La Commissione si compiace del voto favorevole espresso dal Parlamento sulla proposta relativa al nuovo Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca
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Data documento:16-04-2014
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Commission welcomes Parliament's adoption of new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
La Commissione si compiace del voto favorevole espresso dal Parlamento sulla proposta relativa al nuovo Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca
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The European Parliament has today endorsed the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) with an overwhelming majority.
Il Parlamento europeo ha approvato oggi, con una maggioranza schiacciante, la proposta relativa al Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca (FEAMP).
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With a budget of €6.5 billion for 2014-2020, the fund will finance projects to implement the new reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and provide financial support to fishermen, fish farmers and coastal communities to adapt to the changed rules.
Con una dotazione di 6,5 miliardi di EUR per il periodo 2014-2020, il Fondo finanzierà progetti per attuare la recente riforma della politica comune della pesca (PCP) e aiuterà i pescatori, gli acquacoltori e le comunità costiere ad adeguarsi alle nuove norme.
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The Fund will also finance projects to boost 'blue' growth and jobs under the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP).
Nell’ambito della politica marittima integrata (PMI), il Fondo sosterrà inoltre progetti intesi a rilanciare la crescita e l'occupazione nel settore marittimo.
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European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, welcomed the adoption:
Maria Damanaki, commissaria europea per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, ha così espresso la sua soddisfazione:
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"Our reformed fisheries policy is putting European fisheries on a sustainable footing once and for all.
"La riforma della politica della pesca offre un contributo decisivo all'instaurazione di un'industria alieutica sostenibile in Europa.
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To get there will mean radical changes for our fishermen and the whole sector, which needs our financial support.
Per raggiungere questo obiettivo i nostri pescatori e l’intero settore dovranno operare cambiamenti radicali e avranno bisogno del nostro sostegno finanziario.
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We will co-fund concrete projects in the Member States to help fishermen and coastal communities develop a sustainable seafood industry - from the net to the plate."
L'Unione cofinanzierà progetti concreti negli Stati membri per aiutare i pescatori e le comunità costiere a sviluppare una filiera ittica sostenibile in tutte le sue fasi, dalla rete al piatto."
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Funding sustainable fishing
Finanziare la pesca sostenibile
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With the reform of its Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the EU has acted against overfishing and the practice of throwing unwanted fish back in the sea.
Riformando la politica comune della pesca (PCP) l’Unione è intervenuta per contrastare l'eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse e i rigetti delle catture indesiderate.
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The new EMFF will provide investment and funding opportunities for fishermen, fish farmers and coastal communities to contribute to reducing the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and to rebuild fish stocks.
Il nuovo Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca offrirà a pescatori, acquacoltori e comunità costiere possibilità di investimento e di finanziamento per contribuire a ridurre l’impatto della pesca sull’ambiente marino e a ricostituire gli stock ittici.
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Crucially, by financing more selective fishing gear for instance, the fund will also help eliminate wasteful discarding practices – a key aspect of the new policy.
In particolare, incentivando ad esempio l'uso di attrezzi da pesca più selettivi, il Fondo permetterà di contrastare il fenomeno dei rigetti in mare, una pratica che comporta pesanti sprechi di risorse e la cui eliminazione costituisce un aspetto essenziale della nuova politica.
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No EU money will be spent on the building of new fishing vessels or other initiatives which would contribute to increasing fishing capacity.
Non saranno erogati fondi dell’UE per la costruzione di nuovi pescherecci o per altre iniziative che potrebbero contribuire ad aumentare la capacità di pesca.
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The priority is rather to help small-scale fishermen, who will benefit from a higher rate of aid intensity, as well as young fishermen and fishermen's families.
Il sostegno sarà principalmente destinato agli operatori della pesca artigianale, che beneficeranno di aliquote di aiuto più elevate, ai giovani pescatori e alle famiglie di pescatori.
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The Fund will also help fish-farmers become more competitive by supporting them to reach out to new markets.
Il Fondo consentirà anche di rafforzare la competitività degli acquacoltori aiutandoli ad accedere a nuovi mercati.
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The EMFF will thus help ensure a stable supply of sustainable seafood products for consumers, boost innovation, help communities to diversify their economies, finance projects that create new jobs, and ultimately improve quality of life along European coasts.
I suoi interventi contribuiranno quindi a garantire un approvvigionamento stabile di prodotti ittici sostenibili per i consumatori, a stimolare l’innovazione, ad aiutare le comunità a diversificare le loro economie, a finanziare progetti destinati a creare nuovi posti di lavoro e, in ultima analisi, a migliorare la qualità di vita nelle regioni costiere europee.
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In addition, it will also fund fisheries data collection to allow decisions to be based on robust evidence, and reinforce the fisheries control programmes to ensure that the rules on responsible and sustainable fishing are respected and complied with by all.
È inoltre previsto un sostegno a favore della raccolta dei dati relativi alle attività di pesca, per poter prendere decisioni fondate su una solida base di conoscenze, e saranno rafforzati i programmi di controllo delle attività alieutiche, per garantire che tutti rispettino le norme per una pesca sostenibile e responsabile.
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The fund will also support the regionalised policy-making of the new CFP and allow all stakeholders to fully participate.
Il Fondo finanzierà infine la definizione di politiche regionalizzate nell'ambito della nuova PCP, favorendo la piena partecipazione di tutti i soggetti interessati.
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Boosting blue growth
Stimolare la crescita blu
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For the first time, the fund will also boost the Integrated Maritime Policy by facilitating coordination across borders and across sectors.
Per la prima volta, il Fondo contribuirà all'attuazione della politica marittima integrata agevolando il coordinamento transfrontaliero e intersettoriale.
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Funding will focus on those initiatives that benefit various sectors across the board but cannot be accomplished by any single sector-based policy or single Member State such as maritime spatial planning, integrated maritime surveillance and marine knowledge.
Il finanziamento si concentrerà principalmente sulle iniziative a vantaggio di vari settori che non possono essere realizzate da politiche basate su un unico settore o da singoli Stati membri, come la pianificazione dello spazio marittimo, la sorveglianza marittima integrata e le conoscenze oceanografiche.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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After today's vote in the European Parliament, the Fund will now go to Fisheries Ministers in the Council for final adoption which will allow the EMFF to come into force in June this year.
Dopo il voto odierno al Parlamento europeo, la proposta relativa al FEAMP passerà all'esame dei ministri della pesca per l’adozione finale da parte del Consiglio e la successiva entrata in vigore nel giugno di quest’anno.
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The EMFF will co-finance projects alongside national funding streams with each Member State receiving a share of the total budget.
Il FEAMP cofinanzierà i progetti parallelamente ai flussi di finanziamento nazionali e ogni Stato membro riceverà una quota del bilancio totale.
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Member States will draw up their national operational programmes, specifying how they intend to spend the money allocated and, once approved by the Commission, the national authorities will decide which projects they wish to support. |
Gli Stati membri redigeranno i rispettivi programmi operativi specificando come intendono utilizzare i fondi loro assegnati e, previa approvazione dei programmi da parte della Commissione, le autorità nazionali decideranno quali progetti desiderano sostenere.
Commission welcomes Parliament's adoption of new European Maritime and
Fisheries Fund
The European Parliament has today endorsed the European Maritime and
Fisheries Fund (EMFF) with an overwhelming majority.
With a budget of €6.5 billion for 2014-2020, the fund will finance projects
to implement the new reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and provide
financial support to fishermen, fish farmers and coastal communities to adapt to
the changed rules.
The Fund will also finance projects to boost 'blue' growth and jobs under the
EU's Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP).
European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki,
welcomed the adoption:
"Our reformed fisheries policy is putting European fisheries on a sustainable
footing once and for all.
To get there will mean radical changes for our fishermen and the whole
sector, which needs our financial support.
We will co-fund concrete projects in the Member States to help fishermen and
coastal communities develop a sustainable seafood industry - from the net to the
Funding sustainable fishing
With the reform of its Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the EU has acted
against overfishing and the practice of throwing unwanted fish back in the sea.
The new EMFF will provide investment and funding opportunities for fishermen,
fish farmers and coastal communities to contribute to reducing the impact of
fisheries on the marine environment and to rebuild fish stocks.
Crucially, by financing more selective fishing gear for instance, the fund
will also help eliminate wasteful discarding practices – a key aspect of the new
No EU money will be spent on the building of new fishing vessels or other
initiatives which would contribute to increasing fishing capacity.
The priority is rather to help small-scale fishermen, who will benefit from a
higher rate of aid intensity, as well as young fishermen and fishermen's
The Fund will also help fish-farmers become more competitive by supporting
them to reach out to new markets.
The EMFF will thus help ensure a stable supply of sustainable seafood
products for consumers, boost innovation, help communities to diversify their
economies, finance projects that create new jobs, and ultimately improve quality
of life along European coasts.
In addition, it will also fund fisheries data collection to allow decisions
to be based on robust evidence, and reinforce the fisheries control programmes
to ensure that the rules on responsible and sustainable fishing are respected
and complied with by all.
The fund will also support the regionalised policy-making of the new CFP and
allow all stakeholders to fully participate.
Boosting blue growth
For the first time, the fund will also boost the Integrated Maritime Policy
by facilitating coordination across borders and across sectors.
Funding will focus on those initiatives that benefit various sectors across
the board but cannot be accomplished by any single sector-based policy or single
Member State such as maritime spatial planning, integrated maritime surveillance
and marine knowledge.
Next steps
After today's vote in the European Parliament, the Fund will now go to
Fisheries Ministers in the Council for final adoption which will allow the EMFF
to come into force in June this year.
The EMFF will co-finance projects alongside national funding streams with
each Member State receiving a share of the total budget.
Member States will draw up their national operational programmes, specifying
how they intend to spend the money allocated and, once approved by the
Commission, the national authorities will decide which projects they wish to