Messaggio di congratulazioni del Presidente Barroso al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Matteo Renzi
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Data documento: 25-02-2014
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Message of congratulations of President Barroso to the new Prime Minister of Italy, Mr Matteo Renzi
Messaggio di congratulazioni del Presidente Barroso al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Matteo Renzi
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"Prime Minister,
"Caro Presidente,
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On behalf of the European Commission I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister and on the formation of the new Government, which has received Parliament’s full confidence.
A nome della Commissione europea, mi congratulo con Lei per la Sua nomina a Presidente del Consiglio e per la formazione del nuovo governo al quale il Parlamento ha dato piena fiducia.
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Your government takes office in the run up to two events of particular importance to the European Union and to Italy:
L'inizio delle attività del Suo governo precede due momenti di particolare importanza per l’Unione europea e per l’Italia:
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the election of the European Parliament in May, and the Italian presidency of the Council, which begins in July.
il rinnovo del parlamento europeo a maggio e la presidenza italiana del consiglio a partire dal prossimo luglio.
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In the speech you have made setting out your programme of government I am happy to see your commitment to the economic, monetary and political integration of the European Union, and I have every confidence in the contribution that the Italian government will be making towards the measures necessary to revive growth and employment.
Mi rallegro per l'impegno che ho colto nel suo discorso programmatico volto alla continuazione del processo di integrazione economica, monetaria e politica dell'Unione europea e confido nel contributo del governo italiano per attuare le misure necessarie al rilancio della crescita e dell’occupazione.
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I am convinced that relations between the new government and the European Commission will be fruitful and constructive, underpinned as they are by your country’s tradition of promoting our common founding values.
Sono personalmente convinto che le relazioni tra il nuovo governo e la Commissione europea saranno fruttuose e costruttive nonché improntate, come è del resto tradizione del Suo paese, alla promozione dei nostri comuni valori fondanti.
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I wish you every success in your new and weighty responsibilities." |
Le auguro grande successo nella Sua nuova, alta responsabilità." |
Message of congratulations of President Barroso to the new Prime Minister
of Italy, Mr Matteo Renzi
"Prime Minister,
On behalf of the European Commission I would like to congratulate you on your
appointment as Prime Minister and on the formation of the new Government, which
has received Parliament’s full confidence.
Your government takes office in the run up to two events of particular
importance to the European Union and to Italy:
the election of the European Parliament in May, and the Italian presidency of
the Council, which begins in July.
In the speech you have made setting out your programme of government I am
happy to see your commitment to the economic, monetary and political integration
of the European Union, and I have every confidence in the contribution that the
Italian government will be making towards the measures necessary to revive
growth and employment.
I am convinced that relations between the new government and the European
Commission will be fruitful and constructive, underpinned as they are by your
country’s tradition of promoting our common founding values.
I wish you every success in your new and weighty responsibilities."