Verso un vero spazio europeo di giustizia: più fiducia, mobilità e crescita
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Data documento: 11-03-2014
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Towards a true European area of Justice: Strengthening trust, mobility and growth
Verso un vero spazio europeo di giustizia:più fiducia, mobilità e crescita
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The European Commission has today outlined its vision for the future of EU justice policy.
La Commissione europea ha esposto oggi la sua visione della futura politica di giustizia dell’UE.
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Four years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty the construction of a European area of Justice has advanced in leaps and bounds.
Dall’entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona, quattro anni fa, l’Unione ha fatto passi da gigante verso la costruzione di uno spazio europeo di giustizia.
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The Commission has used legislation in the area of justice to cut red tape and costs for citizens and business, to drive economic recovery and to ease the practical life of citizens making use of their free movement rights.
La Commissione ha adottato norme nel settore della giustizia volte a ridurre la burocrazia e i costi per cittadini e imprese, favorire la ripresa economica e facilitare il diritto alla libera circolazione delle persone.
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The Commission's objective for the future is to make further progress towards a fully functioning common European area of justice based on trust, mobility and growth by 2020.
Il suo obiettivo per il futuro è progredire ulteriormente verso la realizzazione, entro il 2020, di uno spazio comune europeo di giustizia pienamente operativo basato sulla fiducia, la mobilità e la crescita.
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Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner said
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Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissaria per la Giustizia, ha dichiarato:
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"In the space of just a few years, justice policy has come into the limelight of European Union activity – comparable to the boost given to the single market in the 1990s.
«Nel giro di pochi anni, la politica di giustizia è salita alla ribalta dell’attività dell’Unione europea, un po’ come l’impulso dato al mercato unico negli anni ‘90.
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We have come a long way, but there is more to do to develop a true European area of Justice,
Abbiamo fatto molta strada, ma il cammino per sviluppare un vero spazio europeo di giustizia è ancora lungo.
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"Building bridges between the different justice systems means building trust.
Gettare ponti tra i diversi sistemi giudiziari significa costruire la fiducia.
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A truly European Area of Justice can only work optimally if there is trust in each other's justice systems.
La fiducia nei rispettivi sistemi giudiziari è indispensabile per il funzionamento ottimale di un vero spazio europeo di giustizia.
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We also have to focus on two other challenges:
Altre due sfide, tuttavia, richiedono attenzione:
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the mobility of EU citizens and business in an area without internal borders, and the contribution of EU justice policy to growth and job creation in Europe."
la mobilità di imprese e cittadini europei in uno spazio senza frontiere interne e il contributo della politica di giustizia dell’Unione alla crescita e all’occupazione.»
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The end of 2014 is a turning point in the development of EU Justice policy:
La fine dell’anno in corso sarà un momento decisivo per lo sviluppo della politica di giustizia dell’UE.
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the European Council's five-year Stockholm Programme and the related Commission Action Plan (IP/10/447) setting the priorities for the area of freedom, security and justice will come to an end on 1 December 2014.
Il 1° dicembre 2014, infatti, giungeranno al termine il programma di Stoccolma del Consiglio europeo, di durata quinquennale, e il relativo piano d’azione della Commissione (IP/10/447), che definisce le priorità per la creazione di uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia.
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So too, will the transitional phase set out in the Lisbon Treaty for the area of justice.
Alla stessa data si concluderà anche la fase transitoria prevista dal trattato di Lisbona per lo spazio di giustizia.
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This will lift current limitations to the judicial control by the European Court of Justice and to the Commission's role as Guardian of the Treaty over the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, meaning the Commission will have the power to launch infringement proceedings if EU law – previously agreed by Member States unanimously – has not been correctly implemented.
Dal 1° dicembre 2014, pertanto, non ci saranno più restrizioni al controllo giudiziario esercitato dalla Corte di giustizia europea e la Commissione avrà facoltà di avviare procedure d’infrazione in caso di recepimento non corretto degli strumenti legislativi approvati all’unanimità da parte degli Stati membri, svolgendo così liberamente il suo ruolo di custode dei trattati nel settore della cooperazione di polizia e giudiziaria in materia penale.
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The Commission's vision for the future of EU Justice policy was published today together with its future agenda in the area of Home Affairs (see IP/14/234). Both future agendas come in the form of a Communication.
La Commissione ha esposto oggi la sua visione della futura politica di giustizia dell’Unione, insieme al programma in materia di affari interni (IP/14/234), entrambi pubblicati sotto forma di comunicazione.
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In the justice area, the Commission identifies three key challenges:
Nel settore della giustizia la Commissione individua tre sfide fondamentali:
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enhancing mutual trust, facilitating mobility, and contributing to economic growth.
rafforzare la fiducia reciproca, agevolare la mobilità e contribuire alla crescita economica.
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- Trust.
- Fiducia.
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Mutual trust is the bedrock upon which EU justice policy should be built.
La fiducia reciproca è il fondamento su cui poggia la politica di giustizia europea.
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EU instruments such as the European Arrest Warrant or rules on conflict of laws issues between Member States require a high level of mutual trust between justice authorities from different Member States.
Strumenti quali il mandato d’arresto europeo e le norme sul conflitto di leggi esigono un grado elevato di fiducia reciproca tra le autorità giudiziarie dei diversi Stati membri.
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While the EU has laid important foundations for the promotion of mutual trust, it needs to be further strengthened to ensure that citizens, legal practitioners and judges fully trust judicial decisions irrespective of in which Member State they have been taken.
L’Unione ha posto solide basi per la promozione della fiducia reciproca, che deve tuttavia essere rafforzata affinché i cittadini, i giudici e tutti gli operatori della giustizia accordino piena fiducia alle sentenze, indipendentemente dallo Stato membro in cui vengono emesse.
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- Mobility.
- Mobilità.
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Europeans are increasingly using their right to free movement: they increasingly travel, study, marry, form a family, buy and sell products and services across borders in Europe.
Gli europei si avvalgono sempre più del diritto alla libera circolazione per viaggiare, studiare, sposarsi, mettere su famiglia, acquistare e vendere prodotti e servizi in altri paesi del vecchio continente.
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There are currently nearly 14 million EU citizens residing in a Member State of which they are not a national.
Attualmente sono circa 14 milioni i cittadini europei che risiedono in uno Stato membro diverso dal proprio paese di origine.
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Even though citizens increasingly use their rights, they still face some practical and legal difficulties when they try to exercise the rights they have at home in another Member State.
E, anche se il loro numero cresce, sussistono ancora difficoltà di ordine pratico e giuridico da rimuovere affinché possano esercitare pienamente in tutta l’UE gli stessi diritti di cui godono nel paese di provenienza.
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The Commission is tackling such daily obstacles:
La Commissione è all’opera per eliminare questi ostacoli, in cui i cittadini continuano a imbattersi quotidianamente:
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in its most recent EU Citizenship report, it has for example proposed 12 actions to strengthen citizens' rights (IP/13/410 and MEMO/13/409).
nella relazione sulla cittadinanza europea pubblicata di recente, ad esempio, ha proposto 12 azioni per rafforzare i diritti dei cittadini (IP/13/410 e MEMO/13/409).
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Justice policy should continue, as a priority, to remove obstacles to EU citizens exercising their right to move freely and live in any EU country.
La politica di giustizia deve continuare a concentrarsi, in modo prioritario, sulla rimozione degli ostacoli che impediscono ai cittadini europei di esercitare il diritto di circolare liberamente e vivere in qualsiasi paese dell’UE.
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- Growth.
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Over the past years, justice policies have been mobilised to support companies, growth and economic stability by improving access to justice and facilitating the resolution of disputes.
Negli ultimi anni le politiche di giustizia sono state indirizzate a sostegno di imprese, crescita e stabilità, migliorando l’accesso alla giustizia e semplificando la risoluzione delle controversie.
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Making sure a judgement given in one Member State can be recognised in another Member State without bureaucratic procedures (IP/12/1321);
Alcuni esempi di politiche che vanno in tal senso sono la soppressione delle procedure burocratiche per il riconoscimento delle sentenze in un altro paese dell’Unione (IP/12/1321);
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proposing an optional European Sales Law which businesses can chose to do business in 28 EU countries (MEMO/14/137);
la proposta di creare un diritto europeo della vendita che le
imprese possano applicare volontariamente alle transazioni nei 28 Stati
membri (MEMO/14/137);
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a modern data protection law for the digital Single Market (MEMO/14/60) and taking steps towards a "rescue and recovery culture" on cross-border insolvency (IP/12/1354), are just some of the examples.
una legge moderna sulla protezione dei dati per il mercato unico digitale (MEMO/14/60) e la progressione verso una “cultura europea del salvataggio” per quanto riguarda l’insolvenza transfrontaliera (IP/12/1354).
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In future, EU justice policy should continue to support economic recovery, growth and tackling unemployment.
La futura politica di giustizia dell’UE dovrà continuare a sostenere la ripresa economica, la crescita e l’occupazione.
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Structural reforms are needed to ensure that justice systems can deliver swift, reliable and trustworthy justice.
Perché la giustizia sia rapida, affidabile e attendibile sono necessarie riforme strutturali.
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Businesses need to be confident that they will be able to enforce contracts and handle litigation effectively throughout the EU, without encountering the hurdles they still confront today.
Le imprese devono poter contare su una gestione efficace delle controversie ed essere certe di riuscire a far rispettare i contratti in tutta l’Unione, senza imbattersi negli ostacoli tutt’ora presenti.
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To address these challenges, the Commission proposes to base future EU justice policy on a combination of different methods:
Per affrontare queste sfide, la Commissione propone di basare la futura politica di giustizia dell’UE su una combinazione di metodi:
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consolidating what has been achieved, codifying EU law and practice where necessary and complementing, where appropriate, the existing framework with new initiatives.
consolidare i risultati raggiunti, codificare la normativa e le prassi dell’Unione laddove necessario e integrare, se del caso, il quadro esistente con nuove iniziative.
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A case-by-case analysis and impact assessments will be needed to decide on the best approach in each area.
Per scegliere l’approccio più adatto a ciascun settore, sarà necessario considerare ogni singolo caso e condurre valutazioni d’impatto.
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- Consolidation is for example needed to make sure effective remedies and independent national enforcement authorities exist to turn rights into reality on the ground; to train judges and legal practitioners so they become real "Union law judges"; and to improve the use of information technology in courts, judicial and extra-judicial proceedings.
- Il consolidamento, ad esempio, è necessario perché i diritti si traducano in realtà grazie a mezzi di ricorso efficaci e all’indipendenza delle autorità nazionali incaricate dell’applicazione della legge, per formare i giudici e tutti gli operatori della giustizia affinché si pongano realmente al servizio del diritto dell’Unione e per migliorare l’uso delle tecnologie informatiche nei tribunali, nei procedimenti giudiziari e in quelli extragiudiziari.
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- Codification of existing EU legislation and European Court case law could be considered in the area of consumer legislation or procedural rights for suspects of crime – streamlining the existing framework and making rights more easily accessible to citizens and businesses.
- La codificazione della normativa unionale esistente e della giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia potrebbe essere la soluzione migliore per le norme sui consumatori o sui diritti procedurali degli indiziati nei procedimenti penali. Grazie alla codificazione, il quadro esistente risulterebbe semplificato e cittadini e imprese avrebbero un più facile accesso ai loro diritti.
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- Complementing existing justice policies and legal instruments should always be done with the purpose of enhancing mutual trust, facilitating the life of citizens and further contributing to growth.
- L’integrazione degli strumenti giuridici e delle politiche esistenti in materia di giustizia dovrebbe sempre tendere a rafforzare la fiducia reciproca, semplificare la vita dei cittadini e contribuire ulteriormente alla crescita.
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The approaches to be chosen can include mutual recognition, traditional harmonisation and harmonised optional substantive or procedural law, for example.
Gli approcci possibili comprendono il riconoscimento reciproco, il tradizionale metodo dell’armonizzazione e l’armonizzazione del diritto sostanziale o processuale facoltativo.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The European Parliament and the Council have already held discussions on the future of EU justice policies.
Il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio hanno già discusso del futuro della politica di giustizia europea.
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The College of Commissioners held an orientation debate on 25 February.
Il 25 febbraio si è svolto un dibattito orientativo del collegio dei commissari.
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The Commission Communication adopted today will feed into further discussions, notably those of the European Council on 24 June.
La comunicazione adottata oggi dalla Commissione alimenterà ulteriori discussioni, in particolare in occasione del Consiglio europeo del 24 giugno.
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EU Justice Policy has undergone profound changes in the past few years.
La politica di giustizia dell’UE ha subito un cambiamento radicale negli ultimi anni.
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It was only in 2010, with the start of the mandate of the current Commission, that a justice portfolio was created.
Il portafoglio Giustizia è stato creato solo nel 2010, all’inizio del mandato dell’attuale Commissione.
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Since then, the Commission has brought forward more than 50 initiatives in this area, delivering 95% of the Stockholm Programme and laying the building blocks of a true European area of Freedom, Justice and Security at the service of Europe's citizens – one of the EU's key objectives as stated in the Treaty of Lisbon.
Da allora, la Commissione ha presentato oltre 50 iniziative in questo settore, realizzando il 95% delle misure previste dal programma di Stoccolma e gettando le basi per un vero e proprio spazio europeo di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia al servizio dei cittadini europei, uno degli obiettivi fondamentali dell’UE enunciati nel trattato di Lisbona.
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Major steps have been taken in just a few years:
Nell’arco di pochi anni sono stati fatti grandi progressi:
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New EU rights for victims of crime (IP/12/1200), stronger fair trial rights for suspects in criminal proceedings (IP/12/575, IP/13/995, IP/13/921) and easier recognition of judgements (IP/12/1321) have improved access to justice, while Commission proposals on personal data protection are set to bolster fundamental rights and the digital Single Market (MEMO/14/60).
i nuovi diritti europei per le vittime di reato (IP/12/1200), il rafforzamento del diritto a un processo equo per gli indiziati nei procedimenti penali (IP/12/575, IP/13/995 e IP/13/921) e la semplificazione del riconoscimento delle sentenze (IP/12/1321) hanno migliorato l’accesso alla giustizia, mentre le proposte della Commissione sulla protezione dei dati personali mirano a consolidare i diritti fondamentali e il mercato unico digitale (MEMO/14/60).
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The Commission also initiated the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office to make sure every euro in the EU budget can be used for its purposes and is protected from criminals (MEMO/14/124).
La Commissione ha inoltre avviato l’istituzione di una Procura europea per far sì che ogni singolo euro del bilancio dell’UE sia speso correttamente e non finisca nelle tasche di criminali (MEMO/14/124).
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Moreover, initiatives like the EU Justice Scoreboard (IP/13/285) have highlighted how crucial effective justice systems and policies are for economic growth.
Inoltre, iniziative come il quadro di valutazione europeo della giustizia (IP/13/285) hanno messo in luce quanto l’efficacia dei sistemi giudiziari sia importante per la crescita economica.
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Last November, the European Commission organised the "Assises de la Justice" conference (IP/13/1117), bringing together judges, lawyers, scholars, policy makers and business representatives from across Europe to debate about the future of justice policies.
Lo scorso novembre la Commissione europea ha organizzato la conferenza “Assises de la Justice” (IP/13/1117), sulla futura politica di giustizia, che ha riunito giudici, avvocati, studiosi, responsabili politici e rappresentanti delle imprese di tutta Europa.
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In January 2014, a similar conference was organised to discuss future EU home affairs policies.
Nel gennaio 2014 si è svolta una conferenza simile sulle future politiche dell’UE in materia di affari interni. |
Towards a true European area of Justice: Strengthening trust, mobility and
The European Commission has today outlined its vision for the future of EU
justice policy.
Four years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty the construction
of a European area of Justice has advanced in leaps and bounds.
The Commission has used legislation in the area of justice to cut red tape
and costs for citizens and business, to drive economic recovery and to ease the
practical life of citizens making use of their free movement rights.
The Commission's objective for the future is to make further progress towards
a fully functioning common European area of justice based on trust, mobility and
growth by 2020.
Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner said
"In the space of just a few years, justice policy has come into the limelight
of European Union activity – comparable to the boost given to the single market
in the 1990s.
We have come a long way, but there is more to do to develop a true European
area of Justice,
"Building bridges between the different justice systems means building trust.
A truly European Area of Justice can only work optimally if there is trust in
each other's justice systems.
We also have to focus on two other challenges:
the mobility of EU citizens and business in an area without internal borders,
and the contribution of EU justice policy to growth and job creation in Europe."
The end of 2014 is a turning point in the development of EU Justice policy:
the European Council's five-year Stockholm Programme and the related
Commission Action Plan (IP/10/447) setting the priorities for the area of
freedom, security and justice will come to an end on 1 December 2014.
So too, will the transitional phase set out in the Lisbon Treaty for the area
of justice.
This will lift current limitations to the judicial control by the European
Court of Justice and to the Commission's role as Guardian of the Treaty over the
area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, meaning the
Commission will have the power to launch infringement proceedings if EU law –
previously agreed by Member States unanimously – has not been correctly
The Commission's vision for the future of EU Justice policy was published
today together with its future agenda in the area of Home Affairs (see
IP/14/234). Both future agendas come in the form of a Communication.
In the justice area, the Commission identifies three key challenges:
enhancing mutual trust, facilitating mobility, and contributing to economic
- Trust.
Mutual trust is the bedrock upon which EU justice policy should be built.
EU instruments such as the European Arrest Warrant or rules on conflict of
laws issues between Member States require a high level of mutual trust between
justice authorities from different Member States.
While the EU has laid important foundations for the promotion of mutual
trust, it needs to be further strengthened to ensure that citizens, legal
practitioners and judges fully trust judicial decisions irrespective of in which
Member State they have been taken.
- Mobility.
Europeans are increasingly using their right to free movement: they
increasingly travel, study, marry, form a family, buy and sell products and
services across borders in Europe.
There are currently nearly 14 million EU citizens residing in a Member State
of which they are not a national.
Even though citizens increasingly use their rights, they still face some
practical and legal difficulties when they try to exercise the rights they have
at home in another Member State.
The Commission is tackling such daily obstacles:
in its most recent EU Citizenship report, it has for example proposed 12
actions to strengthen citizens' rights (IP/13/410 and MEMO/13/409).
Justice policy should continue, as a priority, to remove obstacles to EU
citizens exercising their right to move freely and live in any EU country.
- Growth.
Over the past years, justice policies have been mobilised to support
companies, growth and economic stability by improving access to justice and
facilitating the resolution of disputes.
Making sure a judgement given in one Member State can be recognised in
another Member State without bureaucratic procedures (IP/12/1321);
proposing an optional European Sales Law which businesses can chose to do
business in 28 EU countries (MEMO/14/137);
a modern data protection law for the digital Single Market (MEMO/14/60) and
taking steps towards a "rescue and recovery culture" on cross-border insolvency
(IP/12/1354), are just some of the examples.
In future, EU justice policy should continue to support economic recovery,
growth and tackling unemployment.
Structural reforms are needed to ensure that justice systems can deliver
swift, reliable and trustworthy justice.
Businesses need to be confident that they will be able to enforce contracts
and handle litigation effectively throughout the EU, without encountering the
hurdles they still confront today.
To address these challenges, the Commission proposes to base future EU
justice policy on a combination of different methods:
consolidating what has been achieved, codifying EU law and practice where
necessary and complementing, where appropriate, the existing framework with new
A case-by-case analysis and impact assessments will be needed to decide on
the best approach in each area.
- Consolidation is for example needed to make sure effective remedies and
independent national enforcement authorities exist to turn rights into reality
on the ground; to train judges and legal practitioners so they become real
"Union law judges"; and to improve the use of information technology in courts,
judicial and extra-judicial proceedings.
- Codification of existing EU legislation and European Court case law could
be considered in the area of consumer legislation or procedural rights for
suspects of crime – streamlining the existing framework and making rights more
easily accessible to citizens and businesses.
- Complementing existing justice policies and legal instruments should always
be done with the purpose of enhancing mutual trust, facilitating the life of
citizens and further contributing to growth.
The approaches to be chosen can include mutual recognition, traditional
harmonisation and harmonised optional substantive or procedural law, for
Next steps
The European Parliament and the Council have already held discussions on the
future of EU justice policies.
The College of Commissioners held an orientation debate on 25 February.
The Commission Communication adopted today will feed into further
discussions, notably those of the European Council on 24 June.
EU Justice Policy has undergone profound changes in the past few years.
It was only in 2010, with the start of the mandate of the current Commission,
that a justice portfolio was created.
Since then, the Commission has brought forward more than 50 initiatives in
this area, delivering 95% of the Stockholm Programme and laying the building
blocks of a true European area of Freedom, Justice and Security at the service
of Europe's citizens – one of the EU's key objectives as stated in the Treaty of
Major steps have been taken in just a few years:
New EU rights for victims of crime (IP/12/1200), stronger fair trial rights
for suspects in criminal proceedings (IP/12/575, IP/13/995, IP/13/921) and
easier recognition of judgements (IP/12/1321) have improved access to justice,
while Commission proposals on personal data protection are set to bolster
fundamental rights and the digital Single Market (MEMO/14/60).
The Commission also initiated the establishment of a European Public
Prosecutor's Office to make sure every euro in the EU budget can be used for its
purposes and is protected from criminals (MEMO/14/124).
Moreover, initiatives like the EU Justice Scoreboard (IP/13/285) have
highlighted how crucial effective justice systems and policies are for economic
Last November, the European Commission organised the "Assises de la Justice"
conference (IP/13/1117), bringing together judges, lawyers, scholars, policy
makers and business representatives from across Europe to debate about the
future of justice policies.
In January 2014, a similar conference was organised to discuss future EU home
affairs policies.