Il Presidente del CESE Henri Malosse nuovamente ad Atene per trarre insegnamento dalla crisi:"Le sofferenze del popolo greco negli ultimi sei anni non dovranno essere state vane"
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Data documento: 10-04-2014
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EESC president Henri Malosse back in Athens to draw lessons from the crisis: “The suffering of the Greek people over the past six years should not be in vain.”
Il Presidente del CESE Henri Malosse nuovamente ad Atene per trarre insegnamento dalla crisi:"Le sofferenze del popolo greco negli ultimi sei anni non dovranno essere state vane"
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Following on from his many earlier trips to Greece, the president of the European Economic and Social Committee, Henri Malosse, is on a visit to Athens from 9 until 11 April.
Per dare seguito alle numerose visite già effettuate in Grecia, il Presidente del Comitato economico e sociale europeo Henri Malosse si è recato ad Atene dal 9 all'11 aprile.
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During his discussions with government representatives, civil society players, business people and students, the EESC president drew lessons for Greece and Europe.
Nel corso dei suoi colloqui con rappresentanti del governo e della società civile, esponenti del mondo delle imprese e studenti, il Presidente del CESE ha tratto una serie di insegnamenti per la Grecia e l'Europa.
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“We have witnessed the limits of European solidarity;
"Abbiamo visto i limiti che può avere la solidarietà europea;
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the EU has not done enough to provide equitable help to all its Member States.
l'UE non ha fatto abbastanza per dare un equo sostegno a tutti i suoi Stati membri.
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We need to work towards integrated policies, build common budgetary institutions, mutualise debt, invest in innovation, education, entrepreneurship, and support the competitiveness of European businesses and the reindustrialisation of southern Europe.”
L'Europa deve operare a favore di politiche integrate, creare istituzioni di bilancio comuni, mutualizzare il debito, investire nell'innovazione, nell'istruzione e nell'imprenditorialità, nonché promuovere la competitività delle imprese europee e la reindustrializzazione dell'Europa meridionale."
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Mr Malosse continued: “Greek society has paid a very high price – 60% youth unemployment, many closed businesses, increased poverty, lower pensions, and dented investor confidence.
Malosse ha inoltre affermato che "la società greca ha pagato un prezzo molto alto: disoccupazione giovanile al 60 %, numero elevato di imprese chiuse, aumento della povertà, abbassamento delle pensioni e perdita di fiducia degli investitori.
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– The result of a lack of solidarity on the part of the EU.”Despite the toughness imposed by the Troika, economic recovery is slow and uncertain.
Questo è il risultato di una mancanza di solidarietà da parte dell'UE." Nonostante le rigide misure di austerità imposte dalla Troika, la ripresa economica è lenta ed incerta.
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Taking the floor during conferences on Smart Growth through Research and Innovation and Mediterranean Creativity and Innovation: Transforming Regional Policy, the EESC president expressed his admiration for the resilience and drive of the people of Greece, who, despite economic hardships, have shown initiative and a willingness to create businesses.
Intervenendo nel corso di convegni dedicati a Crescita intelligente attraverso ricerca e innovazione e a Creatività e innovazione nel Mediterraneo: trasformare la politica regionale, il Presidente del CESE ha espresso la propria ammirazione per la resistenza e l'energia del popolo greco, il quale, nonostante le difficoltà economiche, ha mostrato spirito d'iniziativa e volontà di creare nuove imprese.
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They have been innovative and have refused to lose hope.
I greci hanno dato prova di innovazione senza mai perdere la speranza.
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He concluded with the words: “European governments and economic and social stakeholders should work together so that Europe once again becomes the model of innovation, creativity and quality in the world.”
Concludendo, il Presidente ha auspicato che "i governi europei e gli ambienti socioeconomici interessati collaborino affinché l'Europa torni ad essere un modello d'innovazione, creatività e qualità in tutto il mondo."
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The crisis has shown the current limitations of the European Union:
La crisi ha evidenziato i limiti attuali dell'UE:
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economic union is lacking, financial and fiscal policies are not shared, and genuine efforts to secure European integration have stalled.
l'Europa non dispone né di una vera e propria unione economica né di politiche finanziarie e fiscali realmente comuni, e per di più gli autentici sforzi per garantire l'integrazione europea hanno subito una battuta d'arresto.
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The lessons that Europe should draw from the Greek experience include the need to:
L'esperienza della Grecia ha mostrato all'Europa la necessità di:
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- refocus efforts on fundamental principles, rather than on regulating details
- concentrare nuovamente gli sforzi sui principi fondamentali e non su dettagli regolamentari;
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- work on key priorities, i.e. the quality of life of European citizens, social convergence and social protection
- lavorare sulle priorità essenziali, vale a dire la qualità di vita dei cittadini europei, la convergenza sociale e la previdenza sociale;
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- restore a sense of political integration, with constructive and focused policies in the fields of economy and finance, for instance flat tax rates and an investment-friendly climate, and a minimum income
- ridare un senso all'integrazione politica attraverso misure costruttive e mirate nei settori dell'economia e della finanza, ad esempio un'unica aliquota fiscale, un clima favorevole agli investimenti e un reddito minimo;
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- understand and respect cultural differences
- capire e rispettare le differenze culturali;
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- foster EU-level investment in innovation, research and development, education (European universities) and social cohesion
- incentivare gli investimenti a livello UE nell'innovazione, la ricerca e sviluppo, l'istruzione (università europee) e la coesione sociale.
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Mr Malosse mentioned the “citizens’ pillar” set up in February through the signing of a cooperation agreement between the EESC, the European Parliament and the CoR, which seeks to give a stronger voice to citizens and economic and social stakeholders in EU decision-making. |
Il Presidente Malosse ha infine fatto riferimento al "pilastro dei cittadini", istituito a febbraio attraverso la firma di un accordo di cooperazione tra CESE, Parlamento europeo e CdR, con l'obiettivo di dare più spazio ai cittadini e ai soggetti economici e sociali nell'ambito del processo decisionale dell'UE. |
EESC president Henri Malosse back in Athens to draw lessons from the
crisis: "The suffering of the Greek people over the past six years should not be
in vain."
Following on from his many earlier trips to Greece, the president of the
European Economic and Social Committee, Henri Malosse, is on a visit to Athens
from 9 until 11 April.
During his discussions with government representatives, civil society
players, business people and students, the EESC president drew lessons for
Greece and Europe.
"We have witnessed the limits of European solidarity;
the EU has not done enough to provide equitable help to all its Member
We need to work towards integrated policies, build common budgetary
institutions, mutualise debt, invest in innovation, education, entrepreneurship,
and support the competitiveness of European businesses and the
reindustrialisation of southern Europe."
Mr Malosse continued: "Greek society has paid a very high price – 60% youth
unemployment, many closed businesses, increased poverty, lower pensions, and
dented investor confidence.
– The result of a lack of solidarity on the part of the EU."Despite the
toughness imposed by the Troika, economic recovery is slow and uncertain.
Taking the floor during conferences on Smart Growth through Research and
Innovation and Mediterranean Creativity and Innovation: Transforming Regional
Policy, the EESC president expressed his admiration for the resilience and drive
of the people of Greece, who, despite economic hardships, have shown initiative
and a willingness to create businesses.
They have been innovative and have refused to lose hope.
He concluded with the words: "European governments and economic and social
stakeholders should work together so that Europe once again becomes the model of
innovation, creativity and quality in the world."
The crisis has shown the current limitations of the European Union:
economic union is lacking, financial and fiscal policies are not shared, and
genuine efforts to secure European integration have stalled.
The lessons that Europe should draw from the Greek experience include the
need to:
- refocus efforts on fundamental principles, rather than on regulating
- work on key priorities, i.e. the quality of life of European citizens,
social convergence and social protection
- restore a sense of political integration, with constructive and focused
policies in the fields of economy and finance, for instance flat tax rates and
an investment-friendly climate, and a minimum income
- understand and respect cultural differences
- foster EU-level investment in innovation, research and development,
education (European universities) and social cohesion
Mr Malosse mentioned the "citizens’ pillar" set up in February through the
signing of a cooperation agreement between the EESC, the European Parliament and
the CoR, which seeks to give a stronger voice to citizens and economic and
social stakeholders in EU decision-making.