Il sussidio economico concesso ai richiedenti asilo deve consentire loro di trovare, se del caso, un alloggio nel mercato privato della locazione
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 12-03-2014
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The financial allowances granted to asylum seekers must enable them to find, if necessary, accommodation on the private rental market
Il sussidio economico concesso ai richiedenti asilo deve consentire loro di trovare, se del caso, un alloggio nel mercato privato della locazione
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The financial aid may be paid by bodies forming part of the public assistance system, provided that they meet the minimum standards of EU law as regards the material reception conditions
L’aiuto economico può essere versato da organismi di assistenza pubblica, a condizione che questi ultimi rispettino le norme minime del diritto dell’Unione in materia di condizioni materiali di accoglienza
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On 11 October 2010, the Saciri family applied for asylum in Belgium.
L’11 ottobre 2010 la famiglia Saciri ha depositato una domanda di asilo in Belgio.
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On the same day, the Federaal agentschap voor de opvang van asielzoekers (‘Fedasil’) informed the Saciri family that it was unable to provide reception and directed it to the Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van Diest (Diest public centre for social welfare;‘the OCMW’).
In pari data, l’Agenzia federale per l’accoglienza dei richiedenti asilo («Fedasil») ha informato la famiglia Saciri dell’impossibilità di fornirle una struttura di accoglienza e l’ha diretta verso il centro pubblico di assistenza sociale di Diest («OCMW»).
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Having been unable to find housing, the Saciri family turned to the private rental market.
Non avendo potuto ottenere un alloggio, la famiglia Saciri si è rivolta al mercato privato della locazione.
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Being unable to pay the rent, it lodged an application for financial aid with the OCMW, which was rejected on the ground that the Saciri family ought to have stayed in a reception facility managed by Fedasil.
Non essendo in grado di pagare il canone di locazione, essa ha presentato all’OCMW una domanda di aiuto economico, che è stata respinta in quanto tale famiglia faceva capo alle strutture di accoglienza gestite dalla Fedasil.
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The Belgian courts then (on 21 January 2011) ordered Fedasil to offer reception facilities to the Saciri family and to pay it a sum of almost €3 000 for the three months during which it was not possible for Fedasil to house the family.
La giustizia belga ha quindi condannato la Fedasil a fornire accoglienza alla famiglia Saciri (il che è avvenuto il 21 gennaio 2011) e a versarle una somma di circa EUR 3 000 per i tre mesi durante i quali essa non aveva potuto essere alloggiata dalla Fedasil.
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An EU directive provides that, where housing (amongst other material reception conditions) is not provided in kind, it must be provided in the form of financial allowances or vouchers.
Infatti, una direttiva dell’Unione stabilisce che, qualora l’alloggio (tra altre condizioni materiali di accoglienza) non sia fornito in natura, esso va fornito in forma di sussidi economici o buoni.
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With regard to the period during which the Saciri family was given neither housing in kind nor a financial allowance sufficient to pay its rent (October 2010 to January 2011), Fedasil and the Saciri family appealed to the Arbeidshof te Brussel (Brussels Higher Labour Court, Belgium).
Per quanto concerne il periodo nel corso del quale la famiglia Saciri non ha beneficiato di un alloggio in natura né di un sussidio economico sufficiente per pagare il canone di locazione (da ottobre 2010 a gennaio 2011), la Fedasil nonché la famiglia Saciri hanno proposto appello dinanzi all’Arbeidshof te Brussel (Tribunale del lavoro di Bruxelles, Belgio).
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That court has therefore referred a number of questions to the Court of Justice.
Quest’ultimo ha quindi sottoposto varie questioni alla Corte di giustizia.
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Firstly, the referring court wishes to know (a) whether a Member State which grants the material reception conditions in the form of financial allowances (and not in kind) is bound to award those allowances from the time of the introduction of the asylum application and (b) whether it must ensure that the amount of those allowances is such as to enable asylum seekers to obtain accommodation.
Il giudice del rinvio intende sapere se uno Stato membro che conceda le condizioni materiali di accoglienza in forma di sussidi economici (e non in natura) debba dare questi sussidi a partire dal momento di presentazione della domanda di asilo e se debba assicurarsi che l’importo di tali sussidi sia tale da consentire ai richiedenti asilo di ottenere un alloggio.
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In that regard, the Court recalls that the period during which the material reception conditions must be provided is to begin when the asylum seeker applies for asylum, as is apparent from the terms, general scheme and purpose of the directive.
Al riguardo, la Corte ricorda che il periodo durante il quale le condizioni materiali di accoglienza devono essere fornite comincia nel momento di presentazione della domanda di asilo, come risulta dal testo, dalla struttura generale e dalla finalità della direttiva.
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Furthermore, the Court also deduces from the directive that the financial aid granted must be sufficient to ensure a dignified standard of living and adequate for the health of applicants and capable of ensuring their subsistence, it being understood that the Member State must adjust the reception conditions to the situation of persons having specific needs, in order, in particular, to preserve family unity and to take account of the best interests of the child (accordingly, the amount of the allowances must enable minor children to be housed with their parents).
Inoltre, la Corte deduce altresì dalla direttiva che l’aiuto economico concesso deve essere sufficiente a garantire un livello di vita dignitoso e adeguato per la salute nonché il sostentamento dei richiedenti asilo, fermo restando che lo Stato membro deve adattare le condizioni di accoglienza alle particolari esigenze del richiedente, al fine, segnatamente, di preservare l’unità familiare e di tener conto dell’interesse superiore del minore (di conseguenza, l’importo del sussidio deve consentire ai figli minori di convivere con i genitori).
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Where the housing is not provided in kind, the financial allowances must enable the asylum seekers to obtain housing, if necessary, on the private rental market, without their being left to make their own choice of housing suitable for themselves.
Qualora l’alloggio non sia fornito in natura, il sussidio economico deve, se del caso, essere sufficiente per consentire al richiedente asilo di disporre di un alloggio nell’ambito del mercato privato della locazione, restando inteso che tale alloggio non può tuttavia essere scelto secondo la convenienza personale del richiedente.
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The referring court also asks whether, where the accommodation facilities for asylum seekers are overloaded, the Member States may refer the asylum seekers to bodies within the general public assistance system.
Il giudice del rinvio chiede altresì se, in caso di saturazione delle strutture d’alloggio, gli Stati membri possano rinviare i richiedenti asilo verso organismi appartenenti al sistema generale di assistenza pubblica.
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In that regard, the Court states that payment of the financial allowances may be made by such bodies, provided that those bodies ensure that the minimum standards laid down in that directive as regards the asylum seekers are met.
A questo proposito, la Corte dichiara che i sussidi economici possono essere versati mediante siffatti organismi, purché questi ultimi garantiscano ai richiedenti asilo il rispetto delle norme minime previste dalla direttiva.
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In other words, overloading of the reception networks is not a justification for any derogation from meeting those standards.
In altri termini, la saturazione delle reti di accoglienza non può giustificare alcuna deroga all’osservanza di tali norme.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
The financial allowances granted to asylum seekers must enable them to find,
if necessary, accommodation on the private rental market
The financial aid may be paid by bodies forming part of the public assistance
system, provided that they meet the minimum standards of EU law as regards the
material reception conditions
On 11 October 2010, the Saciri family applied for asylum in Belgium.
On the same day, the Federaal agentschap voor de opvang van asielzoekers
(‘Fedasil’) informed the Saciri family that it was unable to provide reception
and directed it to the Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn van Diest
(Diest public centre for social welfare;‘the OCMW’).
Having been unable to find housing, the Saciri family turned to the private
rental market.
Being unable to pay the rent, it lodged an application for financial aid with
the OCMW, which was rejected on the ground that the Saciri family ought to have
stayed in a reception facility managed by Fedasil.
The Belgian courts then (on 21 January 2011) ordered Fedasil to offer
reception facilities to the Saciri family and to pay it a sum of almost €3 000
for the three months during which it was not possible for Fedasil to house the
An EU directive provides that, where housing (amongst other material
reception conditions) is not provided in kind, it must be provided in the form
of financial allowances or vouchers.
With regard to the period during which the Saciri family was given neither
housing in kind nor a financial allowance sufficient to pay its rent (October
2010 to January 2011), Fedasil and the Saciri family appealed to the Arbeidshof
te Brussel (Brussels Higher Labour Court, Belgium).
That court has therefore referred a number of questions to the Court of
Firstly, the referring court wishes to know (a) whether a Member State which
grants the material reception conditions in the form of financial allowances
(and not in kind) is bound to award those allowances from the time of the
introduction of the asylum application and (b) whether it must ensure that the
amount of those allowances is such as to enable asylum seekers to obtain
In that regard, the Court recalls that the period during which the material
reception conditions must be provided is to begin when the asylum seeker applies
for asylum, as is apparent from the terms, general scheme and purpose of the
Furthermore, the Court also deduces from the directive that the financial aid
granted must be sufficient to ensure a dignified standard of living and adequate
for the health of applicants and capable of ensuring their subsistence, it being
understood that the Member State must adjust the reception conditions to the
situation of persons having specific needs, in order, in particular, to preserve
family unity and to take account of the best interests of the child
(accordingly, the amount of the allowances must enable minor children to be
housed with their parents).
Where the housing is not provided in kind, the financial allowances must
enable the asylum seekers to obtain housing, if necessary, on the private rental
market, without their being left to make their own choice of housing suitable
for themselves.
The referring court also asks whether, where the accommodation facilities for
asylum seekers are overloaded, the Member States may refer the asylum seekers to
bodies within the general public assistance system.
In that regard, the Court states that payment of the financial allowances may
be made by such bodies, provided that those bodies ensure that the minimum
standards laid down in that directive as regards the asylum seekers are met.
In other words, overloading of the reception networks is not a justification
for any derogation from meeting those standards.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.