Condizioni di lavoro: una nuova indagine mette in luce profonde disparità e il deteriorarsi della soddisfazione dei lavoratori
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Data documento: 24-04-2014
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Working conditions: new survey reveals deterioration and wide disparities in worker satisfaction
Condizioni di lavoro: una nuova indagine mette in luce profonde disparità e il deteriorarsi della soddisfazione dei lavoratori
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While just over half of European workers perceive working conditions in their country to be good (53%), a majority (57%) nevertheless think that their working conditions have deteriorated in the last 5 years, according to a Eurobarometer survey published today, which looks at how the quality of work has been affected by the crisis.
Secondo un'indagine Eurobarometro pubblicata oggi, che esamina come la qualità del lavoro è stata colpita dalla crisi, soltanto poco più della metà dei lavoratori europei percepisce come soddisfacenti le condizioni di lavoro nel proprio paese (53%), ma la maggioranza (57%) ritiene comunque che queste siano peggiorate negli ultimi 5 anni.
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Although most workers are satisfied with their own working conditions (77% on average in the EU), there is a very wide disparity across Member States, ranging from 94% in Denmark to 38% in Greece.
Sebbene la maggior parte dei lavoratori sia soddisfatta delle proprie condizioni di lavoro (mediamente il 77% nell’UE), si registra una profonda disparità tra gli Stati membri, con percentuali che oscillano tra il 94% della Danimarca e il 38% della Grecia.
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Generally, most workers express high levels of satisfaction with their working hours (80%) and health and safety at work (85%).
In generale, la maggior parte dei lavoratori esprime un elevato livello di soddisfazione sul piano dell'orario di lavoro (80%) e della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro (85%).
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The results of the Eurobarometer will feed in to discussions on current and future prospects for EU action in the field of working conditions in Brussels on 28 April.
I risultati dell'indagine Eurobarometro confluiranno nelle discussioni che si terranno a Bruxelles il 28 aprile sulle prospettive attuali e future per l’azione dell’UE in materia di condizioni di lavoro.
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The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss how to further develop a consistent and forward-looking approach to working conditions in the EU, to ensure high levels of quality, safety and equity at work.
Il convegno offrirà l’occasione di esaminare le modalità per sviluppare ulteriormente un approccio coerente e lungimirante alle condizioni di lavoro nell’UE, così da garantire elevati livelli di qualità, sicurezza ed equità sul lavoro.
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"Protecting and promoting working conditions in the EU is about taking care of our human capital.
"Proteggere e promuovere le condizioni di lavoro nell’UE significa prenderci cura del nostro capitale umano.
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We have a remarkable heritage of law and policies to ensure good working conditions that allow for high levels of satisfaction among European workers.
Abbiamo un notevole patrimonio in termini di normative e politiche intese a garantire buone condizioni di lavoro che consentono di conseguire elevati livelli di soddisfazione tra i lavoratori europei.
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But there is a fear also, and a real risk, that working conditions will suffer in the wake of the economic crisis.
Ma si teme anche, e si tratta di un rischio reale, che le condizioni di lavoro risentiranno della crisi economica.
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Together with Member States and employee and employer organisations, we need to renew our efforts to preserve and improve working conditions", EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor commented.
Insieme con gli Stati membri e le organizzazioni di lavoratori e datori di lavoro dobbiamo rinnovare i nostri sforzi per mantenere e migliorare le condizioni di lavoro", ha commentato László Andor, Commissario UE per l’Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l’inclusione.
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The Eurobarometer survey, carried out in the 28 Member States, reveals that:
Dall'indagine Eurobarometro, effettuata nei 28 Stati membri, emerge che:
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- more than 80% of respondents in Denmark, Luxembourg, Finland and The Netherlands consider working conditions in their country to be good.
- oltre l'80% degli intervistati in Danimarca, Lussemburgo, Finlandia e Paesi Bassi considera soddisfacenti le condizioni di lavoro nel proprio paese.
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At individual workers' level, Denmark also comes first, with 94% of workers being satisfied of their own conditions at work –
A livello dei singoli lavoratori, la Danimarca occupa nuovamente il primo posto, con il 94% dei lavoratori soddisfatto delle proprie condizioni di lavoro;
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Austria and Belgium ranking second with 9 in 10 workers being satisfied, followed closely by Finland (89%), the UK and Estonia (both 88%)
Austria e Belgio sono secondi in graduatoria con 9 lavoratori su 10 soddisfatti, seguiti a ruota da Finlandia (89%), Regno Unito ed Estonia (88% in entrambi i paesi);
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- on the opposite side, Greece has the lowest rate of satisfaction at country level (16%) and is the only country where fewer than half of working respondents are satisfied with their current conditions (38%)
- all'estremo opposto, la Grecia ha registrato il grado di soddisfazione più basso a livello nazionale (16%) ed è l’unico paese in cui meno della metà degli intervistati è soddisfatto delle proprie condizioni di lavoro attuali(38%)
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- to a lesser extent, levels of satisfaction are lower at country level in Croatia (18%), Spain (20%), Italy (25%), Bulgaria (31%), Slovenia, Portugal and Romania (32% for each), but also in Slovakia (36%) and Poland (38%).
- in misura minore, il grado di soddisfazione a livello nazionale risulta basso in Croazia (18%), Spagna (20%), Italia (25%), Bulgaria (31%), Slovenia, Portogallo e Romania (32% in ciascun paese), ma anche in Slovacchia (36%) e in Polonia (38%).
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A variety of factors can explain this divergence in satisfaction levels:
Tali livelli di soddisfazione divergenti sono imputabili a svariati fattori:
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the social and economic context influenced by the crisis but also more structural features in terms of social dialogue, social policies and labour law, which may be stronger or weaker depending on national situations across the EU.
il contesto socio-economico influenzato dalla crisi, ma anche caratteristiche di natura più strutturale, quali il dialogo sociale, le politiche sociali e il diritto del lavoro, che possono rivelarsi più o meno solide a seconda delle situazioni nazionali nell'UE.
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Other key findings from the survey indicate that there is room for improvement, notably in the following areas:
Altri risultati importanti dell'indagine indicano che ci sono margini di miglioramento, in particolare per quanto riguarda i seguenti settori:
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- A number of findings tend to confirm an increase in work intensity.
- diversi dati tendono a confermare un aumento dell’intensità del lavoro.
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Stress clearly emerges as the most important perceived risk at work (for 53% of working respondents).
Lo stress risulta chiaramente il più importante rischio percepito durante il lavoro (per il 53% dei lavoratori intervistati).
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In addition, dissatisfaction regarding workload, pace of work and long working days (more than 13 hours) is more widespread than other issues such as lack of interest in the tasks or inadequate rest periods on a weekly or annual basis;
Inoltre, l’insoddisfazione legata al carico e ai ritmi di lavoro e alle lunghe giornate lavorative (oltre 13 ore) è più diffusa di altri problemi, come la mancanza di interesse per le mansioni o i periodi di riposo a cadenza settimanale o annuale insufficienti;
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- Regarding work organisation, in relation to work-life balance, 40 % of respondents declare that they are not offered the possibility to use flexible working arrangements;
- per quanto riguarda l’organizzazione del lavoro, in termini di equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata, il 40% degli intervistati sostiene di non avere la possibilità di optare per regimi di lavoro flessibili;
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- In the area of health and safety at work, less than one in three workers declared that there are measures in place at their workplace to address emerging risks (for example caused by nanotechnologies or biotechnology), or directed to older and chronically ill workers.
- in materia di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, meno di un lavoratore su tre ha dichiarato che sul proprio luogo di lavoro sono applicate misure per affrontare i rischi emergenti (ad esempio quelli causati dalle nanotecnologie o dalle biotecnologie), o destinate ai lavoratori più anziani e con malattie croniche.
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Together with stress, poor ergonomics is perceived as one of the most important risks at work, with 28% of respondents identifying repetitive movements and tiring or painful positions as a main health and safety risk in their workplace, and 24% lifting, carrying or moving loads on a daily basis.
Insieme con lo stress, la scarsa ergonomia è percepita come uno dei principali rischi sul luogo di lavoro: il 28% degli intervistati considera i movimenti ripetitivi e le posizioni faticose o dolorose tra i principali rischi per la salute e la sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro, mentre il 24% fa riferimento al sollevamento, al trasporto o alla movimentazione dei carichi su base giornaliera.
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Upcoming EU conference on working conditions
Imminente convegno dell’UE in materia di condizioni di lavoro
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At the 28th April conference there will be around 300 stakeholders.
Al convegno che si terrà il 28 aprile saranno presenti circa 300 soggetti interessati.
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Five workshops will allow for in-depth debates on occupational safety and health, restructuring, reconciliation between work and private life, traineeships and the international dimension of EU action in the field of working conditions.
Cinque workshop consentiranno di discutere in maniera approfondita questioni legate alla salute e alla sicurezza sul lavoro, alla ristrutturazione, alla conciliazione tra vita professionale e vita privata, ai tirocini e alla dimensione internazionale dell’azione dell’UE in materia di condizioni di lavoro.
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Trade unions, employers' organisations and policymakers, both at European and national level, are invited to reflect and take common initiatives to support working conditions and job quality, which is essential in order to meet the Europe 2020 objectives.
I sindacati, le organizzazioni dei datori di lavoro e i responsabili politici, sia a livello europeo che nazionale, sono invitati a riflettere e ad adottare iniziative comuni volte a sostenere le condizioni di lavoro e la qualità dei posti di lavoro, fattori essenziali per raggiungere gli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020.
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Good working conditions, including a healthy and safe environment, are often associated with high worker motivation, creativity and commitment, leading ultimately, to high levels of productivity.
Buone condizioni di lavoro, incluso un ambiente sano e sicuro, sono spesso associate ad elevati livelli di motivazione dei lavoratori, creatività e impegno, che conducono in ultima analisi ad una maggiore produttività.
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This survey was carried out in the 28 Member States between 3rd and 5th April 2014.
L’indagine è stata condotta nei 28 Stati membri tra il 3 e il 5 aprile 2014.
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26,571 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed via telephone (landline and mobile phone) in their mother tongue.
26 571 persone di diverse estrazione sociale e demografica sono state intervistate per telefono (fisso e cellulare) nella propria lingua madre.
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Working conditions for the purpose of this Eurobarometer were defined as working time, work organisation, health and safety at work, employee representation and relation with the employer.
Ai fini di questa indagine Eurobarometro, le condizioni di lavoro sono state definite in termini di orario di lavoro, organizzazione del lavoro, salute e sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro, rappresentanza dei lavoratori e rapporto con il datore di lavoro.
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The Europe 2020 Strategy sets ambitious targets for increasing employment and reducing poverty.
La strategia Europa 2020 fissa obiettivi ambiziosi per aumentare l’occupazione e ridurre la povertà.
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The European Semester, the Employment Package and the Social Investment Package all contribute to address the evolving employment and social challenges in a systematic manner and from the perspective of pan-European interest.
Il semestre europeo, il pacchetto occupazione e il pacchetto di investimenti sociali contribuiscono tutti ad affrontare in maniera sistematica e dalla prospettiva dell'interesse paneuropeo l'evolversi delle sfide sociali e in materia di occupazione.
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The EU relies on a comprehensive set of policies and legislation that aims at supporting better working conditions in the EU, including minimum standards of labour law and occupational safety and health.
L’UE ricorre ad un insieme di politiche e di normative che mirano a sostenere migliori condizioni di lavoro nel suo territorio, comprese norme minime in materia di diritto del lavoro e di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro.
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Last year, the European Commission also proposed two Quality Frameworks on restructuring (IP/13/1246) and on traineeships (IP/13/1200).
Lo scorso anno la Commissione europea ha inoltre proposto due quadri di qualità per il settore delle ristrutturazioni (IP/13/1246) e per i tirocini (IP/13/1200).
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The latter was adopted by the Council of Ministers in March 2014 (IP/14/236).
Quest’ultimo è stato adottato dal Consiglio dei ministri nel marzo 2014 (IP/14/236).
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On 7 April 2014, the European Agency for Safety at Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launched the "Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress" campaign to raise awareness about the psychological, physical and social risks linked to stress at work (see IP/14/386). |
Il 7 aprile 2014, l’Agenzia europea per la salute la sicurezza sul lavoro (EU-OSHA) ha inaugurato la campagna di sensibilizzazione intitolata "Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress" ("Ambienti di lavoro sani e sicuri per la gestione dello stress") sui rischi psicologici, fisici e sociali connessi allo stress sul luogo di lavoro (cfr. IP/14/386). |
Working conditions: new survey reveals deterioration and wide disparities
in worker satisfaction
While just over half of European workers perceive working conditions in their
country to be good (53%), a majority (57%) nevertheless think that their working
conditions have deteriorated in the last 5 years, according to a Eurobarometer
survey published today, which looks at how the quality of work has been affected
by the crisis.
Although most workers are satisfied with their own working conditions (77% on
average in the EU), there is a very wide disparity across Member States, ranging
from 94% in Denmark to 38% in Greece.
Generally, most workers express high levels of satisfaction with their
working hours (80%) and health and safety at work (85%).
The results of the Eurobarometer will feed in to discussions on current and
future prospects for EU action in the field of working conditions in Brussels on
28 April.
The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss how to further develop
a consistent and forward-looking approach to working conditions in the EU, to
ensure high levels of quality, safety and equity at work.
"Protecting and promoting working conditions in the EU is about taking care
of our human capital.
We have a remarkable heritage of law and policies to ensure good working
conditions that allow for high levels of satisfaction among European workers.
But there is a fear also, and a real risk, that working conditions will
suffer in the wake of the economic crisis.
Together with Member States and employee and employer organisations, we need
to renew our efforts to preserve and improve working conditions", EU
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor
The Eurobarometer survey, carried out in the 28 Member States, reveals that:
- more than 80% of respondents in Denmark, Luxembourg, Finland and The
Netherlands consider working conditions in their country to be good.
At individual workers' level, Denmark also comes first, with 94% of workers
being satisfied of their own conditions at work –
Austria and Belgium ranking second with 9 in 10 workers being satisfied,
followed closely by Finland (89%), the UK and Estonia (both 88%)
- on the opposite side, Greece has the lowest rate of satisfaction at country
level (16%) and is the only country where fewer than half of working respondents
are satisfied with their current conditions (38%)
- to a lesser extent, levels of satisfaction are lower at country level in
Croatia (18%), Spain (20%), Italy (25%), Bulgaria (31%), Slovenia, Portugal and
Romania (32% for each), but also in Slovakia (36%) and Poland (38%).
A variety of factors can explain this divergence in satisfaction levels:
the social and economic context influenced by the crisis but also more
structural features in terms of social dialogue, social policies and labour law,
which may be stronger or weaker depending on national situations across the EU.
Other key findings from the survey indicate that there is room for
improvement, notably in the following areas:
- A number of findings tend to confirm an increase in work intensity.
Stress clearly emerges as the most important perceived risk at work (for 53%
of working respondents).
In addition, dissatisfaction regarding workload, pace of work and long
working days (more than 13 hours) is more widespread than other issues such as
lack of interest in the tasks or inadequate rest periods on a weekly or annual
- Regarding work organisation, in relation to work-life balance, 40 % of
respondents declare that they are not offered the possibility to use flexible
working arrangements;
- In the area of health and safety at work, less than one in three workers
declared that there are measures in place at their workplace to address emerging
risks (for example caused by nanotechnologies or biotechnology), or directed to
older and chronically ill workers.
Together with stress, poor ergonomics is perceived as one of the most
important risks at work, with 28% of respondents identifying repetitive
movements and tiring or painful positions as a main health and safety risk in
their workplace, and 24% lifting, carrying or moving loads on a daily basis.
Upcoming EU conference on working conditions
At the 28th April conference there will be around 300 stakeholders.
Five workshops will allow for in-depth debates on occupational safety and
health, restructuring, reconciliation between work and private life,
traineeships and the international dimension of EU action in the field of
working conditions.
Trade unions, employers' organisations and policymakers, both at European and
national level, are invited to reflect and take common initiatives to support
working conditions and job quality, which is essential in order to meet the
Europe 2020 objectives.
Good working conditions, including a healthy and safe environment, are often
associated with high worker motivation, creativity and commitment, leading
ultimately, to high levels of productivity.
This survey was carried out in the 28 Member States between 3rd and 5th April
26,571 respondents from different social and demographic groups were
interviewed via telephone (landline and mobile phone) in their mother tongue.
Working conditions for the purpose of this Eurobarometer were defined as
working time, work organisation, health and safety at work, employee
representation and relation with the employer.
The Europe 2020 Strategy sets ambitious targets for increasing employment and
reducing poverty.
The European Semester, the Employment Package and the Social Investment
Package all contribute to address the evolving employment and social challenges
in a systematic manner and from the perspective of pan-European interest.
The EU relies on a comprehensive set of policies and legislation that aims at
supporting better working conditions in the EU, including minimum standards of
labour law and occupational safety and health.
Last year, the European Commission also proposed two Quality Frameworks on
restructuring (IP/13/1246) and on traineeships (IP/13/1200).
The latter was adopted by the Council of Ministers in March 2014 (IP/14/236).
On 7 April 2014, the European Agency for Safety at Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
launched the "Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress" campaign to raise awareness
about the psychological, physical and social risks linked to stress at work (see