Cannes: il regista bosniaco Tanovic' riceve il premio MEDIA dell'UE
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Data documento: 14-05-2014
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Bosnian film director Tanovic' to receive EU 'Prix MEDIA' at Cannes
Cannes: il regista bosniaco Tanovic' riceve il premio MEDIA dell'UE
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The Oscar-winning Bosnian director Danis Tanovic' is the winner of the 2014 European Union 'Prix MEDIA', awarded to the best new film project eligible for support from the Creative Europe MEDIA programme.
Il regista bosniaco Danis Tanovic', già insignito di un Oscar, si è aggiudicato il premio MEDIA dell’Unione europea 2014, conferito al migliore nuovo progetto cinematografico ammissibile al finanziamento del programma MEDIA di Europa creativa.
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Tanovic' will receive the award from Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for culture, during a ceremony at the Cannes Film Festival in France on Saturday 17 May (11am, Café des Palmes, Palais des Festivals).
Tanovic' riceverà il premio dalle mani di Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario europeo responsabile per la Cultura, nel corso di una cerimonia che si terrà sabato 17 maggio (11am, Café des Palmes, Palais des Festivals) al Festival del cinema di Cannes (Francia).
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The director shares the award with co-scriptwriter Predrag Kojovic and producer Amra Baksic Camo for What Are You Looking At?, a story he describes as being "about a city in an indefinitely prolonged post-war period, without heroes and with its values hijacked by corruption and crime".
Il regista divide il premio con il co-sceneggiatore Predrag Kojovic e con la produttrice Amra Baksic Camo per il film What Are You Looking At?, una storia che, secondo il regista, "parla di una città in un periodo postbellico che si protrae a tempo indeterminato, senza eroi e i cui valori sono sopraffatti dalla corruzione e dalla criminalità".
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Tanovic' won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2001 with No Man's Land.
Tanovic' ha vinto l’Oscar per il miglior film in lingua straniera nel 2001 con No Man's Land.
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His 2013 film, An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, won the Jury Grand Prix at the Berlin Film Festival and the Silver Bear for Best Actor (Nazif Mujic').
Il suo film del 2013, An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, si è aggiudicato il gran premio della giuria al Festival del cinema di Berlino e l’Orso d’argento per il miglior attore (Nazif Mujic').
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Commissioner Vassiliou said:
La Commissaria Vassiliou ha affermato:
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"Danis Tanovic' is one of the finest film-makers of his generation.
"Danis Tanovic' è uno dei più raffinati cineasti della sua generazione.
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His latest film project is exceptional, with a compelling script that exudes a powerful sense of cultural identity and dynamism.
Il suo ultimo progetto cinematografico, la cui avvincente sceneggiatura emana un forte senso di identità culturale e dinamismo, è straordinario.
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After the worldwide success of his masterpiece 'No Man's Land' and other acclaimed movies, it is clear that he has created the basis for another wonderful film which I'm sure will move hearts and minds in equal measure.
Dopo il successo mondiale del suo capolavoro No Man's Land e di altri film molto apprezzati, è chiaro che sta preparando un'altra opera meravigliosa che sono certa toccherà i cuori e le menti in pari misura.
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We wish him and his team every success."
Auguriamo a lui e ai suoi collaboratori ogni successo".
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What Are You Looking At? is still in the early development phase.
What Are You Looking At? è ancora nella fase iniziale di sviluppo.
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The central character is Jasmin, living in Sarajevo alongside his friends and enemies, in a period of transition that has gone on for almost 20 years.
Il personaggio principale è Jasmin, che vive a Sarajevo circondata da amici e nemici, in un periodo di transizione che continua da quasi 20 anni.
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"For the first time in my life I have felt a need to do a story about the city I live in.
"Per la prima volta nella mia vita ho sentito la necessità di raccontare una storia sulla città in cui vivo.
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Everything I love about it, everything I believe in is gradually falling apart before my very eyes.
Tutto quello che amo lì e tutto quello in cui credo si sta gradualmente sgretolando sotto i miei occhi.
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I do not believe that a revolution in the minds of my fellow citizens is possible, but I hope that this story will get them to start thinking," said writer-director Tanovic'.
Non ritengo che sia possibile una rivoluzione nelle menti dei miei concittadini, ma spero che questa storia li stimolerà ad iniziare a riflettere", ha dichiarato lo sceneggiatore-regista Tanovic'.
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The winning project, submitted by the Sarajevo-based production company SCCA/, scored the highest points out of all the applications submitted in the latest selection round for film development funding from MEDIA.
Il progetto vincitore, presentato dalla società di produzione di Sarajevo SCCA/, ha ottenuto il punteggio complessivo più elevato tra tutte le domande presentate nell’ultima tornata di selezioni per i finanziamenti MEDIA allo sviluppo di opere cinematografiche.
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What Are You Looking At? was selected as the best new film project by European experts for its outstanding artistic content in combination with promising strategies for development, production and distribution, including strong European box-office potential.
What Are You Looking At? è stato selezionato come il migliore nuovo progetto cinematografico da esperti europei per il suo eccezionale contenuto artistico nonché per le sue promettenti strategie per lo sviluppo, la produzione e la distribuzione, comprese le forti prospettive di incassi ai botteghini europei.
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Bosnian director Danis Tanovic' achieved worldwide success in 2001 with his first film No Man's Land, which claimed more than 40 international awards including the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
Il regista bosniaco Danis Tanovic' ha conseguito il successo mondiale nel 2001 con il suo primo film No Man's Land, che si è aggiudicato oltre 40 premi internazionali, compreso l’Oscar per il miglior film in lingua straniera.
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Set in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993, during the heaviest period of fighting, the bittersweet anti-war movie marked a complete renewal of the war satire genre.
Ambientato in Bosnia-Erzegovina nel 1993, durante la fase più cruenta del conflitto, questo film dolceamaro contro la guerra ha segnato il rinnovo completo del genere della satira di guerra.
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Other notable films written and directed by Tanovic' include Triage (2009) and Cirkus Columbia (2010).
Tra gli altri film di pregio scritti e diretti da Tanovic': Triage (2009) e Cirkus Columbia (2010).
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The director, who studied in Sarajevo and Brussels, is also a professor in film directing at the Academy of Performing Arts (Akademija Scenskih Umjetnosti) in Sarajevo.
Il regista, che ha studiato a Sarajevo e a Bruxelles, è inoltre professore di regia cinematografica presso l’Accademia delle arti dello spettacolo (Akademija Scenskih Umjetnosti) di Sarajevo.
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In 2003 Tanovic' was a member of the jury at Cannes Film Festival.
Nel 2003 Tanovic' è stato membro della giuria al Festival del cinema di Cannes.
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Amra Baksic Camo, who also produced An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, is the long-time head of CineLink, the Sarajevo Film Festival's co-production market.
Amra Baksic Camo, che ha prodotto anche An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, dirige ormai da lunga data CineLink, il mercato di coproduzione del Festival del cinema di Sarajevo.
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She is one of the founders of SCCA/, an independent film, video and TV production company based in the city.
È co-fondatrice di SCCA/, una società indipendente di produzione cinematografica, video e televisiva con sede nella città.
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Amra has also benefitted from the EU supported funding schemes ACE (Atelier du Cinéma Européen) and EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs) for the training of producers.
Ha inoltre beneficiato di programmi di finanziamento sostenuti dall’UE per la formazione dei produttori: ACE (Atelier du Cinéma Européen) ed EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs).
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Previous winners of the Prix MEDIA
I vincitori delle precedenti edizioni del premio MEDIA
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The first winners of the Prix MEDIA, in 2012, were the Iranian director Asghar Farhadi and producer Alexandre Mallet-Guy for a film project which became Le Passé, starring Tahar Rahim and Bérénice Béjo.
I primi vincitori del premio MEDIA, nel 2012, sono stati il regista iraniano Asghar Farhadi e il produttore Alexandre Mallet-Guy per un progetto cinematografico che è sfociato nel film Le Passé, interpretato da Tahar Rahim e Bérénice Béjo.
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The film went on to win the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at Cannes last year.
Il film si è successivamente aggiudicato il premio della giuria ecumenica a Cannes lo scorso anno.
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Béjo also won the Best Actress Award.
Béjo ha inoltre vinto il premio come migliore attrice.
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Last year the Danish writer-director Thomas Vinterberg, best-known for Jagten, nominated for an Oscar 2014, received the Prix MEDIA with co-writer Tobias Lindblom and producer Sisse Graum (Zentropa) for the film project Kollektivet (The Commune). Kollektivet is expected to have its premiere in autumn 2015 or spring 2016.
Lo scorso anno lo sceneggiatore-regista Thomas Vinterberg, noto per il film Jagten, candidato agli Oscar 2014, ha ricevuto il premio MEDIA assieme al co-sceneggiatore Tobias Lindblom e alla produttrice Sisse Graum (Zentropa) per il progetto cinematografico Kollektivet, che dovrebbe essere presentato al pubblico tra l'autunno 2015 e la primavera 2016.
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Premio MEDIA dell'UE
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The European Union's Prix MEDIA is awarded to the project with the best box-office potential submitted for development funding from Creative Europe's MEDIA programme.
Il premio MEDIA dell'Unione europea è assegnato al progetto cinematografico con le migliori prospettive di incassi al botteghino presentato per ottenere il finanziamento allo sviluppo nell'ambito del programma MEDIA di Europa creativa.
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The work may be fictional, animated or a documentary but must be for cinema release.
Può trattarsi di fiction, film d'animazione o documentari, ma le opere devono essere destinate alla distribuzione cinematografica.
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Development costs which are eligible for support under MEDIA include preparing the script, seeking and identifying the main actors and crew, preparing the financing plan, initial marketing and a pilot production.
I costi di sviluppo ammissibili al sostegno del programma MEDIA comprendono la scrittura della sceneggiatura, il casting artistico e tecnico, la redazione del piano finanziario, il marketing iniziale e la realizzazione di una produzione pilota.
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The winner is selected by a panel of independent experts and representatives of the European Commission and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, which manages the MEDIA sub-programme.
Il vincitore è selezionato da un gruppo composto da esperti indipendenti e da rappresentanti della Commissione europea e dell'Agenzia esecutiva per l’istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura che gestisce il sottoprogramma MEDIA.
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Since 1991, MEDIA (acronym for 'Mesures pour encourager le développement de l'industrie audiovisuelle' – Measures to encourage the development of the audiovisual industry) has invested €1.7 billion in film development, distribution, training and innovation with the aim of enhancing the diversity and international competitiveness of the European film and audiovisual industry.
Dal 1991 MEDIA (acronimo derivato da Mesures pour encourager le développement de l'industrie audiovisuelle – Misure per incoraggiare lo sviluppo dell'industria audiovisiva) ha investito 1,7 miliardi di EUR nello sviluppo, nella distribuzione, nella formazione e nell'innovazione in ambito cinematografico al fine di incrementare la diversità e la competitività a livello internazionale del cinema e dell'industria audiovisiva europei.
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Creative Europe
Europa creativa
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Creative Europe, which combines the EU's MEDIA and Culture programmes, has a budget of budget of nearly €1.5 billion over the next seven years – 9% more than previous levels.
Europa creativa, che riunisce i programmi Cultura e MEDIA dell’UE, ha una dotazione di bilancio di quasi 1,5 miliardi di EUR per i prossimi sette anni, il 9% in più rispetto al periodo precedente.
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Creative Europe will provide funding for at least 250 000 artists and cultural professionals, 2 000 cinemas, 800 films and 4 500 book translations.
Europa creativa finanzierà almeno 250 000 artisti e professionisti della cultura, 2 000 cinema, 800 film e 4 500 traduzioni di libri.
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It will also launch a new financial guarantee facility enabling small cultural and creative businesses to access up to €750 million in bank loans. |
E lancerà un nuovo strumento di garanzia finanziaria, che consentirà alle piccole imprese nei settori creativi e culturali di avere accesso a prestiti bancari per un importo fino a 750 milioni di EUR. |
Bosnian film director Tanovic' to receive EU 'Prix MEDIA' at Cannes
The Oscar-winning Bosnian director Danis Tanovic' is the winner of the 2014
European Union 'Prix MEDIA', awarded to the best new film project eligible for
support from the Creative Europe MEDIA programme.
Tanovic' will receive the award from Androulla Vassiliou, the European
Commissioner responsible for culture, during a ceremony at the Cannes Film
Festival in France on Saturday 17 May (11am, Café des Palmes, Palais des
The director shares the award with co-scriptwriter Predrag Kojovic and
producer Amra Baksic Camo for What Are You Looking At?, a story he describes as
being "about a city in an indefinitely prolonged post-war period, without heroes
and with its values hijacked by corruption and crime".
Tanovic' won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2001 with No Man's
His 2013 film, An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker, won the Jury Grand
Prix at the Berlin Film Festival and the Silver Bear for Best Actor (Nazif
Commissioner Vassiliou said:
"Danis Tanovic' is one of the finest film-makers of his generation.
His latest film project is exceptional, with a compelling script that exudes
a powerful sense of cultural identity and dynamism.
After the worldwide success of his masterpiece 'No Man's Land' and other
acclaimed movies, it is clear that he has created the basis for another
wonderful film which I'm sure will move hearts and minds in equal measure.
We wish him and his team every success."
What Are You Looking At? is still in the early development phase.
The central character is Jasmin, living in Sarajevo alongside his friends and
enemies, in a period of transition that has gone on for almost 20 years.
"For the first time in my life I have felt a need to do a story about the
city I live in.
Everything I love about it, everything I believe in is gradually falling
apart before my very eyes.
I do not believe that a revolution in the minds of my fellow citizens is
possible, but I hope that this story will get them to start thinking," said
writer-director Tanovic'.
The winning project, submitted by the Sarajevo-based production company
SCCA/, scored the highest points out of all the applications submitted in
the latest selection round for film development funding from MEDIA.
What Are You Looking At? was selected as the best new film project by
European experts for its outstanding artistic content in combination with
promising strategies for development, production and distribution, including
strong European box-office potential.
Bosnian director Danis Tanovic' achieved worldwide success in 2001 with his
first film No Man's Land, which claimed more than 40 international awards
including the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
Set in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993, during the heaviest period of
fighting, the bittersweet anti-war movie marked a complete renewal of the war
satire genre.
Other notable films written and directed by Tanovic' include Triage (2009)
and Cirkus Columbia (2010).
The director, who studied in Sarajevo and Brussels, is also a professor in
film directing at the Academy of Performing Arts (Akademija Scenskih Umjetnosti)
in Sarajevo.
In 2003 Tanovic' was a member of the jury at Cannes Film Festival.
Amra Baksic Camo, who also produced An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker,
is the long-time head of CineLink, the Sarajevo Film Festival's co-production
She is one of the founders of SCCA/, an independent film, video and TV
production company based in the city.
Amra has also benefitted from the EU supported funding schemes ACE (Atelier
du Cinéma Européen) and EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs) for the
training of producers.
Previous winners of the Prix MEDIA
The first winners of the Prix MEDIA, in 2012, were the Iranian director
Asghar Farhadi and producer Alexandre Mallet-Guy for a film project which became
Le Passé, starring Tahar Rahim and Bérénice Béjo.
The film went on to win the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at Cannes last year.
Béjo also won the Best Actress Award.
Last year the Danish writer-director Thomas Vinterberg, best-known for
Jagten, nominated for an Oscar 2014, received the Prix MEDIA with co-writer
Tobias Lindblom and producer Sisse Graum (Zentropa) for the film project
Kollektivet (The Commune). Kollektivet is expected to have its premiere in
autumn 2015 or spring 2016.
The European Union's Prix MEDIA is awarded to the project with the best
box-office potential submitted for development funding from Creative Europe's
MEDIA programme.
The work may be fictional, animated or a documentary but must be for cinema
Development costs which are eligible for support under MEDIA include
preparing the script, seeking and identifying the main actors and crew,
preparing the financing plan, initial marketing and a pilot production.
The winner is selected by a panel of independent experts and representatives
of the European Commission and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency, which manages the MEDIA sub-programme.
Since 1991, MEDIA (acronym for 'Mesures pour encourager le développement de
l'industrie audiovisuelle' – Measures to encourage the development of the
audiovisual industry) has invested €1.7 billion in film development,
distribution, training and innovation with the aim of enhancing the diversity
and international competitiveness of the European film and audiovisual industry.
Creative Europe
Creative Europe, which combines the EU's MEDIA and Culture programmes, has a
budget of budget of nearly €1.5 billion over the next seven years – 9% more than
previous levels.
Creative Europe will provide funding for at least 250 000 artists and
cultural professionals, 2 000 cinemas, 800 films and 4 500 book translations.
It will also launch a new financial guarantee facility enabling small
cultural and creative businesses to access up to €750 million in bank loans.