La Corte chiarisce le norme sul diritto di soggiorno dei cittadini di un paese terzo, familiari di un cittadino dell’Unione, nello Stato membro d’origine del cittadino
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 12-03-2014
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The Court clarifies the rules on the right of residence of third-country nationals who are family members of an EU citizen in the Member State of origin of that citizen
La Corte chiarisce le norme sul diritto di soggiorno dei cittadini di un paese terzo, familiari di un cittadino dell’Unione, nello Stato membro d’origine del cittadino
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Directive 2004/38/EC grants EU citizens and their family members the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.
La direttiva 2004/38/CE concede ai cittadini dell’Unione nonché ai loro familiari il diritto di circolare e soggiornare liberamente sul territorio degli Stati membri.
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In that regard, the Raad van State (Netherlands, Council of State) has made two separate requests to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling in the context of four cases concerning the refusal of Netherlands’ authorities to grant a right of residence to a third-country national who is a family member of an EU citizen of Netherlands nationality.
Il Raad van State olandese (Consiglio di Stato), con due distinti rinvii pregiudiziali, ha investito la Corte di giustizia di quattro cause concernenti il diniego formulato dalle autorità olandesi di concedere un diritto di soggiorno al cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino olandese dell’Unione.
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Case C-456/12: Mr O. and Mr B.’s situation
La causa C-456/12: la posizione del sig. O. e del sig. B.
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Case C-456/12 concerns the refusal to grant a right of residence where the EU citizen returns to the Member State of which he is a national after short periods of residence in another Member State with the family member in question.
La causa C-456/12 riguarda il diniego del diritto di soggiorno in una situazione in cui il cittadino dell’Unione (olandese) ritorna nello Stato membro di cui possiede la cittadinanza dopo aver effettuato, con il familiare, cittadino di paese terzo, alcuni soggiorni di breve durata in un altro Stato membro.
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In 2006, Mr O., a Nigerian national, married a Netherlands national and from 2007 to April 2010 he lived in Spain.
Il sig. O., cittadino nigeriano, ha sposato nel 2006 una cittadina olandese ed ha vissuto in Spagna tra il 2007 e l’aprile 2010.
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During that period, Mr O.’s wife resided for two months with her husband in Spain and regularly spent time with Mr O. in the form of holidays in Spain.
Durante lo stesso periodo, sua moglie ha soggiornato due mesi con lui in Spagna e vi ha regolarmente trascorso le sue vacanze con lui.
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Mr B., a Moroccan national, lived from December 2002 with his partner who has Netherlands nationality.
Il sig. B., cittadino marocchino, dal 2002 ha coabitato nei Paesi Bassi con la sua compagna, cittadina olandese.
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In 2005, Mr B. moved to Belgium and lived in an apartment rented by his partner.
Nel 2005 si è installato in Belgio in un appartamento preso in locazione dalla sua compagna.
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His partner resided with Mr B. in Belgium every weekend.
Quest’ultima ha trascorso ogni fine settimana con il sig. Belgio.
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In April 2007, Mr B. returned to Morocco and in July 2007 Mr B. married the Netherlands national in question.
Nell’aprile 2007, il sig. B. ha fatto rientro il Marocco e nel luglio 2007 si è sposato con la cittadina olandese.
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As Mr O. and Mr B.were family members of EU citizens, the referring court asks whether EU law, in particular Article 21 TFEU and Directive 2004/38, grants such third-country nationals a right of residence in the Member State of which the citizens in question are nationals.
Il giudice del rinvio chiede alla Corte se il diritto dell’Unione conceda a cittadini di un paese terzo, familiari di cittadini dell’Unione, il diritto di soggiorno nello Stato membro di cui i cittadini posseggono la cittadinanza.
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The Court points out first of all that Article 21 TFEU and Directive 2004/38 do not confer any autonomous right on third-country nationals.
La Corte ricorda anzitutto che l’articolo 21 TFUE e la direttiva 2004/38 non assicurano nessun diritto di soggiorno autonomo ai cittadini di paesi terzi.
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Any rights conferred on third-country nationals are rights derived from the exercise of freedom of movement by an EU citizen.
Gli eventuali diritti di soggiorno conferiti loro sono diritti derivati dall’esercizio della libertà di circolazione da parte di un cittadino dell’Unione.
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The Court finds next that Directive 2004/38 does not confer any derived right of residence on third-country nationals who are family members of an EU citizen residing in the Member State of which he is a national.
Essa poi constata che la direttiva non conferisce nessun diritto di soggiorno derivato al cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione il quale soggiorni nello Stato membro di cui possiede la cittadinanza.
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Directive 2004/38 applies only where a citizen moves or resides in a Member State other than that of which he is a national.
Infatti, essa si applica solo quando un cittadino si reca o soggiorna in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui possiede la cittadinanza.
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With regard to the question as to whether Article 21 TFEU grants such a derived right of residence, the Court explains that a refusal to allow a derived right of residence for a family member of an EU citizen who is a third-country national, may interfere with the EU citizen’s freedom of movement under that provision.
Sul problema se l’articolo 21 TFUE conceda un siffatto diritto di soggiorno derivato, la Corte spiega che il diniego di riconoscere un diritto di soggiorno derivato a favore del cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione, può ledere il diritto alla libera circolazione del cittadino dell’Unione, garantito da questa disposizione del trattato.
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An EU citizen may be discouraged from leaving his Member State of origin because he is uncertain whether he will be able to continue, on returning to that Member State, a family life which he will have created or strengthened in another Member State.
Infatti, un cittadino dell’Unione potrebbe essere dissuaso dall’abbandonare il proprio Stato membro di origine se non avesse la certezza di poter continuare, al suo ritorno in questo Stato membro, la vita familiare sviluppata o consolidata in un altro Stato membro.
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However, such an obstacle will arise only where the residence in the host Member State has been genuine, that is to say where it satisfies the requirements of Directive 2004/38 relating to a right of residence for a period of longer than three months.
Tuttavia, un ostacolo siffatto si produce solo quando il soggiorno nello Stato membro ospitante ha carattere effettivo, ossia quando soddisfa le disposizioni della direttiva relative al diritto di soggiorno di durata superiore a tre mesi.
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It follows that, where an EU citizen has, pursuant to and in conformity with the provisions of Directive 2004/38 relating to a right of residence for a period of longer than three months, genuinely resided in another Member State and, during that genuine residence, a family life has been created and strengthened in that Member State, the effectiveness of Article 21 TFEU requires that the citizen’s family life in the host Member State may continue on returning to his Member State of origin.
Da ciò discende che, quando, ai sensi e nel rispetto delle disposizioni della direttiva relative a un diritto di soggiorno di durata superiore a tre mesi, un cittadino dell’Unione ha soggiornato effettivamente in un altro Stato membro e, in tale occasione, in detto Stato ha sviluppato o consolidato la sua vita familiare, l’efficacia pratica dell’articolo 21 TFUE impone che la vita familiare condotta nello Stato membro ospitante possa continuare quando il cittadino fa ritorno nel proprio Stato di origine.
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That implies that, in such a case, a derived right of residence is allowed for the family member who is a third-country national.
Ciò implica che in una situazione siffatta al familiare, cittadino di un paese terzo venga riconosciuto un diritto di soggiorno derivato.
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The conditions for granting such a derived right of residence, based on Article 21 TFEU should not, in principle, be more strict than those provided for by Directive 2004/38 for the grant of a derived right of residence to a third-country national who is a family member of an EU citizen where that citizen has exercised his right of freedom of movement by becoming established in a Member State other than the Member State of which he is a national.
Le condizioni per la concessione del diritto di soggiorno derivato in base all’articolo 21 TFUE non dovrebbero essere, in linea di principio, più rigorose di quelle previste dalla direttiva per la concessione di un diritto di soggiorno derivato al cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione che abbia esercitato il suo diritto alla libera circolazione stabilendosi in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui possiede la cittadinanza.
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Even though Directive 2004/38 does not cover the return of the EU citizen to the Member State of which he is a national, it should be applied by analogy given that in both cases it is the EU citizen who is the reference point for the grant of a derived right of residence to a third-country national who is a member of his family.
Infatti, anche se la direttiva disciplina solo l’ipotesi del ritorno del cittadino dell’Unione nello Stato membro di cui possiede la cittadinanza, essa dev’essere applicata per analogia (dato che, anche in questo caso, è il cittadino dell’Unione che costituisce la persona di riferimento) affinché il cittadino del paese terzo, familiare del cittadino dell’Unione, possa beneficiare del diritto di soggiorno derivato.
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As regards the question whether the cumulative effect of various short periods of residence in the host Member State may create a derived right of residence for a family member of an EU citizen who is a third-country national on the citizen’s return to his Member State of origin, the Court points out that only a period of residence satisfying the conditions of Directive 2004/38 relating to a right of residence for a period of longer than three months will give rise to such a right of residence.
In merito al problema di accertare se l’effetto cumulativo di numerosi soggiorni di breve durata nello Stato membro ospitante possa far sorgere un diritto di soggiorno derivato in capo al familiare, cittadino di un paese terzo, quando il cittadino dell’Unione fa ritorno nel suo Stato di origine, la Corte ricorda che solo un soggiorno che soddisfi le disposizioni della direttiva relative a un soggiorno di durata superiore a tre mesi fa sorgere un diritto di soggiorno derivato al ritorno.
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The Court notes that, even when considered together, short periods of residence (such as weekends or holidays spent in a Member State other than that of which the citizen is a national) do not satisfy those conditions.
Essa sottolinea che, pur considerati nel loro complesso, soggiorni di breve durata (come una serie di fine settimana o di vacanze trascorsi in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui il cittadino dell’Unione possiede la cittadinanza) non soddisfano tale condizione.
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The court notes in addition that Mr B. acquired the status of family member of an EU citizen after his partner’s residence in the host Member State.
La Corte peraltro rileva che il sig. B. ha acquisito la qualità di familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione in un momento successivo al soggiorno della sua compagna nello Stato membro ospitante.
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A third-country national, who has not had, at least during part of his residence in the host Member State, the status of family member of an EU citizen, is not entitled to a derived right of residence in that Member State pursuant to Directive 2004/38.
Ebbene, il cittadino del paese terzo che non aveva, quanto meno durante una parte del suo soggiorno nello Stato membro ospitante, la qualità di familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione non può aver potuto godere in questo Stato di un diritto di soggiorno derivato ai sensi della direttiva.
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Accordingly, that third-country national is also unable to rely on Article 21 TFEU for the grant of a derived right of residence on the return of the EU citizen to the Member State of which he is a national.
Alla luce di ciò, il cittadino straniero non può invocare l’articolo 21 TFUE per ottenere un diritto di soggiorno derivato quando il cittadino dell’Unione fa ritorno nello Stato membro di cui possiede la cittadinanza.
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In the light of all the foregoing, the Court rules that where an EU citizen has, pursuant to and in conformity with the provisions of Directive 2004/38 relating to a right of residence for a period of longer than three months, created or strengthened a family life with a third-country national during genuine residence in a Member State other than that of which he is a national, the provisions of that directive apply by analogy where that EU citizen returns, with the family member in question, to his Member State of origin.
In base a tutto quanto sin qui illustrato, la Corte dichiara che, in una situazione in cui un cittadino dell’Unione abbia sviluppato o consolidato, ai sensi e nel rispetto delle disposizioni della direttiva 2004/38 relative a un diritto di soggiorno di durata superiore a tre mesi, una vita familiare con il cittadino di un paese terzo nel corso di un soggiorno effettivo in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui possiede la cittadinanza, le disposizioni della medesima direttiva si applicano per analogia quando detto cittadino dell’Unione ritorni, con il familiare interessato, nel proprio Stato membro di origine
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Case C-457/12: Ms S. and Ms G.’s situation
La causa C-457/12: la posizione della sig.ra S. e della sig.ra G.
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Like Case C-456/12, Case C-457/12 concerns the refusal of Netherlands’ authorities to grant a right of residence to a family member of an EU citizen of Netherlands nationality.
Analogamente alla causa C-456/12, la causa C-457/12 riguarda il diniego, da parte delle autorità olandesi, del diritto di soggiorno al familiare di cittadini olandesi.
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However, unlike Case C-456/12, the Union citizens in question have not resided with a family member in a Member State other than that of which they are nationals.
Tuttavia, a differenza della causa C-456/12, i cittadini dell’Unione interessati non hanno soggiornato con un loro familiare in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di cui essi possiedono la cittadinanza.
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Ms S. is a Ukranian national.
33-). La sig.ra S. è cittadina ucraina.
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She claims a right of residence with her son-in-law who is a Netherlands national.
Essa desidera poter soggiornare presso suo genero, cittadino olandese.
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Ms S. submits that she takes care of her grandson.
Afferma di occuparsi di suo nipote.
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Her son-in-law resides in the Netherlands but travels to Belgium at least once a week in the course of his work for an employer established in the Netherlands.
Suo genero risiede nei Paesi Bassi ma si reca, almeno una volta la settimana in Belgio, a causa della sua attività lavorativa alle dipendenze di un datore di lavoro olandese.
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Ms G., a Peruvian national, married a Netherlands national in 2009.
La sig.ra G., cittadina peruviana, ha sposato nel 2009 un cittadino olandese.
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The latter resides in the Netherlands but works for an undertaking established in Belgium.
Quest’ultimo risiede nei Paesi Bassi, ma svolge un’attività lavorativa dipendente per un’impresa belga.
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He travels daily between the Netherlands and Belgium for his work.
Per tale ragione, effettua trasferimenti quotidiani di andata e ritorno tra i Paesi Bassi e il Belgio.
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In that context, the Raad van State asks, in essence, whether EU law confers a derived right of residence on a third-country national who is a family member of an EU citizen where that citizen resides in the Member State of which he is a national but regularly travels to another Member State in the course of his professional activities.
In questo contesto, il Raad van State desidera sostanzialmente sapere se il diritto dell’Unione attribuisca un diritto di soggiorno derivato al cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione, quando il cittadino risiede nello Stato membro di cui possiede la cittadinanza ma si reca regolarmente in un altro Stato membro a causa delle sue attività professionali.
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The Court confirms that, in the situations at issue in Case C-457/12, the EU citizens fall within the scope of freedom of movement for workers guaranteed by Article 45 TFEU.
La Corte conferma che, nelle circostanze di cui alla causa C-457/12, i cittadini dell’Unione rientrano nella sfera d’applicazione della libera circolazione dei lavoratori garantita dall’articolo 45 TFUE.
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Any EU citizen who, under an employment contract, works in a Member State other than that of their place of residence falls within the scope of Article 45 TFEU.
Infatti, tutti i cittadini dell’Unione i quali, a motivo di un contratto di lavoro, svolgono attività professionali in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di residenza rientrano nella sfera d’applicazione di questa disposizione.
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The Court points out next that the effectiveness of the right to freedom of movement for workers may require that a derived right of residence be granted under Article 45 TFEU to a third-country national who is a family member of the worker – an EU citizen – in the Member State of which the latter is a national.
La Corte spiega poi che l’efficacia pratica del diritto di libera circolazione dei lavoratori può imporre che venga riconosciuto un diritto di soggiorno derivato in base all’articolo 45 TFUE al cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare del lavoratore, cittadino dell’Unione, nello Stato membro di cui quest’ultimo possiede la cittadinanza.
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It is therefore for the referring court to determine whether, in each of the situations at issue in Case C-457/12, the grant of a derived right of residence to the third-country national in question who is a family member of an EU citizen is necessary to guarantee the citizen’s effective exercise of the rights guaranteed by Article 45 TFEU.
Spetterà pertanto al giudice del rinvio verificare se, in ciascuna delle ipotesi di cui alla causa C-457/12, la concessione di un diritto di soggiorno derivato al cittadino del paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione, sia necessaria al fine di garantire a quest’ultimo l’effettivo esercizio dei diritti che egli ricava dall’articolo 45 TFUE.
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According to the Court, the fact that the third-country national in question takes care of the EU citizens’ child may be a relevant factor to be taken into account when examining whether the refusal to grant a right of residence to that third-country national may discourage the EU citizen from effectively exercising his rights under Article 45 TFEU.
Secondo la Corte, la circostanza secondo cui il cittadino del paese terzo interessato si occupa del figlio del cittadino dell’Unione può costituire un elemento rilevante ai fini di valutare se il diniego del diritto di soggiorno a beneficio di detto cittadino del paese terzo possa avere effetti dissuasivi sull’effettivo esercizio dei diritti che il cittadino dell’Unione trae dall’articolo 45 TFUE.
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However, the mere fact that it might appear desirable that the child be cared for by the third-country national who is the direct relative in the ascending line of the EU citizen’s spouse is not sufficient in itself to constitute such a dissuasive effect.
Tuttavia, la mera circostanza che possa apparire auspicabile che la cura del figlio sia assunta dal cittadino di un paese terzo, ascendente diretto del coniuge del cittadino dell’Unione, non basta da sola a constatare un siffatto effetto dissuasivo.
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Article 45 TFEU therefore confers a derived right of residence on a third-country national who is the family member of an EU citizen in the Member State of which that citizen is a national, where the citizen resides in that Member State but regularly travels to another Member State as a worker within the meaning of that provision, if the refusal to grant such a right of residence discourages the worker from effectively exercising his rights under Article 45 TFEU, which it is for the referring court to determine.
L’articolo 45 TFUE conferisce pertanto al cittadino di un paese terzo, familiare di un cittadino dell’Unione, un diritto di soggiorno derivato nello Stato membro di cui tale cittadino possiede la cittadinanza, allorché egli risiede in quest’ultimo Stato, ma si reca regolarmente in un altro Stato membro in quanto lavoratore ai sensi della menzionata disposizione; infatti il diniego del diritto di soggiorno derivato comporta un effetto dissuasivo sull’esercizio effettivo dei diritti che al lavoratore derivano dall’articolo 45 TFUE. Spetta al giudice nazionale verificare questa circostanza.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
The Court clarifies the rules on the right of residence of third-country
nationals who are family members of an EU citizen in the Member State of origin
of that citizen
Directive 2004/38/EC grants EU citizens and their family members the right to
move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.
In that regard, the Raad van State (Netherlands, Council of State) has made
two separate requests to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling in the
context of four cases concerning the refusal of Netherlands’ authorities to
grant a right of residence to a third-country national who is a family member of
an EU citizen of Netherlands nationality.
Case C-456/12: Mr O. and Mr B.’s situation
Case C-456/12 concerns the refusal to grant a right of residence where the EU
citizen returns to the Member State of which he is a national after short
periods of residence in another Member State with the family member in question.
In 2006, Mr O., a Nigerian national, married a Netherlands national and from
2007 to April 2010 he lived in Spain.
During that period, Mr O.’s wife resided for two months with her husband in
Spain and regularly spent time with Mr O. in the form of holidays in Spain.
Mr B., a Moroccan national, lived from December 2002 with his partner who has
Netherlands nationality.
In 2005, Mr B. moved to Belgium and lived in an apartment rented by his
His partner resided with Mr B. in Belgium every weekend.
In April 2007, Mr B. returned to Morocco and in July 2007 Mr B. married the
Netherlands national in question.
As Mr O. and Mr B.were family members of EU citizens, the referring court
asks whether EU law, in particular Article 21 TFEU and Directive 2004/38, grants
such third-country nationals a right of residence in the Member State of which
the citizens in question are nationals.
The Court points out first of all that Article 21 TFEU and Directive 2004/38
do not confer any autonomous right on third-country nationals.
Any rights conferred on third-country nationals are rights derived from the
exercise of freedom of movement by an EU citizen.
The Court finds next that Directive 2004/38 does not confer any derived right
of residence on third-country nationals who are family members of an EU citizen
residing in the Member State of which he is a national.
Directive 2004/38 applies only where a citizen moves or resides in a Member
State other than that of which he is a national.
With regard to the question as to whether Article 21 TFEU grants such a
derived right of residence, the Court explains that a refusal to allow a derived
right of residence for a family member of an EU citizen who is a third-country
national, may interfere with the EU citizen’s freedom of movement under that
An EU citizen may be discouraged from leaving his Member State of origin
because he is uncertain whether he will be able to continue, on returning to
that Member State, a family life which he will have created or strengthened in
another Member State.
However, such an obstacle will arise only where the residence in the host
Member State has been genuine, that is to say where it satisfies the
requirements of Directive 2004/38 relating to a right of residence for a period
of longer than three months.
It follows that, where an EU citizen has, pursuant to and in conformity with
the provisions of Directive 2004/38 relating to a right of residence for a
period of longer than three months, genuinely resided in another Member State
and, during that genuine residence, a family life has been created and
strengthened in that Member State, the effectiveness of Article 21 TFEU requires
that the citizen’s family life in the host Member State may continue on
returning to his Member State of origin.
That implies that, in such a case, a derived right of residence is allowed
for the family member who is a third-country national.
The conditions for granting such a derived right of residence, based on
Article 21 TFEU should not, in principle, be more strict than those provided for
by Directive 2004/38 for the grant of a derived right of residence to a
third-country national who is a family member of an EU citizen where that
citizen has exercised his right of freedom of movement by becoming established
in a Member State other than the Member State of which he is a national.
Even though Directive 2004/38 does not cover the return of the EU citizen to
the Member State of which he is a national, it should be applied by analogy
given that in both cases it is the EU citizen who is the reference point for the
grant of a derived right of residence to a third-country national who is a
member of his family.
As regards the question whether the cumulative effect of various short
periods of residence in the host Member State may create a derived right of
residence for a family member of an EU citizen who is a third-country national
on the citizen’s return to his Member State of origin, the Court points out that
only a period of residence satisfying the conditions of Directive 2004/38
relating to a right of residence for a period of longer than three months will
give rise to such a right of residence.
The Court notes that, even when considered together, short periods of
residence (such as weekends or holidays spent in a Member State other than that
of which the citizen is a national) do not satisfy those conditions.
The court notes in addition that Mr B. acquired the status of family member
of an EU citizen after his partner’s residence in the host Member State.
A third-country national, who has not had, at least during part of his
residence in the host Member State, the status of family member of an EU
citizen, is not entitled to a derived right of residence in that Member State
pursuant to Directive 2004/38.
Accordingly, that third-country national is also unable to rely on Article 21
TFEU for the grant of a derived right of residence on the return of the EU
citizen to the Member State of which he is a national.
In the light of all the foregoing, the Court rules that where an EU citizen
has, pursuant to and in conformity with the provisions of Directive 2004/38
relating to a right of residence for a period of longer than three months,
created or strengthened a family life with a third-country national during
genuine residence in a Member State other than that of which he is a national,
the provisions of that directive apply by analogy where that EU citizen returns,
with the family member in question, to his Member State of origin.
Case C-457/12: Ms S. and Ms G.’s situation
Like Case C-456/12, Case C-457/12 concerns the refusal of Netherlands’
authorities to grant a right of residence to a family member of an EU citizen of
Netherlands nationality.
However, unlike Case C-456/12, the Union citizens in question have not
resided with a family member in a Member State other than that of which they are
Ms S. is a Ukranian national.
She claims a right of residence with her son-in-law who is a Netherlands
Ms S. submits that she takes care of her grandson.
Her son-in-law resides in the Netherlands but travels to Belgium at least
once a week in the course of his work for an employer established in the
Ms G., a Peruvian national, married a Netherlands national in 2009.
The latter resides in the Netherlands but works for an undertaking
established in Belgium.
He travels daily between the Netherlands and Belgium for his work.
In that context, the Raad van State asks, in essence, whether EU law confers
a derived right of residence on a third-country national who is a family member
of an EU citizen where that citizen resides in the Member State of which he is a
national but regularly travels to another Member State in the course of his
professional activities.
The Court confirms that, in the situations at issue in Case C-457/12, the EU
citizens fall within the scope of freedom of movement for workers guaranteed by
Article 45 TFEU.
Any EU citizen who, under an employment contract, works in a Member State
other than that of their place of residence falls within the scope of Article 45
The Court points out next that the effectiveness of the right to freedom of
movement for workers may require that a derived right of residence be granted
under Article 45 TFEU to a third-country national who is a family member of the
worker – an EU citizen – in the Member State of which the latter is a national.
It is therefore for the referring court to determine whether, in each of the
situations at issue in Case C-457/12, the grant of a derived right of residence
to the third-country national in question who is a family member of an EU
citizen is necessary to guarantee the citizen’s effective exercise of the rights
guaranteed by Article 45 TFEU.
According to the Court, the fact that the third-country national in question
takes care of the EU citizens’ child may be a relevant factor to be taken into
account when examining whether the refusal to grant a right of residence to that
third-country national may discourage the EU citizen from effectively exercising
his rights under Article 45 TFEU.
However, the mere fact that it might appear desirable that the child be cared
for by the third-country national who is the direct relative in the ascending
line of the EU citizen’s spouse is not sufficient in itself to constitute such a
dissuasive effect.
Article 45 TFEU therefore confers a derived right of residence on a
third-country national who is the family member of an EU citizen in the Member
State of which that citizen is a national, where the citizen resides in that
Member State but regularly travels to another Member State as a worker within
the meaning of that provision, if the refusal to grant such a right of residence
discourages the worker from effectively exercising his rights under Article 45
TFEU, which it is for the referring court to determine.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.