Osservazione terrestre: il satellite di Copernicus è pronto per il lancio
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Data documento: 03-04-2014
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Earth observation: Copernicus satellite ready for launch
Osservazione terrestre: il satellite di Copernicus è pronto per il lancio
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The European Commission is looking forward to the launch of Sentinel 1A, the first satellite dedicated to Copernicus, today from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.
La Commissione europea attende con interesse il lancio di Sentinel 1A, il primo satellite del programma Copernicus, che avverrà oggi dal cosmodromo europeo nella Guyana francese.
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Lift off is scheduled for 23:02 Brussels time.
Il decollo è previsto per le 23:02, ora di Bruxelles.
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It will be possible to watch the launch on web streaming:
Sarà anche possibile seguire il lancio in streaming: |
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see below
vedi sotto |
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Copernicus, the EU's Earth Observation Programme, will ensure the regular observation and monitoring of Earth sub-systems, the atmosphere, oceans, and continental surfaces, and will provide reliable, validated and guaranteed information in support of a broad range of environmental and security applications and decisions (MEMO/14/251).
Copernicus, il programma dell'UE dedicato all’osservazione della Terra, garantirà l'osservazione e il monitoraggio regolari di sottosistemi terrestri, dell’atmosfera, degli oceani e delle superfici continentali e fornirà informazioni affidabili, convalidate e garantite a supporto di un’ampia gamma di applicazioni e di decisioni nei settori dell’ambiente e della sicurezza (MEMO/14/251).
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This launch marks a major milestone for Copernicus.
Il lancio è una tappa fondamentale del programma Copernicus.
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Dedicated earth observation data will become available for operational services immediately.
Dati specifici di osservazione terrestre saranno immediatamente a disposizione dei servizi operativi.
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Copernicus will support the vital tasks of monitoring our environment and security by providing Earth observation data.
Copernicus sosterrà attività estremamente importanti di monitoraggio dell'ambiente e della sicurezza fornendo dati di osservazione terrestre.
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The data provided by this satellite will enable considerable progress in improving maritime security, climate change monitoring and providing support in emergency and crisis situations.
I dati forniti dal satellite permetteranno di compiere progressi significativi nel miglioramento della sicurezza marittima, del monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici e della prestazione di aiuti nelle situazioni di emergenza e di crisi.
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European Commission Vice President @AntonioTajaniEU, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship said:
@AntonioTajaniEU, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l’Industria e l’imprenditoria, ha dichiarato:
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“Space is a priority for the Union;
"Lo Spazio è una delle priorità dell’Unione;
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the budget for both European flagship space programmes, Copernicus and Galileo, for the next seven years is secured.
il bilancio relativo ai due principali programmi spaziali, Copernicus e Galileo, è ora garantito per i prossimi sette anni.
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Almost €12 billion will be invested in space technologies.
Nelle tecnologie spaziali saranno investiti quasi 12 miliardi di euro.
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It is my priority to make sure that this budget will multiply the benefits that European citizens will reap from our space programmes."
Sarà mia cura far sì che tale investimento moltiplichi i benefici che i cittadini europei potranno trarre dai nostri programmi spaziali".
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Sentinel 1
Sentinel 1
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Sentinel-1 is the first of the six missions in the framework of the Copernicus initiative.
Sentinel-1 è la prima di sei missioni svolte nel quadro dell’iniziativa Copernicus.
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The Sentinel-1 mission is composed of a constellation of two polar-orbiting satellites, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B, sharing the same orbital plane, operating day and night, performing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging.
La missione Sentinel-1 comprende una costellazione di due satelliti in orbita polare, Sentinel-1A e Sentinel-1B, che, posizionati sullo stesso piano orbitale, funzioneranno giorno e notte, acquisendo immagini radar ad apertura sintetica (SAR).
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Sentinel-1A is operated in four imaging modes with different resolution (down to 10 m) and coverage (up to 250 km), offering reliable, and repeated wide area monitoring.
Il Sentinel-1A prevede quattro modalità di generazione dell'immagine con differenti risoluzioni (fino a 10 m) e differenti coperture (fino a 250 km) e offre un monitoraggio di ampie zone affidabile e ripetuto.
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It is designed to work in a pre-programmed operation mode, imaging all global landmasses, coastal zones and shipping routes at high resolution, covering the global ocean.
Il satellite, che è progettato per funzionare in una modalità operativa preprogrammata, acquisirà immagini ad alta risoluzione dei continenti, delle zone costiere e delle rotte di navigazione, con una copertura dell'oceano a livello globale.
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This ensures the reliability of service required by operational services and a consistent long term data archive built for applications based on long time series.
Ciò garantisce l’affidabilità richiesta dai servizi operativi e un archivio coerente di dati a lungo termine creato per applicazioni basate su serie temporali lunghe.
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Sentinel-1A services include applications such as:
I servizi di Sentinel-1 comprendono varie applicazioni tra le quali:
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- Monitoring sea ice zones and the Arctic environment
- il monitoraggio dei ghiacci marini e dell'ambiente artico;
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- Surveillance of marine environment, including oil-spill monitoring and ship detection for maritime security
- la sorveglianza dell'ambiente marino, compresi il monitoraggio degli sversamenti di idrocarburi e l'osservazione delle navi ai fini della sicurezza marittima;
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- Monitoring land surface motion risks
- il monitoraggio dei rischi da movimenti della superficie terrestre;
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- Mapping of land surfaces: forest, water and soil, sustainable agriculture
- la mappatura della superficie terrestre: foreste, acque e suolo, agricoltura sostenibile;
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- Mapping in support of humanitarian aid in crisis situations
- la mappatura a sostegno delle operazioni di aiuto umanitario in situazioni di crisi;
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- Climate monitoring
- il monitoraggio del clima.
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Copernicus Regulation
Regolamento Copernicus
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The Copernicus Regulation, for which a political agreement has already been achieved by the EU Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, defines Copernicus objectives, governance and funding (some €4.3 billion) for the period 2014-2020.
Il regolamento Copernicus, per il quale è già stato raggiunto un accordo dal Consiglio dei Ministri dell'UE e dal Parlamento europeo, definisce gli obiettivi, la governance e il finanziamento del programma (circa 4,3 miliardi di euro) per il periodo 2014-2020.
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Copernicus opens up business opportunities
Copernicus offre numerose opportunità commerciali
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Copernicus will also help Europe's enterprises to create new jobs and business opportunities, namely services for environmental data production and dissemination, as well as supporting the space industry itself.
Copernicus rappresenta un aiuto per le imprese europee in termini di creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro e nuove opportunità commerciali, in particolare nell'ambito dei servizi di produzione e diffusione di dati ambientali, nonché un sostegno dell'industria spaziale stessa.
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Indirectly, a variety of other economic sectors will be able to take advantage of accurate and reliable Earth observation data, such as transport, oil and gas, insurance and agriculture.
Anche altri settori economici, quali i trasporti, il settore petrolifero, le assicurazione e l'agricoltura beneficeranno indirettamente dei vantaggi derivanti dai dati accurati e affidabili di osservazione della Terra.
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Studies show that Copernicus could generate a financial benefit of some €30 billion and create around 50,000 jobs in Europe by 2030.
Alcuni studi dimostrano che Copernicus potrebbe generare in Europa entro il 2030 benefici finanziari intorno ai 30 miliardi di euro oltre a circa 50 000 posti di lavoro.
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Moreover, the open dissemination regime for Copernicus data and service information will help citizens, businesses, researchers and policy makers to integrate an environmental dimension into all their activities and decision-making procedures.
Il sistema aperto di diffusione dei dati e delle informazioni di Copernicus permetterà inoltre a cittadini, imprese, ricercatori e responsabili politici di integrare la dimensione ambientale nelle rispettive attività e nei rispettivi processi decisionali.
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Already today, space activities foster the development of a market for satellite-enabled products and services, providing the highly qualified jobs which our industry will need in order to thrive now and in the future. |
Le attività spaziali promuovono già oggi lo sviluppo di un mercato di prodotti e servizi satellitari e forniscono i posti di lavoro altamente qualificati necessari all'industria dell'Unione per prosperare ora e in futuro. | |
Earth observation: Copernicus satellite ready for launch
The European Commission is looking forward to the launch of Sentinel 1A, the
first satellite dedicated to Copernicus, today from Europe’s Spaceport in French
Lift off is scheduled for 23:02 Brussels time.
It will be possible to watch the launch on web streaming:
see below
Copernicus, the EU's Earth Observation Programme, will ensure the regular
observation and monitoring of Earth sub-systems, the atmosphere, oceans, and
continental surfaces, and will provide reliable, validated and guaranteed
information in support of a broad range of environmental and security
applications and decisions (MEMO/14/251).
This launch marks a major milestone for Copernicus.
Dedicated earth observation data will become available for operational
services immediately.
Copernicus will support the vital tasks of monitoring our environment and
security by providing Earth observation data.
The data provided by this satellite will enable considerable progress in
improving maritime security, climate change monitoring and providing support in
emergency and crisis situations.
European Commission Vice President @AntonioTajaniEU, responsible for industry
and entrepreneurship said:
"Space is a priority for the Union;
the budget for both European flagship space programmes, Copernicus and
Galileo, for the next seven years is secured.
Almost €12 billion will be invested in space technologies.
It is my priority to make sure that this budget will multiply the benefits
that European citizens will reap from our space programmes."
Sentinel 1
Sentinel-1 is the first of the six missions in the framework of the
Copernicus initiative.
The Sentinel-1 mission is composed of a constellation of two polar-orbiting
satellites, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B, sharing the same orbital plane,
operating day and night, performing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging.
Sentinel-1A is operated in four imaging modes with different resolution (down
to 10 m) and coverage (up to 250 km), offering reliable, and repeated wide area
It is designed to work in a pre-programmed operation mode, imaging all global
landmasses, coastal zones and shipping routes at high resolution, covering the
global ocean.
This ensures the reliability of service required by operational services and
a consistent long term data archive built for applications based on long time
Sentinel-1A services include applications such as:
- Monitoring sea ice zones and the Arctic environment
- Surveillance of marine environment, including oil-spill monitoring and ship
detection for maritime security
- Monitoring land surface motion risks
- Mapping of land surfaces: forest, water and soil, sustainable agriculture
- Mapping in support of humanitarian aid in crisis situations
- Climate monitoring
Copernicus Regulation
The Copernicus Regulation, for which a political agreement has already been
achieved by the EU Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, defines
Copernicus objectives, governance and funding (some €4.3 billion) for the period
Copernicus opens up business opportunities
Copernicus will also help Europe's enterprises to create new jobs and
business opportunities, namely services for environmental data production and
dissemination, as well as supporting the space industry itself.
Indirectly, a variety of other economic sectors will be able to take
advantage of accurate and reliable Earth observation data, such as transport,
oil and gas, insurance and agriculture.
Studies show that Copernicus could generate a financial benefit of some €30
billion and create around 50,000 jobs in Europe by 2030.
Moreover, the open dissemination regime for Copernicus data and service
information will help citizens, businesses, researchers and policy makers to
integrate an environmental dimension into all their activities and
decision-making procedures.
Already today, space activities foster the development of a market for
satellite-enabled products and services, providing the highly qualified jobs
which our industry will need in order to thrive now and in the future.