Giornata europea del mare 2014: innovare per un uso sostenibile dei nostri oceani
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Data documento: 13-05-2014
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European Maritime Day 2014: Innovating for a sustainable use of our oceans
Giornata europea del mare 2014: innovare per un uso sostenibile dei nostri oceani
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Innovation and research in the maritime economy can drive a European growth and jobs recovery whilst securing a sustainable future for Europe's seas, oceans, and all those whose livelihoods depend on them.
L'innovazione e la ricerca nell'economia marittima possono contribuire a rilanciare la crescita e l'occupazione in Europa, garantendo nel contempo un futuro sostenibile per i mari e gli oceani europei e per tutti coloro che da essi dipendono per il proprio sostentamento.
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That is the focus of this year's European Maritime Day held in Bremen, Germany, on 19-20 May which will host an exchange of ideas between experts, stakeholders from all maritime sectors and policy makers from across the EU.
È questo il tema centrale della Giornata europea del mare, che il 19 e 20 maggio riunirà a Brema, in Germania, esperti, parti interessate di tutti i settori marittimi e responsabili politici dell'intera UE per uno scambio di idee.
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European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and co-host of the event, Maria Damanaki, said:
Maria Damanaki, Commissaria europea per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca e co-organizzatrice dell'evento, ha dichiarato:
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"Europe's economy is still in choppy waters and we have a duty to maximise every drop of potential to help its recovery.
"L'economia europea vive ancora una situazione difficile e dobbiamo sfruttare al massimo tutte le possibilità di favorirne la ripresa.
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Our seas and oceans have this potential in abundance.
I mari e gli oceani europei dispongono di un notevole potenziale in tal senso.
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We are committed to exploring how best they can help us create jobs and growth – but in a way that does not compromise on our ecosystems.
Stiamo riflettendo su come possano aiutarci nel modo più efficace a creare occupazione e crescita, evitando però di danneggiare i nostri ecosistemi.
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The European Maritime Day is an occasion for the maritime community to discuss how to make sure that growth and sustainability go hand in hand in the blue economy".
La Giornata europea del mare dà alla comunità marittima l'opportunità di discutere su come garantire che la crescita e la sostenibilità vadano di pari passo nell'economia blu."
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The European Commission's Blue Growth agenda seeks to make sustainability the cornerstone for maritime growth, and will therefore be at the heart of the discussions in Bremen.
A Brema la sostenibilità, considerata dall'agenda per la crescita blu della Commissione europea la pietra angolare della crescita nel settore marittimo, sarà al centro di tutte le discussioni.
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Set against a backdrop of recent announcements by the EU on Blue Innovation (IP/14/536), Maritime Spatial Planning (IP/14/459), coastal and maritime tourism (IP/14/171) and ocean energy (IP/14/36), the event will bring together each sector of the maritime economy to discuss how they can co-operate, share insights, and make sustainable growth a reality.
Sullo sfondo dei recenti annunci dell'UE relativi all'innovazione blu (IP/14/536), alla pianificazione dello spazio marittimo (IP/14/459), al turismo costiero e marittimo (IP/14/171) e all'energia oceanica (IP/14/36), l'evento riunirà tutti i comparti dell'economia marittima perché discutano su come collaborare, condividere le proprie percezioni e far sì che la crescita sostenibile diventi realtà.
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Commissioner Damanaki will be joined in Bremen by Mr Alexander Dobrindt, German Federal Minister for Transport, and Digital Infrastructure, Mr Jens Böhrnsen, President of the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Mr Martin Günthner, Senator of Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, as well as other European ministers and personalities at the two day Conference.
Oltre alla Commissaria Damanaki, nei due giorni della conferenza saranno presenti a Brema Alexander Dobrindt, Ministro federale tedesco dei trasporti e dell'infrastruttura digitale, Jens Böhrnsen, Presidente del Senato della libera città anseatica di Brema, Martin Günthner, Senatore per gli affari economici, il lavoro e i porti della libera città anseatica di Brema, nonché altri ministri e personalità europei.
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With 21 workshops organised by stakeholders, two plenary sessions with keynote speakers, high-level sessions, a special exhibition on maritime issues, public happenings and an innovative networking event, the conference will be a hub of debate and sharing of best practice across the two days.
I due giorni della conferenza saranno interamente dedicati a discussioni e scambi di migliori pratiche, con 21 workshop organizzati dalle parti interessate, due sessioni plenarie con gli oratori principali, sessioni ad alto livello, una mostra specifica sulle questioni marittime, manifestazioni pubbliche e un evento innovativo di networking.
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The City of Bremen will kick off the European Maritime Day by celebrations along the banks of the river Weser on 18 May, with live music events, exhibitions of research institutes, visits to research ships, family events and other festivities.
Il 18 maggio la città di Brema darà inizio alla Giornata europea del mare con festeggiamenti lungo le rive del fiume Weser tra cui concerti live, mostre allestite da istituti di ricerca, visite a navi di ricerca e manifestazioni per le famiglie.
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All the public events as well as the European Maritime Day Conference are free of charge and open to the public.
La Conferenza per la Giornata europea del mare e tutti gli eventi pubblici sono gratuiti e liberamente accessibili.
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The 7th edition of the European Maritime Day Conference is organised by the European Commission in partnership with the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
La settima edizione della Conferenza per la Giornata europea del mare è organizzata dalla Commissione europea in partenariato con il Ministero dei trasporti, dell'edilizia e dell'urbanismo e con il Ministero degli affari economici, del lavoro e dei porti della libera città anseatica di Brema.
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The theme for this year's conference is "Innovation driving Blue Growth".
Quest'anno il tema della conferenza è "L'innovazione come motore della crescita blu".
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European Maritime Day was created by a tripartite declaration by the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on 20 May 2008.
La Giornata europea del mare è stata istituita il 20 maggio 2008 da una dichiarazione tripartita dei presidenti della Commissione europea, del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio dell'Unione europea.
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It is celebrated every year on and around 20 May and aims to raise the visibility of Maritime Europe.
Si celebra ogni anno il 20 maggio, e nei giorni immediatamente precedenti o seguenti, allo scopo di aumentare la visibilità dell'Europa marittima.
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The previous editions of European Maritime Day were held in Brussels (2008), Rome (2009), Gijon (2010), Gdansk (2011), Gothenburg (2012) and Valetta (2013) respectively.
Le edizioni precedenti della Giornata europea del mare si sono tenute, rispettivamente, a Bruxelles (2008), Roma (2009), Gijon (2010), Danzica (2011), Göteborg (2012) e La Valletta (2013). |
European Maritime Day 2014: Innovating for a sustainable use of our oceans
Innovation and research in the maritime economy can drive a European growth
and jobs recovery whilst securing a sustainable future for Europe's seas,
oceans, and all those whose livelihoods depend on them.
That is the focus of this year's European Maritime Day held in Bremen,
Germany, on 19-20 May which will host an exchange of ideas between experts,
stakeholders from all maritime sectors and policy makers from across the EU.
European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and co-host of the
event, Maria Damanaki, said:
"Europe's economy is still in choppy waters and we have a duty to maximise
every drop of potential to help its recovery.
Our seas and oceans have this potential in abundance.
We are committed to exploring how best they can help us create jobs and
growth – but in a way that does not compromise on our ecosystems.
The European Maritime Day is an occasion for the maritime community to
discuss how to make sure that growth and sustainability go hand in hand in the
blue economy".
The European Commission's Blue Growth agenda seeks to make sustainability the
cornerstone for maritime growth, and will therefore be at the heart of the
discussions in Bremen.
Set against a backdrop of recent announcements by the EU on Blue Innovation
(IP/14/536), Maritime Spatial Planning (IP/14/459), coastal and maritime tourism
(IP/14/171) and ocean energy (IP/14/36), the event will bring together each
sector of the maritime economy to discuss how they can co-operate, share
insights, and make sustainable growth a reality.
Commissioner Damanaki will be joined in Bremen by Mr Alexander Dobrindt,
German Federal Minister for Transport, and Digital Infrastructure, Mr Jens
Böhrnsen, President of the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Mr
Martin Günthner, Senator of Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports of the Free
Hanseatic City of Bremen, as well as other European ministers and personalities
at the two day Conference.
With 21 workshops organised by stakeholders, two plenary sessions with
keynote speakers, high-level sessions, a special exhibition on maritime issues,
public happenings and an innovative networking event, the conference will be a
hub of debate and sharing of best practice across the two days.
The City of Bremen will kick off the European Maritime Day by celebrations
along the banks of the river Weser on 18 May, with live music events,
exhibitions of research institutes, visits to research ships, family events and
other festivities.
All the public events as well as the European Maritime Day Conference are
free of charge and open to the public.
The 7th edition of the European Maritime Day Conference is organised by the
European Commission in partnership with the German Federal Ministry of
Transport, Building and Urban Development and the Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Labour and Ports of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
The theme for this year's conference is "Innovation driving Blue Growth".
European Maritime Day was created by a tripartite declaration by the
Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council
of the EU on 20 May 2008.
It is celebrated every year on and around 20 May and aims to raise the
visibility of Maritime Europe.
The previous editions of European Maritime Day were held in Brussels (2008),
Rome (2009), Gijon (2010), Gdansk (2011), Gothenburg (2012) and Valetta (2013)