Osservazione della Terra: successo del lancio del satellite Copernicus
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Data documento: 04-04-2014
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Earth observation: Copernicus satellite lifts off successfully
Osservazione della Terra: successo del lancio del satellite Copernicus
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Today’s successful launch marks a major milestone for EU’s Earth observation programme Copernicus.
La riuscita del lancio odierno segna un'importante pietra miliare per il programma unionale di osservazione terrestre Copernicus.
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Sentinel 1A, the first satellite dedicated to the programme, was put into orbit after a successful launch at 23:02 on 3 April from Europe’s spaceport at Kourou, French Guiana.
Sentinel 1A, il primo satellite dedicato al programma, è stato messo in orbita da un vettore lanciato il 3 aprile alle 23.02 dal cosmodromo europeo di Kourou, nella Guiana francese.
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This represents a significant achievement, not just for the Copernicus programme, but also for European Space Policy and the involvement of the European Union in space activities.
Ciò rappresenta un risultato importante non solo per il programma Copernicus, ma anche per la politica spaziale europea e per la partecipazione dell'Unione europea alle attività spaziali.
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The EU has put space at the forefront of its political agenda.
L'UE ha posto lo spazio in primo piano sulla sua agenda politica.
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Space is at the heart of the European Union strategy for growth – the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Lo spazio è al centro della strategia dell'Unione europea per la crescita, la strategia Europa 2020 per una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva.
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Sentinel 1A is the first satellite of the first of six families of dedicated satellite missions, which will be launched between 2014 and 2021. See IP/14/357 and MEMO/14/251.
Sentinel 1A è il primo satellite della prima di sei famiglie di missioni satellitari dedicate, che prenderanno il via tra il 2014 e il 2021. Cfr. IP/14/357 e MEMO/14/251.
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Copernicus, the EU's Earth Observation Programme, will ensure the regular observation and monitoring of Earth sub-systems, the atmosphere, oceans, and continental surfaces, and will provide reliable, validated and guaranteed information in support of a broad range of environmental and security applications and decisions.
Copernicus, il programma di osservazione terrestre dell'UE, assicurerà l'osservazione e il monitoraggio regolari dei sottosistemi terrestri, dell'atmosfera, degli oceani e delle superfici continentali e fornirà informazioni affidabili, validate e garantite a sostegno di un'ampia gamma di applicazioni e decisioni in tema di ambiente e di sicurezza.
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European Commission Vice President @AntonioTajaniEU, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship said:
@AntonioTajaniEU, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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“Thanks to Sentinel 1A, the first of a constellation of satellites dedicated to the Copernicus programme, brand new eyes will observe our living Earth as never before and these eyes will be European!
“Grazie a Sentinel 1A, il primo di una costellazione di satelliti dedicati al programma Copernicus, occhi affatto nuovi osserveranno il nostro pianeta Terra come non è stato visto mai in precedenza e questi occhi saranno europei!
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The data provided by this satellite will enable considerable progress in improving maritime security, climate change monitoring and providing support in emergency and crisis situations.
I dati forniti da questo satellite consentiranno di compiere notevoli progressi per il miglioramento della sicurezza marittima, il monitoraggio del cambiamento climatico e l'erogazione di aiuti in situazioni di emergenza e di crisi.
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Multiplying, in this way, the benefits that European citizens will reap from our space programmes.” |
In questo modo si moltiplicheranno i vantaggi che i cittadini europei trarranno dai nostri programmi spaziali.” |
Earth observation: Copernicus satellite lifts off successfully
Today’s successful launch marks a major milestone for EU’s Earth observation
programme Copernicus.
Sentinel 1A, the first satellite dedicated to the programme, was put into
orbit after a successful launch at 23:02 on 3 April from Europe’s spaceport at
Kourou, French Guiana.
This represents a significant achievement, not just for the Copernicus
programme, but also for European Space Policy and the involvement of the
European Union in space activities.
The EU has put space at the forefront of its political agenda.
Space is at the heart of the European Union strategy for growth – the Europe
2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Sentinel 1A is the first satellite of the first of six families of dedicated
satellite missions, which will be launched between 2014 and 2021. See IP/14/357
and MEMO/14/251.
Copernicus, the EU's Earth Observation Programme, will ensure the regular
observation and monitoring of Earth sub-systems, the atmosphere, oceans, and
continental surfaces, and will provide reliable, validated and guaranteed
information in support of a broad range of environmental and security
applications and decisions.
European Commission Vice President @AntonioTajaniEU, responsible for industry
and entrepreneurship said:
"Thanks to Sentinel 1A, the first of a constellation of satellites dedicated
to the Copernicus programme, brand new eyes will observe our living Earth as
never before and these eyes will be European!
The data provided by this satellite will enable considerable progress in
improving maritime security, climate change monitoring and providing support in
emergency and crisis situations.
Multiplying, in this way, the benefits that European citizens will reap from
our space programmes."