Ambiente e clima: la Commissione europea ha stanziato 282,6 milioni di euro per 225 nuovi progetti in materia di ambiente e clima
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Data documento: 30-04-2014
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Environment and Climate: European Commission provides €282.6 million for 225 new environment and climate projects
Ambiente e clima: la Commissione europea ha stanziato 282,6 milioni di euro per 225 nuovi progetti in materia di ambiente e clima
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The European Commission has today approved funding for 225 new projects under the LIFE+ programme, the European Union's environment fund.
Oggi la Commissione europea ha approvato il finanziamento di 225 nuovi progetti nel quadro del programma LIFE+, il fondo per l’ambiente dell’Unione europea.
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The projects selected were submitted by beneficiaries in all 28 Member States and cover actions in the fields of nature conservation, climate change, environmental policy and information and communication on environmental issues across the EU.
I progetti selezionati, che sono stati presentati da beneficiari di tutti i 28 Stati membri, prevedono interventi negli ambiti della tutela della natura, dei cambiamenti climatici, delle tecnologie pulite, delle politiche ambientali, nonché azioni attinenti all’informazione e alla comunicazione in materia di ambiente in tutta l’UE.
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Overall, they represent a total investment of some €589.3 million, of which the EU will provide €282.6 million.
L’investimento complessivo è pari a 589,3 milioni di euro, di cui 282,6 milioni di contributo dell’UE.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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“In the final year of the current programming period, the LIFE+ programme once again demonstrates its ability to deliver essential financial support for environmental and nature conservation projects with significant added value for the EU.
“Nell’ultimo anno dell’attuale periodo di programmazione il programma LIFE+ ha dimostrato, una volta di più, la sua capacità di garantire un sostegno finanziario essenziale ai progetti di conservazione dell’ambiente e della natura con un significativo valore aggiunto per l’UE.
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These latest projects will make a vital contribution to the preservation, conservation and enhancement of Europe’s natural capital, as well as helping to achieve sustainable growth through investment in a low carbon and resource efficient economy.
Questi ultimi progetti apporteranno un contributo vitale al mantenimento, alla conservazione e al miglioramento del capitale naturale in Europa e aiuteranno a conseguire una crescita sostenibile grazie agli investimenti in un’economia a basse emissioni di carbonio ed efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse.
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The widely acknowledged success of LIFE+ and its projects has ensured the recent adoption of a new LIFE Regulation for Environment and Climate Action, with an increased budget, for the period 2014-2020”
Il successo ampiamente riconosciuto di LIFE+ e dei suoi progetti ha condotto alla recente adozione di un nuovo regolamento LIFE per l’ambiente e l’azione per il clima per il periodo 2014-2020 con una dotazione di bilancio superiore.”
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Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said:
Connie Hedegaard, Commissaria per l’Azione per il clima, si è così espressa:
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"I am happy to see so many innovative projects also this year.
“Sono soddisfatta di vedere così tanti progetti innovativi anche quest’anno.
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And to make them happen, we will contribute with more than €41.2 million, with a total budget of €109.4 million.
Per realizzarli contribuiremo con oltre 41,2 milioni di euro per uno stanziamento di bilancio complessivo di 109,4 milioni di euro.
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An ever rising share of LIFE projects is contributing to climate action.
Una quota sempre maggiore dei progetti LIFE si incentra sull’azione a favore del clima.
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And we want to improve this even more:
E noi vogliamo fare ancora di più:
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The new LIFE programme from 2014 to 2020 will foresee over 850 million Euros dedicated to climate action.This will roughly triple the amount which is spent on climate action."
il nuovo programma LIFE 2014-2020 stanzierà oltre 850 milioni di euro all’azione per il clima, triplicando di fatto lo stanziamento assegnato finora.”
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The Commission received 1 468 applications in response to its latest call for proposals, which closed in June 2013.
La Commissione ha ricevuto 1 468 domande di finanziamento in risposta all’ultimo invito a presentare proposte, chiuso nel giugno 2013.
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Of these, 225 were selected for co-funding through the programme’s three components:
Di queste, 225 sono state selezionate per un cofinanziamento nell’ambito delle tre componenti del programma, ossia:
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LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance and LIFE+ Information and Communication.
LIFE+ Natura e biodiversità, LIFE+ Politica e governance ambientali e LIFE+ Informazione e comunicazione.
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1) LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and habitats.
1) I progetti LIFE + Natura e biodiversità permettono di migliorare lo stato di conservazione delle specie e degli habitat in pericolo.
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Of the 342 proposals received, the Commission selected 92 projects for funding from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and other parties.
Tra le 342 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ha scelto 92 progetti da finanziare nell’ambito di partenariati con organismi di conservazione, enti governativi e altre parti interessate.
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Led by project beneficiaries in 25 Member States, they represent a total investment of €262.5 million, of which the EU will provide some €147.9 million.
Coordinati dai beneficiari di 25 Stati membri, tali progetti rappresentano un investimento complessivo dell’ordine di 262,5 milioni di EUR, cui l’UE contribuirà con circa 147,9 milioni.
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The majority (79) are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of the Birds and/or Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network.
La maggior parte di essi (79) rientra nella categoria “Natura” e concorre ad attuare le direttive Uccelli e/o Habitat e la rete Natura 2000.
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The other 13 are Biodiversity projects, a LIFE+ project category for pilot schemes that tackle wider biodiversity issues.
Gli altri 13 sono progetti relativi alla biodiversità, una nuova categoria di LIFE+ per progetti pilota che affrontano temi più ampi connessi alla biodiversità.
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2) LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods and instruments.
2) I progetti LIFE+ Politica e governance ambientali sono progetti pilota che contribuiscono a migliorare le politiche apportando idee, tecnologie, metodi e strumenti innovativi.
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Of the 961 proposals received, the Commission selected 125 projects for funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
Tra le 961 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ha scelto 125 progetti che saranno finanziati da una vasta gamma di organizzazioni del settore pubblico e privato.
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The winning projects, led by project beneficiaries in 22 Member States, represent a total investment of €318.5 million, of which the EU will provide some €130.8 million.
I progetti scelti, coordinati dai beneficiari in 22 Stati membri, rappresentano un investimento complessivo di 318,5 milioni di euro, cui l’UE contribuirà con circa 130,8 milioni.
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Under this component, the Commission will contribute more than €41.2 million to 33 projects directly tackling climate change, with a total budget of €109.4 million.
Nell’ambito di questa componente la Commissione sosterrà con oltre 41,2 milioni di euro 33 progetti sui cambiamenti climatici per un investimento totale di 109,4 milioni di euro.
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The selected projects, situated in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, are highlighted in the annex to this press release.
I progetti selezionati, che saranno realizzati in Austria, Belgio, Germania, Spagna, Francia, Grecia, Italia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Svezia e Regno Unito, sono illustrati nell’allegato al presente comunicato stampa.
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In addition, many other projects focusing on other issues will also have an indirect impact on greenhouse emissions.
Inoltre, anche molti altri progetti incentrati su temi diversi eserciteranno un impatto indiretto sulle emissioni di gas a effetto serra.
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Other important areas of focus include waste and natural resources, innovation, water, and chemicals.
Altri significativi ambiti di interesse includono i rifiuti e le risorse naturali, l’innovazione, l’acqua e le sostanze chimiche.
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3) LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information and raise the profile of environmental issues.
3) I progetti LIFE+ Informazione e comunicazione puntano a dare maggiore visibilità alle tematiche ambientali e a divulgare informazioni in materia.
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Of the 165 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding eight (8) projects from a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment organisations.
Tra le 165 proposte ricevute, la Commissione ha scelto otto (8) progetti presentati da una serie di organizzazioni del settore pubblico e privato che si occupano di natura e/o ambiente.
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The projects are based in six Member States - Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania - and represent a total investment of €8.3 million, of which the EU will provide some €3.9 million.
I progetti, che saranno realizzati in sei Stati membri - Austria, Cipro, Grecia, Ungheria, Polonia e Romania — rappresentano un investimento totale di 8,3 milioni di euro, cui l’UE contribuirà con 3,9 milioni.
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Half of the eight projects are concerned with EU environmental policy campaigns, three aim to raise awareness about nature and biodiversity matters and the remaining one is focused on forest fire prevention.
La metà degli otto progetti riguardano campagne sulla politica ambientale dell’UE, tre intendono effettuare opera di sensibilizzazione sugli aspetti della natura e della biodiversità, mentre l’ultimo è incentrato sulla prevenzione degli incendi boschivi.
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LIFE+ is the European financial instrument for the environment and has a total budget of €2.1 billion for the period 2007-2013.
LIFE+ è lo strumento finanziario europeo dedicato all’ambiente con una dotazione pari a 2,1 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2007-2013.
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The Commission launched one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year.
La Commissione ha pubblicato ogni anno un invito a presentare proposte di progetti LIFE+.
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The LIFE programme will continue from 2014-2020 under the new LIFE Regulation for Environment and Climate Action.
Nel periodo 2014-2020 il programma LIFE proseguirà nell’ambito del nuovo regolamento LIFE per l’ambiente e l’azione per il clima.
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The programme has a total budget for the period of €3.4 billion in December 2013 prices, and will have a sub-programme for environment and a sub-programme for climate action.
Il programma, che per tale periodo vanta una dotazione di 3,4 miliardi di euro, a prezzi del 2013, sarà articolato in due sottoprogrammi, uno per l’ambiente e uno per l’azione per il clima. |
Environment and Climate: European Commission provides €282.6 million for
225 new environment and climate projects
The European Commission has today approved funding for 225 new projects under
the LIFE+ programme, the European Union's environment fund.
The projects selected were submitted by beneficiaries in all 28 Member States
and cover actions in the fields of nature conservation, climate change,
environmental policy and information and communication on environmental issues
across the EU.
Overall, they represent a total investment of some €589.3 million, of which
the EU will provide €282.6 million.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"In the final year of the current programming period, the LIFE+ programme
once again demonstrates its ability to deliver essential financial support for
environmental and nature conservation projects with significant added value for
the EU.
These latest projects will make a vital contribution to the preservation,
conservation and enhancement of Europe’s natural capital, as well as helping to
achieve sustainable growth through investment in a low carbon and resource
efficient economy.
The widely acknowledged success of LIFE+ and its projects has ensured the
recent adoption of a new LIFE Regulation for Environment and Climate Action,
with an increased budget, for the period 2014-2020"
Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said:
"I am happy to see so many innovative projects also this year.
And to make them happen, we will contribute with more than €41.2 million,
with a total budget of €109.4 million.
An ever rising share of LIFE projects is contributing to climate action.
And we want to improve this even more:
The new LIFE programme from 2014 to 2020 will foresee over 850 million Euros
dedicated to climate action.This will roughly triple the amount which is spent
on climate action."
The Commission received 1 468 applications in response to its latest call for
proposals, which closed in June 2013.
Of these, 225 were selected for co-funding through the programme’s three
LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance and
LIFE+ Information and Communication.
1) LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity projects improve the conservation status of
endangered species and habitats.
Of the 342 proposals received, the Commission selected 92 projects for
funding from partnerships of conservation bodies, government authorities and
other parties.
Led by project beneficiaries in 25 Member States, they represent a total
investment of €262.5 million, of which the EU will provide some €147.9 million.
The majority (79) are Nature projects, contributing to the implementation of
the Birds and/or Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network.
The other 13 are Biodiversity projects, a LIFE+ project category for pilot
schemes that tackle wider biodiversity issues.
2) LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance projects are pilot projects that
contribute to the development of innovative policy ideas, technologies, methods
and instruments.
Of the 961 proposals received, the Commission selected 125 projects for
funding from a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
The winning projects, led by project beneficiaries in 22 Member States,
represent a total investment of €318.5 million, of which the EU will provide
some €130.8 million.
Under this component, the Commission will contribute more than €41.2 million
to 33 projects directly tackling climate change, with a total budget of €109.4
The selected projects, situated in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, France,
Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the United
Kingdom, are highlighted in the annex to this press release.
In addition, many other projects focusing on other issues will also have an
indirect impact on greenhouse emissions.
Other important areas of focus include waste and natural resources,
innovation, water, and chemicals.
3) LIFE+ Information and Communication projects disseminate information and
raise the profile of environmental issues.
Of the 165 proposals received, the Commission selected for funding eight (8)
projects from a range of public and private sector nature and/or environment
The projects are based in six Member States - Austria, Cyprus, Greece,
Hungary, Poland and Romania - and represent a total investment of €8.3 million,
of which the EU will provide some €3.9 million.
Half of the eight projects are concerned with EU environmental policy
campaigns, three aim to raise awareness about nature and biodiversity matters
and the remaining one is focused on forest fire prevention.
LIFE+ is the European financial instrument for the environment and has a
total budget of €2.1 billion for the period 2007-2013.
The Commission launched one call for LIFE+ project proposals per year.
The LIFE programme will continue from 2014-2020 under the new LIFE Regulation
for Environment and Climate Action.
The programme has a total budget for the period of €3.4 billion in December
2013 prices, and will have a sub-programme for environment and a sub-programme
for climate action.