La Grecia e l'UE: dall'austerità economica alla crescita sociale
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Data documento: 20-03-2014
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Greece and the EU: from economic austerity to social growth
La Grecia e l'UE: dall'austerità economica alla crescita sociale
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Is it possible for Greece to overcome both the crisis and its harsh social consequences?
È possibile per la Grecia superare sia la crisi che le sue severe conseguenze sociali?
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On 20 March 2014, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)1 hosted an EU conference in Athens (“From Austerity to Growth and Recovery”) which brought together representatives of the EU Institutions, the Greek authorities, civil society, as well as the media.
Il 20 marzo 2014 si è svolto ad Atene un convegno europeo (Dall'austerità alla crescita e alla ripresa economica), organizzato dal Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE)1, che ha riunito rappresentanti delle istituzioni UE, autorità greche, società civile e media.
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The conclusions were clear: there is a strong need for solidarity, cohesion, legitimacy and democracy at European level.
Dal convegno sono emerse conclusioni chiare: c'è un forte bisogno di solidarietà, coesione, legittimità e democrazia a livello europeo.
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If the Union is to move forward towards recovery and sustainable growth, it needs to invest in a mutually stronger Europe.
Se l'Unione vuole procedere verso la ripresa e la crescita sostenibile, dovrà investire in un'Europa più unita e più forte.
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Reinforcement of legitimacy
Rafforzamento della legittimità
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If we want to increase the political legitimacy and democratic accountability of the Union, the focus should shift towards building and re-building trust between politicians and citizens, between the national and European levels, as well as between the economic, social and political levels.
Se vogliamo rafforzare la legittimità politica e la responsabilità democratica dell'Unione, dobbiamo spostare l'accento verso la creazione e il ripristino della fiducia tra politici e cittadini, tra il livello nazionale e quello europeo, nonché tra i livelli economico, sociale e politico.
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"The EU must develop a new European Social Action Programme which would set clear and tangible targets and explore the right of European citizens to a minimum guaranteed income to be set by each individual country," stated Luca Jahier, President of the Various Interests Group of the EESC.
"L'UE deve sviluppare un nuovo programma europeo d'azione sociale che si prefigga obiettivi chiari e concreti ed esplori la possibilità che in ogni singolo paese venga sancito il diritto dei cittadini europei ad un reddito minimo garantito", ha affermato Luca Jahier, presidente del gruppo Attività diverse del CESE.
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He also supported the idea of making the activities of the Troika accountable to the EP and of giving the European Commission responsibility for assessing the socio-economic impact of the austerity programme.
Jahier ha inoltre sostenuto l’idea di stabilire che la Troika debba rendere conto delle proprie azioni al Parlamento europeo e di attribuire alla Commissione la responsabilità di valutare l’impatto socioeconomico del programma di austerità.
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Stimulation of Growth
Stimolare la crescita
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The participants agreed that Europe's immediate objectives should be job creation, support for the economy, increased competitiveness and poverty reduction.
I partecipanti hanno concordato che gli obiettivi immediati dell'Europa dovrebbero essere la creazione di posti di lavoro, il sostegno all'economia, l'aumento della competitività e l'alleviamento della povertà.
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They welcomed the EU's proposal to provide alternative financing for SMEs through the launch of an SME Initiative co-funded by the Structural Funds and called for the re-capitalization of the European Investment Fund to enable it to provide SMEs with development capital.
Hanno accolto con favore la proposta dell'UE di offrire alle PMI un finanziamento alternativo grazie a un'apposita iniziativa cofinanziata dai fondi strutturali, e hanno raccomandato di ricapitalizzare il Fondo europeo per gli investimenti in modo che possa fornire alle PMI capitale di sviluppo.
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Promotion of Innovation
Promuovere l'innovazione
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There is a need to invest in the re-industrialisation of Europe, innovation, research and development, as well as in the most performing sectors; in the case of Greece, this means tourism, solar energy and maritime policy.
Occorre investire nella reindustrializzazione dell'Europa, nell'innovazione e nella ricerca e sviluppo, come anche nei settori più efficienti, che, nel caso della Grecia, sono il turismo, l'energia solare e il trasporto marittimo.
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Furthermore, the participants concluded that support for social enterprises and the green economy should be mainstreamed into all EU policies, while effective and coordinated strategies should be implemented at European and national level.
I partecipanti al convegno hanno inoltre concluso che il sostegno alle imprese sociali e all'economia verde dovrebbe essere integrato in tutte le politiche dell'UE, mentre a livello europeo e nazionale dovrebbero essere attuate strategie efficaci e coordinate.
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“Greece is showing impressive recovery results thanks to the sacrifices of its people.
"La Grecia, grazie ai sacrifici dei suoi cittadini, sta ottenendo risultati straordinari in materia di ripresa.
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We have now reached the point of primary surplus. It is time to boost social cohesion, support weakened social groups and create economic growth.
Ora che abbiamo raggiunto una situazione di avanzo primario, è il momento di rafforzare la coesione sociale, sostenere le categorie sociali divenute vulnerabili e rilanciare la crescita economica.
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The truth is that some Greek social groups have suffered a 25% reduction in their income, while youth unemployment is also a big challenge.
La verità è che alcune categorie sociali greche hanno subito una perdita di reddito del 25 %, e che un altro grave problema è rappresentato dalla disoccupazione giovanile.
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To overcome the economic and social crisis, Greece needs to boost investment and entrepreneurship”, summarised Evangelos Venizelos, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic. |
Per superare la crisi economica e sociale, la Grecia deve promuovere gli investimenti e l'imprenditorialità", ha sintetizzato Evangelos Venizelos, vice primo ministro e ministro degli Affari esteri della Repubblica ellenica. |
Greece and the EU: from economic austerity to social growth
Is it possible for Greece to overcome both the crisis and its harsh social
On 20 March 2014, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)1 hosted
an EU conference in Athens ("From Austerity to Growth and Recovery") which
brought together representatives of the EU Institutions, the Greek authorities,
civil society, as well as the media.
The conclusions were clear: there is a strong need for solidarity, cohesion,
legitimacy and democracy at European level.
If the Union is to move forward towards recovery and sustainable growth, it
needs to invest in a mutually stronger Europe.
Reinforcement of legitimacy
If we want to increase the political legitimacy and democratic accountability
of the Union, the focus should shift towards building and re-building trust
between politicians and citizens, between the national and European levels, as
well as between the economic, social and political levels.
"The EU must develop a new European Social Action Programme which would set
clear and tangible targets and explore the right of European citizens to a
minimum guaranteed income to be set by each individual country," stated Luca
Jahier, President of the Various Interests Group of the EESC.
He also supported the idea of making the activities of the Troika accountable
to the EP and of giving the European Commission responsibility for assessing the
socio-economic impact of the austerity programme.
Stimulation of Growth
The participants agreed that Europe's immediate objectives should be job
creation, support for the economy, increased competitiveness and poverty
They welcomed the EU's proposal to provide alternative financing for SMEs
through the launch of an SME Initiative co-funded by the Structural Funds and
called for the re-capitalization of the European Investment Fund to enable it to
provide SMEs with development capital.
Promotion of Innovation
There is a need to invest in the re-industrialisation of Europe, innovation,
research and development, as well as in the most performing sectors; in the case
of Greece, this means tourism, solar energy and maritime policy.
Furthermore, the participants concluded that support for social enterprises
and the green economy should be mainstreamed into all EU policies, while
effective and coordinated strategies should be implemented at European and
national level.
"Greece is showing impressive recovery results thanks to the sacrifices of
its people.
We have now reached the point of primary surplus. It is time to boost social
cohesion, support weakened social groups and create economic growth.
The truth is that some Greek social groups have suffered a 25% reduction in
their income, while youth unemployment is also a big challenge.
To overcome the economic and social crisis, Greece needs to boost investment
and entrepreneurship", summarised Evangelos Venizelos, Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic.