Cooperazione industriale: un incontro euro-mediterraneo
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Data documento: 19-02-2014
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Industrial cooperation: Euro-Mediterranean meeting
Cooperazione industriale: un incontro euro-mediterraneo
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Over the past five years, throughout the southern Mediterranean there has been some progress in policy creation and implementation to support businesses, as well as business success stories - in spite of the considerable political and economic turmoil experienced by the region.
Nell'ultimo quinquennio lungo le coste meridionali del Mediterraneo si sono registrati alcuni progressi sul piano della creazione e dell'attuazione di strategie a sostegno delle imprese e si danno anche casi di imprese che hanno ottenuto successi nonostante i sommovimenti politici ed economici che hanno attraversato la regione.
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This afternoon in Brussels the Union for the Mediterranean will hold its ninth ministerial meeting on Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation, with the aim of enhancing support for SMEs and well as further developing its ultimate ambition to create a Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area.
Questo pomeriggio a Bruxelles l'Unione per il Mediterraneo terrà la sua nona riunione ministeriale in tema di cooperazione industriale euro-mediterranea col fine di accrescere il sostegno alle PMI e di compiere ulteriori progressi verso la sua più grande ambizione, la creazione di una zona di libero scambio euro-mediterranea.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani will represent the EU and co-chair the meeting with Jordan's Minister for Industry & Trade, Hatem Hafez Al-Halawani Al-Tamimi.
Antonio Tajani, vicepresidente della Commissione europea, rappresenterà l'UE e presiederà la riunione unitamente a Hatem Hafez Al-Halawani Al-Tamimi, ministro dell'industria e del commercio della Giordania.
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More than 30 Euro-Med countries and partners will be represented, most of them at ministerial level.
Saranno rappresentati più di 30 paesi e partner euro-med, la maggior parte dei quali a livello ministeriale.
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In addition, international and national business associations as well as international organizations will contribute to the debate.
Al dibattito contribuiranno inoltre associazioni imprenditoriali a livello internazionale e nazionale e organizzazioni internazionali.
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The findings of an assessment of the business climate in the Mediterranean neighbour countries will be presented, a work programme for 2014-2015 will be discussed and a declaration to continue to develop EU-Med business will be endorsed by the ministers.
Verranno presentati i risultati di una valutazione del contesto imprenditoriale nei paesi viciniori del Mediterraneo, si discuterà un programma di lavoro per il 2014-2015 e i ministri sottoscriveranno una dichiarazione finalizzata a portare avanti gli scambi UE-Med.
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Assessment of the Mediterranean business climate
Valutazione del contesto imprenditoriale mediterraneo
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A country's business climate is key to its success.
Il contesto imprenditoriale di un paese è la chiave del suo successo.
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More productive and efficient enterprises fuel economic growth.
Imprese più produttive ed efficienti alimentano la crescita economica.
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They also create demand for skilled labour and generate better paid jobs, with salaries linked to productivity increases.
Esse creano la domanda di manodopera qualificata e generano posti di lavoro meglio retribuiti in cui i salari sono correlati agli aumenti di produttività.
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These enterprises are also a source of value-added, contributing through taxation to provide the resources needed for developing an efficient public administration and sustain public investment in areas such as infrastructure, health and education.
Queste imprese sono anche fonte di valore aggiunto in quanto contribuiscono, attraverso la tassazione, a fornire le risorse necessarie per sviluppare un'amministrazione pubblica efficiente e a sostenere gli investimenti pubblici in ambiti come le infrastrutture, la sanità e l'istruzione.
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The 2013 assessment of the Mediterranean business climate found that while there has been progress in SME policy elaboration and implementation it has been modest, incremental and uneven across economies and dimensions.
La valutazione 2013 del contesto imprenditoriale mediterraneo ha riscontrato che, anche se si sono registrati progressi sul piano dell'elaborazione e dell'attuazione delle politiche a favore delle PMI, essi sono stati modesti, incrementali e diseguali nelle diverse economie e dimensioni.
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On the bright side, and as a result of the transition processes in some countries, private sector organisations have become more active.
Tra le cose positive, in seguito ai processi di transizione in certi paesi le organizzazioni del settore privato sono diventate più attive.
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New associations have been established, some of them representing the voices of new entrepreneurs, and old and well established relations between the political and the business elites have been carefully scrutinized.
Sono state costituite nuove associazioni, alcune delle quali rappresentano i nuovi imprenditori, e si sono esaminate le relazioni consolidate e invalse tra le élite politiche e quelle imprenditoriali.
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Across the region, public-private dialogue is more open and constructive and has generally contributed to improving the quality of the public policy towards small business.
Nella regione il dialogo pubblico-privato è più aperto e costruttivo e ha contribuito in generale a migliorare la qualità delle politiche pubbliche nei riguardi delle piccole imprese.
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The challenge for the Mediterranean economies, particularly those going through political transition, is to develop and implement structural policies in challenging times where short term solutions are needed.
Per le economie del Mediterraneo, soprattutto per quelle in via di transizione sul piano politico, la sfida consiste nello sviluppare e attuare politiche strutturali in tempi difficili in cui occorrono soluzioni a breve termine.
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The assessment's findings will be endorsed at the Ministerial meeting and will guide future reforms.
I risultati della valutazione alimenteranno le discussioni della riunione ministeriale e ispireranno le riforme future.
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The 2013 assessment looked at developments over the past five years.
La valutazione 2013 ha esaminato gli sviluppi registrati nell'ultimo quinquennio.
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Several hundred business development stakeholders in the public and private sectors contributed to the assessment in the following Mediterranean neighbour countries:
Diverse centinaia di attori dello sviluppo imprenditoriale nei settori pubblico e privato hanno contribuito all'elaborazione della valutazione nei seguenti paesi mediterranei viciniori:
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Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.
Algeria, Egitto, Israele, Giordania, Libano, Libia, Marocco, Palestina e Tunisia.
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The evaluation was coordinated by the European Commission in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the European Training Foundation and the European Investment Bank.
La valutazione è stata coordinata dalla Commissione europea in collaborazione con l'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico, la Fondazione europea per la formazione professionale e la Banca europea per gli investimenti.
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Success stories
Storie a lieto fine
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Despite uneven progress in business policy development, EU companies have already benefitted from Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation.
Nonostante i progressi disuguali registrati nello sviluppo della politica imprenditoriale, le imprese dell'UE hanno già beneficiato della cooperazione industriale euro-mediterranea.
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As part of research into the results of the cooperation, a leading Italian manufacture specialised in high-end home textiles asserted that the meetings of the Euro-Mediterranean Industrial Dialogue have helped the EU Textile and Clothing industry intensify relationships with the main sectoral stakeholders across neighbouring countries.
Nel contesto dell'analisi dei risultati della cooperazione un'industria italiana di punta, specializzata nel tessile di alta gamma per uso domestico, ha dichiarato che le riunioni del dialogo industriale euro-mediterraneo hanno aiutato l'industria del tessile e dell'abbigliamento unionale ad intensificare le relazioni con i principali stakeholder settoriali nei paesi vicini.
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He also found that the numerous business to business contacts and fruitful exchanges of ideas and of information at these events over the years greatly helped to build mutual knowledge, trust and confidence.
Questa industria ha inoltre affermato che i numerosi contatti tra imprese e gli scambi fruttuosi di idee e di informazioni durante tali eventi hanno contribuito notevolmente nel corso degli anni ad approfondire la conoscenza reciproca e a creare fiducia.
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This led to the development of common projects in areas such as education, skills, clustering, R&D and innovation.
Ciò è sfociato nello sviluppo di progetti comuni in ambiti come l'istruzione, le qualifiche, la costituzione di cluster, la R&S e l'innovazione.
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As for non-EU partners, a vehicle manufacturer in the Lebanon whose markets had previously been limited to traditional sales territories for Lebanese companies - namely Near and Middle East - began to see Europe as a possible destination after becoming familiar more with EU requirements, as highlighted by the Euro-Med meetings.
Sul lato dei partner non unionali, un fabbricante di veicoli in Libano il cui mercato era in precedenza limitato ai tradizionali mercati di vendita delle imprese libanesi, segnatamente il vicino e medio Oriente, ha iniziato a vedere nell'Europa un possibile sbocco per i suoi prodotti dopo aver acquistato maggiore familiarità con le norme dell'UE a seguito delle riunioni euro-med.
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Encouraged by the initial success of a project with a French truck manufacturer his company then entered into collaborations with industrial bodywork plants in France, Austria and Italy and heavy plants vehicles in France and Germany; projects which proved beneficial to both sides.
Incoraggiata dal successo di un primo progetto di collaborazione con un fabbricante francese di camion, la sua impresa ha avviato collaborazioni con fabbriche di carrozzerie per uso industriale in Francia, Austria e Italia e con produttori di veicoli pesanti in Francia e Germania: tali progetti sono risultati profittevoli per entrambe le parti.
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Elements of future work programme
Elementi del futuro programma di lavoro
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During today's meeting views will be exchanged on strategic directions for future Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation, after having consulted governments and business associations on the southern rim of the Mediterranean.
Nella riunione odierna si procederà ad uno scambio di punti di vista sull'indirizzo strategico della futura cooperazione industriale euro-mediterranea dopo aver consultato i governi e le associazioni imprenditoriali del Mediterraneo meridionale.
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Ministers will also discuss the work programme to be implemented in 2014-2015.
I ministri discuteranno inoltre il programma di lavoro da realizzarsi nel 2014-2015.
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It is likely that they will discuss methods to continue improving the business climate, promote entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs based on the "Small Business Act" for Europe.
È probabile che dibatteranno i metodi per continuare a migliorare il contesto imprenditoriale, promuovere l'imprenditoria, l'innovazione e le PMI prendendo le mosse dallo "Small Business Act" per l'Europa.
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Other aims include encouraging SMEs to innovate, export, network and internationalise, building a large pan-Euro-Mediterranean market for industrial products, conducting dialogues and exchanging good practice in sectors of common interest such as textiles and clothing and creative industries.
Tra gli altri obiettivi vi è l'incoraggiamento alle PMI ad innovare, esportare, costituire reti e internazionalizzarsi, la costruzione di un grande mercato pan euro-mediterraneo dei prodotti industriali, la realizzazione di dialoghi e di scambi di buone pratiche in settori di comune interesse come il tessile, l'abbigliamento e le industrie creative.
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Joint declaration
Dichiarazione congiunta
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At the end of today's meeting, the Ministers of Industry of the Union for the Mediterranean will adopt a declaration to:
Alla fine della riunione odierna i ministri dell'industria dell'Unione per il Mediterraneo adotteranno una dichiarazione volta a:
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- Continue the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Charter for Enterprise and reconciliation with the "Small Business Act" for Europe, taking into account the conclusions and recommendations of the 2013 assessment of the implementation of the Charter/"Small Business Act" for Europe, involving training at regional and local level, optimization and synergy of financial support and technical assistance provided by the EU and other donors
- continuare l'implementazione della Carta euro-mediterranea per l'impresa e la riconciliazione unitamente allo "Small Business Act" per l'Europa tenendo conto delle conclusioni e raccomandazioni della valutazione 2013 dell'attuazione della Carta/dello "Small Business Act" per l'Europa che caldeggiano la formazione a livello regionale e locale, l'ottimizzazione e la sinergia del sostegno finanziario e dell'assistenza tecnica fornita dall'UE e da altri donatori;
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- Intensify networking of businesses and business support services in the EU and other Mediterranean countries
- intensificare la costituzione di reti tra imprese e i servizi di sostegno alle imprese nell'UE e in altri paesi mediterranei;
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- Continue to build a large Euro-Mediterranean industrial market, including the preparation and negotiation of the agreements on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products
- continuare a costruire un grande mercato industriale euro-mediterraneo, compresa la preparazione e la negoziazione degli accordi sulla valutazione della conformità e l'accettazione dei prodotti industriali;
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- Conduct dialogues in areas of common interest - such as the dialogue on the future of the textile/clothing sector which will mark its 10th anniversary with a conference on innovation on 24-25 March 2014 - and exchange best practices (such as forming clusters in creative industries sectors).
- condurre dialoghi in ambiti di comune interesse come ad esempio il dialogo sul futuro del settore tessile e dell'abbigliamento che il 24-25 marzo 2014 celebrerà il proprio decimo anniversario con una conferenza sull'innovazione, nonché gli scambi di buone pratiche (come ad esempio la costituzione di cluster nei settori delle industrie creative).
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The declaration can be seen as an important milestone in the move towards a Euro-Mediterranean area in which SMEs can start, expand, create jobs, export, import, invest and build business partnerships.
La dichiarazione può essere considerata alla stregua di una importante pietra miliare sulla via verso una zona euro-mediterranea in cui le PMI possano costituirsi, espandersi, creare posti di lavoro, esportare, importare, investire e creare partenariati industriali.
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Background information on Euro Mediterranean industrial cooperation
Informazione di contesto sulla cooperazione industriale euro-mediterranea
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Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation is a regional process coordinated by the European Commission.
La cooperazione industriale euro-mediterranea è un processo regionale coordinato dalla Commissione europea.
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Its purpose is to share information on SME and industrial policies and programmes and facilitate the transfer of know-how and good practice at the Euro-Mediterranean level.
La sua finalità è condividere informazioni sulle politiche e sui programmi in materia di PMI e industria e facilitare il trasferimento di know-how e di buone pratiche a livello euro-mediterraneo.
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The underlying vision is one of heading towards a Euro-Mediterranean area where European and Mediterranean SMEs can start, expand, create jobs, export, import, invest, build business partnerships across the Euro-Mediterranean area.
L'aspirazione soggiacente è pervenire ad uno spazio euro-mediterraneo in cui le PMI europee e mediterranee possano costituirsi, espandersi, creare posti di lavoro, esportare, importare, investire, creare partenariati imprenditoriali in tutta la zona euro-mediterranea.
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Euro-Mediterranean Industry Ministers meet, in principle, every two years to take stock of progress and define priorities for the years ahead.
I ministri euro-mediterranei dell'industria si riuniscono, in linea di principio, con cadenza biennale per fare il punto dei progressi realizzati e definire le priorità per gli anni a venire.
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These priorities are translated in multi-annual work programmes. |
Queste priorità si traducono in programmi di lavoro pluriennali.
Industrial cooperation: Euro-Mediterranean meeting
Over the past five years, throughout the southern Mediterranean there has
been some progress in policy creation and implementation to support businesses,
as well as business success stories - in spite of the considerable political and
economic turmoil experienced by the region.
This afternoon in Brussels the Union for the Mediterranean will hold its
ninth ministerial meeting on Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation, with the
aim of enhancing support for SMEs and well as further developing its ultimate
ambition to create a Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani will represent the EU and
co-chair the meeting with Jordan's Minister for Industry & Trade, Hatem Hafez
Al-Halawani Al-Tamimi.
More than 30 Euro-Med countries and partners will be represented, most of
them at ministerial level.
In addition, international and national business associations as well as
international organizations will contribute to the debate.
The findings of an assessment of the business climate in the Mediterranean
neighbour countries will be presented, a work programme for 2014-2015 will be
discussed and a declaration to continue to develop EU-Med business will be
endorsed by the ministers.
Assessment of the Mediterranean business climate
A country's business climate is key to its success.
More productive and efficient enterprises fuel economic growth.
They also create demand for skilled labour and generate better paid jobs,
with salaries linked to productivity increases.
These enterprises are also a source of value-added, contributing through
taxation to provide the resources needed for developing an efficient public
administration and sustain public investment in areas such as infrastructure,
health and education.
The 2013 assessment of the Mediterranean business climate found that while
there has been progress in SME policy elaboration and implementation it has been
modest, incremental and uneven across economies and dimensions.
On the bright side, and as a result of the transition processes in some
countries, private sector organisations have become more active.
New associations have been established, some of them representing the voices
of new entrepreneurs, and old and well established relations between the
political and the business elites have been carefully scrutinized.
Across the region, public-private dialogue is more open and constructive and
has generally contributed to improving the quality of the public policy towards
small business.
The challenge for the Mediterranean economies, particularly those going
through political transition, is to develop and implement structural policies in
challenging times where short term solutions are needed.
The assessment's findings will be endorsed at the Ministerial meeting and
will guide future reforms.
The 2013 assessment looked at developments over the past five years.
Several hundred business development stakeholders in the public and private
sectors contributed to the assessment in the following Mediterranean neighbour
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and
The evaluation was coordinated by the European Commission in collaboration
with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the European
Training Foundation and the European Investment Bank.
Success stories
Despite uneven progress in business policy development, EU companies have
already benefitted from Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation.
As part of research into the results of the cooperation, a leading Italian
manufacture specialised in high-end home textiles asserted that the meetings of
the Euro-Mediterranean Industrial Dialogue have helped the EU Textile and
Clothing industry intensify relationships with the main sectoral stakeholders
across neighbouring countries.
He also found that the numerous business to business contacts and fruitful
exchanges of ideas and of information at these events over the years greatly
helped to build mutual knowledge, trust and confidence.
This led to the development of common projects in areas such as education,
skills, clustering, R&D and innovation.
As for non-EU partners, a vehicle manufacturer in the Lebanon whose markets
had previously been limited to traditional sales territories for Lebanese
companies - namely Near and Middle East - began to see Europe as a possible
destination after becoming familiar more with EU requirements, as highlighted by
the Euro-Med meetings.
Encouraged by the initial success of a project with a French truck
manufacturer his company then entered into collaborations with industrial
bodywork plants in France, Austria and Italy and heavy plants vehicles in France
and Germany; projects which proved beneficial to both sides.
Elements of future work programme
During today's meeting views will be exchanged on strategic directions for
future Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation, after having consulted
governments and business associations on the southern rim of the Mediterranean.
Ministers will also discuss the work programme to be implemented in
It is likely that they will discuss methods to continue improving the
business climate, promote entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs based on the
"Small Business Act" for Europe.
Other aims include encouraging SMEs to innovate, export, network and
internationalise, building a large pan-Euro-Mediterranean market for industrial
products, conducting dialogues and exchanging good practice in sectors of common
interest such as textiles and clothing and creative industries.
Joint declaration
At the end of today's meeting, the Ministers of Industry of the Union for the
Mediterranean will adopt a declaration to:
- Continue the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Charter for
Enterprise and reconciliation with the "Small Business Act" for Europe, taking
into account the conclusions and recommendations of the 2013 assessment of the
implementation of the Charter/"Small Business Act" for Europe, involving
training at regional and local level, optimization and synergy of financial
support and technical assistance provided by the EU and other donors
- Intensify networking of businesses and business support services in the EU
and other Mediterranean countries
- Continue to build a large Euro-Mediterranean industrial market, including
the preparation and negotiation of the agreements on conformity assessment and
acceptance of industrial products
- Conduct dialogues in areas of common interest - such as the dialogue on the
future of the textile/clothing sector which will mark its 10th anniversary with
a conference on innovation on 24-25 March 2014 - and exchange best practices
(such as forming clusters in creative industries sectors).
The declaration can be seen as an important milestone in the move towards a
Euro-Mediterranean area in which SMEs can start, expand, create jobs, export,
import, invest and build business partnerships.
Background information on Euro Mediterranean industrial cooperation
Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation is a regional process coordinated
by the European Commission.
Its purpose is to share information on SME and industrial policies and
programmes and facilitate the transfer of know-how and good practice at the
Euro-Mediterranean level.
The underlying vision is one of heading towards a Euro-Mediterranean area
where European and Mediterranean SMEs can start, expand, create jobs, export,
import, invest, build business partnerships across the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Euro-Mediterranean Industry Ministers meet, in principle, every two years to
take stock of progress and define priorities for the years ahead.
These priorities are translated in multi-annual work programmes.