt, check with the veterinary service at the point of entry into the EU (airport, port, road, etc.).
In caso di dubbio, è buona regola informarsi presso il servizio veterinario del punto di entrata nella UE (aeroporto, porto, valico stradale,ecc.).
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It is important to remember that these rules exist in order to protect your health and the health of EU livestock from serious animal diseases.
È importante rammentare che queste regole esistono per proteggere la salute di tutti e del patrimonio zootecnico UE da gravi patologie animali.
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For more information, check out the travel Europa website.
Per ulteriori informazioni, consultate il sito web La tua Europa dedicata ai viaggi.
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The answers to more FAQs are here.
Risposte ad altre domande frequenti si trovano qui.
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If you wish to ask another question, you can do so at this address.
Si possono porre altre domande a questo indirizzo.
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What should I keep in mind if I take out a loan to pay for my package holiday?
Cose che è bene tener presente quando si chiede un prestito per finanziare una vacanza "tutto compreso".
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The EU’s Consumer Credit Directive grants you certain rights when you buy something on credit.
La direttiva sul credito al consumo garantisce determinati diritti al momento di un acquisto a credito.
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The five most important ones:
Le cinque cose più importanti da tener presente sono:
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- The consumer credit ads you are looking at should be transparent and easy to understand
- Gli annunci pubblicitari sul credito al consumo devono essere trasparenti e di facile comprensione
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- Before signing a contract, you should receive enough information to be able to compare the different offers on the market
- Prima di firmare un contratto, si devono ottenere informazioni sufficienti e atte a poter comparare le diverse offerte sul mercato
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- Once you sign your agreement, you should get a copy of it
- Una volta firmato un accordo, occorre ottenerne una copia.
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- If you change your mind, you have 14 days to withdraw from the contract.
- Se si cambia idea, si dispone di 14 giorni per recedere dal contratto.
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- You should be able to repay your credit earlier than foreseen against a fair compensation.
- Si deve poter restituire il credito prima della scadenza, versando una penale equa.
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If I have problems while shopping during my holiday abroad, whom can I contact back home to help me get a redress?
Contatti che è possibile attivare per ottenere un risarcimento al rientro da una vacanza all’estero in cui si sono incontrati problemi negli acquisti.
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If you live in the EU, Norway or Iceland, you can get free assistance once you are back home!
Chi risieda nella UE, in Norvegia o in Islanda, una volta tornato a casa può ottenere un’assistenza gratuita!
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Contact the European Consumer Centre (ECC) in your country, if you had problems renting a car, booking a package holiday or a plane ticket while travelling in the EU, Norway or Iceland.
In caso di viaggi all’interno della UE, in Norvegia o in Islanda, contattare il Centro europeo dei consumatori (ECC) del proprio paese se si sono incontrati problemi a noleggiare un’automobile, a prenotare una vacanza "tutto compreso" o un biglietto aereo.
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Their team can also help you solve problems you had when ordering accessories for your vacation online from another European country.
L’ECC può anche aiutare a risolvere problemi emersi al momento di ordinare online da un altro paese europeo accessori per le vacanze.
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Those travelling to Brazil for the World Cup can also get benefit from the ECC’s expertise.
Anche coloro che si recano in Brasile per la Coppa del mondo possono beneficiare delle capacità dell’ECC.
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You can download a special world cup guide on your rights as a consumer in Brazil from here.
Si può scaricare una speciale guida "Coppa del mondo" riguardante i diritti dei consumatori in Brasile da questo sito.
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During my holiday, I bought a new pair of shoes but they broke after a week.
How can I get my money back? What are the rules?
Il nuovo paio di scarpe acquistato in vacanza si è già rotto dopo una settimana.
Le regole da seguire per avere indietro i soldi.
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No matter where you shop within the EU, you have basic consumer rights that cannot be taken away.
Indipendentemente dal luogo dove avviene un acquisto all’interno della UE, esistono diritti fondamentali in quanto consumatori che non possono essere conculcati.
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2-year guarantee - the seller must repair or replace faulty goods free of charge.
Garanzia di due anni: il venditore deve riparare o sostituire gratuitamente i prodotti difettosi.
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If that is not possible within reasonable time or without inconvenience, you may ask for a refund or a price reduction.
Se ciò andasse troppo per le lunghe o fosse eccessivamente svantaggioso per il cliente, si può chiedere il rimborso o una riduzione del prezzo.
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Commercial guarantees do not replace the minimum 2-year guarantee but may complement it.
Le garanzie commerciali non si sostituiscono alla garanzia minima di due anni ma possono completarla.
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Whatever your nationality, EU consumer laws apply to purchases of goods or services made in any outlet located in the EU territory.
Qualunque sia la nazionalità dell’acquirente, le norme dell’Unione sulla tutela dei consumatori si applicano agli acquisti di beni o alla prestazione di servizi in qualunque punto vendita situato nel territorio della UE.
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Warranties are regulated by law Europe-wide.
Le garanzie sono disciplinate per legge in tutta Europa.
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An EU Directive specifies the minimum degree of protection of buyers.
Una direttiva UE specifica il livello minimo di tutela degli acquirenti.
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Member States are obliged to implement the EU requirements in national law, which may also offer a higher level of protection.
Gli Stati membri sono tenuti a recepire la normativa fissata dalla UE nella legislazione nazionale; questa può offrire livelli di tutela anche più elevati.
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Thanks to the European Small Claims procedure, you are also able to claim your money back in three simple steps, if you purchased a faulty product abroad.
Grazie al procedimento europeo per controversie di modesta entità, è possibile recuperare i propri soldi in tre semplici fasi, una volta acquistato un prodotto difettoso all’estero.
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In many cases and in all EU countries – with the exception of Denmark – you can make use of this process.
Si può ricorrere a questa procedura in tutti i paesi della UE –Danimarca esclusa– e in moltissimi casi.
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It is a speedy, cost-effective alternative to traditional court procedures, and can currently be used for commercial, including consumer transactions involving up to €2,000.
Si tratta di un’alternativa rapida ed economica alle tradizionali procedure giudiziarie e può oggi essere usata nelle controversie commerciali, anche in quelle dei consumatori fino a un controvalore di 2 000 euro.
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You only have to submit a standard form to the competent court.
Basta presentare al tribunale competente un modulo standard.
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Another piece of good news for consumers is that new EU rules on consumer rights will enter into force as of 13 June 2014, which will ensure that all EU citizens have 14 days if they wish to return goods bought at a distance, whether by internet, post or phone (MEMO/14/1144).
Un’altra buona notizia per i consumatori è che le nuove norme UE sui diritti dei consumatori entrano in vigore il 13 giugno 2014. Grazie a esse tutti i cittadini della UE potranno restituire entro 14 giorni merci eventualmente acquistate a distanza, via Internet, per posta o per telefono (MEMO/14/1144).
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What happens if I need to see a doctor abroad?
Come fare per consultare un medico all’estero.
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If you get sick or suffer an injury while travelling to an EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, you have the right to emergency treatment.
Coloro che si ammalino o subiscano un infortunio mentre viaggiano all’interno di un paese UE o in Islanda, in Liechtenstein, in Norvegia o in Svizzera, hanno diritto a cure di emergenza.
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For this, you need the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you.
A tal fine, occorre portare con sé la Tessera europea di assicurazione malattia (TEAM) .
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The treatment you will receive will be provided under the same conditions and at the same cost as for people insured in the country you are visiting.
Essa fa sì che le cure sanitarie saranno prestate alle stesse condizioni e allo stesso costo delle persone assicurate nel Paese di destinazione.
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So don't forget to ask your national health insurance provider to issue it for you, free of charge.
Non dimenticare pertanto di chiedere al competente servizio sanitario nazionale il rilascio, a titolo gratuito, di tale tessera.
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To keep the emergency phone numbers you may need with you and for more information about the treatments covered and their costs, how to claim reimbursement and whom to contact in case you lose your card, download the special smartphone application.
Per tenere sotto mano i numeri d’emergenza in caso di necessità e per ulteriori informazioni sulle cure coperte, i relativi costi, le modalità di rimborso e le persone da contattare in caso di smarrimento della tessera, scaricare la speciale applicazione per smartphone.
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The app is available in 24 languages.
L’applicazione è disponibile in 24 lingue.
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The app does not replace the EHIC.
L’applicazione non sostituisce la tessera TEAM.
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If you are a chronic disease patient and you need to get your medicine while travelling abroad, ask your doctor for a cross-border prescription before you leave.
Coloro che soffrono di una malattia cronica e che hanno bisogno di una specialità medicinale durante gli spostamenti all’estero sono avvertiti di farsi rilasciare dal proprio medico curante una prescrizione transfrontaliera prima di iniziare il viaggio. |
Holiday season: useful tips for a worry-free summer
With the holiday season already starting and millions of Europeans planning
trips across the continent and beyond.
Here are a few tips on what to do when faced with a problem.
If you are wondering who will cover the costs of your treatment in case of an
accident or want to know what papers to prepare before taking your dog aboard,
here is a list of the things the European Union is doing to assist you on your
I'm travelling outside Europe but my country has no embassy or consulate at
my destination. Whom should I contact, if I need help?
As a citizen of an EU Member State, you are automatically an EU citizen, thus
entitled to consular assistance if you are outside the EU (even if your own
country is not represented).
You can go to any other EU Member State's consulate or embassy to ask for
help, if for example you are arrested, have a serious accident or lose important
You are also entitled to assistance in crisis situations:
EU Member States must help citizens evacuate when needed as if they were
their own nationals.
You can find out if your country is represented at your destination on the
European Commission's consular protection website.
Whom should I call, if my child should go missing?
The European Union has agreed on a common helpline number (116 000) to report
a missing child in any EU Member State.
Whether you are a parent whose child has gone missing, a child who has got
lost or run away, or a person holding information about a missing child, you can
dial the same number.
It will connect you to an experienced organisation able to provide support
and practical assistance, whether it is psychological, legal or administrative.
Who can help me, if during my holidays I have problems with an airline, a car
rental company or a tour operator?
If my plane, train, bus and boat journeys are delayed or cancelled…
Thanks to EU passenger rights rules, if your flight or trip is delayed by
several hours, the transports company you are travelling with should compensate
you in a fair way.
If it is cancelled and you have to stay in a hotel away from your final
destination, the airline or the train operator should pay for it.
Before travelling, check how to claim your rights at airports, ports, and bus
and train stations across Europe, or download the application for smartphones.
What specific rights do I have, if I am a disabled traveller?
EU passenger rights rules protect disabled persons and persons with reduced
mobility from discrimination when travelling by air or train and grant them the
same access to transport as other citizens.
If you have the right to disabled parking facilities when travelling by a car
in your home country, you are granted access to identical facilities all over
All you need for this is your standardised model of disabled parking card.
I have booked a package holiday but my operator went bust. Can I get a
The Package Travel Directive protects European consumers going on holidays
and covers pre-arranged package holidays combining at least two of the
(1) transport, (2) accommodation (3) other tourists services such as
sightseeing tours (sold at an inclusive price).
The Directive provides protection covering:
information in brochures, rights to cancel without penalty, liability for
services (e.g. sub-standard hotels) and protection in the case of a tour
operator or airline going bust.
In future, this protection will be extended to holidaymakers who book
customised packages online (either from one trader or several commercially
linked traders), under new proposals from the European Commission, backed by the
European Parliament (MEMO/14/184).
Around 120 million people will gain additional protection.
I liked my holiday so much, I'm thinking of buying a timeshare at the same
What should I keep in mind?
Thanks to the EU rules timeshare sellers must provide detailed information to
customers in appropriate time, before the customer is bound by any contract,
including the price to be paid, a description of the product and the exact
period and length of stay that the customer is entitled to under the contract.
This information should be provided in the customer's own language if they so
The rules also ensure that customers may withdraw from a contract within a
"cooling-off" period of 14 calendar days and that traders are not allowed to ask
customers for any form of advance payment or deposit during that period.
Before the conclusion of the contract, the trader is required to explicitly
draw the customer’s attention to the existence of the right of withdrawal, the
length of the withdrawal period and the ban on advance payments during the
withdrawal period.
Exorbitant telephone bills ruin my holiday budget. How can I reduce them
while traveling?
The EU is even saving you money when you travel, with further price drops
this summer - the biggest drop being for data roaming: down from 45 cents per MB
to 20 cents per MB (charged per Kilobyte used).
See the table below for all new caps.
What's more, from 1 July 2014 some mobile providers in Europe will allow you
to choose a separate roaming contract before you travel and, where available,
allow you to choose a local provider of mobile data roaming services in the
country you are visiting.
In this way, you can compare roaming offers, and benefit from more attractive
offers and prices while you are on holiday.
All this is good news for you, as you can relax and enjoy your summer while
staying in touch with family and friends at home.
Even better news is that the EU is working on new rules right now to
eliminate roaming charges altogether!
So by next Christmas, we expect roaming charges to be a thing of the past,
and you can chat, text, download and surf anywhere in the EU just like you would
at home!
Type of mobile activity in the EU
Making a call
Price caps in 2013: 24 cents per min
Price caps in 2014: 19 cents per min
Receiving a call
in 2013: 7 cents per mi
in 2014: 5 cents per min
Sending a text message
in 2013: Max. 8 cents
in 2014: Max. 6 cents
Downloading data/browsing net
in 2013: 45 cents per MB
in 2014: 20 cents per mB
What do I need to know if I want to take my pet (cat, dog or ferret) with me
on holiday in the EU?
If you are travelling within the EU, you can easily take your pet, if you
respect the following rules:
If you are taking your dog, cat or ferret, make sure that it has an
anti-rabies vaccination and that this information is written down into your
pet's passport.
If you are going to Ireland, Finland, Malta or the United Kingdom, your pet
will also need to undergo an anti-parasite treatment.
If your dog or cat is less than 3 months old or if you have a pet which is
not a dog, cat or ferret, country specific rules may apply.
Check our website for more information on this topic.
If you are an EU citizen travelling home with your pet from outside the EU,
you will still need your pet's passport.
Depending on your holiday destination, your pet may need to undergo
additional tests to the anti-rabies vaccination before going on holiday.
If you are a resident of Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San
Marino, Switzerland or the Vatican City State holding a pet passport, you have
the same rights as EU citizens.
Before departure, check the requirements of the country you are planning to
Can I bring back some meat or cheese from my holidays abroad?
When returning home from most countries outside the EU, it is illegal to
bring back any meat or dairy products whether these are for yourself or as a
gift for others.
If you are coming back from the Faeroe Islands, Greenland or Iceland, you can
bring back up to 10 kilos of certain products of animal origin, powdered infant
milk, infant food, special food or special pet food required for medical
To be able to transport these products, they must be put in sealed packages
and should not weigh more than two kilos or require refrigeration before
You can also bring back fish and certain shellfish from Greenland, if they
weigh up to 20 kilos.
For the Faeroe Islands or Iceland, no weight restrictions apply.
For other animal products, such as honey, you are also limited to two kilos.
When transporting animal products between countries inside the EU, these
rules do not apply. Nor do they apply, if you are coming from Andorra,
Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino or Switzerland.
The EU may introduce further restrictions in the event of infectious animal
diseases in third countries.
In case of doubt, check with the veterinary service at the point of entry
into the EU (airport, port, road, etc.).
It is important to remember that these rules exist in order to protect your
health and the health of EU livestock from serious animal diseases.
For more information, check out the travel Europa website.
The answers to more FAQs are here.
If you wish to ask another question, you can do so at this address.
What should I keep in mind if I take out a loan to pay for my package
The EU’s Consumer Credit Directive grants you certain rights when you buy
something on credit.
The five most important ones:
- The consumer credit ads you are looking at should be transparent and easy to
- Before signing a contract, you should receive enough information to be able
to compare the different offers on the market
- Once you sign your agreement, you should get a copy of it.
- If you change your mind, you have 14 days to withdraw from the contract
- You should be able to repay your credit earlier than foreseen against a fair
If I have problems while shopping during my holiday abroad, whom can I
contact back home to help me get a redress?
If you live in the EU, Norway or Iceland, you can get free assistance once
you are back home!
Contact the European Consumer Centre (ECC) in your country, if you had
problems renting a car, booking a package holiday or a plane ticket while
travelling in the EU, Norway or Iceland.
Their team can also help you solve problems you had when ordering accessories
for your vacation online from another European country.
Those travelling to Brazil for the World Cup can also get benefit from the
ECC’s expertise.
You can download a special world cup guide on your rights as a consumer in
Brazil from here.
During my holiday, I bought a new pair of shoes but they broke after a week. How can I get my money back? What are the rules?
No matter where you shop within the EU, you have basic consumer rights that
cannot be taken away.
2-year guarantee - the seller must repair or replace faulty goods free of
If that is not possible within reasonable time or without inconvenience, you
may ask for a refund or a price reduction.
Commercial guarantees do not replace the minimum 2-year guarantee but may
complement it.
Whatever your nationality, EU consumer laws apply to purchases of goods or
services made in any outlet located in the EU territory.
Warranties are regulated by law Europe-wide.
An EU Directive specifies the minimum degree of protection of buyers.
Member States are obliged to implement the EU requirements in national law,
which may also offer a higher level of protection.
Thanks to the European Small Claims procedure, you are also able to claim
your money back in three simple steps, if you purchased a faulty product abroad.
In many cases and in all EU countries – with the exception of Denmark – you
can make use of this process.
It is a speedy, cost-effective alternative to traditional court procedures,
and can currently be used for commercial, including consumer transactions
involving up to €2,000.
You only have to submit a standard form to the competent court.
Another piece of good news for consumers is that new EU rules on consumer
rights will enter into force as of 13 June 2014, which will ensure that all EU
citizens have 14 days if they wish to return goods bought at a distance, whether
by internet, post or phone (MEMO/14/1144).
What happens if I need to see a doctor abroad?
If you get sick or suffer an injury while travelling to an EU country,
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, you have the right to emergency
For this, you need the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you.
The treatment you will receive will be provided under the same conditions and
at the same cost as for people insured in the country you are visiting.
So don't forget to ask your national health insurance provider to issue it
for you, free of charge.
To keep the emergency phone numbers you may need with you and for more
information about the treatments covered and their costs, how to claim
reimbursement and whom to contact in case you lose your card, download the
special smartphone application.
The app is available in 24 languages.
The app does not replace the EHIC.
If you are a chronic disease patient and you need to get your medicine while
travelling abroad, ask your doctor for a cross-border prescription before you