Potenziare il commercio di prodotti agricoli trasformati
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Data documento: 11-03-2014
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Improving trade in processed agricultural goods
Potenziare il commercio di prodotti agricoli trasformati
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The European Commission welcomes today's European Parliament vote on its proposal to update the trade regime for processed agricultural products (PAPs).
La Commissione europea accoglie con soddisfazione il voto espresso in data odierna dal Parlamento europeo sulla proposta di aggiornare il regime commerciale per i prodotti agricoli trasformati (PAT).
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PAPs are goods obtained through the processing of basic agricultural products, such as confectionaries, chocolates, pastas, bakeries, biscuits, spirits, soft drinks, etc.
I PAT sono merci ottenute dalla trasformazione di prodotti agricoli di base, come i dolciumi, il cioccolato, le paste alimentari, i prodotti da forno, i biscotti, gli alcolici, le bibite analcoliche, etc.
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The EU is the world’s biggest exporter of processed agricultural products, with total value of €41.7 billion in exports.
Le esportazioni di prodotti agricoli trasformati hanno raggiunto un valore pari a 41,7 miliardi di EUR, facendo dell'UE il maggior esportatore di tali prodotti a livello mondiale.
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The new regulation will facilitate the trade of PAPS between the EU and non-EU countries.
Il nuovo regolamento faciliterà il commercio di PAT tra Stati membri dell'UE e paesi terzi;
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Its aim is to update the legal framework for the implementation of EU preferential trade agreements concluded with non-EU countries.
mira ad aggiornare il quadro giuridico per l'attuazione degli accordi commerciali preferenziali conclusi dall'UE con paesi terzi;
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It also provides for export refunds to be granted to some PAPs when market disturbances occur (for example a collapse in world agricultural product prices as a result of an abundant harvest).
e prevede la concessione di restituzioni all'esportazione per taluni PAT in caso di perturbazioni del mercato (ad esempio qualora si verifichi un crollo dei prezzi dei prodotti agricoli a livello mondiale come conseguenza di un raccolto abbondante).
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European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria ha affermato:
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"The food industry is the EU's biggest manufacturing sector in terms of employment and added value.
"L'industria alimentare rappresenta il settore industriale più importante dell'UE in termini di occupazione e valore aggiunto.
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Its trade regime is particularly important for the sector's growth and the relevant rules needed to be simplified.
Il regime commerciale di tale settore è fondamentale per garantirne la crescita, e le norme che lo disciplinano andavano semplificate.
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We therefore count on the forthcoming agreement of the Council for the final adoption of the Regulation.”
Contiamo pertanto sull'imminente approvazione del Consiglio per l'adozione definitiva del regolamento."
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Today’s vote relates to a 2013 Commission proposal to adapt the legal framework for the EU's trade regime for processed agricultural products to the Lisbon Treaty, notably to its provisions on delegated and implementing acts.
Il voto di oggi ha per oggetto una proposta presentata dalla Commissione nel 2013 per adeguare il quadro giuridico che regola il regime commerciale dell'UE per i prodotti agricoli trasformati al trattato di Lisbona, in particolare alle disposizioni concernenti gli atti delegati e di esecuzione.
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The new regulation updates the legal framework for the implementation of bilateral trade deals, in particular as regards preferential trade conditions the EU concedes to trade partner countries in the form of reduced or zero import duties and tariff quotas, in exchange for better market access conditions for EU products.
Il nuovo regolamento aggiorna il quadro giuridico che regola l'attuazione degli accordi commerciali bilaterali, segnatamente per quanto concerne i regimi commerciali preferenziali che l'UE accorda a paesi partner commerciali sotto forma di dazi all'importazione e contingenti tariffari ridotti o nulli in cambio di un miglioramento delle condizioni di accesso al mercato per i prodotti dell'UE.
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It also updates the legal framework for granting refunds for the export of certain foodstuffs, creating a safety net which can be triggered in cases of market disturbances such as strong fluctuations in world agricultural market prices due to climate conditions or to speculation.
Il nuovo regolamento aggiorna inoltre il quadro giuridico che regola le restituzioni alle esportazioni di determinati prodotti alimentari creando un meccanismo di sicurezza che può essere attivato qualora si verifichino perturbazioni del mercato, come fluttuazioni significative dei prezzi di mercato dovute alle condizioni climatiche o alla speculazione.
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As a consequence, the regulation is expected to contribute to the efficient achievement of the Common Agricultural Policy objectives and in particular to stabilize markets, secure availability of supplies and provide consumers with food at reasonable prices.
Ci si attende pertanto che il regolamento contribuisca al conseguimento degli obiettivi della politica agricola comune ed in particolare a stabilizzare i mercati, a garantire la sicurezza degli approvvigionamenti e a fornire ai consumatori alimenti a prezzi ragionevoli.
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Next Steps
Prossime tappe
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The Council is expected to approve the proposal on 14 April.
Si prevede che il Consiglio approvi la proposta il 14 aprile.
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Following the adoption of this basic legal text, the Commission will shortly adopt the necessary delegated and implementing acts to regulate in detail the various issues included in the regulation (such as import licenses, import duties, tariff quotas, export refunds, refund certificates, etc.).
Una volta adottato il testo giuridico di base, la Commissione adotterà in breve gli atti delegati e di esecuzioni necessari per regolare nei dettagli le diverse questioni trattate dal regolamento (ad esempio le licenze d'importazione, i dazi all'importazione, i contingenti tariffari, le restituzioni all'esportazione, i titoli di restituzione, ecc).
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These laws are of particular importance for the food manufacturing industry which is by far the main user of EU-produced basic agricultural products like sugar, milk, cereals and eggs.
Queste disposizioni normative sono particolarmente importanti per l'industria alimentare, che rappresenta di gran lunga il maggior consumatore di prodotti agricoli di base di produzione UE come lo zucchero, il latte, i cereali e le uova.
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The food and beverages industry is the Union’s largest manufacturing sector in terms of value added and jobs.
Il comparto alimentare rappresenta il settore industriale più importante dell'Unione in termine di occupazione e valore aggiunto;
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289 000 companies, most of them of small or medium-sized, are involved. Altogether they generate an annual turnover in excess of €1 trillion and employ 4.6 million people.
e comprende 289 000 società, la maggior parte delle quali sono piccole e medie imprese, che producono un fatturato annuale complessivo superiore a 1 000 miliardi di EUR dando lavoro a 4,6 milioni di persone.
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With imports worth €11.8 billion, the EU's trade balance in those products amounted to €30 billion in 2012. This corresponds to an average yearly increase of 13.2% since 2008. |
Con un valore delle importazioni pari a 11,8 miliardi di EUR, nel 2012 la bilancia commerciale dell'UE per tali prodotti ha raggiunto i 30 miliardi di EUR, facendo registrare un aumento medio annuale pari al 13,2% dal 2008. |
Improving trade in processed agricultural goods
The European Commission welcomes today's European Parliament vote on its
proposal to update the trade regime for processed agricultural products (PAPs).
PAPs are goods obtained through the processing of basic agricultural
products, such as confectionaries, chocolates, pastas, bakeries, biscuits,
spirits, soft drinks, etc.
The EU is the world’s biggest exporter of processed agricultural products,
with total value of €41.7 billion in exports.
The new regulation will facilitate the trade of PAPS between the EU and
non-EU countries.
Its aim is to update the legal framework for the implementation of EU
preferential trade agreements concluded with non-EU countries.
It also provides for export refunds to be granted to some PAPs when market
disturbances occur (for example a collapse in world agricultural product prices
as a result of an abundant harvest).
European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry
and Entrepreneurship said:
"The food industry is the EU's biggest manufacturing sector in terms of
employment and added value.
Its trade regime is particularly important for the sector's growth and the
relevant rules needed to be simplified.
We therefore count on the forthcoming agreement of the Council for the final
adoption of the Regulation."
Today’s vote relates to a 2013 Commission proposal to adapt the legal
framework for the EU's trade regime for processed agricultural products to the
Lisbon Treaty, notably to its provisions on delegated and implementing acts.
The new regulation updates the legal framework for the implementation of
bilateral trade deals, in particular as regards preferential trade conditions
the EU concedes to trade partner countries in the form of reduced or zero import
duties and tariff quotas, in exchange for better market access conditions for EU
It also updates the legal framework for granting refunds for the export of
certain foodstuffs, creating a safety net which can be triggered in cases of
market disturbances such as strong fluctuations in world agricultural market
prices due to climate conditions or to speculation.
As a consequence, the regulation is expected to contribute to the efficient
achievement of the Common Agricultural Policy objectives and in particular to
stabilize markets, secure availability of supplies and provide consumers with
food at reasonable prices.
Next Steps
The Council is expected to approve the proposal on 14 April.
Following the adoption of this basic legal text, the Commission will shortly
adopt the necessary delegated and implementing acts to regulate in detail the
various issues included in the regulation (such as import licenses, import
duties, tariff quotas, export refunds, refund certificates, etc.).
These laws are of particular importance for the food manufacturing industry
which is by far the main user of EU-produced basic agricultural products like
sugar, milk, cereals and eggs.
The food and beverages industry is the Union’s largest manufacturing sector
in terms of value added and jobs.
289 000 companies, most of them of small or medium-sized, are involved.
Altogether they generate an annual turnover in excess of €1 trillion and employ
4.6 million people.
With imports worth €11.8 billion, the EU's trade balance in those products
amounted to €30 billion in 2012. This corresponds to an average yearly increase
of 13.2% since 2008.