Siglato tra UE e Tunisia un partenariato per la mobilità
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Data documento: o3-03-2014
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EU and Tunisia establish their Mobility Partnership
Siglato tra UE e Tunisia un partenariato per la mobilità
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Tunisia and the EU today formally established a Mobility Partnership. A joint declaration was signed by Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Mr Tahar Cherif, Tunisian Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, and the Ministers of the ten EU Member States involved in the Partnership:
La Tunisia e l'Unione europea hanno sancito oggi un partenariato per la mobilità con una dichiarazione congiunta firmata da Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria europea per gli Affari interni, da Tahar Cherif, Ambasciatore di Tunisia presso il Belgio e l'Unione europea, e dai ministri dei dieci Stati membri dell'UE che partecipano al partenariato:
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Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Belgio, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Italia, Regno Unito, Polonia, Portogallo, Spagna e Svezia.
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‘This Mobility Partnership aims to facilitate the movement of people between the EU and Tunisia and to promote a common and responsible management of existing migratory flows, including by simplifying procedures for granting visas.
«Con questo accordo abbiamo voluto agevolare la circolazione delle persone tra l'UE e la Tunisia e promuovere una gestione comune e responsabile dei flussi migratori, soprattutto semplificando le procedure per il rilascio del visti.
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The EU will also support the Tunisian authorities in their efforts in the field of asylum, with a view to establishing a system for protecting refugees and asylum-seekers.
Nel quadro del partenariato l'UE sosterrà inoltre gli sforzi delle autorità tunisine impegnate sul fronte dell'asilo, nella prospettiva di istituire un sistema di protezione dei rifugiati e dei richiedenti asilo. |
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Through this Partnership, the EU and Tunisia will not only develop their bilateral relations in the fields of migration, mobility and security, but will cooperate together to better meet the challenges faced in the Mediterranean’, said Ms Malmström in the margins of the Home Affairs Council in Brussels.
E sempre in questo contesto l'UE e la Tunisia non solo svilupperanno le relazioni reciproche nei settori della migrazione, della mobilità e della sicurezza, ma coopereranno anche per affrontare al meglio le sfide nel Mediterraneo», ha spiegato Cecilia Malmström a margine del Consiglio Affari interni a Bruxelles.
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One of the initiatives that will come out of the implementation of the Partnership is that the EU and Tunisia will begin negotiations on an agreement to facilitate the procedures for issuing visas.
Una delle prime conseguenze dell'attuazione del partenariato sarà l'avvio dei negoziati tra UE e Tunisia per la conclusione di un accordo di facilitazione del visto.
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One objective of the Partnership is to improve the information available to qualified Tunisian citizens on employment, education and training opportunities available in the EU and also to make mutual recognition of professional and university qualifications easier.
Il partenariato mira anche a migliorare l'informazione dei cittadini tunisini che hanno le qualifiche richieste in merito alle offerte di lavoro, di studio e formazione disponibili nell'UE, oltre a facilitare il riconoscimento reciproco delle qualifiche professionali e dei titoli accademici.
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The EU and Tunisia are committed to encouraging better integration of Tunisian nationals legally living in the EU and of migrants legally living in Tunisia.
L'UE e la Tunisia si sono impegnate ad agevolare l'integrazione dei cittadini tunisini in situazione regolare nell'UE e dei migranti in situazione regolare in Tunisia.
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They have also made a series of commitments to maximise the impact of migration on development, especially by strengthening the role of Tunisian communities abroad involved in the development of Tunisia.
Per giunta hanno assunto tutta una serie di altri impegni per ottimizzare l'impatto della migrazione sullo sviluppo, soprattutto rafforzando il ruolo delle comunità tunisine all'estero nello sviluppo del paese.
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On the subject of irregular migration, besides opening negotiations on an agreement for the readmission of irregular migrants, the EU and Tunisia also promised better cooperation to prevent human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants and to improve the security of identity and travel documents and border management.
Sul fronte della migrazione irregolare, oltre ad avviare i negoziati per un accordo di riammissione dei migranti irregolari, l'UE e la Tunisia hanno assunto l'impegno di cooperare meglio per combattere la tratta di esseri umani e il traffico di migranti, accrescere la sicurezza dei documenti di identità e di viaggio e migliorare la gestione delle frontiere.
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As part of this Partnership, Tunisia and the EU will also work together to support the establishment and strengthening of the Tunisian authorities that will be responsible for identifying those migrants on their territory who are eligible for international protection, processing their asylum applications, applying the principle of ‘non-refoulement’ to them and providing them with lasting protection arrangements.
Nel quadro del partenariato la Tunisia e l'UE lavoreranno gomito a gomito anche per sostenere l'istituzione e il potenziamento delle autorità tunisine cui sarà affidato il compito di identificare, fra i migranti presenti in Tunisia, i potenziali beneficiari di protezione internazionale, esaminare le domande di asilo, applicare il principio di non refoulement e prospettare soluzioni di protezione durature.
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Background and key figures
Contesto e cifre
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The EU and Tunisia began a Dialogue on Migration, Mobility and Security in October 2011.
L'UE e la Tunisia hanno avviato un dialogo sulla migrazione, la mobilità e la sicurezza nell'ottobre 2011.
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And negotiations on the Political Declaration for the EU-Tunisia Mobility Partnership were finalised on 13 November 2013.
I negoziati sulla dichiarazione politica del partenariato per la mobilità si sono conclusi il 13 novembre 2013.
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The Mobility Partnership with Tunisia is the second of its kind with a country bordering the Mediterranean, following the signature of the first such Partnership with Morocco in June 2013.
Quello con la Tunisia è il secondo partenariato per la mobilità concluso con un paese dell'altra sponda del Mediterraneo dopo il partenariato con il Marocco del giugno 2013. |
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It follows those entered into with the Republic of Moldova and Cape Verde in 2008, with Georgia in 2009, with Armenia in 2011 and with Azerbaijan in 2013.
E viene ad aggiungersi agli accordi con la Repubblica di Moldova e il Capo Verde del 2008, con la Georgia del 2009, con l'Armenia del 2011 e con l'Azerbaigian del 2013.
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Negotiations for a similar agreement are also in progress with Jordan.
Sono in corso negoziati analoghi anche con la Giordania.
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Mobility Partnerships provide a flexible and non-legally binding framework for ensuring that the movement of people between the EU and a third country can be managed effectively.They form part of the global migration approach developed by the EU in recent years (IP/11/1369 and MEMO/11/800).
I partenariati per la mobilità costituiscono un quadro flessibile, giuridicamente non vincolante, per una buona gestione della circolazione delle persone tra l'UE e un paese terzo e rientrano nell'ambito dell'attuazione dell'approccio globale messo a punto dall'UE negli ultimi anni (IP/11/1369 e MEMO/11/800).
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125 594 requests for Schengen visas were submitted to consulates of Schengen countries in Tunisia in 2012, an increase of 14% over the figure for 2010.
Nel 2012 le domande di visto presentate ai consolati degli Stati Schengen in Tunisia sono state ben 125 594, il 14% in più rispetto al 2010.
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France receives the most visa requests (81 180), followed by Italy and Germany with around 10 000 requests each.
La Francia è lo Stato membro che ha ricevuto il maggior numero di domande (81 180), seguita dall'Italia e dalla Germania con circa 10 000 domande ciascuna.
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According to Eurostat data on residence permits, 343 963 Tunisian nationals were legally resident in the EU in 2012, over half of them in France (185 010), with 122 438 living in Italy and 20 421 in Germany. |
Stando ai dati Eurostat relativi ai permessi di soggiorno, i cittadini tunisini che soggiornano legalmente nell'Unione erano 343 963 a fine 2012, oltre la metà dei quali in Francia (185 010) e, a seguire, in Italia (122 438) e in Germania (20 421). |
EU and Tunisia establish their Mobility Partnership
Tunisia and the EU today formally established a Mobility Partnership. A joint
declaration was signed by Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs,
Mr Tahar Cherif, Tunisian Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, and the
Ministers of the ten EU Member States involved in the Partnership:
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and
the United Kingdom.
‘This Mobility Partnership aims to facilitate the movement of people between
the EU and Tunisia and to promote a common and responsible management of
existing migratory flows, including by simplifying procedures for granting
The EU will also support the Tunisian authorities in their efforts in the
field of asylum, with a view to establishing a system for protecting refugees
and asylum-seekers.
Through this Partnership, the EU and Tunisia will not only develop their
bilateral relations in the fields of migration, mobility and security, but will
cooperate together to better meet the challenges faced in the Mediterranean’,
said Ms Malmström in the margins of the Home Affairs Council in Brussels.
One of the initiatives that will come out of the implementation of the
Partnership is that the EU and Tunisia will begin negotiations on an agreement
to facilitate the procedures for issuing visas.
One objective of the Partnership is to improve the information available to
qualified Tunisian citizens on employment, education and training opportunities
available in the EU and also to make mutual recognition of professional and
university qualifications easier.
The EU and Tunisia are committed to encouraging better integration of
Tunisian nationals legally living in the EU and of migrants legally living in
They have also made a series of commitments to maximise the impact of
migration on development, especially by strengthening the role of Tunisian
communities abroad involved in the development of Tunisia.
On the subject of irregular migration, besides opening negotiations on an
agreement for the readmission of irregular migrants, the EU and Tunisia also
promised better cooperation to prevent human trafficking and the smuggling of
migrants and to improve the security of identity and travel documents and border
As part of this Partnership, Tunisia and the EU will also work together to
support the establishment and strengthening of the Tunisian authorities that
will be responsible for identifying those migrants on their territory who are
eligible for international protection, processing their asylum applications,
applying the principle of ‘non-refoulement’ to them and providing them with
lasting protection arrangements.
Background and key figures
The EU and Tunisia began a Dialogue on Migration, Mobility and Security in
October 2011.
And negotiations on the Political Declaration for the EU-Tunisia Mobility
Partnership were finalised on 13 November 2013.
The Mobility Partnership with Tunisia is the second of its kind with a
country bordering the Mediterranean, following the signature of the first such
Partnership with Morocco in June 2013.
It follows those entered into with the Republic of Moldova and Cape Verde in
2008, with Georgia in 2009, with Armenia in 2011 and with Azerbaijan in 2013.
Negotiations for a similar agreement are also in progress with Jordan.
Mobility Partnerships provide a flexible and non-legally binding framework
for ensuring that the movement of people between the EU and a third country can
be managed effectively.They form part of the global migration approach developed
by the EU in recent years (IP/11/1369 and MEMO/11/800).
125 594 requests for Schengen visas were submitted to consulates of Schengen
countries in Tunisia in 2012, an increase of 14% over the figure for 2010.
France receives the most visa requests (81 180), followed by Italy and
Germany with around 10 000 requests each.
According to Eurostat data on residence permits, 343 963 Tunisian nationals
were legally resident in the EU in 2012, over half of them in France (185 010),
with 122 438 living in Italy and 20 421 in Germany.