Un'agenda per il settore europeo della difesa
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Data documento: 03-03-2014
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Setting the agenda for the European defence sector
Un'agenda per il settore europeo della difesa
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The rapidly changing international economic situation and constantly emerging new security concerns mean that the European defence industry must transform itself if it is to be capable of maintaining the security of the EU in the years to come.
Il rapido evolversi della situazione economica internazionale e il continuo manifestarsi di nuove sollecitudini sul piano della sicurezza fa sì che l'industria europea della difesa è costretta a trasformarsi per poter tutelare la sicurezza dell'UE negli anni a venire.
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In this context, Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship and Michel Barnier, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services will co-host a high-level conference on the defence industry and markets in Brussels on Tuesday, 4 March.
In tale contesto, Antonio Tajani, vicepresidente della Commissione e responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, e Michel Barnier, Commissario responsabile per il Mercato interno e i servizi, ospiteranno congiuntamente la conferenza e raccoglieranno i punti di vista dei partecipanti sul futuro dell'industria e del mercato della difesa europei
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European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, will open the conference the key objective of which is to work with the defence community to identify the best ways to implement the actions set out in the recent Commission Communication on defence, in the light of the European Council Conclusions adopted in December 2013.
José Manuel Barroso, Presidente della Commissione europea, inaugurerà oggi una conferenza ad alto livello sull'industria e sui mercati della difesa. L'obiettivo principale della conferenza è una concertazione con la comunità della difesa per stabilire come attuare al meglio le azioni delineate nella recente Comunicazione della Commissione in materia di difesa, alla luce delle Conclusioni del Consiglio europeo adottate nel dicembre 2013.
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The critical issue for the Commission is how to ensure that the defence sector, which is a pioneer in innovation and makes a significant contribution to the wider economy, continues to deliver world-class technologies and products in support of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy.
Per la Commissione è cruciale individuare il modo per assicurare che il settore della difesa, il quale è un pioniere dell'innovazione e reca un contributo significativo all'economia generale, continui a produrre tecnologie e prodotti di livello mondiale a sostegno della politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune dell'UE.
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Four working sessions will focus on different aspects of this contribution, ranging from industrial policy and the Single Market to SME policy tools and Research and Innovation.
Quattro sessioni di lavoro saranno consacrate ai diversi capitoli in cui può configurarsi tale contributo, dalla politica industriale e dal mercato interno agli strumenti di politica per le PMI e alla ricerca e innovazione.
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Conference attendees will come from across the EU defence sector, including high-level representatives from national administrations, the armed forces, the defence and security industries and international organisations.
I partecipanti alla conferenza proverranno dai diversi rami del settore della difesa nell'UE, compresi rappresentanti ad alto livello delle amministrazioni nazionali, delle forze armate, delle industrie della difesa e della sicurezza e di organizzazioni internazionali.
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The European defence industry faces a number of challenges including reduced defence procurement budgets, falling investment in defence research and development (R&D), and fragmented markets within the EU.
L'industria europea della difesa si trova ad affrontare diverse sfide tra cui quella rappresentata dai tagli ai bilanci per gli approvvigionamenti della difesa, dalla riduzione degli investimenti nella ricerca e sviluppo (R&S) nel campo della difesa e dalla frammentazione dei mercati all'interno dell'UE.
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In addition, many European companies face increased competition from companies based in emerging markets where investment in defence procurement and R&D is growing;
Inoltre, molte imprese europee si trovano ad affrontare la crescente concorrenza delle imprese basate nei mercati emergenti in cui sono in aumento gli investimenti negli approvvigionamenti della difesa e nella R&S:
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in 2008 the combined defence R&D spending of Brazil, Russia, India and China was equal to that of the UK, France and Germany but now it is more than double.
nel 2008 la spesa combinata per la R&S nel campo della difesa di Brasile, Russia, India e Cina era pari a quella del Regno Unito, della Francia e della Germania, ma ora rappresenta quasi il doppio. |
Setting the agenda for the European defence sector
The rapidly changing international economic situation and constantly emerging
new security concerns mean that the European defence industry must transform
itself if it is to be capable of maintaining the security of the EU in the years
to come.
In this context, Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship and Michel Barnier, Commissioner for Internal
Market and Services will co-host a high-level conference on the defence industry
and markets in Brussels on Tuesday, 4 March.
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, will open the conference
the key objective of which is to work with the defence community to identify the
best ways to implement the actions set out in the recent Commission
Communication on defence, in the light of the European Council Conclusions
adopted in December 2013.
The critical issue for the Commission is how to ensure that the defence
sector, which is a pioneer in innovation and makes a significant contribution to
the wider economy, continues to deliver world-class technologies and products in
support of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy.
Four working sessions will focus on different aspects of this contribution,
ranging from industrial policy and the Single Market to SME policy tools and
Research and Innovation.
Conference attendees will come from across the EU defence sector, including
high-level representatives from national administrations, the armed forces, the
defence and security industries and international organisations.
The European defence industry faces a number of challenges including reduced
defence procurement budgets, falling investment in defence research and
development (R&D), and fragmented markets within the EU.
In addition, many European companies face increased competition from
companies based in emerging markets where investment in defence procurement and
R&D is growing;
in 2008 the combined defence R&D spending of Brazil, Russia, India and China
was equal to that of the UK, France and Germany but now it is more than double.