Vienna: Plácido Domingo e Androulla Vassiliou presentano il premio dell'UE per il patrimonio culturale/concorso Europa Nostra
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Data documento: 05-05-2014
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Vienna: Plácido Domingo and Androulla Vassiliou present EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
Vienna: Plácido Domingo e Androulla Vassiliou presentano il premio dell'UE per il patrimonio culturale/concorso Europa Nostra
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The winners of the 2014 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards are honoured this evening during a ceremony in Vienna.
I vincitori dell'edizione 2014 del premio dell'Unione europea per il patrimonio culturale/concorso Europa Nostra saranno festeggiati questa sera, nel corso di una cerimonia che si svolgerà a Vienna.
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the opera singer and President of Europa Nostra, will present the awards to the 27 winners assembled at the Austrian capital's Burgtheater.
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria europea per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, e il cantante lirico Plácido Domingo, presidente di Europa Nostra, consegneranno i premi ai 27 vincitori riuniti nel Burgtheater della capitale austriaca.
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They are for the first time reveal the names of the six 'Grand Prix' laureates and winner of the public choice award, chosen in an online poll from among this year’s winning projects.
E annunceranno per la prima volta i nomi dei sei vincitori del "Grand prix" e del vincitore del premio del pubblico, scelti a seguito di un sondaggio online tra i progetti vincitori di quest'anno.
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Around 1 000 people are expected to attend the ceremony, which is held under the patronage of the Federal President of Austria, Heinz Fischer.
Un pubblico di circa 1 000 persone è atteso alla cerimonia, che si svolgerà sotto gli auspici del presidente federale dell'Austria, Heinz Fischer.
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The six Grand Prix laureates are selected by independent expert juries in four categories:
I sei vincitori del Grand prix sono selezionati da giurie di esperti indipendenti in quattro categorie:
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- Walser Houses: Preservation of Vernacular Architecture in Alagna Valsesia, Italy
- Case walser:) conservazione dell'architettura tradizionale ad Alagna Valsesia, Italia
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- Dragomirna Church: Restoration of the 17th Century Frescoes, Suceava, Romania
- Chiesa di Dragomirna: restauro degli affreschi del XVII secolo, Suceava, Romania
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- Cooperative Wineries Conservation Programme, Catalonia, Spain.
- Programma di conservazione delle cooperative vinicole, Catalogna, Spagna
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- Research on the Roman Vaulted Construction in the Peloponnese, Greece
- Ricerca sulla costruzione romana a volta nel Peloponneso, Grecia
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Dedicated service
Contributi esemplari
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- Heritage Association 'Kempens Landscape', Putte, Belgium
- Associazione paesaggistica "Kempens", Putte, Belgio
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Education, training and awareness-raising
Istruzione, formazione e sensibilizzazione
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- Raising Awareness Project 'Passage: From a Rusty City to a New Miskolc', Hungary
- Progetto di sensibilizzazione "Passaggio: da una città rugginosa alla nuova Miskolc", Ungheria.
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Over 10 000 people voted for the public choice award from among this year's 27 winners via an online poll on the Europa Nostra website.The winner is:
Oltre 10 000 persone hanno votato per assegnare il premio del pubblico ad uno dei 27 vincitori dell'edizione di quest'anno, partecipando ad un sondaggio online sul sito web di Europa Nostra. Il vincitore è:
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Public choice award
Premio del pubblico
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- Dragomirna Church: Restoration of the 17th Century Frescoes, Suceava, Romania
- Chiesa di Dragomirna: restauro degli affreschi del XVII secolo, Suceava, Romania
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Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou stated:
La Commissaria Androulla Vassiliou ha dichiarato:
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"Europe's heritage is the envy of the world – and these projects are the best of the best.
"Il patrimonio culturale europeo desta l'ammirazione del mondo intero e questi progetti ne rappresentano la massima espressione.
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It is important that we celebrate the talent of our superb craftspeople and professionals, as well as the wonderful, tireless work of volunteers who ensure that the treasures of our past can be enjoyed by millions of people today - and safeguarded for future generations.
È importante celebrare il talento dei nostri meravigliosi artigiani e professionisti, nonché il lavoro stupendo e instancabile dei volontari che fanno sì che i capolavori del nostro passato possano essere oggi ammirati da milioni di persone e siano preservati per le generazioni a venire.
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My warmest congratulations go to all the winners and their teams, the Grand Prix laureates and public choice winner.
Esprimo le mie più vive congratulazioni a tutti i vincitori e ai loro collaboratori, a coloro che sono stati insigniti del Grand prix e al vincitore del premio del pubblico.
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The European Commission is proud to support the EU Prize for Heritage and other heritage projects through our new Creative Europe programme."
La Commissione europea è orgogliosa di sostenere il premio dell'UE per il patrimonio culturale e altri progetti della stessa natura attraverso il nostro nuovo programma Europa creativa."
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Europa Nostra’s President, Plácido Domingo, added:
Il presidente di Europa Nostra, Plácido Domingo, ha aggiunto:
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"Vienna, one of the most notable capitals of European culture and one of my favourite cities in the world, with an exceptionally rich legacy of classical music, opera, theatre, fine arts and architecture, is the ideal setting in which to pay homage to the winners of our awards and thus to celebrate our unique tangible and intangible heritage.
"Vienna, una delle più pregevoli capitali della cultura europea e una delle città che preferisco nel mondo, con un'eredità eccezionalmente ricca di musica classica, opera, teatro, belle arti e architettura, è la sede ideale per rendere omaggio ai vincitori dei nostri premi e, di conseguenza, per celebrare il nostro patrimonio culturale unico, tangibile e intangibile.
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Tonight, at the iconic Burgtheater, we shall be inspired by musical performances by great Viennese ensembles - The Philharmonics and the Vienna Boys’ Choir - as well as by the talented children’s orchestra Superar.
Questa sera, nell'emblematico Burgtheater, ci lasceremo ispirare dalle interpretazioni musicali di prestigiose orchestre viennesi (l'orchestra Filarmonica e il Coro dei ragazzi di Vienna) nonché dall'orchestra Superar, composta da bambini di grande talento.
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They will be the perfect ambassadors of the amazing creativity and diversity of Europe’s musical heritage."
Saranno ambasciatori perfetti della straordinaria creatività e diversità del retaggio musicale europeo."
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The award ceremony will be attended by hundreds of heritage professionals, volunteers and supporters from all over Europe.
Alla cerimonia di premiazione assisteranno centinaia di operatori, volontari e sostenitori del patrimonio culturale provenienti da tutta l'Europa.
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They will be joined by representatives from the worlds of culture, business and politics, as well as from the EU institutions.
Si uniranno rappresentanti del mondo della cultura, degli affari e della politica, nonché delle istituzioni dell'UE.
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Jury's comments on the Grand Prix projects
Motivazioni della giuria sui progetti vincitori del Grand Prix
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Category 1 – Conservation
Categoria 1 – Conservazione
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- Dragomirna Church's 17th-Century Frescoes, Suceava, ROMANIA (also Public Choice Award)
- Affreschi del XVII secolo nella chiesa di Dragomirna, Suceava, ROMANIA (anche premio del pubblico)
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The jury was struck by the high-level of professionalism in the sophisticated restoration and conservation of this enormous artwork, covering some 900 square metres of wall surface.
La giuria è rimasta colpita dall'elevato livello di professionalità dimostrato nel corso del sofisticato lavoro di restauro e di conservazione di questa enorme opera d'arte, che ricopre una superficie murale di circa 900 metri quadrati.
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The work was carried out in situ in a remarkably short period of time.
Il lavoro è stato svolto in situ in tempi eccezionalmente brevi.
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The conservation team comprised 50 professionals and students from various countries, under the leadership of a Romanian expert.
La squadra di restauratori era composta di 50 professionisti e studenti provenienti da diversi paesi, sotto la guida di un esperto romeno.
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The restorers respected and followed techniques using natural, traditional and reversible materials, while the patina and original early 17th-century ‘mood’ of these unique frescoes was preserved.
I restauratori hanno rispettato e applicato tecniche basate sull'impiego di materiali naturali, tradizionali e reversibili, riuscendo contemporaneamente a preservare la patina e l'"atmosfera" originaria, tipica dell'inizio del XVII secolo, di questi affreschi unici.
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- Walser Houses: Preservation of Vernacular Architecture in Alagna Valsesia, ITALY
- Case walser: conservazione dell'architettura tradizionale ad Alagna Valsesia, ITALIA
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Four houses, dating from the late 16th- to mid-19th centuries, were restored to their original appearance and functionality, reclaiming their place in the local community.
Quattro case risalenti al periodo compreso tra la fine del XVI e la metà del XIX secolo sono state restituite al loro aspetto e alle loro funzionalità originari, riconquistando il loro posto nella comunità locale.
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The jury was very impressed by the quality of the detailed documentation of these rare and eye-catching farm buildings.
La giuria è rimasta profondamente colpita dalla qualità della documentazione particolareggiata riguardante queste case coloniche rare e degne di nota.
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Constructed of logs and dry stone, the houses were excellently renovated, using traditional craftsmanship.
Costruite con tronchi e muri a secco, le case sono state perfettamente restaurate utilizzando tecniche artigianali tradizionali.
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Thanks to the introduction of visitor facilities, this most unusual ensemble of buildings can now be used for educational purposes and thus help to continue the ethnic building tradition.
Grazie all'introduzione di strutture apposite per accogliere i visitatori, questo insieme del tutto insolito di edifici agricoli può ora essere utilizzato a scopi educativi e contribuire così a perpetuare la tradizione della costruzione etnica.
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- Cooperative Wineries Programme, Catalonia, SPAIN
- Programma delle cooperative vinicole, Catalogna, SPAGNA
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These structures were built when small wine-growers formed cooperatives in the early 20th century.
Queste strutture risalgono all'inizio del XX secolo, quando alcuni piccoli viticoltori si riunirono in cooperative.
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The eight wineries, originally dubbed ‘wine cathedrals’, are notable examples of the Catalan form of Modernism.
Le otto aziende vinicole, originariamente soprannominate "cattedrali del vino", costituiscono esempi illustri del modernismo catalano.
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The jury admired this important project as an example of the conservation of ‘working heritage’.
Questo importante progetto ha destato l'ammirazione della giuria, che l'ha definito un esempio della conservazione del "patrimonio archeologico industriale".
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These remarkable buildings are still being used for their original purpose.
Questi straordinari edifici sono tuttora utilizzati per il loro scopo originario.
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The project is also an impressive example of best practice in public-private partnership, with the cooperation between the Catalan authorities and the Caixa Foundation.
Il progetto costituisce altresì un magnifico esempio di applicazione delle migliori pratiche nel partenariato tra settore pubblico e privato, attraverso la cooperazione tra le autorità catalane e la Fondazione Caixa.
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Category 2 – Research
Categoria 2 – Ricerca
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- Roman Vaulted Construction in the Peloponnese, GREECE
- Costruzione romana a volta nel Peloponneso, GRECIA
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Over a period of ten years, the Italian conservation architect Paolo Vitti studied the building and construction methods used in the Peloponnese from 100 BC to 300 AD with remarkable insight and results.
Per dieci anni l'architetto italiano Paolo Vitti, esperto in conservazione, ha studiato le tecniche di costruzione utilizzate nel Peloponneso tra il 100 a.C. e il 300 d.C.: le conoscenze così acquisite gli hanno permesso di ottenere notevoli risultati.
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Research hitherto had been dominated by the notion of the transfer of Roman building techniques into areas of the Empire such as the Peloponnese.
Fino a quel momento la ricerca era stata dominata dalla nozione di trasmissione delle tecniche costruttive in zone dell'Impero quali il Peloponneso.
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This study, however, shows that local construction practices not only operated independently of Roman custom, but in themselves were influential in the spread of brick vaulting to other regions.
Il presente studio evidenzia invece che non soltanto si applicavano tecniche costruttive locali indipendentemente dalla tradizione romana, ma che queste hanno influenzato la diffusione delle volte di mattoni in altre regioni.
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Category 3 - Dedicated Service
Categoria 3 - Contributi esemplari
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- Kempens Landscape Association, Putte, BELGIUM
- Associazione paesaggistica Kempens, Putte, BELGIO
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The Kempens Landscape Association, established in 1997, manages some 800 hectares of historically valuable land in Antwerp province.
L'associazione paesaggistica Kempens, fondata nel 1997, gestisce circa 800 ettari di terre di valore storico nella provincia di Anversa.
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The association has devised a unique approach to conserving and managing a variety of built and natural heritage sites, located across most of the 70 municipalities of Antwerp.
L'associazione ha elaborato un approccio unico alla conservazione e alla gestione di una serie di siti del patrimonio architettonico e naturale, ubicati nella maggior parte dei 70 comuni della provincia di Anversa.
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It is a demanding programme, managed with inspiration by a young team, extensively supported and a model of growing influence.
Si tratta di un programma ambizioso, gestito con ispirazione da un gruppo di giovani, che costituisce un modello la cui influenza si va espandendo e che gode di un sostegno generalizzato.
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The jury could hardly conceive of a more powerful example of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, at the end of its first decade.
La giuria non avrebbe potuto scegliere un esempio più significativo dell'applicazione della Convenzione europea sul paesaggio, a dieci anni dalla sua adozione.
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Category 4 - Education, Training and Awareness-Raising
Categoria 4 - Istruzione, formazione e sensibilizzazione
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- Passage: From a Rusty City to a New Miskolc, HUNGARY
- Passaggio: da una città rugginosa alla nuova Miskolc, UNGHERIA
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Miskolc is a substantial city in northern Hungary, with a proud history from medieval times.
Miskolc è un'importante città dell'Ungheria settentrionale, fiera delle sue radici storiche risalenti al Medioevo.
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It experienced a period of notable prosperity, based on heavy industry, from the 1930s to the 1980s.
Tra gli anni '30 e gli anni '80 ha vissuto un periodo di grande prosperità grazie all'industria pesante.
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Since then, however, the city has fallen into sharp decline.
Da allora tuttavia la città ha subito un forte declino.
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The Passage project focuses on the preservation and awareness-raising of Miskolc’s cultural and industrial heritage.
Il progetto Passaggio è incentrato sulla conservazione del patrimonio culturale e industriale di Miskolc e sulla sensibilizzazione al riguardo.
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The jury was wholly convinced of the high social value of this project.
La giuria si è lasciata pienamente convincere dell'elevato valore sociale di questo progetto.
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The devastating effects of recent economic and social transition, signified by depopulation, recession and loss of vitality, are being counter-acted by the vigour and enterprise of the project’s strong team.
Gli effetti devastanti della recente transizione economica e sociale, rappresentati dallo spopolamento, dalla recessione e dalla perdita di vitalità, vengono ora controbilanciati dall'energia e dall'intraprendenza del gruppo che ha dato vita al progetto.
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The 27 winners of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2014 were selected from 160 nominated projects across 30 countries.
I 27 vincitori dell'edizione 2014 del premio dell'Unione europea per il patrimonio culturale/concorso Europa Nostra sono stati selezionati tra 160 progetti presentati da 30 paesi.
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Specialist juries made up of independent experts assess the nominated projects and select the winners in four categories:
I progetti vengono valutati da giurie specialistiche composte di esperti indipendenti che selezionano i vincitori per quattro categorie:
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Conservation, Research, Dedicated Service, and Education, Training & Awareness-Raising.
Conservazione, Ricerca, Contributi esemplari e Istruzione, formazione e sensibilizzazione.
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The 27 winners receive a plaque or trophy.
I 27 vincitori ricevono una targa o una coppa.
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The six Grand Prix winners also receive €10 000 each.
I sei vincitori del Grand prix ricevono anche una somma di 10 000 euro ciascuno.
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The award ceremony is part of Europa Nostra's annual European Heritage Congress, which takes place from 2-6 May.
La cerimonia di premiazione si situa nella cornice del congresso annuale di Europa Nostra sul patrimonio culturale europeo, che si svolge dal 2 al 6 maggio.
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The Congress is supported by the European Commission, its Representation in Austria, the Austrian Federal Ministry for the Arts and Culture, the Erste Stiftung, Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein, Dorotheum, Bertelsmann, and Austrian national public broadcaster ORF as the media partner.
Il congresso gode del sostegno della Commissione europea, della sua rappresentanza in Austria, del ministero federale delle Arti e della cultura, della Erste Stiftung, della Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein, di Dorotheum, di Bertelsmann nonché dell'emittente pubblica nazionale austriaca ORF in qualità di partner rappresentante dei media.
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The EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards was launched in 2002 by the European Commission and Europa Nostra.
Il premio dell'Unione europea per il patrimonio culturale/concorso Europa Nostra è stato inaugurato nel 2002 dalla Commissione europea e da Europa Nostra.
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The awards promote excellence, inspire through the ‘power of example’ and stimulate the exchange of best practices in the heritage field.
I premi promuovono l'eccellenza, sono fonti d'ispirazione attraverso la "forza dell'esempio" e stimolano lo scambio delle migliori pratiche nel settore del patrimonio culturale.
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They also aim to highlight the beauty and socio-economic value of Europe's cultural heritage.
Essi puntano inoltre ad evidenziare la bellezza e il valore socioeconomico del patrimonio culturale europeo.
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The European Commission and Europa Nostra have honoured nearly 400 remarkable heritage achievements in the past 12 years.
Negli ultimi 12 anni la Commissione europea ed Europa Nostra hanno reso omaggio a circa 400 risultati significativi nel settore della conservazione del patrimonio culturale.
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The awards have been supported by the EU Culture Programme, which invested almost €40 million in helping to finance heritage-related projects between 2007 and 2013.
I premi hanno beneficiato del sostegno del programma Cultura dell'UE, che tra il 2007 e il 2013 ha investito quasi 40 milioni di euro nel cofinanziamento di progetti relativi al patrimonio culturale.
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Other EU programmes have also provided support to culture and heritage, in particular the European Regional Development Fund which has, in the same period, allocated €6 billion for the preservation of cultural heritage, development of cultural infrastructure and support for cultural services such as vocational training, arts and heritage education.
A fornire sostegno alla cultura e al patrimonio sono intervenuti anche altri programmi dell'UE, in particolare il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale che, nello stesso periodo, ha stanziato 6 miliardi di euro per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale, lo sviluppo dell'infrastruttura culturale e il sostegno a servizi culturali quali la formazione professionale e l'istruzione nel campo artistico e della tutela del patrimonio.
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The EU Programmes for Research and Technological Development have provided a further €150 million for heritage projects in the past 15 years.
Negli ultimi 15 anni sono stati erogati ulteriori 150 milioni di euro a valere sui programmi quadro per la ricerca e lo sviluppo tecnologico dell'UE, destinati a progetti di tutela del patrimonio culturale.
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The new Creative Europe programme, which has a budget of nearly €1.5 billion over the next seven years (9% more than previous levels), will continue to support the Prize and transnational cooperation projects in the heritage field.
Il nuovo programma Europa creativa, che ha una dotazione di circa 1,5 miliardi di euro nell'arco dei prossimi sette anni (il 9% in più rispetto ai livelli precedenti), continuerà a sostenere il premio e i progetti di cooperazione transnazionale nel campo del patrimonio culturale.
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In addition to its intrinsic value, cultural heritage brings a significant contribution to job creation and growth.
Oltre al suo valore intrinseco, il patrimonio culturale contribuisce in misura significativa alla crescita e alla creazione di posti di lavoro.
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Cultural heritage is also a key resource for sustainable development and social cohesion.
Il patrimonio culturale è anche una risorsa essenziale per lo sviluppo sostenibile e la coesione sociale.
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It is estimated that spending on conservation of cultural heritage by public and private bodies is worth €5 billion a year.
La spesa per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale ad opera di enti pubblici e privati è stimata a circa 5 miliardi di euro all'anno.
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Figures published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show that 40% of worldwide tourism has a cultural dimension.
Dalle cifre pubblicate dall'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici (OCSE) emerge che il 40% del turismo mondiale ha una dimensione culturale.
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Europa Nostra - the Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe - is a growing citizens’ movement for the safeguarding of Europe’s cultural and natural heritage.
Europa Nostra - la voce del patrimonio culturale in Europa – è un movimento di cittadini in costante espansione che si prefigge la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale e naturale europeo.
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With its vast pan-European network of members (organisations and individuals), associates and partners, Europa Nostra is a highly influential lobby for cultural heritage.
Con la sua vasta rete paneuropea di membri (organizzazioni e singoli cittadini), soci e partner, Europa Nostra è una lobby estremamente influente a tutela del patrimonio culturale.
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It also campaigns to save Europe's endangered monuments, sites and landscapes.
Essa si adopera inoltre per salvare i monumenti, i siti e i paesaggi europei in pericolo.
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In 2013, Europa Nostra celebrated its 50th anniversary. |
Nel 2013 Europa Nostra ha celebrato il suo 50° anniversario. |
Vienna: Plácido Domingo and Androulla Vassiliou present EU Prize for
Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
The winners of the 2014 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa
Nostra Awards are honoured this evening during a ceremony in Vienna.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the opera singer and President
of Europa Nostra, will present the awards to the 27 winners assembled at the
Austrian capital's Burgtheater.
They are for the first time reveal the names of the six 'Grand Prix'
laureates and winner of the public choice award, chosen in an online poll from
among this year’s winning projects.
Around 1 000 people are expected to attend the ceremony, which is held under
the patronage of the Federal President of Austria, Heinz Fischer.
The six Grand Prix laureates are selected by independent expert juries in
four categories:
- Walser Houses: Preservation of Vernacular Architecture in Alagna Valsesia,
- Dragomirna Church: Restoration of the 17th Century Frescoes, Suceava,
- Cooperative Wineries Conservation Programme, Catalonia, Spain.
- Research on the Roman Vaulted Construction in the Peloponnese, Greece
Dedicated service
- Heritage Association 'Kempens Landscape', Putte, Belgium
Education, training and awareness-raising
- Raising Awareness Project 'Passage: From a Rusty City to a New Miskolc',
Over 10 000 people voted for the public choice award from among this year's
27 winners via an online poll on the Europa Nostra website.The winner is:
Public choice award
- Dragomirna Church: Restoration of the 17th Century Frescoes, Suceava, Romania
Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou stated:
"Europe's heritage is the envy of the world – and these projects are the best
of the best.
It is important that we celebrate the talent of our superb craftspeople and
professionals, as well as the wonderful, tireless work of volunteers who ensure
that the treasures of our past can be enjoyed by millions of people today - and
safeguarded for future generations.
My warmest congratulations go to all the winners and their teams, the Grand
Prix laureates and public choice winner.
The European Commission is proud to support the EU Prize for Heritage and
other heritage projects through our new Creative Europe programme."
Europa Nostra’s President, Plácido Domingo, added:
"Vienna, one of the most notable capitals of European culture and one of my
favourite cities in the world, with an exceptionally rich legacy of classical
music, opera, theatre, fine arts and architecture, is the ideal setting in which
to pay homage to the winners of our awards and thus to celebrate our unique
tangible and intangible heritage.
Tonight, at the iconic Burgtheater, we shall be inspired by musical
performances by great Viennese ensembles - The Philharmonics and the Vienna
Boys’ Choir - as well as by the talented children’s orchestra Superar.
They will be the perfect ambassadors of the amazing creativity and diversity
of Europe’s musical heritage."
The award ceremony will be attended by hundreds of heritage professionals,
volunteers and supporters from all over Europe.
They will be joined by representatives from the worlds of culture, business
and politics, as well as from the EU institutions.
Jury's comments on the Grand Prix projects
Category 1 – Conservation
- Dragomirna Church's 17th-Century Frescoes, Suceava, ROMANIA (also Public
Choice Award)
The jury was struck by the high-level of professionalism in the sophisticated
restoration and conservation of this enormous artwork, covering some 900 square
metres of wall surface.
The work was carried out in situ in a remarkably short period of time.
The conservation team comprised 50 professionals and students from various
countries, under the leadership of a Romanian expert.
The restorers respected and followed techniques using natural, traditional
and reversible materials, while the patina and original early 17th-century
‘mood’ of these unique frescoes was preserved.
- Walser Houses: Preservation of Vernacular Architecture in Alagna Valsesia,
Four houses, dating from the late 16th- to mid-19th centuries, were restored
to their original appearance and functionality, reclaiming their place in the
local community.
The jury was very impressed by the quality of the detailed documentation of
these rare and eye-catching farm buildings.
Constructed of logs and dry stone, the houses were excellently renovated,
using traditional craftsmanship.
Thanks to the introduction of visitor facilities, this most unusual ensemble
of buildings can now be used for educational purposes and thus help to continue
the ethnic building tradition.
- Cooperative Wineries Programme, Catalonia, SPAIN
These structures were built when small wine-growers formed cooperatives in
the early 20th century.
The eight wineries, originally dubbed ‘wine cathedrals’, are notable examples
of the Catalan form of Modernism.
The jury admired this important project as an example of the conservation of
‘working heritage’.
These remarkable buildings are still being used for their original purpose.
The project is also an impressive example of best practice in public-private
partnership, with the cooperation between the Catalan authorities and the Caixa
Category 2 – Research
- Roman Vaulted Construction in the Peloponnese, GREECE
Over a period of ten years, the Italian conservation architect Paolo Vitti
studied the building and construction methods used in the Peloponnese from 100
BC to 300 AD with remarkable insight and results.
Research hitherto had been dominated by the notion of the transfer of Roman
building techniques into areas of the Empire such as the Peloponnese.
This study, however, shows that local construction practices not only
operated independently of Roman custom, but in themselves were influential in
the spread of brick vaulting to other regions.
Category 3 - Dedicated Service
- Kempens Landscape Association, Putte, BELGIUM
The Kempens Landscape Association, established in 1997, manages some 800
hectares of historically valuable land in Antwerp province.
The association has devised a unique approach to conserving and managing a
variety of built and natural heritage sites, located across most of the 70
municipalities of Antwerp.
It is a demanding programme, managed with inspiration by a young team,
extensively supported and a model of growing influence.
The jury could hardly conceive of a more powerful example of the
implementation of the European Landscape Convention, at the end of its first
Category 4 - Education, Training and Awareness-Raising
- Passage: From a Rusty City to a New Miskolc, HUNGARY
Miskolc is a substantial city in northern Hungary, with a proud history from
medieval times.
It experienced a period of notable prosperity, based on heavy industry, from
the 1930s to the 1980s.
Since then, however, the city has fallen into sharp decline.
The Passage project focuses on the preservation and awareness-raising of
Miskolc’s cultural and industrial heritage.
The jury was wholly convinced of the high social value of this project.k
The devastating effects of recent economic and social transition, signified
by depopulation, recession and loss of vitality, are being counter-acted by the
vigour and enterprise of the project’s strong team.
The 27 winners of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa
Nostra Awards 2014 were selected from 160 nominated projects across 30
Specialist juries made up of independent experts assess the nominated
projects and select the winners in four categories:
Conservation, Research, Dedicated Service, and Education, Training &
The 27 winners receive a plaque or trophy.
The six Grand Prix winners also receive €10 000 each.
The award ceremony is part of Europa Nostra's annual European Heritage
Congress, which takes place from 2-6 May.
The Congress is supported by the European Commission, its Representation in
Austria, the Austrian Federal Ministry for the Arts and Culture, the Erste
Stiftung, Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein, Dorotheum, Bertelsmann, and Austrian
national public broadcaster ORF as the media partner.
The EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards was launched in
2002 by the European Commission and Europa Nostra.
The awards promote excellence, inspire through the ‘power of example’ and
stimulate the exchange of best practices in the heritage field.
They also aim to highlight the beauty and socio-economic value of Europe's
cultural heritage.
The European Commission and Europa Nostra have honoured nearly 400 remarkable
heritage achievements in the past 12 years.
The awards have been supported by the EU Culture Programme, which invested
almost €40 million in helping to finance heritage-related projects between 2007
and 2013.
Other EU programmes have also provided support to culture and heritage, in
particular the European Regional Development Fund which has, in the same period,
allocated €6 billion for the preservation of cultural heritage, development of
cultural infrastructure and support for cultural services such as vocational
training, arts and heritage education.
The EU Programmes for Research and Technological Development have provided a
further €150 million for heritage projects in the past 15 years.
The new Creative Europe programme, which has a budget of nearly €1.5 billion
over the next seven years (9% more than previous levels), will continue to
support the Prize and transnational cooperation projects in the heritage field.
In addition to its intrinsic value, cultural heritage brings a significant
contribution to job creation and growth.
Cultural heritage is also a key resource for sustainable development and
social cohesion.
It is estimated that spending on conservation of cultural heritage by public
and private bodies is worth €5 billion a year.
Figures published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) show that 40% of worldwide tourism has a cultural dimension.
Europa Nostra - the Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe - is a growing
citizens’ movement for the safeguarding of Europe’s cultural and natural
With its vast pan-European network of members (organisations and
individuals), associates and partners, Europa Nostra is a highly influential
lobby for cultural heritage.
It also campaigns to save Europe's endangered monuments, sites and
In 2013, Europa Nostra celebrated its 50th anniversary.