Secondo la Corte dei conti europea, la politica agricola comune dovrebbe tener meglio conto delle questioni relative alle risorse idriche
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Data documento: 13-05-2014
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The common agricultural policy should take better account of water concerns, say EU Auditors
Secondo la Corte dei conti europea, la politica agricola comune dovrebbe tener meglio conto delle questioni relative alle risorse idriche
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A report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) reveals that the EU has been only partially successful in integrating water policy goals into the common agricultural policy (CAP).
Una relazione pubblicata oggi dalla Corte dei conti europea rileva che l'UE è riuscita solo in parte a integrare nella politica agricola comune (PAC) gli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque.
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The audit highlighted weaknesses in the two instruments currently used to integrate water concerns into the CAP (namely cross-compliance and rural development) and pointed out delays and weaknesses in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
L'audit ha evidenziato debolezze nei due strumenti (la condizionalità e lo sviluppo rurale) attualmente usati per integrare nella PAC le questioni relative alle risorse idriche e ha individuato ritardi e debolezze nell'attuazione della direttiva quadro sulle acque.
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“In Europe, agriculture is, quite naturally, a major user of water - around one-third of total water use, and is a source of pressure on water resources, for example through nutrient pollution in water,” stated Mr Kevin Cardiff, the ECA Member responsible for the report,
“In Europa, l'agricoltura consuma, in maniera del tutto logica, una grande quantità di acqua, assorbendo un terzo circa dell'acqua complessivamente utilizzata, ed esercita pressioni sulle risorse idriche attraverso, ad esempio, l'inquinamento idrico da nutrienti,” ha dichiarato Kevin Cardiff, il Membro della Corte responsabile della relazione.
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While there has been progress, the Commission and Member States need to better integrate water policy concerns with the common agricultural policy to ensure long-term sustainable water use”.
“Sebbene si siano registrati dei progressi, la Commissione e gli Stati membri devono integrare meglio le questioni relative alle risorse idriche nella politica agricola comune, al fine di garantire un uso sostenibile a lungo termine di tali risorse”.
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The CAP represents just under 40 % of the EU budget (over € 50 billion for 2014) and through the CAP the EU seeks to influence agricultural practices affecting water.
La PAC rappresenta poco meno del 40 % del bilancio dell'UE (per il 2014, oltre 50 miliardi di euro) e mediante tale politica l'UE vuole influire sulle pratiche agricole che hanno un impatto sulle risorse idriche.
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The EU auditors examined whether the EU’s water policy objectives are properly and effectively reflected in the CAP, both at strategic and implementation levels.
L'audit della Corte ha esaminato se gli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque trovino riscontro effettivo ed efficace nella PAC, a livello sia strategico sia di attuazione.
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This involved analysing two instruments which are being used to integrate the EU’s water policy objectives into the CAP:
Sono stati analizzati i due strumenti utilizzati per integrare nella PAC gli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque:
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cross-compliance, a mechanism linking certain CAP payments with specific environmental requirements, and the rural development fund, which provides for financial incentives for actions going beyond compulsory legislation to improve water quality.
la condizionalità, un meccanismo che subordina determinati pagamenti della PAC al rispetto di specifici requisiti ambientali, e il Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale, che fornisce incentivi finanziari per azioni che vanno al di là di quanto richiesto dalla normativa obbligatoria per migliorare la qualità delle acque.
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The EU auditors found that cross-compliance and rural development funding have thus far had a positive impact in supporting the policy objectives to improve water quantity and quality, but these instruments are limited, relative to the policy ambitions set for the CAP, and the even more ambitious goals set by the CAP regulations for the 2014-2020 period.
L'audit ha rilevato che la condizionalità e i finanziamenti per lo sviluppo rurale hanno sinora avuto un impatto positivo sul conseguimento degli obiettivi di miglioramento della quantità e qualità delle risorse idriche, ma che tali strumenti sono limitati in rapporto alle ambizioni della PAC e agli ancor più ambiziosi obiettivi stabiliti dai regolamenti PAC per il periodo 2014-2020.
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The auditors also concluded that there is insufficient knowledge, at the level of the EU institutions and in the Member States, about the pressures placed on water by agricultural activities and how those pressures are evolving.
La Corte ha concluso anche che vi è scarsa conoscenza, a livello UE e negli Stati membri, delle pressioni esercitate dalle attività agricole sulle risorse idriche e della loro evoluzione nel tempo.
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“Member States need to do more to align their Rural Development Programmes and their actions to protect their water resources, and delays in implementing the Water Framework Directive need to be addressed,” Mr Cardiff said, “ and while feedback already received from the Commission is positive, there is plenty yet to be done.”
“Gli Stati membri devono fare di più per allineare i programmi di sviluppo rurale e gli interventi a tutela delle risorse idriche, e devono eliminare i ritardi nell'applicazione della direttiva quadro sulle acque.” ha affermato Cardiff, “Anche se i riscontri già pervenuti alla Commissione sono positivi, resta ancora molto da fare.”
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Notes to the editors:
Note agli editori:
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European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas or management topics.
Le relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea sono pubblicate nel corso dell’anno e presentano i risultati di audit selezionati su specifici settori del bilancio UE o su temi relativi alla gestione.
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This special report (No 4/2014) entitled “Integration of EU water policy objectives with the CAP:
La presente relazione speciale (n.4/2014) intitolata "L’integrazione nella PAC degli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque:
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a partial success”,assessed whether the objectives of EU water policy had been successfully integrated into the CAP but found that to date they had only partially been so. This was due to a mismatch between the ambition of the policy objectives and the instruments used to effect change.
un successo parziale", ha valutato se gli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque siano stati integrati con successo nella PAC, ma ha trovato che, sinora, ciò è avvenuto solo in parte a causa di uno squilibrio tra l’ambizione degli obiettivi della PAC e la capacità degli strumenti utilizzati di produrre un cambiamento.
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The audit highlighted weaknesses in the two instruments currently used by the Commission to integrate water concerns into the CAP (namely cross-compliance and rural development) and pointed out delays and weaknesses in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
L'audit ha evidenziato debolezze nei due strumenti attualmente usati dalla Commissione per integrare nella PAC le questioni relative alle risorse idriche (ossia, la condizionalità e lo sviluppo rurale) e ha individuato ritardi e debolezze nell'attuazione della direttiva quadro sulle acque.
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While the EU auditors concluded that cross-compliance and rural development funding have led to positive results in improving water quantity and quality, they noted that these instruments are limited. They are not commensurate with the policy ambitions set for the CAP and the even more ambitious goals set by the CAP regulations for the 2014-2020 period.
Sebbene gli auditor della Corte abbiano concluso che la condizionalità e i finanziamenti per lo sviluppo rurale hanno prodotto risultati positivi per il miglioramento della quantità e della qualità delle acque, essi hanno tuttavia rilevato che tali strumenti sono limitati in rapporto alle ambizioni della PAC e agli ancor più ambiziosi obiettivi stabiliti dai regolamenti PAC per il periodo 2014-2020.
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The ECA also found that monitoring and evaluation systems, both directly related to the CAP and those providing more general data did not provide the information necessary to fully inform policy-making as regards pressures on water coming from agricultural activities, though noting some useful initiatives.
La Corte ha rilevato inoltre che i sistemi di monitoraggio e valutazione, sia quelli direttamente correlati alla PAC sia quelli che forniscono dati più generali, non hanno reso disponibili le informazioni necessarie per prendere decisioni documentate sulle pressioni esercitate dalle attività agricole sulle risorse idriche, pur constatando alcune iniziative utili.
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Based on its findings, the ECA recommended that:
Sulla base di quanto riscontrato, la Corte raccomanda quanto segue:
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- the EU Commission propose the necessary modifications to the current instruments (cross-compliance and rural development) or, where appropriate, new instruments capable of meeting the more ambitious goals with respect to the integration of water policy objectives into the CAP.
- la Commissione UE dovrebbe proporre le modifiche necessarie degli attuali strumenti (condizionalità e sviluppo rurale) o, se necessario, nuovi strumenti capaci di rispondere agli obiettivi più ambiziosi relativi all'integrazione nella PAC degli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque;
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- Member States should address the weaknesses highlighted in relation to cross-compliance and improve their use of rural development funding to better meet the water policy objectives;
- gli Stati membri dovrebbero ovviare alle debolezze evidenziate in rapporto alla condizionalità e migliorare l'uso dei finanziamenti per lo sviluppo rurale per meglio rispondere agli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di acque;
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- the Commission and Member states must address the delays in implementation of the Water Framework Directive and improve the quality of their river basin management plans by describing individual measures and making them sufficiently clear and concrete at an operational level;
- la Commissione e gli Stati membri devono porre rimedio ai ritardi nell'attuazione della direttiva quadro sulle acque e migliorare la qualità dei piani di gestione dei bacini idrografici descrivendo le singole misure e rendendole sufficientemente chiare e concrete a livello operativo;
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- and the Commission should ensure it has information that, at the very least, is capable of measuring the evolution of the pressures placed on water by agricultural practices and the Member States themselves are requested to provide data on water in a more timely, reliable and consistent manner.
- la Commissione dovrebbe fare in modo da disporre di informazioni che, quanto meno, consentano di misurare l'evoluzione delle pressioni esercitate dalle pratiche agricole sulle risorse idriche, mentre agli Stati membri stessi viene chiesto di fornire dati sulle risorse idriche in maniera più tempestiva, affidabile e coerente.
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A short video interview with the ECA Member responsible for the report is available at
website indicated below. |
Una breve intervista video al Membro della Corte responsabile della relazione è disponibile all' indirizzo
indicato sotto. |
The common agricultural policy should take better account of water
concerns, say EU Auditors
A report published today by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) reveals that
the EU has been only partially successful in integrating water policy goals into
the common agricultural policy (CAP).
The audit highlighted weaknesses in the two instruments currently used to
integrate water concerns into the CAP (namely cross-compliance and rural
development) and pointed out delays and weaknesses in the implementation of the
Water Framework Directive.
"In Europe, agriculture is, quite naturally, a major user of water - around
one-third of total water use, and is a source of pressure on water resources,
for example through nutrient pollution in water," stated Mr Kevin Cardiff, the
ECA Member responsible for the report,
While there has been progress, the Commission and Member States need to
better integrate water policy concerns with the common agricultural policy to
ensure long-term sustainable water use".
The CAP represents just under 40 % of the EU budget (over € 50 billion for
2014) and through the CAP the EU seeks to influence agricultural practices
affecting water.
The EU auditors examined whether the EU’s water policy objectives are
properly and effectively reflected in the CAP, both at strategic and
implementation levels.
This involved analysing two instruments which are being used to integrate the
EU’s water policy objectives into the CAP:
cross-compliance, a mechanism linking certain CAP payments with specific
environmental requirements, and the rural development fund, which provides for
financial incentives for actions going beyond compulsory legislation to improve
water quality.
The EU auditors found that cross-compliance and rural development funding
have thus far had a positive impact in supporting the policy objectives to
improve water quantity and quality, but these instruments are limited, relative
to the policy ambitions set for the CAP, and the even more ambitious goals set
by the CAP regulations for the 2014-2020 period.
The auditors also concluded that there is insufficient knowledge, at the
level of the EU institutions and in the Member States, about the pressures
placed on water by agricultural activities and how those pressures are evolving.
"Member States need to do more to align their Rural Development Programmes
and their actions to protect their water resources, and delays in implementing
the Water Framework Directive need to be addressed," Mr Cardiff said, " and
while feedback already received from the Commission is positive, there is plenty
yet to be done."
Notes to the editors:
European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the
year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas
or management topics.
This special report (No 4/2014) entitled "Integration of EU water policy
objectives with the CAP:
a partial success",assessed whether the objectives of EU water policy had
been successfully integrated into the CAP but found that to date they had only
partially been so. This was due to a mismatch between the ambition of the policy
objectives and the instruments used to effect change.
The audit highlighted weaknesses in the two instruments currently used by the
Commission to integrate water concerns into the CAP (namely cross-compliance and
rural development) and pointed out delays and weaknesses in the implementation
of the Water Framework Directive.
While the EU auditors concluded that cross-compliance and rural development
funding have led to positive results in improving water quantity and quality,
they noted that these instruments are limited. They are not commensurate with
the policy ambitions set for the CAP and the even more ambitious goals set by
the CAP regulations for the 2014-2020 period.
The ECA also found that monitoring and evaluation systems, both directly
related to the CAP and those providing more general data did not provide the
information necessary to fully inform policy-making as regards pressures on
water coming from agricultural activities, though noting some useful
Based on its findings, the ECA recommended that:
- the EU Commission propose the necessary modifications to the current
instruments (cross-compliance and rural development) or, where appropriate, new
instruments capable of meeting the more ambitious goals with respect to the
integration of water policy objectives into the CAP.
- Member States should address the weaknesses highlighted in relation to
cross-compliance and improve their use of rural development funding to better
meet the water policy objectives;
- the Commission and Member states must address the delays in implementation
of the Water Framework Directive and improve the quality of their river basin
management plans by describing individual measures and making them sufficiently
clear and concrete at an operational level;
- and the Commission should ensure it has information that, at the very
least, is capable of measuring the evolution of the pressures placed on water by
agricultural practices and the Member States themselves are requested to provide
data on water in a more timely, reliable and consistent manner.
A short video interview with the ECA Member responsible for the report is
available at website indicated below.