Osservazione della Terra: il primo satellite di Copernicus, Sentinel-1A
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Data documento:03-04-2014
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Earth observation: first Copernicus satellite Sentinel 1A
Osservazione della Terra: il primo satellite di Copernicus, Sentinel-1A
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Copernicus (formerly known as GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) is the European Union's Earth observation and monitoring programme, a user driven programme, building on the existing national and European capacities and establishing new infrastructure and services.
Copernicus (precedentemente noto come GMES, monitoraggio globale per l’ambiente e la sicurezza) è il programma di osservazione e monitoraggio della Terra dell'Unione europea, che si basa sulle capacità nazionali ed europee esistenti e istituisce nuove infrastrutture e nuovi servizi.
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Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: Earth observation satellites, as well as in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors.
Copernicus è un insieme complesso di sistemi che raccolgono dati da molteplici fonti quali satelliti di osservazione della Terra e sensori in situ, come stazioni terrestri, sensori aerei e sensori marittimi.
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It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues.
Copernicus elabora tali informazioni e fornisce agli utilizzatori informazioni affidabili e aggiornate attraverso una serie di servizi relativi all'ambiente e alla sicurezza.
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The services address six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management response and security.
I servizi riguardano sei aree tematiche:il monitoraggio del suolo, il monitoraggio del mare, il monitoraggio dell'atmosfera, i cambiamenti climatici, la gestione delle emergenze e la sicurezza.
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They support a wide range of applications, including environmental protection, management of urban areas, regional and local planning, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, health, transport, climate change, sustainable development, civil protection and tourism.
Supportano una vasta gamma di applicazioni, tra cui la tutela ambientale, la gestione delle aree urbane, la pianificazione regionale e locale, l'agricoltura, la silvicoltura, la pesca, la salute, i trasporti, i cambiamenti climatici, lo sviluppo sostenibile, la protezione civile e il turismo.
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Some key users of Copernicus services include policymakers and public authorities at European, national and regional level who need the information to develop environmental legislation and policies or to take critical decisions in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis.
Tra gli utilizzatori chiave dei servizi Copernicus vi sono responsabili politici e autorità pubbliche a livello europeo, nazionale e regionale che necessitano di informazioni per elaborare la legislazione e le politiche nel settore ambientale ovvero per prendere importanti decisioni in casi di emergenza, quali ad esempio le catastrofi naturali o le crisi umanitarie.
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Based on the Copernicus data and services, many value-added services can be tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business opportunities.
In base ai dati e ai servizi Copernicus è possibile offrire numerosi servizi a valore aggiunto espressamente concepiti per un pubblico specifico o per esigenze commerciali particolari, dai quali derivano nuove opportunità imprenditoriali.
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In fact, several economic studies have already demonstrated a huge potential for job creation, innovation and growth.
Numerosi studi economici hanno già dimostrato l'esistenza di enormi potenzialità in termini di creazione di posti di lavoro, innovazione e crescita.
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The benefits arising from Copernicus through 2030 are estimated at some €30 billion.
Si stima che al 2030 i benefici derivanti da Copernicus ammonteranno a circa 30 miliardi di euro.
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The Copernicus programme is coordinated and managed by the European Commission.The development of the space observation infrastructure is performed by the European Space Agency (ESA).
Il programma Copernicus è coordinato e gestito dalla Commissione europea, mentre lo sviluppo dell’infrastruttura d’osservazione spaziale è affidato all’Agenzia spaziale europea (ESA).
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Recognising that ESA has a unique expertise to develop space related programmes at European level, the EU will continue to entrust to ESA the development activities, i.e. design, construction and procurement of satellites and related ground segment.
L'UE, riconoscendo che l’ESA possiede competenze uniche nell'elaborazione di programmi spaziali a livello europeo, continuerà ad affidare all’Agenzia le attività di sviluppo, ossia la concezione, la costruzione e l'acquisizione di satelliti e del relativo segmento di terra.
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Until 2013, the development of the space observation infrastructure was co-funded by the EU and ESA.
Fino al 2013 lo sviluppo dell'infrastruttura d'osservazione spaziale è stato cofinanziato dall’UE e dall’ESA.
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The Commission, on behalf of the EU, contributed about 30% to the overall budget, i.e.about €730 million out of €2.4 billion, through the Space theme of the EU’s Seventh framework research programme (FP7) as well as dedicated funds for GMES and its initial operations.
La Commissione, a nome dell’UE, ha contribuito per circa il 30% al bilancio complessivo, ossia circa 730 milioni di euro su un importo di 2,4 miliardi di euro, mediante un contributo del tema Spazio del 7° Programma quadro (7°PQ) e tramite fondi dedicati al GMES e alla sua fase di operatività iniziale.
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The evolution of the programme after 2014 will be defined by the Regulation establishing the Copernicus programme, submitted by the Commission to the Council and the Parliament in July 2013, and on which a political agreement has already been achieved.
L’evoluzione del programma dopo il 2014 sarà definito dal regolamento che istituisce il programma Copernicus, presentato dalla Commissione al Consiglio e al Parlamento europeo a luglio 2013 e sul quale è già stato raggiunto un accordo politico.
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Under this Regulation, the EU will cover about €3.3bn of the overall costs of the Copernicus space infrastructure between 2014 and 2020 (66% of the total), while ESA's own funding is expected to amount to about €1.7bn.
Nel quadro di tale regolamento, tra il 2014 e il 2020 l’UE coprirà circa 3,3 miliardi di euro dei costi totali delle infrastrutture spaziali Copernicus (66% del totale), mentre l'apporto dell’ESA dovrebbe ammontare a circa 1,7 miliardi di euro.
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Together with funding for the Copernicus services, the EU's overall Copernicus budget is around €4.3bn for the period 2014 to 2020.
Insieme ai finanziamenti per i servizi Copernicus, il bilancio generale dell’UE per il programma Copernicus ammonta a circa 4,3 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2014-2020.
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The Commission’s proposal entrusts the operations of the developed space infrastructure to ESA and EUMETSAT respectively.
La proposta della Commissione affida l'esercizio delle infrastrutture spaziali sviluppate all’ESA e a Eumetsat.
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EUMETSAT will be entrusted with the operations of satellites and instruments particularly relevant for the atmosphere and marine communities (i.e.Marine part of Sentinel 3, Sentinels 4, 5 and 6) which are very close, often identical, to its own domain of competences.
Ad Eumetsat sarà affidato l'esercizio di satelliti e strumenti particolarmente importanti per le comunità che si occupano di monitoraggio atmosferico e marittimo (la parte marittima del Sentinel 3 e i Sentinel 4, 5 e 6) i cui settori di competenza sono molto simili, e spesso identici, a quelli dell'Agenzia.
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The Copernicus programme is also a key component of the Horizon 2020 strategy for Research and Development, Industrial and Societal Innovation.
Il programma Copernicus è inoltre un elemento essenziale della strategia Orizzonte 2020 per la ricerca e lo sviluppo, l’innovazione industriale e sociale.
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Sentinel- 1
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Sentinel-1 is the first of the six missions in the framework of the Copernicus initiative.
Sentinel- 1 è la prima di sei missioni svolte nel quadro dell’iniziativa Copernicus.
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The Sentinel-1 mission is composed of a constellation of two polar-orbiting satellites, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B, sharing the same orbital plane, operating day and night, performing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging.
La missione Sentinel-1 comprende una costellazione di due satelliti in orbita polare, Sentinel-1A e Sentinel-1B, che, posizionati sullo stesso piano orbitale, funzioneranno giorno e notte, acquisendo immagini radar ad apertura sintetica (SAR).
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SAR is often used in remote sensing applications, for example also by the Italian Cosmo-SkyMed mission.
Il sistema SAR è sovente utilizzato in applicazioni di telerilevamento, per esempio anche dalla missione italiana COSMO-SkyMed.
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The advantage of a radar imaging, as compared to imaging in the range of visible light like a film or TV camera (called optical imaging), is the following:
Rispetto alla generazione di immagini nell’intervallo della luce visibile, come avviene nel caso delle telecamere cinematografiche o televisive (generazione di immagini ottiche), la generazione di immagini radar presenta notevoli vantaggi:
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- They use different frequencies or wavelengths. This difference in wavelengths means that SAR can be used to see through clouds and storms, acquiring imagery regardless of the weather, while optical sensors cannot.
- si possono utilizzare frequenze o lunghezze d’onda differenti, il che significa che il sistema SAR può essere utilizzato per eseguire osservazioni con cattive condizioni atmosferiche, acquisendo immagini indipendentemente da esse, mentre i sensori ottici non ne sono in grado.
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Objects on the Earth's surface will also look quite different to radar and optical sensors, meaning they will create information complementary to each other.
Anche gli oggetti sulla superficie terrestre appaiono diversi se rilevati da sensori radar o da sensori ottici e quindi i due tipi di sensori genereranno informazioni reciprocamente complementari;
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- Optical sensors rely upon the sun's illumination. In contrast, a SAR sensor carries its own illumination source, in the form of radio waves transmitted by an antenna.
- i sensori ottici dipendono dalla luce solare, invece i sensori radar sono dotati di sorgente d'illuminazione propria, sotto forma di onde radio trasmesse da un'antenna.
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This means that the optical sensor's image depends upon the time of day while SAR can be used with equal effectiveness at any time of the day or night.
Ciò significa che la generazione di un'immagine da parte di un sensore ottico dipende dall'ora del giorno, mentre il sistema SAR può essere utilizzato con la medesima efficacia a qualunque ora del giorno o della notte.
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Sentinel-1 is operated in four imaging modes with different resolution (down to 10 m) and coverage (up to 250 km), offering reliable, repeated wide area monitoring.
Il Sentinel- 1 prevede quattro modalità di generazione dell'immagine con differenti risoluzioni (fino a 10 m) e differenti coperture (fino a 250 km) e offre un monitoraggio di ampie zone affidabile e ripetuto.
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It is designed to work in a pre-programmed, conflict-free operation mode, imaging all global landmasses, coastal zones and shipping routes at high resolution and covering the global ocean.
Sentinel- 1, che è progettato per funzionare in una modalità operativa preprogrammata e priva di conflitti, acquisirà immagini ad alta risoluzione dei continenti, delle zone costiere e delle rotte di navigazione suddividendo tutto l'oceano in piccole stripmap adiacenti.
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This ensures the reliability of service required by operational services and a consistent long term data archive built for applications based on long time series.
Ciò garantisce l’affidabilità richiesta dai servizi operativi e archivio coerente di dati a lungo termine creato per applicazioni basate su serie temporali lunghe.
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Sentinel-1 services include applications such as:
I servizi di Sentinel-1 comprendono varie applicazioni tra le quali:
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- Monitoring sea ice zones and the Arctic environment
- il monitoraggio dei ghiacci marini e dell'ambiente artico;
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- Assimilation of sea ice observations in the forecasting systems
- l'assimilazione delle osservazioni dei ghiacci marini nei sistemi di previsione;
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- Surveillance of marine environment, including oil-spill monitoring and ship detection for maritime security
- la sorveglianza dell'ambiente marino, compresi il monitoraggio degli sversamenti di idrocarburi e l'osservazione delle navi ai fini della sicurezza marittima;
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- Monitoring land surface motion risks
- il monitoraggio dei rischi da movimenti della superficie terrestre;
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- Mapping of land surfaces: forest, water and soil, sustainable agriculture
- la mappatura della superficie terrestre: foreste, acque e suolo, agricoltura sostenibile;
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- Mapping in support of humanitarian aid in crisis situations
- la mappatura a sostegno delle operazioni di aiuto umanitario in situazioni di crisi;
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- Climate monitoring
- il monitoraggio del clima.
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The first Sentinel-1 satellite (Sentinel-1A) is planned for launch on a SOYUZ rocket from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana in April 2014, followed by the second (Sentinel-1B) in late 2015.
Il lancio del primo satellite di Sentinel- 1, (Sentinel- 1A), previsto per aprile 2014, avverrà mediante un razzo Soyuz dal cosmodromo europeo di Kourou, nella Guyana francese, a questo seguirà il lancio del secondo satellite (Sentinel- 1B) alla fine del 2015.
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Sentinel-1 data products – as open data - are made available systematically and free of charge to all data users including the general public, scientific and commercial users.
I dati di Sentinel-1 sono messi sistematicamente e gratuitamente a disposizione di tutti gli utilizzatori dei dati, compresi i cittadini in generale, gli utilizzatori scientifici e commerciali.
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Radar data will be delivered within an hour of reception for Near Real-Time (NRT) emergency response.
I dati radar saranno disponibili entro un'ora dalla loro ricezione in modo da garantire una risposta in tempo quasi reale (NRT) alle emergenze.
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The Sentinel-1 satellite units (A and B units) are being built by an industrial consortium led by Thales Alenia Space Italy as Prime Contractor.
La costellazione di unità satellitari Sentinel- 1 (le unità A e B) è costruita da un consorzio industriale guidato da Thales Alenia Space Italia, contraente principale.
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The launch is expected to take place today from Kourou. |
Il lancio è previsto per oggi da Kourou. |
Earth observation: first Copernicus satellite Sentinel 1A
Copernicus (formerly known as GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and
Security) is the European Union's Earth observation and monitoring programme, a
user driven programme, building on the existing national and European capacities
and establishing new infrastructure and services.
Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from
multiple sources: Earth observation satellites, as well as in situ sensors such
as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors.
It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date
information through a set of services related to environmental and security
The services address six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring,
atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management response and
They support a wide range of applications, including environmental
protection, management of urban areas, regional and local planning, agriculture,
forestry, fisheries, health, transport, climate change, sustainable development,
civil protection and tourism.
Some key users of Copernicus services include policymakers and public
authorities at European, national and regional level who need the information to
develop environmental legislation and policies or to take critical decisions in
the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis.
Based on the Copernicus data and services, many value-added services can be
tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business
In fact, several economic studies have already demonstrated a huge potential
for job creation, innovation and growth.
The benefits arising from Copernicus through 2030 are estimated at some €30
The Copernicus programme is coordinated and managed by the European
Commission.The development of the space observation infrastructure is performed
by the European Space Agency (ESA).
Recognising that ESA has a unique expertise to develop space related
programmes at European level, the EU will continue to entrust to ESA the
development activities, i.e. design, construction and procurement of satellites
and related ground segment.
Until 2013, the development of the space observation infrastructure was
co-funded by the EU and ESA.
The Commission, on behalf of the EU, contributed about 30% to the overall
budget, i.e.about €730 million out of €2.4 billion, through the Space theme of
the EU’s Seventh framework research programme (FP7) as well as dedicated funds
for GMES and its initial operations.
The evolution of the programme after 2014 will be defined by the Regulation
establishing the Copernicus programme, submitted by the Commission to the
Council and the Parliament in July 2013, and on which a political agreement has
already been achieved.
Under this Regulation, the EU will cover about €3.3bn of the overall costs of
the Copernicus space infrastructure between 2014 and 2020 (66% of the total),
while ESA's own funding is expected to amount to about €1.7bn.
Together with funding for the Copernicus services, the EU's overall
Copernicus budget is around €4.3bn for the period 2014 to 2020.
The Commission’s proposal entrusts the operations of the developed space
infrastructure to ESA and EUMETSAT respectively.
EUMETSAT will be entrusted with the operations of satellites and instruments
particularly relevant for the atmosphere and marine communities (i.e.Marine part
of Sentinel 3, Sentinels 4, 5 and 6) which are very close, often identical, to
its own domain of competences.
The Copernicus programme is also a key component of the Horizon 2020 strategy
for Research and Development, Industrial and Societal Innovation.
Sentinel-1 is the first of the six missions in the framework of the
Copernicus initiative.
The Sentinel-1 mission is composed of a constellation of two polar-orbiting
satellites, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B, sharing the same orbital plane,
operating day and night, performing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging.
SAR is often used in remote sensing applications, for example also by the
Italian Cosmo-SkyMed mission.
The advantage of a radar imaging, as compared to imaging in the range of
visible light like a film or TV camera (called optical imaging), is the
- They use different frequencies or wavelengths. This difference in
wavelengths means that SAR can be used to see through clouds and storms,
acquiring imagery regardless of the weather, while optical sensors cannot.
Objects on the Earth's surface will also look quite different to radar and
optical sensors, meaning they will create information complementary to each
- Optical sensors rely upon the sun's illumination. In contrast, a SAR sensor
carries its own illumination source, in the form of radio waves transmitted by
an antenna.
This means that the optical sensor's image depends upon the time of day while
SAR can be used with equal effectiveness at any time of the day or night.
Sentinel-1 is operated in four imaging modes with different resolution (down
to 10 m) and coverage (up to 250 km), offering reliable, repeated wide area
It is designed to work in a pre-programmed, conflict-free operation mode,
imaging all global landmasses, coastal zones and shipping routes at high
resolution and covering the global ocean.
This ensures the reliability of service required by operational services and
a consistent long term data archive built for applications based on long time
Sentinel-1 services include applications such as:
- Monitoring sea ice zones and the Arctic environment
- Assimilation of sea ice observations in the forecasting systems
- Surveillance of marine environment, including oil-spill monitoring and ship
detection for maritime security
- Monitoring land surface motion risks
- Mapping of land surfaces: forest, water and soil, sustainable agriculture
- Mapping in support of humanitarian aid in crisis situations
- Climate monitoring
The first Sentinel-1 satellite (Sentinel-1A) is planned for launch on a SOYUZ
rocket from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana in April 2014, followed
by the second (Sentinel-1B) in late 2015.
Sentinel-1 data products – as open data - are made available systematically
and free of charge to all data users including the general public, scientific
and commercial users.
Radar data will be delivered within an hour of reception for Near Real-Time
(NRT) emergency response.
The Sentinel-1 satellite units (A and B units) are being built by an
industrial consortium led by Thales Alenia Space Italy as Prime Contractor.
The launch is expected to take place today from Kourou.