La libera prestazione dei servizi di cabotaggio marittimo applicabile agli armatori dell’Unione che impiegano navi registrate in uno Stato membro disciplina i servizi di crociera marittima
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Data documento: 27-03-2014
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The freedom to provide services to maritime cabotage applicable to EU shipowners who have their ships registered in a Member State governs maritime cruise services
La libera prestazione dei servizi di cabotaggio marittimo applicabile agli armatori dell’Unione che impiegano navi registrate in uno Stato membro disciplina i servizi di crociera marittima
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Under the regulation on maritime cabotage, freedom to provide services to maritime transport within a Member State has applied, since 1 January 1993, to EU shipowners who have their ships registered in, and flying the flag of a Member State, provided that these ships comply with all conditions of national law in relation to cabotage.
In forza del regolamento sul cabotaggio marittimo, la libera prestazione dei servizi di trasporto marittimo in uno Stato membro è applicabile, a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 1993, agli armatori dell’Unione che impiegano navi che sono registrate in uno Stato membro e che battono bandiera di tale Stato, sempre che tali navi soddisfino i requisiti del diritto nazionale in materia di cabotaggio.
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Alpina River Cruises GmbH (a Swiss company) and Nicko Tours GmbH (a German company) are, respectively, the shipowner and user company of the Swiss tourist vessel ‘Bellissima’.
L’Alpina River Cruises GmbH (una società svizzera) e la Nicko Tours GmbH (una società tedesca) sono, rispettivamente, la società armatrice e la società utilizzatrice della nave turistica svizzera «Bellissima».
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Those companies had wished to organise a cruise of approximately one week departing from Venice.
Tali società intendevano organizzare una crociera di circa una settimana con partenza da Venezia.
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They had intended to cross the Venetian lagoon to Chioggia, then cross territorial sea between Chioggia and Porto Levante before travelling up the river Po for approximately 60 kilometres and returning to Venice following the reverse itinerary.
Esse avevano previsto l’attraversamento della Laguna di Venezia fino a Chioggia, quindi l’attraversamento del mare territoriale tra Chioggia e Porto Levante, per poi risalire il fiume Po per circa 60 chilometri e rientrare a Venezia seguendo l’itinerario inverso.
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The application for authorisation to cross the stretch of sea was rejected by the port authority (Capitaneria di Porto di Chioggia) on the ground that, under Italian law, maritime cabotage was reserved for ships flying the flag of a Member State of the EU.
La richiesta di autorizzazione ad attraversare il tratto di mare è stata respinta dalla Capitaneria di Porto di Chioggia, dal momento che, ai sensi del diritto italiano, il cabotaggio marittimo è riservato alle navi battenti bandiera di uno Stato membro dell’Unione europea.
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Alpina and Nicko Tours contested that refusal before the Veneto Regional Administrative Court (Tribunale amministrativo regionale per il Veneto), and subsequently before the Italian Council of State (Consiglio di Stato).
L’Alpina e la Nicko Tours hanno impugnato tale diniego dinanzi al Tribunale amministrativo regionale per il Veneto e, successivamente, dinanzi al Consiglio di Stato.
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They claimed that, according to EU law, the concept of ‘maritime cabotage’ applies only to services that involve true sea transport.
Esse hanno sostenuto che, ai sensi del diritto dell’Unione, la nozione di «cabotaggio marittimo» si applica solo a servizi che comportino un vero e proprio trasporto via mare.
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According to Alpina and Nicko Tours, the cruise does not involve such transport for it takes place in internal waters (with the exception of the short passage through territorial sea between Chioggia and Porto Levante).
Secondo l’Alpina e la Nicko Tours, la crociera non implicherebbe un siffatto trasporto, essendo effettuata in acque interne (ad eccezione del breve transito per il mare territoriale tra Chioggia e Porto Levante).
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The Consiglio di Stato asked the Court of Justice whether a cruise which starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port of a Member State falls within the scope of EU law.
Il Consiglio di Stato ha chiesto alla Corte di giustizia se una crociera che inizia e termina, con gli stessi passeggeri, in uno stesso porto di uno Stato membro rientri nell’ambito di applicazione del diritto dell’Unione.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court notes that the regulation relates only to transport services which, within a Member State (cabotage), are of a maritime nature.
Nella sua odierna sentenza, la Corte sottolinea che il regolamento riguarda solo i servizi di trasporto in uno Stato membro (cabotaggio) che presentino un carattere marittimo.
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Consequently, inland waterway transport services in a Member State are not governed by that regulation where they are not of a maritime nature.
Di conseguenza, il trasporto per via navigabile in uno Stato membro non è disciplinato da tale regolamento qualora sia privo di carattere marittimo .
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The solution to the dispute depends on whether the cruise at issue constitutes maritime cabotage.
La soluzione della controversia dipende dalla questione se la crociera di cui trattasi costituisca un cabotaggio marittimo.
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The Court finds that, contrary to what Alpina and Nicko Tours claim, it does not appear that the cruise at issue has a mainly non-maritime nature.
La Corte constata che, contrariamente a quanto sostenuto dall’Alpina e dalla Nicko Tours, non sembra che la crociera in esame presenti un carattere essenzialmente non marittimo.
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In this respect, the Court finds — subject to verification by the national court — that, besides the stretch of sea between Chioggia and Porto Levante, other sections of the itinerary, such as the areas of navigation in the Venetian lagoon and in the mouth of the river Po, form part of the Italian internal maritime waters.
A tale riguardo, la Corte – fatta salva la verifica da parte del giudice nazionale – ritiene che, oltre al tratto tra Chioggia e Porto Levante, altre parti dell’itinerario, quali le zone di navigazione percorse nella laguna di Venezia e alla foce del fiume Po, facciano parte delle acque marittime interne italiane.
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The Court notes in this regard that the term ‘sea’ referred to by the regulation is not limited to territorial sea within the meaning of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, but also covers internal maritime waters which are on the landward side of the baseline of the territorial sea.
La Corte sottolinea a tale proposito che la nozione di «mare» di cui al regolamento non si limita al mare territoriale ai sensi della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto del mare , ma include altresì le acque marittime interne situate al di qua della linea di base del mare territoriale.
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Finally, the Court states that all cruise services provided for remuneration in the maritime waters of a Member State are subject to the regulation, irrespective of whether they start and end, with the same passengers, in the same port.
Infine la Corte dichiara che ogni prestazione di servizio croceristico fornita contro remunerazione in acque marittime di uno Stato membro è soggetta al regolamento, indipendentemente dal fatto che essa inizi e termini, con gli stessi passeggeri, in uno stesso ed unico porto.
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Consequently, a maritime transport service conducted in the form of a cruise which starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port of a Member State is subject to the application of the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage).
Di conseguenza, un servizio di trasporto marittimo organizzato sotto forma di una crociera che inizia e termina, con gli stessi passeggeri, in uno stesso porto di uno Stato membro è soggetto all’applicazione del principio della libera prestazione dei servizi di trasporto marittimo negli Stati membri (cabotaggio marittimo).
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of EU law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
The freedom to provide services to maritime cabotage applicable to EU
shipowners who have their ships registered in a Member State governs maritime
cruise services
Under the regulation on maritime cabotage, freedom to provide services to
maritime transport within a Member State has applied, since 1 January 1993, to
EU shipowners who have their ships registered in, and flying the flag of a
Member State, provided that these ships comply with all conditions of national
law in relation to cabotage.
Alpina River Cruises GmbH (a Swiss company) and Nicko Tours GmbH (a German
company) are, respectively, the shipowner and user company of the Swiss tourist
vessel ‘Bellissima’.
Those companies had wished to organise a cruise of approximately one week
departing from Venice.
They had intended to cross the Venetian lagoon to Chioggia, then cross
territorial sea between Chioggia and Porto Levante before travelling up the
river Po for approximately 60 kilometres and returning to Venice following the
reverse itinerary.
The application for authorisation to cross the stretch of sea was rejected by
the port authority (Capitaneria di Porto di Chioggia) on the ground that, under
Italian law, maritime cabotage was reserved for ships flying the flag of a
Member State of the EU.
Alpina and Nicko Tours contested that refusal before the Veneto Regional
Administrative Court (Tribunale amministrativo regionale per il Veneto), and
subsequently before the Italian Council of State (Consiglio di Stato).
They claimed that, according to EU law, the concept of ‘maritime cabotage’
applies only to services that involve true sea transport.
According to Alpina and Nicko Tours, the cruise does not involve such
transport for it takes place in internal waters (with the exception of the short
passage through territorial sea between Chioggia and Porto Levante).
The Consiglio di Stato asked the Court of Justice whether a cruise which
starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port of a Member State
falls within the scope of EU law.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court notes that the regulation relates
only to transport services which, within a Member State (cabotage), are of a
maritime nature.
Consequently, inland waterway transport services in a Member State are not
governed by that regulation where they are not of a maritime nature.
The solution to the dispute depends on whether the cruise at issue
constitutes maritime cabotage.
The Court finds that, contrary to what Alpina and Nicko Tours claim, it does
not appear that the cruise at issue has a mainly non-maritime nature.
In this respect, the Court finds — subject to verification by the national
court — that, besides the stretch of sea between Chioggia and Porto Levante,
other sections of the itinerary, such as the areas of navigation in the Venetian
lagoon and in the mouth of the river Po, form part of the Italian internal
maritime waters.
The Court notes in this regard that the term ‘sea’ referred to by the
regulation is not limited to territorial sea within the meaning of the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, but also covers internal maritime
waters which are on the landward side of the baseline of the territorial sea.
Finally, the Court states that all cruise services provided for remuneration
in the maritime waters of a Member State are subject to the regulation,
irrespective of whether they start and end, with the same passengers, in the
same port.
Consequently, a maritime transport service conducted in the form of a cruise
which starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port of a Member
State is subject to the application of the principle of freedom to provide
services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage).
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of EU law or the
validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.