Il vicepresidente Tajani si reca in visita nella regione vallona del Belgio per dare impulso alla ripresa delle PMI locali
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Data documento: 18-02-2014
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VP Tajani visits Belgium's Wallonia region to jump-start the recovery of local SMEs
Il vicepresidente Tajani si reca in visita nella regione vallona del Belgio per dare impulso alla ripresa delle PMI locali
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Like in many regions in the European Union, companies in Wallonia have suffered a lot from the economic crisis over the last years and have only recently started to show signs of recovery.
Come in numerose regioni dell'Unione europea, le imprese della Vallonia negli ultimi anni hanno risentito parecchio della crisi economica e hanno iniziato solo di recente a mostrare segni di ripresa.
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To help SMEs in Wallonia emerge from the downturn and help them participate in the next economic growth cycle, the European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani is travelling to La Louvière today with Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General of DG Enterprise and SME Envoy.
Per aiutare le PMI valloni a uscire dalla crisi e a partecipare al prossimo ciclo di crescita economica il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, Antonio Tajani, si reca oggi a La Louvière assieme a Daniel Calleja Crespo, direttore generale della DG Imprese e rappresentante per le PMI (SME Envoy).
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They will be accompanied by 500 representatives of companies from 37 countries, many of them will participate in more than 800 bilateral meetings with SMEs from Wallonia to form new partnerships and discuss opportunities for collaboration in key sectors active in the region such as aeronautics, mechatronics, logistics and creative industries.
Essi saranno accompagnati da 600 rappresentanti di imprese di 37 paesi, molti dei quali parteciperanno a più di 800 incontri bilaterali con le PMI della Vallonia al fine di costituire nuovi partenariati e di discutere le opportunità di collaborazione in settori fondamentali rappresentati nella regione come quello dell'aeronautica, della meccatronica, della logistica e delle industrie creative.
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Europe 2020 Strategy for growth
La Strategia Europa 2020 per la crescita
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An important part of this visit will be the Europe 2020 strategy for growth conference, which the Vice President will open together with the Belgian Prime Minister, Elio Di Rupo and the Vice-President and Minister of Economy of Wallonia, Jean-Claude Marcourt.
Un elemento importante di questa visita sarà la conferenza sulla Strategia per la crescita di Europa 2020, che il Vicepresidente inaugurerà assieme al Primo ministro belga, Elio Di Rupo, e al Vicepresidente e Ministro dell'Economia della Vallonia, Jean-Claude Marcourt.
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Issues discussed will include internationalisation and access to markets of SMEs, key enabling technologies as well as clusters and regional specialisation.
Tra le questioni discusse vi saranno l'internazionalizzazione e l'accesso ai mercati per le PMI, le tecnologie abilitanti chiave nonché i cluster e la specializzazione regionale.
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The Vice President will use this opportunity to introduce COSME, a new € 2.3 billion program for SMEs which aims to address the main challenges they are currently facing, such as access to financing, access to foreign markets, improvement of the business environment and support to entrepreneurs.
Il Vicepresidente coglierà l'opportunità per introdurre il COSME, un nuovo programma del valore di 2,3 miliardi di euro destinato alle PMI che intende affrontare le problematiche principali che queste si trovano innanzi, come l'accesso ai finanziamenti, l'accesso ai mercati esteri, il miglioramento del contesto imprenditoriale e il sostegno agli imprenditori.
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Among other things, this program will help EU enterprises, including the ones in Wallonia, deal with the current credit crunch by enabling them to receive more than 22 billion euros in secured loans over the next seven years (IP/13/1135 ).
Tra le altre cose, il programma aiuterà le imprese dell'UE, comprese quelle della Vallonia, a sormontare l'attuale stretta creditizia consentendo loro di ricevere nell'arco dei prossimi sette anni prestiti garantiti per oltre 22 miliardi di euro (IP/13/1135 ).
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Central to this visit, hosted by the region of Wallonia and the Wallonia Trade & Investment Agency “AWEX”, will be the business to business networking event which will take place in the afternoon.
Al centro di questa visita, ospitata dalla regione Vallonia e dall'Agenzia vallone per il commercio e gli investimenti “AWEX” vi sarà un evento di costituzione di reti impresa-impresa che si svolgerà nel pomeriggio.
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The aim of the event is to promote business partnerships between Walloon and other EU companies, but also with other non-European countries in sectors identified as key contributors to achieving growth in the region, including:
Obiettivo dell'evento è promuovere i partenariati tra imprese valloni e altre imprese unionali, ma anche con imprese di paesi terzi in settori identificati quali fondamentali per dare impulso alla crescita nella regione, tra cui:
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- Aeronautics and Space
- aerospaziale
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- Mechanical industry: mechatronics, materials and surfaces of the future
- industria meccanica: meccatronica, materiali e superfici del futuro
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- Biotechnology, especially (Bio)-Pharma and Life-Sciences
- biotecnologia, soprattutto (bio)-farma e scienze della vita
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- Transport and logistics
- trasporti e logistica
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- Creative Industries
- industrie creative
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Favourable business environment
Un contesto imprenditoriale favorevole
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Although the Wallonia region has suffered during the recent double-dip recession, the forecast for the future leaves room for cautious optimism.
Anche se la regione vallona ha risentito della recente doppia recessione le previsioni per il futuro lasciano spazio a un cauto ottimismo.
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Whereas many large industrial plants had difficulties due to the crisis, the SME sector has weathered it much better than in most other EU countries with an employment increase of about 2% over the last 5 years.
Mentre molti grandi impianti industriali si trovano in difficoltà a causa della crisi, il settore delle PMI ha retto molto meglio che in altri paesi dell'UE e ha registrato addirittura un aumento dell'occupazione di circa il 2% nell'ultimo quinquennio.
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Important policy measures have been taken over the past years in the areas of entrepreneurship, access to finance, internationalisation, environment and innovation.
Negli ultimi anni sono state adottate importanti misure politiche nel campo dell'imprenditoria, dell'accesso ai finanziamenti, dell'internazionalizzazione, dell'ambiente e dell'innovazione.
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For example, the implementation of the successive Marshall Plans in Wallonia consist of ambitious action plans to take up the economic, social and environmental challenges bringing opportunities for SMEs in the region.
Ad esempio, l'attuazione di una serie di piani Marshall nella Vallonia si è tradotta in ambiziosi piani d'azione volti a rispondere alle sfide economiche, sociali e ambientali trasformandole in opportunità per le PMI della regione.
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Furthermore, the recent SME performance review for the region (MEMO/13/1045) illustrates that the principles of the Small Business Act have produced encouraging results.
Inoltre, la recente valutazione dei risultati delle PMI della regione (MEMO/13/1045) indica che i principi che sottendono lo Small Business Act hanno prodotto risultati incoraggianti.
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Creative economy as the driver of economic change
L'economia creativa quale volano del cambiamento economico
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For many years now Wallonia has been investing in the development of high-potential, specialised sectors of economic activity.
Da diversi anni la Vallonia investe nello sviluppo di settori specializzati di attività economica che presentano potenzialità elevate.
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This regional specialisation created a favourite business environment for SMEs in these sectors with a huge potential to reach out to global markets.
Questa specializzazione regionale ha creato un contesto imprenditoriale favorevole alle PMI in questi settori che presentano enormi potenzialità di espansione sui mercati globali.
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Today many companies in Wallonia provide specialised products and services in sectors such as biotechnology & health (BioWin), environmental technologies (GreenWin), mechanical engineering (MecaTech), aeronautics & space technologies (SkyWin), agro-industry (Wagralim) as well as the logistics cluster.
Oggi molte imprese della Vallonia forniscono prodotti e servizi specializzati in settori quali la biotecnologia e la sanità (BioWin), le tecnologie ambientali (GreenWin), l'ingegneria meccanica (MecaTech), le tecnologie aerospaziali (SkyWin), l'agro-industria (Wagralim) nonché i cluster logistici.
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This region clearly chose to develop and modernize its economic tissue by placing creativity and innovation at the centre of their strategy, in particular with the Creative Wallonia initiatives.
Questa regione ha chiaramente scelto di sviluppare e modernizzare il proprio tessuto economico ponendo la creatività e l'innovazione al centro della propria strategia, in particolare grazie alle iniziative Creative Wallonia.
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As a result, Wallonia, together with Tuscany, is one of the two European regions which have been recognised by the European Commission for their strategy of supporting the creative economy as a driver of economic change.
Di conseguenza, la Vallonia, assieme alla Toscana, è una delle due regioni europee che hanno ricevuto un riconoscimento dalla Commissione europea per la loro strategia a sostegno dell'economia creativa intesa quale volano del cambiamento economico.
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Against this background, the Vice President will also use this visit to point out funding opportunities which will come out of the new Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Su tale sfondo, il Vicepresidente approfitterà anche di questa visita per illustrare le opportunità di finanziamento offerte dal nuovo programma di ricerca e innovazione Orizzonte 2020.
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For example, a new "SME Instrument" (with the help of the Enterprise Europe Network) will support innovative SMEs, during an entire innovation cycle: from the conception of the innovative idea, to the final creation of the new product or service.
Per fare un esempio, un nuovo "strumento per le PMI" (con il sostegno della rete Enterprise Europe Network) supporterà le PMI innovative durante un intero ciclo di innovazione: dalla concezione dell'idea innovativa alla creazione finale del nuovo prodotto o servizio.
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Companies will then have the responsibility to commercialize their innovations using existing mechanisms of access to finance.
Le imprese avranno quindi la responsabilità di commercializzare le loro innovazioni avvalendosi dei meccanismi esistenti di accesso ai finanziamenti. |
VP Tajani visits Belgium's Wallonia region to jump-start the recovery of
local SMEs
Like in many regions in the European Union, companies in Wallonia have
suffered a lot from the economic crisis over the last years and have only
recently started to show signs of recovery.
To help SMEs in Wallonia emerge from the downturn and help them participate
in the next economic growth cycle, the European Commission Vice President
Antonio Tajani is travelling to La Louvière today with Daniel Calleja Crespo,
Director-General of DG Enterprise and SME Envoy.
They will be accompanied by 500 representatives of companies from 37
countries, many of them will participate in more than 800 bilateral meetings
with SMEs from Wallonia to form new partnerships and discuss opportunities for
collaboration in key sectors active in the region such as aeronautics,
mechatronics, logistics and creative industries.
Europe 2020 Strategy for growth
An important part of this visit will be the Europe 2020 strategy for growth
conference, which the Vice President will open together with the Belgian Prime
Minister, Elio Di Rupo and the Vice-President and Minister of Economy of
Wallonia, Jean-Claude Marcourt.
Issues discussed will include internationalisation and access to markets of
SMEs, key enabling technologies as well as clusters and regional specialisation.
The Vice President will use this opportunity to introduce COSME, a new € 2.3
billion program for SMEs which aims to address the main challenges they are
currently facing, such as access to financing, access to foreign markets,
improvement of the business environment and support to entrepreneurs.
Among other things, this program will help EU enterprises, including the ones
in Wallonia, deal with the current credit crunch by enabling them to receive
more than 22 billion euros in secured loans over the next seven years
(IP/13/1135 ).
Central to this visit, hosted by the region of Wallonia and the Wallonia
Trade & Investment Agency "AWEX", will be the business to business networking
event which will take place in the afternoon.
The aim of the event is to promote business partnerships between Walloon and
other EU companies, but also with other non-European countries in sectors
identified as key contributors to achieving growth in the region, including:
- Aeronautics and Space
- Mechanical industry: mechatronics, materials and surfaces of the future
- Biotechnology, especially (Bio)-Pharma and Life-Sciences
- Transport and logistics
- Creative Industries
Favourable business environment
Although the Wallonia region has suffered during the recent double-dip
recession, the forecast for the future leaves room for cautious optimism.
Whereas many large industrial plants had difficulties due to the crisis, the
SME sector has weathered it much better than in most other EU countries with an
employment increase of about 2% over the last 5 years.
Important policy measures have been taken over the past years in the areas of
entrepreneurship, access to finance, internationalisation, environment and
For example, the implementation of the successive Marshall Plans in Wallonia
consist of ambitious action plans to take up the economic, social and
environmental challenges bringing opportunities for SMEs in the region.
Furthermore, the recent SME performance review for the region (MEMO/13/1045)
illustrates that the principles of the Small Business Act have produced
encouraging results.
Creative economy as the driver of economic change
For many years now Wallonia has been investing in the development of
high-potential, specialised sectors of economic activity.
This regional specialisation created a favourite business environment for
SMEs in these sectors with a huge potential to reach out to global markets.
Today many companies in Wallonia provide specialised products and services in
sectors such as biotechnology & health (BioWin), environmental technologies
(GreenWin), mechanical engineering (MecaTech), aeronautics & space technologies
(SkyWin), agro-industry (Wagralim) as well as the logistics cluster.
This region clearly chose to develop and modernize its economic tissue by
placing creativity and innovation at the centre of their strategy, in particular
with the Creative Wallonia initiatives.
As a result, Wallonia, together with Tuscany, is one of the two European
regions which have been recognised by the European Commission for their strategy
of supporting the creative economy as a driver of economic change.
Against this background, the Vice President will also use this visit to point
out funding opportunities which will come out of the new Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme.
For example, a new "SME Instrument" (with the help of the Enterprise Europe
Network) will support innovative SMEs, during an entire innovation cycle: from
the conception of the innovative idea, to the final creation of the new product
or service.
Companies will then have the responsibility to commercialize their
innovations using existing mechanisms of access to finance.