L'innovazione nel settore marino: una fonte di crescita sostenibile per l'UE
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Data documento: o8-05-2014
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EU eyes oceans innovation as source of sustainable growth
L'innovazione nel settore marino: una fonte di crescita sostenibile per l'UE
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Two thirds of our planet is covered by oceans and seas. If we manage them in a responsible manner, they can provide sources of food, medicine and energy while protecting ecosystems for generations to come.
I due terzi del nostro pianeta sono coperti da mari e oceani che, se gestiti in maniera responsabile, possono costituire fonti di cibo, farmaci ed energia proteggendo contemporaneamente gli ecosistemi per le generazioni future.
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However, in order to make this possible, we need to know more about our seas and oceans.
Tuttavia, perché tutto ciò sia possibile è necessario disporre di maggiori conoscenze.
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The Commission has therefore today presented an Action Plan for Innovation in the 'Blue Economy' to help use ocean resources sustainably and drive growth and jobs in Europe.
La Commissione ha dunque presentato oggi un piano d'azione per l'innovazione dell'"economia blu", per contribuire ad un uso sostenibile delle risorse oceaniche e stimolare la crescita e l'occupazione in Europa.
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European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki said:
Maria Damanaki, Commissaria europea per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, ha dichiarato:
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"Today, we put the building blocks in place so that tomorrow's generation of Europeans will have the knowledge and skills to better manage our oceans and draw the full benefits they can provide us, while respecting the balance of the ecosystem of the sea." She continued:
"Oggi gettiamo le fondamenta affinché le future generazioni europee possano disporre delle conoscenze e delle competenze per gestire al meglio i nostri oceani e trarne i massimi benefici possibili rispettando contemporaneamente l'equilibrio dell'ecosistema marino." Ha poi aggiunto:
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"For example, our initiative to create a digital map of the entire seabed of European waters will increase the predictability for businesses to invest, lowering costs and stimulate further innovation for sustainable blue growth."
"Ad esempio, la nostra iniziativa di creare una mappa digitale di tutti i fondali delle acque europee aumenterà la prevedibilità per le imprese, agevolando gli investimenti, abbassando i costi e stimolando innovazioni ulteriori per una crescita blu sostenibile."
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The Commission identifies a number of hurdles to be overcome:
La Commissione ha identificato una serie di ostacoli da superare:
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our knowledge about the sea is still limited, maritime research efforts between Member States are not linked up, whilst the European workforce of tomorrow will need more engineers and scientists to apply new technologies in the marine environment.
la nostra conoscenza dei mari è ancora limitata, manca un coordinamento tra i centri di ricerca dei diversi Stati membri nel settore marittimo, che in futuro avrà bisogno di un maggior numero di ingegneri e scienziati per l'applicazione di nuove tecnologie nell'ambiente marino.
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European Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria europea per la Ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza ha dichiarato:
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"We probably know more about the surface of the Moon and even Mars than we do about the deep sea floor.
"Probabilmente conosciamo meglio la superficie della Luna e perfino di Marte dei fondali marini.
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Maritime innovation has enormous potential for our economy, and will help us meet challenges like climate change and food security.
L'innovazione marittima ha un potenziale enorme per la nostra economia, e ci aiuterà a far fronte a sfide come il cambiamento climatico e la sicurezza alimentare.
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Blue Growth is therefore a focus area for Horizon 2020, our new research and innovation programme."
La crescita blu rappresenta dunque un aspetto centrale di Orizzonte 2020, il nostro nuovo programma di ricerca e innovazione."
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The Commission action plan presented today proposes to:
Il piano d'azione della Commissione presentato oggi si propone di:
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- Deliver a digital map of the entire seabed of European waters by 2020.
- elaborare una mappa digitale dell'intero fondale marino delle acque europee entro il 2020;
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- Create an online information platform, to be operational before the end of 2015, on marine research projects across the Horizon 2020 programme as well as nationally funded marine research, and to share results from completed projects.
- creare una piattaforma di informazione online, operativa entro la fine del 2015, sui progetti di ricerca marina nell'ambito del programma Orizzonte 2020 e sui lavori di ricerca marina finanziati a livello nazionale e condividere i risultati dei progetti portati a termine;
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- Set up a Blue Economy Business and Science Forum, which will involve the private sector, scientists and NGOs to help shape the blue economy of the future and share ideas and results.
- istituire un forum sull'economia blu destinato al mondo della scienza e delle imprese, che coinvolga il settore privato, gli scienziati e le ONG per contribuire a modellare l'economia blu del futuro e condividere idee e risultati.
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A first meeting will take place in the margins of the 2015 Maritime Day event in Piraeus, Greece.
Una prima riunione si terrà a margine dell'evento Giornata marittima 2015 al Pireo, in Grecia;
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- Encourage research, business and education actors to map out the needs and skills for tomorrow's workforce in the maritime sector by 2016.
- incoraggiare gli operatori della ricerca, delle imprese e dell'istruzione ad individuare le esigenze e le competenze della forza lavoro di domani nel settore marittimo entro il 2016;
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- Examine the possibility of major players from the research, business and education community to form a Knowledge and Innovation Community (or KIC) for the blue economy after 2020.
- esaminare la possibilità di costituire, dopo il 2020, una Comunità per la conoscenza e l'innovazione (CCI) per l'economia blu che riunisca i principali soggetti interessati provenienti dal mondo della ricerca, delle imprese e dell'istruzione dopo il 2020.
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KICs, part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) can stimulate innovation in multiple ways, for example by running training and education programmes, reinforcing the path from research to the market and setting up innovation projects and business incubators.
Le CCI, che fanno parte dell'Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (IET), possono promuovere l'innovazione in vari modi, per esempio mediante programmi di formazione e istruzione, agevolando il percorso dalla ricerca al mercato e promuovendo progetti di innovazione e incubatori di imprese.
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The EU's maritime or "blue" economy is vast, with over 5 million employees in sectors as diverse as fisheries, transport, marine biotech and offshore renewables.
L'economia marittima o "economia blu" ha una portata molto ampia nell'UE, con oltre 5 milioni di lavoratori in settori molto diversi tra loro quali la pesca, i trasporti, la biotecnologia marina e le energie rinnovabili offshore.
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Between 2007 and 2013, the European Commission contributed an average of €350 million a year towards marine and maritime research through its seventh Framework Programme.
Tra il 2007 e il 2013, la Commissione europea ha contribuito con una media di 350 milioni di EUR all'anno alla ricerca marina e marittima nell'ambito del settimo programma quadro.
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A substantial amount of marine research is also carried out through Member States' programmes (around €300 million per year in France and Germany for example).
Una parte considerevole di tale ricerca è effettuata anche mediante i programmi degli Stati membri (circa 300 milioni di EUR all'anno in Francia e Germania, ad esempio).
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Blue growth is a "focus area" in the new Horizon 2020 programme, with a specific €145 million budget for 2014-2015 alone, and further opportunities across the programme.
La crescita blu rappresenta un "settore prioritario" nel nuovo programma Orizzonte 2020, con un bilancio di 145 milioni di EUR per il solo biennio 2014-2015 ed ulteriori possibilità di finanziamento in altri comparti del programma.
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Around 30% of the seafloor surrounding Europe has not yet been surveyed.
Il 30% circa dei fondali circostanti l'Europa non è ancora stato oggetto di ricerche.
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This varies from 5% of the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast to more than 40% of the North Sea and the Ionian and central Mediterranean.
La percentuale varia dal 5% del Golfo di Biscaglia e della costa iberica ad oltre il 40% del Mare del Nord, del Mar Ionio e del Mediterraneo centrale.
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A better understanding of what is happening below sea level will provide a better knowledge of ocean resources and a better understanding of how these can be used sustainably.
Una migliore comprensione di ciò che accade al di sotto del livello del mare consentirà di conoscere meglio le risorse oceaniche e di capire come sfruttarle in modo sostenibile.
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Skill gaps are already apparent in the wind energy sector.
Le carenze in termini di competenze sono già evidenti nel settore dell'energia eolica.
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In 2012, this offshore sector represented 10% of the annual wind capacity installed, and employed 58,000 people directly and indirectly across Europe.
Nel 2012 tale settore offshore ha costituito il 10% della capacità eolica annuale installata e ha impiegato direttamente e indirettamente 58 000 persone in tutta Europa.
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It is projected that by 2020, the proportion of wind power offshore will reach 30% of the annual wind installed capacity.
Si prevede che entro il 2020 la percentuale di energia eolica offshore raggiungerà il 30% della capacità eolica annuale installata.
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That means 191,000 jobs by 2020, growing to 318,000 by 2030.
Ciò significa 191 000 posti di lavoro entro il 2020, destinati a salire a 318 000 entro il 2030.
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But the sector could also see a skill shortage growing from 7,000 now to 14,000 full-time equivalents if the future workforce is not equipped with skills in maintenance and manufacturing for example.
Ma la carenza di personale specializzato in questo settore potrebbe ulteriormente aggravarsi, passando dagli attuali 7 000 equivalenti a tempo pieno a 14 000, se non verranno sviluppate le necessarie competenze, ad esempio nei settori della manutenzione e della fabbricazione.
EU eyes oceans innovation as source of sustainable growth
Two thirds of our planet is covered by oceans and seas. If we manage them in
a responsible manner, they can provide sources of food, medicine and energy
while protecting ecosystems for generations to come.
However, in order to make this possible, we need to know more about our seas
and oceans.
The Commission has therefore today presented an Action Plan for Innovation in
the 'Blue Economy' to help use ocean resources sustainably and drive growth and
jobs in Europe.
European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki
"Today, we put the building blocks in place so that tomorrow's generation of
Europeans will have the knowledge and skills to better manage our oceans and
draw the full benefits they can provide us, while respecting the balance of the
ecosystem of the sea." She continued:
"For example, our initiative to create a digital map of the entire seabed of
European waters will increase the predictability for businesses to invest,
lowering costs and stimulate further innovation for sustainable blue growth."
The Commission identifies a number of hurdles to be overcome:
our knowledge about the sea is still limited, maritime research efforts
between Member States are not linked up, whilst the European workforce of
tomorrow will need more engineers and scientists to apply new technologies in
the marine environment.
European Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
"We probably know more about the surface of the Moon and even Mars than we do
about the deep sea floor.
Maritime innovation has enormous potential for our economy, and will help us
meet challenges like climate change and food security.
Blue Growth is therefore a focus area for Horizon 2020, our new research and
innovation programme."
The Commission action plan presented today proposes to:
- Deliver a digital map of the entire seabed of European waters by 2020.
- Create an online information platform, to be operational before the end of
2015, on marine research projects across the Horizon 2020 programme as well as
nationally funded marine research, and to share results from completed projects.
- Set up a Blue Economy Business and Science Forum, which will involve the
private sector, scientists and NGOs to help shape the blue economy of the future
and share ideas and results.
A first meeting will take place in the margins of the 2015 Maritime Day event
in Piraeus, Greece.
- Encourage research, business and education actors to map out the needs and
skills for tomorrow's workforce in the maritime sector by 2016.
- Examine the possibility of major players from the research, business and
education community to form a Knowledge and Innovation Community (or KIC) for
the blue economy after 2020.
KICs, part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) can
stimulate innovation in multiple ways, for example by running training and
education programmes, reinforcing the path from research to the market and
setting up innovation projects and business incubators.
The EU's maritime or "blue" economy is vast, with over 5 million employees in
sectors as diverse as fisheries, transport, marine biotech and offshore
Between 2007 and 2013, the European Commission contributed an average of €350
million a year towards marine and maritime research through its seventh
Framework Programme.
A substantial amount of marine research is also carried out through Member
States' programmes (around €300 million per year in France and Germany for
Blue growth is a "focus area" in the new Horizon 2020 programme, with a
specific €145 million budget for 2014-2015 alone, and further opportunities
across the programme.
Around 30% of the seafloor surrounding Europe has not yet been surveyed.
This varies from 5% of the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast to more than
40% of the North Sea and the Ionian and central Mediterranean.
A better understanding of what is happening below sea level will provide a
better knowledge of ocean resources and a better understanding of how these can
be used sustainably.
Skill gaps are already apparent in the wind energy sector.
In 2012, this offshore sector represented 10% of the annual wind capacity
installed, and employed 58,000 people directly and indirectly across Europe.
It is projected that by 2020, the proportion of wind power offshore will
reach 30% of the annual wind installed capacity.
That means 191,000 jobs by 2020, growing to 318,000 by 2030.
But the sector could also see a skill shortage growing from 7,000 now to
14,000 full-time equivalents if the future workforce is not equipped with skills
in maintenance and manufacturing for example.