L’assistenza sanitaria a portata di telefonino: il potenziale della mHealth, la sanità mobile
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Data documento: 10-04-2014
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Healthcare in your pocket: unlocking the potential of mHealth
L’assistenza sanitaria a portata di telefonino: il potenziale della mHealth, la sanità mobile
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The European Commission is today launching a consultation on #mHealth or mobile health, asking for help in finding ways to enhance the health and wellbeing of Europeans with the use of mobile devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, patient monitoring devices and other wireless devices.
La Commissione europea avvia oggi una consultazione sulla #mHealth, o sanità mobile, con cui sollecita proposte su come migliorare la salute e il benessere degli europei grazie all’uso di applicazioni installate su telefoni cellulari, tablet, dispositivi per il monitoraggio dei pazienti e altri apparecchi wireless.
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European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes (@NeelieKroesEU), responsible for the Digital Agenda, said:
Neelie Kroes (@NeelieKroesEU), Vicepresidente e Commissaria responsabile per l’Agenda digitale, ha dichiarato:
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"mHealth will reduce costly visits to hospitals, help citizens take charge of their own health and wellbeing, and move towards prevention rather than cure.
“La sanità mobile permetterà di ridurre il numero di visite costose in ospedale, di coinvolgere i cittadini nella gestione della propria salute e del proprio benessere e di promuovere la prevenzione.
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It is also a great opportunity for the booming app economy and for entrepreneurs.
Inoltre, presenta opportunità da sogno per il fiorente comparto economico delle app e per gli imprenditori in questo campo.
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I personally use a sports-band on my wrist to measure how active I am from day to day, so I am a great supporter of mHealth already.
Personalmente porto già un braccialetto al polso che misura quanto movimento faccio ogni giorno:come vedete, sono già una fan della sanità mobile.
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Please send us your input into this consultation to help us become global leaders in this fascinating area".
Vi invito a rispondere alla consultazione mandandoci idee e proposte che aiutino l’UE a diventare un leader mondiale in questo settore affascinante.”
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European Commissioner for Health Tonio Borg (@borgton) said:
Tonio Borg (@borgton), Commissario europeo per la Salute, ha dichiarato:
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"mHealth has a great potential to empower citizens to manage their own health and stay healthy longer, to trigger greater quality of care and comfort for patients, and to assist health professionals in their work.
“La mHealth presenta forti potenzialità, perché permette ai cittadini di occuparsi in prima persona della propria salute e di restare in forma più a lungo e ai pazienti di beneficiare di cure di qualità in condizioni più confortevoli; inoltre, snellisce il lavoro degli operatori sanitari.
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As such, exploring mHealth solutions can contribute to modern, efficient and sustainable health systems".
Per questo esplorare le soluzioni offerte dalla sanità mobile può essere la strada da percorrere per arrivare a sistemi sanitari più moderni, più efficienti e più sostenibili.”
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How can mHealth help?
Quali vantaggi offre la mHealth?
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Using mHealth is a triple win! mHealth services:
La mHealth offre tre ordini di vantaggi:
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- put the patient in control, giving greater independence, and helping to prevent health problems
- monitoraggio da parte del paziente e quindi maggiore autonomia e migliore prevenzione dei problemi di salute;
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- make a more efficient healthcare system, with vast potential for cost-savings
- maggiore efficienza del sistema sanitario con risparmi potenzialmente considerevoli;
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- create huge opportunities for innovative services, start-ups and the app economy.
- enormi opportunità per i servizi innovativi, le start-up e il promettente comparto delle app.
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Some examples of mHealth
Alcuni esempi di mHealth
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- an app that measures your vital signals such as blood pressure
- app che misurano parametri vitali come la pressione del sangue;
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- an app to help administer insulin to a diabetic, by transmitting control signals to the pump from a mobile platform
- app che aiutano a somministrare la giusta dose di insulina a un diabetico attraverso la trasmissione di segnali di controllo alla pompa a partire da una piattaforma mobile;
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- an app to remind patients they should take their medication
- app che ricordano ai pazienti di assumere un farmaco;
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- an app providing fitness or dietary recommendations to improve users' overall health and wellbeing
- app che danno consigli dietetici e per restare in forma e in buona salute.
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The good news
Le buone notizie
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There are nearly 100,000 mHealth #apps already available across multiple platforms such as iTunes, Google play, Windows Marketplace, BlackBerry World.
Oggi sono disponibili quasi 100 000 #app di mHealth sulle diverse piattaforme quali iTunes, Google Play, Windows Marketplace e BlackBerry World.
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The top 20 free sports, fitness and health apps already account for 231 million downloads worldwide.
Le 20 app gratuite più diffuse per lo sport, la forma e la salute sono già installate su 231 milioni di dispositivi in tutto il mondo.
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By 2017, 3.4 billion people worldwide will own a smartphone and half of them will be using mHealth apps.
Entro il 2017 saranno 3,4 miliardi le persone in possesso di uno smartphone e la metà di loro utilizzerà app di sanità mobile.
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In 2017, if its potential is fully unlocked, mHealth could save €99 billion in healthcare costs in the EU.
Nello stesso anno, sfruttando tutte le potenzialità offerte da questa tecnologia, si potrebbero risparmiare ben 99 miliardi di euro di spese del sistema sanitario.
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And with the Connected Continent package receiving a positive vote in the European Parliament last week, we are one step closer to safeguarding innovative services in the EU.
E col voto favorevole del Parlamento europeo sul pacchetto “Un continente connesso” della settimana scorsa è stato fatto un passo avanti sul piano della salvaguardia dei servizi innovativi nell’UE.
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What needs to be addressed?
Questioni da affrontare
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We still need to address issues like the safety of mHealth apps, concerns over the use of their data, the lack of interoperability among available solutions and the lack of stakeholder knowledge of the legal requirements applicable to lifestyle and wellbeing apps, such as compliance with data protection rules and whether these apps are medical devices and need to obtain CE marking.
Restano da affrontare questioni quali la sicurezza delle app, l’uso dei loro dati, l’assenza di interoperabilità tra le soluzioni disponibili, la scarsa conoscenza della normativa applicabile in questo campo nuovo delle app per il benessere e lo stile di vita, ad esempio le norme in materia di protezione dei dati, e infine il fatto che i soggetti interessati non sanno se le app siano dispositivi medici e debbano ottenere il marchio CE.
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It is also important that we build trust among health professionals and citizens, and we help people use mHealth services effectively.
Per questo è importante creare un clima di fiducia tra i professionisti della salute e il cittadino e aiutare le persone a fare un uso efficace dei servizi della sanità mobile.
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What questions does the consultation pose?
Domande poste dalla consultazione
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Consumer and patients' organisations, health professionals and health organisations, public authorities, app developers, telecommunications service providers, mobile device manufacturers, individuals and all interested parties are invited to respond to the consultation, by 3 July 2014.
Sono invitati a rispondere alla consultazione, entro il 3 luglio 2014, le associazioni di consumatori e di pazienti, gli operatori sanitari, gli ospedali e altre strutture sanitarie, le autorità pubbliche, gli sviluppatori di app, i fornitori di servizi di telecomunicazione, i produttori di dispositivi mobili, singoli individui e tutte le parti interessate.
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Examples of the questions being asked are:
Ecco alcune delle domande poste:
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- What safety and performance requirements should apply to lifestyle and wellbeing apps?
- A quali requisiti di sicurezza e prestazione devono conformarsi le app per il benessere e lo stile di vita?
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- Which security safeguards could ensure health data is safe in an mHealth context?
- Quali garanzie di sicurezza possono proteggere i dati sanitari scambiati nel contesto della sanità mobile?
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- What is the best way to promote mHealth entrepreneurship in Europe?
- Qual è il modo migliore per promuovere lo spirito imprenditoriale in Europa nel settore della sanità mobile?
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The EU is also funding research on mHealth.
L’Unione finanzia anche la ricerca nella sanità mobile.
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For instance, patients with kidney failure will soon be able to monitor their dialysis on their smartphone, apps already exist to manage stress, and medical staff in Graz, Austria, has greatly improved internal workflow with a new mobile system.
Ad esempio, i pazienti affetti da insufficienza renale potranno presto monitorare il proprio trattamento di dialisi dallo smartphone e già esistono app in grado di gestire lo stress; inoltre, un nuovo sistema mobile ha consentito al personale medico di Graz (Austria) di migliorare notevolmente il flusso di lavoro interno.
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Find out more in MEMO/14/266.
Per saperne di più, consultare il MEMO/14/266.
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mHealth is an emerging part of #eHealth @EU_eHealth, where Information & Communication Technologies are used to improve health products, services and processes.
La mHealth è un settore emergente e molto promettente della #eHealth (@EU_eHealth), che consente di migliorare prodotti, servizi e processi sanitari attraverso l’utilizzo delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione.
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It is a promising area to supplement the traditional delivery of healthcare, and complements rather than replaces it.
La sanità mobile è destinata a integrare i metodi tradizionali di erogazione delle cure sanitarie, affiancandoli senza sostituirvisi.
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Published in 2012, the Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 recognised the current and potential benefits of mobile health apps, as well as potential associated risks, and announced this Green Paper on mHealth.
Il piano di azione della Commissione sulla sanità elettronica 2012-2020, pubblicato nel 2012, riconosce i vantaggi attuali e potenziali delle app mobili per il settore sanitario, ma anche i rischi che ne possono derivare, e annuncia il Libro verde sulla mHealth.
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This Green Paper is accompanied by a Staff Working Document to raise stakeholders awareness of EU rules on data protection, medical devices (helping them determine whether such legislation applies to their apps or not) and consumer directives.
Il Libro verde è accompagnato da un documento di lavoro dei servizi della Commissione, volto a far conoscere ai soggetti interessati le norme unionali in materia di protezione dei dati e di dispositivi medici (aiutandoli a capire se determinate norme sono o meno applicabili alle loro app) e le direttive sulla protezione dei consumatori.
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Respond by 3 July 2014 here , by e-mail, or by post to:
Le risposte devono pervenire entro il 3 luglio 2014 qui, via e-mail o per posta al seguente indirizzo:
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European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology
Commissione europea, DG Reti di comunicazione, contenuti e tecnologie
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Unit H1, Health & Well-being
Unità H1, Salute e benessere
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Avenue de Beaulieu/Beaulieulaan 31, Brussels 1049 - Belgium.
Avenue de Beaulieu/Beaulieulaan 31, Bruxelles/Brussel 1049 - Belgio.
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The Commission will publish the summary of responses in the fourth quarter of 2014;;possible policy actions are expected in 2015. |
La Commissione pubblicherà una sintesi delle risposte nel quarto trimestre del 2014 e prevede di intraprendere eventuali azioni politiche nel 2015. |
Healthcare in your pocket: unlocking the potential of mHealth
The European Commission is today launching a consultation on #mHealth or
mobile health, asking for help in finding ways to enhance the health and
wellbeing of Europeans with the use of mobile devices, such as mobile phones,
tablets, patient monitoring devices and other wireless devices.
European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes (@NeelieKroesEU), responsible
for the Digital Agenda, said:
"mHealth will reduce costly visits to hospitals, help citizens take charge of
their own health and wellbeing, and move towards prevention rather than cure.
It is also a great opportunity for the booming app economy and for
I personally use a sports-band on my wrist to measure how active I am from
day to day, so I am a great supporter of mHealth already.
Please send us your input into this consultation to help us become global
leaders in this fascinating area".
European Commissioner for Health Tonio Borg (@borgton) said:
"mHealth has a great potential to empower citizens to manage their own health
and stay healthy longer, to trigger greater quality of care and comfort for
patients, and to assist health professionals in their work.
As such, exploring mHealth solutions can contribute to modern, efficient and
sustainable health systems".
How can mHealth help?
Using mHealth is a triple win! mHealth services:
- put the patient in control, giving greater independence, and helping to
prevent health problems
- make a more efficient healthcare system, with vast potential for
- create huge opportunities for innovative services, start-ups and the app
Some examples of mHealth
- an app that measures your vital signals such as blood pressure
- an app to help administer insulin to a diabetic, by transmitting control
signals to the pump from a mobile platform
- an app to remind patients they should take their medication
- an app providing fitness or dietary recommendations to improve users'
overall health and wellbeing
The good news
There are nearly 100,000 mHealth #apps already available across multiple
platforms such as iTunes, Google play, Windows Marketplace, BlackBerry World.
The top 20 free sports, fitness and health apps already account for 231
million downloads worldwide.
By 2017, 3.4 billion people worldwide will own a smartphone and half of them
will be using mHealth apps.
In 2017, if its potential is fully unlocked, mHealth could save €99 billion
in healthcare costs in the EU.
And with the Connected Continent package receiving a positive vote in the
European Parliament last week, we are one step closer to safeguarding innovative
services in the EU.
What needs to be addressed?
We still need to address issues like the safety of mHealth apps, concerns
over the use of their data, the lack of interoperability among available
solutions and the lack of stakeholder knowledge of the legal requirements
applicable to lifestyle and wellbeing apps, such as compliance with data
protection rules and whether these apps are medical devices and need to obtain
CE marking.
It is also important that we build trust among health professionals and
citizens, and we help people use mHealth services effectively.
What questions does the consultation pose?
Consumer and patients' organisations, health professionals and health
organisations, public authorities, app developers, telecommunications service
providers, mobile device manufacturers, individuals and all interested parties
are invited to respond to the consultation, by 3 July 2014.
Examples of the questions being asked are:
- What safety and performance requirements should apply to lifestyle and
wellbeing apps?
- Which security safeguards could ensure health data is safe in an mHealth
- What is the best way to promote mHealth entrepreneurship in Europe?
The EU is also funding research on mHealth.
For instance, patients with kidney failure will soon be able to monitor their
dialysis on their smartphone, apps already exist to manage stress, and medical
staff in Graz, Austria, has greatly improved internal workflow with a new mobile
Find out more in MEMO/14/266.
mHealth is an emerging part of #eHealth @EU_eHealth, where Information &
Communication Technologies are used to improve health products, services and
It is a promising area to supplement the traditional delivery of healthcare,
and complements rather than replaces it.
Published in 2012, the Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 recognised
the current and potential benefits of mobile health apps, as well as potential
associated risks, and announced this Green Paper on mHealth.
This Green Paper is accompanied by a Staff Working Document to raise
stakeholders awareness of EU rules on data protection, medical devices (helping
them determine whether such legislation applies to their apps or not) and
consumer directives.
Respond by 3 July 2014 here , by e-mail, or by post to:
European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology
Unit H1, Health & Well-being
Avenue de Beaulieu/Beaulieulaan 31, Brussels 1049 - Belgium.
The Commission will publish the summary of responses in the fourth quarter of
2014;;possible policy actions are expected in 2015.