Prodotti ittici targati UE - La Commissaria Damanaki sostiene gli acquacoltori europei presenti a Seafood EXPO Global 2014
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Data documento: 07-05-2014
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Farmed in the EU – Commissioner Damanaki backs Europe's fish farmers at Seafood Expo Global 2014
Prodotti ittici targati UE - La Commissaria Damanaki sostiene gli acquacoltori europei presenti a Seafood EXPO Global 2014
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Fish farming is healthy and can help tackle overfishing and protect wild fish stocks.
L'acquacoltura è sana e può contribuire a porre freno alla pesca eccessiva e a proteggere gli stock di pesce selvatico.
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That is the message to be delivered today by European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, at a specially organised event at the Seafood Expo Global held in Brussels.
Questo è il messaggio che Maria Damanaki, Commissaria europea per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, diffonderà oggi a Bruxelles durante un evento speciale nel quadro di Seafood Expo Global.
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At the event, part of the Commission's 'Inseparable' campaign to promote sustainable seafood, Commissioner Damanaki will highlight the specific qualities of European fish farming, or aquaculture:
Nel corso dell'evento - che fa parte dell'iniziativa "Inseparabili" lanciata dalla Commissione per promuovere prodotti ittici sostenibili - la Commissaria Damanaki metterà in evidenza le caratteristiche specifiche dell'acquacoltura (o itticoltura) europea, uno dei settori alimentari in più rapida crescita su scala mondiale:
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"As the population rises so does our demand for fish.
"Con l'aumento della popolazione mondiale, aumenta anche la domanda di pesce.
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Without fish farming there would simply not be enough fish to eat and the long term sustainability of our wild fish stocks would be at risk.
Senza acquacoltura non avremmo pesce a sufficienza da mangiare e la sostenibilità a lungo termine dei nostri stock ittici selvatici sarebbe a rischio.
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Fresh, local and healthy, fish farmed in the EU meets high consumer protection standards, and tastes delicious."
Freschi, locali e sani, i prodotti ittici allevati nell'UE soddisfano la richiesta di standard elevati proveniente dai consumatori - e hanno un gusto squisito."
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As part of the reform to the Common Fisheries Policy, the EU is committed to further supporting the aquaculture sector.
Nel quadro della riforma della politica comune della pesca, l'UE si è impegnata a sostenere ulteriormente il settore dell'acquacoltura.
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A recent set of guidelines present the common priorities and general objectives for Europe's fish farming sector which include improving access to space and water, maintaining high health and environmental standards, reducing administrative burdens and increasing competitiveness.
Una recente serie di orientamenti contiene le priorità comuni e gli obiettivi generali fissati per il settore dell'acquacoltura europea, che includono il miglioramento dell'accesso allo spazio e all'acqua, mantenendo elevati standard sanitari e ambientali, riducendo gli oneri amministrativi e aumentando la competitività.
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Financial support to achieve this will be made available through the new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, whilst research aiding the sustainable development of European aquaculture will also be funded.
Il sostegno finanziario per conseguire questi obiettivi sarà messo a disposizione attraverso il nuovo Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca, e verranno finanziate anche attività di ricerca per facilitare lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'acquacoltura europea.
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Commissioner Damanaki will be joined at the event by two top chefs: Gianfranco Vissani from Italy and Kevin MacGillivray from the UK.
Alla commissaria Damanaki si affiancheranno due cuochi d'eccellenza, l'italiano Gianfranco Vissani e il britannico Kevin MacGillivray.
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Later in the year, an EU run school project across ten countries will raise further awareness of the benefits of eating farmed fish.
Nel corso dell'anno un progetto scolastico gestito dall'UE contribuirà a creare ancora maggior consapevolezza circa i benefici di un'alimentazione ricca di pesci d'allevamento.
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Fish farming, also referred to as aquaculture, is the cultivation of freshwater and marine animals and plants.
L'acquacoltura, conosciuta anche come itticoltura, è l'allevamento di animali di mare e di acqua dolce e di piante.
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Practised across Europe, it produces many species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and algae using a range of different farming methods including traditional ones such as ropes, nets, and tanks, or highly sophisticated ones like water recirculation systems.
Praticata in tutta Europa, produce molte specie di pesci, molluschi, crostacei e alghe utilizzando diversi metodi - da quelli tradizionali quali corde, reti e vasche, a quelli più sofisticati che utilizzano sistemi di ricircolo idrico.
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Around half of the EU's production is shellfish, with mussels and oysters being the most popular, with other species including marine fish such as salmon, seabream and seabass, and freshwater fish such as trout and carp.
Circa la metà della produzione dell'UE è costituita da molluschi (i mitili e le ostriche sono le specie più amate) insieme a pesci marini (salmone, orata, spigola) e pesci di acqua dolce (trota e carpa).
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Strict EU hygiene and consumer protection rules, which apply equally to wild and farmed fish, ensure that only safe and healthy products reach our tables.
La normativa rigorosa dell'Unione europea in materia di igiene e tutela dei consumatori - che si applica anche ai pesci selvatici e di allevamento - garantisce che sulle nostre tavole possano arrivare solo prodotti sicuri e sani.
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In the EU we import 68% of the seafood we eat and only 10% of our consumption is farmed here.
L'UE importa il 68% dei prodotti ittici destinati al consumo, mentre solo il 10% di ciò che consuma è allevato sul suo territorio.
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By eating locally farmed fish we rely less on importing from abroad and we have access to extra-fresh products.
Mangiando pesci allevati localmente dipenderemo meno dalle importazioni estere e avremo accesso a prodotti freschissimi.
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More than 80,000 people are already directly employed in European aquaculture, and this figure is expected to grow as more and more of our seafood is provided by EU fish farmers.
Più di 80 000 persone sono già direttamente impiegate nel settore europeo dell'acquacoltura e si prevede che questa cifra aumenterà in quanto la quota di prodotti ittici che consumiamo e che proviene dagli acquacoltori dell'UE è in costante aumento.
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The Seafood Expo Global, which takes place in Heysel, Brussels on 6-8th May, is the world's largest seafood trade fair and brings together over 1,600 exhibitors from over 70 countries.
Il Seafood Expo Global di Bruxelles, che si terrà al parco esposizioni di Heysel dal 6 all'8 maggio, è il più grande evento al mondo nel settore del commercio di prodotti ittici e riunisce oltre 1 600 espositori provenienti da più di 70 paesi.
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The European Commission will have its own stand (Hall 7, Stand No 1411), where members of the public and the press will have the opportunity to meet experts and discuss a wide range of issues concerning fisheries and maritime affairs. |
La Commissione europea partecipa con un proprio stand (padiglione 7, stand 1411) dove i membri del pubblico e la stampa avranno l'opportunità di incontrare esperti e discutere dei tanti argomenti che riguardano la pesca e gli affari marittimi. |
Farmed in the EU – Commissioner Damanaki backs Europe's fish farmers at
Seafood Expo Global 2014
Fish farming is healthy and can help tackle overfishing and protect wild fish
That is the message to be delivered today by European Commissioner for
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, at a specially organised event
at the Seafood Expo Global held in Brussels.
At the event, part of the Commission's 'Inseparable' campaign to promote
sustainable seafood, Commissioner Damanaki will highlight the specific qualities
of European fish farming, or aquaculture:
"As the population rises so does our demand for fish.
Without fish farming there would simply not be enough fish to eat and the
long term sustainability of our wild fish stocks would be at risk.
Fresh, local and healthy, fish farmed in the EU meets high consumer
protection standards, and tastes delicious."
As part of the reform to the Common Fisheries Policy, the EU is committed to
further supporting the aquaculture sector.
A recent set of guidelines present the common priorities and general
objectives for Europe's fish farming sector which include improving access to
space and water, maintaining high health and environmental standards, reducing
administrative burdens and increasing competitiveness.
Financial support to achieve this will be made available through the new
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, whilst research aiding the sustainable
development of European aquaculture will also be funded.
Commissioner Damanaki will be joined at the event by two top chefs:
Gianfranco Vissani from Italy and Kevin MacGillivray from the UK.
Later in the year, an EU run school project across ten countries will raise
further awareness of the benefits of eating farmed fish.
Fish farming, also referred to as aquaculture, is the cultivation of
freshwater and marine animals and plants.
Practised across Europe, it produces many species of fish, shellfish,
crustaceans and algae using a range of different farming methods including
traditional ones such as ropes, nets, and tanks, or highly sophisticated ones
like water recirculation systems.
Around half of the EU's production is shellfish, with mussels and oysters
being the most popular, with other species including marine fish such as salmon,
seabream and seabass, and freshwater fish such as trout and carp.
Strict EU hygiene and consumer protection rules, which apply equally to wild
and farmed fish, ensure that only safe and healthy products reach our tables.
In the EU we import 68% of the seafood we eat and only 10% of our consumption
is farmed here.
By eating locally farmed fish we rely less on importing from abroad and we
have access to extra-fresh products.
More than 80,000 people are already directly employed in European
aquaculture, and this figure is expected to grow as more and more of our seafood
is provided by EU fish farmers.
The Seafood Expo Global, which takes place in Heysel, Brussels on 6-8th May,
is the world's largest seafood trade fair and brings together over 1,600
exhibitors from over 70 countries.
The European Commission will have its own stand (Hall 7, Stand No 1411),
where members of the public and the press will have the opportunity to meet
experts and discuss a wide range of issues concerning fisheries and maritime