Il 10 maggio “Ripuliamo l’Europa!”
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Data documento: 22-04-2014
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"Let's Clean Up Europe" on 10 May
Il 10 maggio “Ripuliamo l’Europa!”
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Every year, millions of tonnes of litter end up in Europe's streets, oceans, beaches, forests and natural areas.
Ogni anno milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti finiscono sulle strade, negli oceani, sulle spiagge, nelle foreste e nelle aree naturali d’Europa.
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And every year millions of Europeans get out in their neighborhoods to clean up in voluntary actions.
E ogni anno milioni di cittadini europei partecipano ad azioni volontarie per ripulire i propri quartieri.
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"Let's Clean up Europe" is an initiative that aims to encourage more such actions, to raise awareness about the scale of the litter and waste problems, and to encourage changes in behaviour.The event is being coordinated by the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR).
“Ripuliamo l’Europa!” è un’iniziativa coordinata dalla Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti che intende promuovere queste azioni e far capire l’entità del problema, incoraggiando le persone a modificare i propri comportamenti.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Civic clean up movements are growing across Europe and we want to make them fell part of a European event.
“In Europa i movimenti civici per la pulizia delle città sono sempre più numerosi e vogliamo renderli partecipi di un evento di portata europea.
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We have put together a network of national contact points in 21 countries to let people know what is going on in their neighbourhood, and what they can do to help.
Abbiamo creato una rete di punti di contatto nazionali in 21 paesi per far sapere ai cittadini ciò che succede nei loro quartieri e come possono partecipare in prima persona.
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It's a hands-on initiative, so let's get our boots and gloves on.
È un’iniziativa pratica, quindi infiliamoci guanti e stivali.
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We all want to live in clean neighbourhoods, so together Let's Clean Up Europe."
Tutti vogliamo vivere in un quartiere pulito e dunque ripuliamo insieme l’Europa.”
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A number of clean-up campaigns have been organised in Europe in recent years to tackle the litter problem.
Negli ultimi anni in Europa sono state organizzate diverse campagne di pulizia per affrontare il problema dei rifiuti.
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“Let’s Clean Up Europe!” will bring together these initiatives in a Europe-wide clean-up event to take place on the same day all over the continent, reaching as many citizens as possible.
“Ripuliamo l’Europa!” riunirà queste iniziative in un unico evento che si svolgerà lo stesso giorno in tutta Europa, raggiungendo il maggior numero possibile di persone.
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‘Let’s Clean Up Europe!’ is a truly bottom-up event that aims to inform and mobilise the public into cleaning up their environment for themselves.
“Ripuliamo l’Europa!” è una manifestazione che, raccogliendo le esigenze dei cittadini, intende informarli e mobilitarli a ripulire in prima persona l’ambiente in cui vivono.
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Experience shows that people are often surprised at how much waste is being generated and dumped in their neighbourhood.
L’esperienza dimostra che spesso i cittadini restano sorpresi nel riscontrare quanti rifiuti sono prodotti e scaricati illegalmente nel proprio quartiere.
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And litter can be valuable.
E i rifiuti possono anche avere un valore.
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Paper, glass, metals, and plastic can all be used again or recycled if collected.
Se raccolti correttamente, carta, vetro, metallo e plastica possono essere riutilizzati o riciclati.
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This reduces environmental impact, creates economic opportunities and jobs, by helping to push Europe towards a more circular economy.
Questa operazione riduce l’impatto ambientale, crea opportunità economiche e posti di lavoro e contribuisce a spingere l’Europa verso un’economia più circolare.
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The Commission is promoting the event, but the clean-ups are truly independent, local and citizen-led. In many cases local authorities, NGOs businesses and schools will be getting involved or coordinating actions.
La Commissione promuove l’iniziativa, ma le azioni sono indipendenti, locali e gestite dai cittadini, in molti casi organizzate o coordinate con la partecipazione di enti locali, ONG, imprese e scuole.
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Events are taking place in 15 EU Member States, as well as in Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey.
Le manifestazioni si svolgeranno in 15 Stati membri dell’UE e anche in Andorra, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Norvegia, Serbia e Turchia.
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To find a local action in your Member State, see the website of the national organizer in your Member State.
Per trovare un’azione locale nei vari Stati membri, si può consultare il sito dell’organizzatore nazionale nel proprio Stato membro.
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"Let's Clean up Europe" is a LIFE project coordinated by the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management, the organisation that is also responsible for the European Week for Waste Reduction.
“Ripuliamo l’Europa!” è un progetto organizzato nell’ambito di LIFE e coordinato dall’Associazione europea delle città e regioni per il riciclaggio e la gestione sostenibile delle risorse, l’organizzazione responsabile anche della Settimana europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti.
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A set of communication tools has been developed by the organisers, and will be made available for all participants via the coordinators.
Gli organizzatori hanno sviluppato una serie di strumenti di comunicazione che saranno messi a disposizione di tutti i partecipanti attraverso i coordinatori.
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In 2012, Let’s Do It! World, based in Estonia, coordinated a World Clean-up 2012 action, which mobilized 7 million volunteers in 84 one-day clean-up actions in Asia, Africa, North America, South America and Europe.
Nel 2012, Let’s Do It World!, un’organizzazione con sede in Estonia, ha coordinato un’azione di pulizia a livello mondiale, che ha mobilitato 7 milioni di volontari in 84 azioni della durata di un giorno in Asia, Africa, America settentrionale, America meridionale ed Europa.
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Similar activities followed in 2013.
Nel 2013 sono state organizzate attività analoghe.
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The initiatives are primarily based on networking volunteers through social networks, and also include fund raising and sponsorships.
Le iniziative si basano principalmente sulla creazione di reti di volontari attraverso le reti sociali e prevedono anche la raccolta di fondi e sponsorizzazioni.
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Surfrider Foundation Europe has been active in Europe since 1990 -
It mobilises now 1500 volunteers, 10000 members, about 40 local chapters, and more than 40 000 supporters. |
La Surfrider Foundation Europe è un’organizzazione attiva in Europa dal 1990 che conta attualmente 1 500 volontari, 10 000 membri, circa 40 sezioni locali e più di 40 000 sostenitori.
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Surfrider started in 1984 in Malibu, California, where surfers aimed to protect their favourite surf spots from local pollution. Its beach clean-ups are now complemented by actions on lakes and rivers. |
Fondata nel 1984 a Malibu (California) da un gruppo di surfisti che volevano proteggere dall’inquinamento locale i loro luoghi preferiti per fare surf, alle azioni di pulizia delle spiagge affianca ora azioni su fiumi e laghi.
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The European Commission believes that public awareness and changing attitudes to waste are important in delivering the objectives of European waste legislation.
La Commissione europea ritiene che sia importante sensibilizzare il pubblico e modificare le abitudini per conseguire gli obiettivi della legislazione europea sui rifiuti.
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Waste prevention and waste management are focus areas for the Commission in 2014, and it will review waste recycling and landfill targets this summer as part of a wider circular economy package. |
La prevenzione e la gestione dei rifiuti figurano tra le priorità della Commissione per il 2014 e nel corso dell’estate essa rivedrà gli obiettivi di riciclaggio e smaltimento dei rifiuti nell’ambito di un pacchetto legislativo più ampio sull’economia circolare e i rifiuti. |
Let's Clean Up Europe" on 10 May
Every year, millions of tonnes of litter end up in Europe's streets, oceans,
beaches, forests and natural areas.
And every year millions of Europeans get out in their neighborhoods to clean
up in voluntary actions.
"Let's Clean up Europe" is an initiative that aims to encourage more such
actions, to raise awareness about the scale of the litter and waste problems,
and to encourage changes in behaviour.The event is being coordinated by the
European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR).
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"Civic clean up movements are growing across Europe and we want to make them
fell part of a European event.
We have put together a network of national contact points in 21 countries to
let people know what is going on in their neighbourhood, and what they can do to
It's a hands-on initiative, so let's get our boots and gloves on.
We all want to live in clean neighbourhoods, so together Let's Clean Up
A number of clean-up campaigns have been organised in Europe in recent years
to tackle the litter problem.
"Let’s Clean Up Europe!" will bring together these initiatives in a
Europe-wide clean-up event to take place on the same day all over the continent,
reaching as many citizens as possible.
‘Let’s Clean Up Europe!’ is a truly bottom-up event that aims to inform and
mobilise the public into cleaning up their environment for themselves.
Experience shows that people are often surprised at how much waste is being
generated and dumped in their neighbourhood.
And litter can be valuable.
Paper, glass, metals, and plastic can all be used again or recycled if
This reduces environmental impact, creates economic opportunities and jobs,
by helping to push Europe towards a more circular economy.
The Commission is promoting the event, but the clean-ups are truly
independent, local and citizen-led. In many cases local authorities, NGOs
businesses and schools will be getting involved or coordinating actions.
Events are taking place in 15 EU Member States, as well as in Andorra, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey.
To find a local action in your Member State, see the website of the national
organizer in your Member State.
"Let's Clean up Europe" is a LIFE project coordinated by the Association of
Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management, the
organisation that is also responsible for the European Week for Waste Reduction.
A set of communication tools has been developed by the organisers, and will
be made available for all participants via the coordinators.
In 2012, Let’s Do It! World, based in Estonia, coordinated a World Clean-up
2012 action, which mobilized 7 million volunteers in 84 one-day clean-up actions
in Asia, Africa, North America, South America and Europe.
Similar activities followed in 2013.
The initiatives are primarily based on networking volunteers through social
networks, and also include fund raising and sponsorships.
Surfrider Foundation Europe has been active in Europe since 1990 - It
mobilises now 1500 volunteers, 10000 members, about 40 local chapters, and more than
40 000 supporters.I
Surfrider started in 1984 in Malibu, California, where surfers aimed to
protect their favourite surf spots from local pollution. Its beach clean-ups are
now complemented by actions on lakes and rivers.
The European Commission believes that public awareness and changing attitudes
to waste are important in delivering the objectives of European waste
Waste prevention and waste management are focus areas for the Commission in
2014, and it will review waste recycling and landfill targets this summer as
part of a wider circular economy package.