Al Festival di Cannes 21 film cofinanziati da fondi MEDIA del programma Europa creativa
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Data documento: 12-05-2014
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Cannes to screen 21 films backed by Creative Europe MEDIA fund
Al Festival di Cannes 21 film cofinanziati da fondi MEDIA del programma Europa creativa
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More than 20 films directed by some of the biggest names in European cinema and supported by the EU's Creative Europe MEDIA programme will be screened at the 67th Cannes International Film Festival (14-25 May), including seven films in competition for the top prize, the Palme d'Or.
Alla 67a edizione del Festival di Cannes (14-25 maggio) saranno presentati più di 20 film diretti da alcuni tra i principali nomi del cinema europeo e cofinanziati da fondi MEDIA del programma dell'UE Europa creativa, tra cui sette pellicole in gara per il massimo risconoscimento, la Palma d'oro.
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Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for culture, will be at the festival to present the third annual European Union 'Prix MEDIA' to the director and producer of the best new film project supported by Creative Europe.
La Commissaria europea per la cultura Androulla Vassiliou sarà al festival per presentare il terzo premio annuale MEDIA dell'Unione europea, destinato al regista e al produttore del migliore progetto cinematografico originale con il contributo di Europa creativa.
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The winners will be unveiled at a ceremony in the Palais des Festivals on 17 May.
I vincitori saranno annunciati durante una cerimonia nel Palais des Festivals il 17 maggio.
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The Commissioner will also hold meetings with young film-makers and industry figures to discuss the new Creative Europe programme, launched in January with a budget of nearly €1.5 billion over the next seven years – 9% higher than previous levels.
La Commissaria incontrerà inoltre giovani cineasti e rappresentanti del settore per discutere il nuovo programma Europa creativa, avviato a gennaio con una dotazione di circa 1,5 miliardi di euro per i prossimi sette anni, in crescita del 9% rispetto alla dotazione precedente.
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In addition, she will address a debate organised by the Commission on expanding the audience for European films and the Commissioner will be a special guest at the opening of the 'Directors' Fortnight' (La Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) selection on 15 May.
La Commissaria interverrà altresì ad un dibattito organizzato dalla Commissione su come ampliare il pubblico dei film europei e sarà ospite d'onore all'inaugurazione della sezione "Quinzaine des Réalisateurs" il 15 maggio.
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"I am delighted that European films selected for funding from MEDIA are once again in the Cannes spotlight.
"Sono lieta di constatare che i film europei finanziati dal programma MEDIA sono ancora una volta sotto i riflettori a Cannes.
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More than 50% of our new Creative Europe programme will support European film development and distribution, as well as training for film-makers and technicians.
Oltre il 50% del nostro nuovo programma Europa creativa sarà dedicato a sostenere lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di film europei unitamente alla formazione di registi e tecnici cinematografici.
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This investment is a guarantee of cultural and linguistic diversity, greater choice for cinema-goers and a more competitive industry.
Questo investimento rappresenta una garanzia di diversità culturale e linguistica, di scelta più vasta per il pubblico cinematografico e di maggiore competitività del settore.
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I am proud to have achieved a budget increase for Creative Europe at a time when many are cutting spending on culture, to have played a strong role in defending the cultural exception and in helping to ensure that our new state aid rules continue to support public funding for film-making," said Commissioner Vassiliou, ahead of what will be her final visit to Cannes in her capacity as Commissioner responsible for culture.
Sono orgogliosa di aver ottenuto un aumento degli stanziamenti per Europa creativa in un periodo nel quale è diffusa la tendenza a tagliare le spese per la cultura, di aver svolto un ruolo importante nella difesa dell'eccezione culturale e di aver contribuito affinché le nuove norme sugli aiuti di Stato continuino ad assicurare finanziamenti pubblici alla cinematografia," ha dichiarato la Commissaria Vassiliou alla vigilia di quella che sarà la sua ultima visita a Cannes a titolo di Commissaria responsabile per la cultura.
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Among the MEDIA-supported films selected is the movie chosen to open the festival, Grace de Monaco, starring Nicole Kidman as the Hollywood heroine who married a prince.
Tra i film che hanno ricevuto il sostegno di MEDIA figura la pellicola prescelta per aprire il festival, Grace de Monaco, con Nicole Kidman nel ruolo dell'eroina di Hollywood che ha sposato un principe.
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The others (see full list below) feature new releases by leading European directors such as Michel Hazanavicius (winner of five Oscars in 2012 for The Artist), Mike Leigh (winner of the 1996 Palme d'Or for Secrets & Lies), Ken Loach (2006 Palme d'Or for The Wind That Shakes The Barley), the legendary Jean-Luc Godard and Belgium's Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne (winners of the 1999 Palme d'Or for Rosetta and 2011 Grand Prix for Le Gamin au Vélo).
Gli altri (l'elenco completo è riportato sotto) sono nuove opere dei più celebri registi europei, come Michel Hazanavicius (vincitore di cinque Oscar nel 2012 per The Artist), Mike Leigh (vincitore della Palma d'oro nel 1996 per Secrets & Lies - Segreti e bugie), Ken Loach (Palma d'oro nel 2006 per The Wind That Shakes The Barley – Il vento che accarezza l'erba), il legggendario Jean-Luc Godard e i belgi Jean-Pierre e Luc Dardenne (vincitori della Palma d'oro nel 1999 per Rosetta e del Gran premio della giuria nel 2011 per Le Gamin au Vélo – Il ragazzo con la bicicletta).
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Wim Wenders (winner of the 1984 Palme d'Or for Paris, Texas) is represented in the section 'Un Certain Regard'.
Wim Wenders (vincitore della Palma d'oro nel 1984 con Paris, Texas) è presente nella sezione "Un certain regard".
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The 21 EU-funded films to be screened at Cannes represent a variety of European countries, languages, genres and talents.
I 21 film cofinanziati dall'UE che saranno proiettati a Cannes rappresentano la pluralità di paesi, lingue, generi e talenti dell'Europa.
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To date, they have received a total of more than €1.3 million in funding from MEDIA – but this figure is likely to increase substantially due to their exposure at the festival and take-up by distributors.
Nell'insieme hanno ricevuto fino ad ora finanziamenti da MEDIA per un totale di oltre 1,3 milioni di euro, ma si tratta di una cifra che con tutta probabilità aumenterà notevolmente in seguito alla visibilità assicurata dal festival e all'interesse dei distributori.
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Creative Europe
Europa creativa
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Creative Europe is the fifth generation of EU funding programmes supporting the cultural and creative sectors. It combines the EU's MEDIA and Culture programmes.
Europa creativa, che riunisce i programmi MEDIA e Cultura, rappresenta la quinta generazione di programmi dell'UE che finanziano i settori culturali e creativi.
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The programme will allocate at least 56% of its budget for the MEDIA sub-programme. MEDIA supports the development, distribution and promotion of content produced by the EU film and audiovisual industries.
Almeno il 56% del suo budget sarà stanziato per il sottoprogramma MEDIA che sostiene lo sviluppo, la distribuzione e la promozione di contenuti prodotti dalle industrie cinematografica e audiovisiva dell'UE.
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One of its chief aims is to help European film-makers to reach markets beyond national and European borders.
Uno degli obiettivi principali è aiutare i cineasti europei a raggiungere mercati al di là dei confini nazionali ed europei.
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Creative Europe will provide funding for at least 250 000 artists and cultural professionals, 2 000 cinemas, 800 films and 4 500 book translations.
Europa creativa concederà fondi almeno a 250 000 artisti e professionisti della cultura, a 2 000 cinema, a 800 film e a 4 500 traduzioni di libri.
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It will also launch a new financial guarantee facility enabling small cultural and creative businesses to access up to €750 million in bank loans.
Il programma introdurrà inoltre una nuova garanzia finanziaria che permetterà a piccole imprese operanti nei settori culturali e creativi di accedere a prestiti bancari fino a 750 milioni di euro.
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Since 1991, MEDIA (acronym for 'Mesures pour encourager le développement de l'industrie audiovisuelle' – Measures to encourage the development of the audiovisual industry) has invested €1.7 billion in film development, distribution, training and innovation with the aim of enhancing the diversity and international competitiveness of the European film and audiovisual industry. |
Dal 1991 MEDIA (acronimo di "Mesures pour encourager le développement de l'industrie audiovisuelle" - Provvedimenti per incentivare lo sviluppo dell’industria audiovisiva) ha investito 1,7 miliardi di euro nello sviluppo di film, nella distribuzione, nella formazione e nell'innovazione al fine di arricchire la diversità e la competitività internazionale delle industrie cinematografica e audiovisiva europee.
Cannes to screen 21 films backed by Creative Europe MEDIA fund
More than 20 films directed by some of the biggest names in European cinema
and supported by the EU's Creative Europe MEDIA programme will be screened at
the 67th Cannes International Film Festival (14-25 May), including seven films
in competition for the top prize, the Palme d'Or.
Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for culture, will be at the
festival to present the third annual European Union 'Prix MEDIA' to the director
and producer of the best new film project supported by Creative Europe.
The winners will be unveiled at a ceremony in the Palais des Festivals on 17
The Commissioner will also hold meetings with young film-makers and industry
figures to discuss the new Creative Europe programme, launched in January with a
budget of nearly €1.5 billion over the next seven years – 9% higher than
previous levels.
In addition, she will address a debate organised by the Commission on
expanding the audience for European films and the Commissioner will be a special
guest at the opening of the 'Directors' Fortnight' (La Quinzaine des
Réalisateurs) selection on 15 May.
"I am delighted that European films selected for funding from MEDIA are once
again in the Cannes spotlight.
More than 50% of our new Creative Europe programme will support European film
development and distribution, as well as training for film-makers and
This investment is a guarantee of cultural and linguistic diversity, greater
choice for cinema-goers and a more competitive industry.
I am proud to have achieved a budget increase for Creative Europe at a time
when many are cutting spending on culture, to have played a strong role in
defending the cultural exception and in helping to ensure that our new state aid
rules continue to support public funding for film-making," said Commissioner
Vassiliou, ahead of what will be her final visit to Cannes in her capacity as
Commissioner responsible for culture.
Among the MEDIA-supported films selected is the movie chosen to open the
festival, Grace de Monaco, starring Nicole Kidman as the Hollywood heroine who
married a prince.
The others (see full list below) feature new releases by leading European
directors such as Michel Hazanavicius (winner of five Oscars in 2012 for The
Artist), Mike Leigh (winner of the 1996 Palme d'Or for Secrets & Lies), Ken
Loach (2006 Palme d'Or for The Wind That Shakes The Barley), the legendary
Jean-Luc Godard and Belgium's Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne (winners of the 1999
Palme d'Or for Rosetta and 2011 Grand Prix for Le Gamin au Vélo).
Wim Wenders (winner of the 1984 Palme d'Or for Paris, Texas) is represented
in the section 'Un Certain Regard'.
The 21 EU-funded films to be screened at Cannes represent a variety of
European countries, languages, genres and talents.
To date, they have received a total of more than €1.3 million in funding from
MEDIA – but this figure is likely to increase substantially due to their
exposure at the festival and take-up by distributors.
Creative Europe
Creative Europe is the fifth generation of EU funding programmes supporting
the cultural and creative sectors. It combines the EU's MEDIA and Culture
The programme will allocate at least 56% of its budget for the MEDIA
sub-programme. MEDIA supports the development, distribution and promotion of
content produced by the EU film and audiovisual industries.
One of its chief aims is to help European film-makers to reach markets beyond
national and European borders.
Creative Europe will provide funding for at least 250 000 artists and
cultural professionals, 2 000 cinemas, 800 films and 4 500 book translations.
It will also launch a new financial guarantee facility enabling small
cultural and creative businesses to access up to €750 million in bank loans.
Since 1991, MEDIA (acronym for 'Mesures pour encourager le développement de
l'industrie audiovisuelle' – Measures to encourage the development of the
audiovisual industry) has invested €1.7 billion in film development,
distribution, training and innovation with the aim of enhancing the diversity
and international competitiveness of the European film and audiovisual industry.