Il turismo dovrebbe crescere anche nel 2014 grazie a una forte domanda domestica ed europea
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Data documento: 13-02-2014
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Tourism expected to grow again in 2014, led by strong domestic and European demand
Il turismo dovrebbe crescere anche nel 2014 grazie a una forte domanda domestica ed europea
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Tourism has been one of the strongholds of European economy during the economic crisis, and the positive trend will continue in 2014, with only11% of Europeans expect not to go away.
Il turismo è stato uno dei capisaldi dell'economia europea durante la crisi economica e la tendenza positiva continuerà nel 2014 visto che soltanto l'11% dei cittadini europei pensa di non lasciare il proprio luogo di residenza.
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According to the new Eurobarometer survey published today, the sector has been an engine of domestic demand-driven economic growth in 2013, with more people choosing to spend holidays outside of their own country but within the EU.
Conformemente alla nuova indagine Eurobarometro pubblicata oggi, nel 2013 il settore è stato un volano della crescita economica domestica determinata dalla domanda ed è aumentato il numero di persone che hanno scelto di fare vacanza al di fuori del proprio paese ma sempre all'interno dell'UE.
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In 2013, 38% of Europeans spent their main holiday in another EU country, which is 5 percentage points more compared to 2012.
Nel 2013 il 38% dei cittadini europei ha trascorso parte delle proprie vacanze in un altro paese dell'UE, il che corrisponde a un aumento di 5 punti percentuali rispetto al 2012.
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At the same time, only 42% of people spent their main holiday in their own country, a 5 percentage points decrease compared to 2012.
Nello stesso tempo soltanto il 42% delle persone ha trascorso le proprie vacanze principali nel proprio paese, con un calo di 5 punti percentuali rispetto alle cifre del 2012.
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Furthermore in 2013, only a fifth (19%) took their main holiday outside the twenty eight countries of the EU, which is a 2% decrease compared to 2012.
Nel 2013 inoltre soltanto un quinto (19%) dei cittadini ha fatto le proprie vacanze principali in paesi diversi dai 28 Stati membri dell'UE, il che rappresenta un calo del 2% rispetto ai dati del 2012.
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The Eurobarometer survey on preferences of Europeans towards tourism also explores motivations and obstacles for Europeans to travel, the main destinations, the information sources used for planning a holiday, how Europeans arranged their holidays in 2013, their satisfaction with the sector and the level of safety experienced at the accommodation and services.
L'indagine Eurobarometro sulle preferenze degli europei in materia di turismo esamina anche i motivi e gli ostacoli dei viaggi, le principali destinazioni, le fonti di informazioni utilizzate per pianificare una vacanza, il modo in cui gli europei hanno organizzato le loro vacanze nel 2013, la loro soddisfazione rispetto al settore turistico e il livello di sicurezza percepito in relazione alla sistemazione e ai servizi.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, commented on the respondents’ preferences and the survey outlook on holiday-making:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha espresso i suoi commenti sulle preferenze degli intervistati e sulle prospettive offerte dall'indagine in tema di organizzazione della vacanze:
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"As European Commissioner responsible for tourism, I cannot hide my enthusiasm.
"Nella mia qualità di Commissario europeo responsabile per il turismo non posso nascondere il mio entusiasmo.
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The attitudes of Europeans towards travelling published today are a sign of reliable and outstanding performance of the tourism sector, which continues to be the sound economic driver for the EU recovery.
Gli atteggiamenti degli europei nei confronti dei viaggi, come risulta dalla pubblicazione odierna, sono indice di un rendimento affidabile e rimarchevole del settore turistico che continua ad essere il valido volano economico della ripresa dell'UE.
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Figures speak for themselves, while the preferences and views expressed in the survey show how the industry's robust and resilient performance is expected to continue in 2014.”
Le cifre parlano da sole e le preferenze e i punti di vista espressi nell'indagine fanno pensare che la forte tenuta del settore dovrebbe continuare nel 2014.”
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In 2013 70% of Europeans travelled for at least one overnight
Nel 2013 il 70% dei cittadini europei ha fatto almeno un pernottamento fuori del luogo di residenza
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Only 11% of Europeans expect not to go away in 2014 because of the current economic situation.
Soltanto l'11% dei cittadini prevede di non lasciare le mura domestiche nel 2014 a causa della situazione economica attuale.
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Four in ten Europeans plan to spend their main holiday in their own country (majority of people in Greece, Croatia, Italy and Bulgaria).
Quattro cittadini europei su dieci intendono trascorrere le loro vacanze principali nel loro paese (la maggioranza delle persone in Grecia, Croazia, Italia e Bulgaria).
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Three in ten people expect their main holiday to be in the EU, and over four in ten intend to have at least one of their trips in the EU in 2014.
Tre su dieci nel 2014 intendono fare le loro vacanze principali nell'UE, e più di quattro su dieci intendono fare almeno uno dei loro viaggi nell'UE.
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A quarter plans travelling to a non-EU country (24%) but only 16% will have their main holiday outside the EU.
Un quarto prevede di recarsi in un paese non UE (24%), ma soltanto il 16% farà le vacanze principali fuori dell'UE.
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Further highlights of the Eurobarometer survey:
Altri aspetti evidenziati nell'indagine Eurobarometro:
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In 2013 70% of Europeans travelled for either personal or professional reasons for at least one overnight.
Nel 2013 il 70% dei cittadini europei ha viaggiato per motivi personali o professionali effettuando almeno un pernottamento.
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- Only looking at the personal travel in 2013, most people went away for 4 to 13 consecutive nights (57%).
- Se si esaminano i viaggi fatti per motivi personali nel 2013 la maggior parte delle persone è stata assente per un periodo di 4 – 13 notti consecutive (57%).
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To a large extent, this pattern is mirrored by the plans for 2014.
In grande misura questo schema è riecheggiato nelle previsioni per il 2014.
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- Europeans prefer sunlight and life on the beach (46%).
- I cittadini europei preferiscono posti assolati e la vita da spiaggia (46%).
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- The same percentage of respondents mentions the natural features of a given place as the main reason why they would plan to return to the same tourism destination.
- La stessa percentuale di rispondenti menziona gli aspetti naturali di un luogo determinato quale motivo principale per pensare di ritornare nella stessa destinazione turistica.
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- The top five EU holiday destinations remain unchanged since 2012.
- Le cinque principali destinazioni turistiche dell'UE rimangono invariate dal 2012.
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Spain (15%, +5), France (11%, +3), Italy (10%, +2), Germany (7%, +2) and Austria (6%, +2) continue to be the most popular holiday destinations, all of which have witnessed an increase since 2012.
Spagna (15%, +5), Francia (11%, +3), Italia (10%, +2), Germania (7%, +2) e Austria (6%, +2) continuano ad essere le destinazioni di vacanza più popolari, ed hanno registrato tutte un aumento a partire dal 2012.
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Respondents in Greece, Croatia, Italy and Bulgaria are the most likely to take a holiday in their own country, whilst respondents in Luxembourg and Belgium are most likely to travel to another country in the EU.
I rispondenti in Grecia, Croazia, Italia e Bulgaria sono quelli che, con maggiore probabilità, faranno le vacanze nel loro paese, mentre i rispondenti in Lussemburgo e in Belgio sono quelli che più probabilmente si recheranno in un altro paese dell'UE.
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Respondents’ plans for 2014 closely resemble those of 2013.
I progetti dei rispondenti per il 2014 rassomigliano da vicino a quelli per il 2013.
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- Tourists in Europe feel safe and very satisfied.
- I turisti in Europa si sentono sicuri e sono estremamente soddisfatti.
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Respondents express a high level of satisfaction with most aspects of their 2013 holiday.
I rispondenti hanno espresso un livello elevato di soddisfazione in relazione alla maggior parte degli aspetti delle loro vacanze del 2013.
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A majority of respondents were satisfied with the safety (95%) and the quality (95%) of their accommodation.
La maggioranza dei rispondenti era soddisfatta della sicurezza (95%) e della qualità (95%) della sistemazione.
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Little impact of the current economic situation, but financial reasons matter
L'impatto dell'attuale situazione economica non è marcato, ma le motivazioni d'ordine finanziario si fanno sentire
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No substantial changes will be made to holiday plans as a result of the current economic situation.
A causa dell'attuale situazione economica la pianificazione delle vacanze non subirà cambiamenti sostanziali.
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The survey also looks at what could influence holiday plans.
L'indagine esamina anche gli aspetti che potrebbero influire sulle previsioni delle vacanze.
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More than half of respondents who did not go on holiday in 2013 say it was at least partially for financial reasons, and 44% considered it was the main reason.
Più della metà dei rispondenti che non ha fatto vacanze nel 2013 ha affermato che ciò era dovuto in parte a ragioni finanziarie e il 44% ha ritenuto che questa fosse la ragione principale.
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Only 11% of respondents expect not to go away in 2014 because of the current economic situation.
Soltanto l'11% dei rispondenti prevede di non lasciare il proprio luogo di residenza nel 2014 a causa dell'attuale temperie economica.
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More importantly, over four in ten people say they will not change their 2014 holiday plans, while a third say they will change their plans but still travel.
Fatto più importante, più di quattro persone su dieci afferma che non cambierà i propri progetti di vacanze per il 2014 mentre un terzo afferma che cambierà i propri progetti, ma che comunque viaggerà.
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The proportion of people who intend to go on holiday without changing their plans for economic reasons ranges from 75% in Austria to 10% in Greece.
La proporzione di persone che intendono andare in vacanza senza cambiare i loro piani per motivi economici va dal 75% in Austria al 10% in Grecia.
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The positive trend is supported by the official statistics.
La tendenza positiva è corroborata dalle statistiche ufficiali.
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According to Eurostat, the tourism sector had record figures in 2013.
Secondo Eurostat il settore del turismo presenta cifre da record nel 2013.
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The total of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments in all 28 EU Member States increased in 2013 by 1,6% to a record of 2.6 billion nights spent compared to 2012.
Il numero totale di pernottamenti in strutture turistiche in tutti e 28 gli Stati membri dell'UE ha registrato un aumento dell'1,6% nel 2013 raggiungendo una cifra record di 2,6 miliardi di pernottamenti rispetto al 2012.
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The Eurobarometer survey
L'indagine Eurobarometro
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This Eurobarometer survey was carried out between 6th and 11th January 2014 on 31,122 respondents from different social and demographic groups, who were interviewed via telephone (landline and mobile phone) in their mother tongue in the EU28 Member States, as well as in other 7 countries outside the EU, namely Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Serbia, Montenegro and Israel.
L'indagine Eurobarometro è stata effettuata tra il 6 e l'11 gennaio 2014 coinvolgendo 31 122 persone di diversa estrazione sociale e demografica che sono state intervistate telefonicamente (linea fissa e cellulare) nella loro madre lingua nei 28 Stati membri dell'UE nonché in altri 7 paesi fuori dell'UE, segnatamente la Turchia, l'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia, l'Islanda, la Norvegia, la Serbia, il Montenegro e Israele.
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This wave is a follow-up to Flash Eurobarometer no.370, conducted in January 2013.
Questa edizione è un follow-up del Flash Eurobarometro n. 370 effettuato nel gennaio 2013.
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The survey was carried out by TNS Political and Social.
L'indagine è stata condotta da TNS Political and Social.
Tourism expected to grow again in 2014, led by strong domestic and European
Tourism has been one of the strongholds of European economy during the
economic crisis, and the positive trend will continue in 2014, with only11% of
Europeans expect not to go away.
According to the new Eurobarometer survey published today, the sector has
been an engine of domestic demand-driven economic growth in 2013, with more
people choosing to spend holidays outside of their own country but within the
In 2013, 38% of Europeans spent their main holiday in another EU country,
which is 5 percentage points more compared to 2012.
At the same time, only 42% of people spent their main holiday in their own
country, a 5 percentage points decrease compared to 2012.
Furthermore in 2013, only a fifth (19%) took their main holiday outside the
twenty eight countries of the EU, which is a 2% decrease compared to 2012.
The Eurobarometer survey on preferences of Europeans towards tourism also
explores motivations and obstacles for Europeans to travel, the main
destinations, the information sources used for planning a holiday, how Europeans
arranged their holidays in 2013, their satisfaction with the sector and the
level of safety experienced at the accommodation and services.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry
and Entrepreneurship, commented on the respondents’ preferences and the survey
outlook on holiday-making:
"As European Commissioner responsible for tourism, I cannot hide my
The attitudes of Europeans towards travelling published today are a sign of
reliable and outstanding performance of the tourism sector, which continues to
be the sound economic driver for the EU recovery.
Figures speak for themselves, while the preferences and views expressed in
the survey show how the industry's robust and resilient performance is expected
to continue in 2014."
In 2013 70% of Europeans travelled for at least one overnight
Only 11% of Europeans expect not to go away in 2014 because of the current
economic situation.
Four in ten Europeans plan to spend their main holiday in their own country
(majority of people in Greece, Croatia, Italy and Bulgaria).
Three in ten people expect their main holiday to be in the EU, and over four
in ten intend to have at least one of their trips in the EU in 2014.
A quarter plans travelling to a non-EU country (24%) but only 16% will have
their main holiday outside the EU.
Further highlights of the Eurobarometer survey:
In 2013 70% of Europeans travelled for either personal or professional
reasons for at least one overnight.
- Only looking at the personal travel in 2013, most people went away for 4 to
13 consecutive nights (57%).
To a large extent, this pattern is mirrored by the plans for 2014.
- Europeans prefer sunlight and life on the beach (46%).
- The same percentage of respondents mentions the natural features of a given
place as the main reason why they would plan to return to the same tourism
- The top five EU holiday destinations remain unchanged since 2012.
Spain (15%, +5), France (11%, +3), Italy (10%, +2), Germany (7%, +2) and
Austria (6%, +2) continue to be the most popular holiday destinations, all of
which have witnessed an increase since 2012.
Respondents in Greece, Croatia, Italy and Bulgaria are the most likely to
take a holiday in their own country, whilst respondents in Luxembourg and
Belgium are most likely to travel to another country in the EU.
Respondents’ plans for 2014 closely resemble those of 2013.
- Tourists in Europe feel safe and very satisfied.
Respondents express a high level of satisfaction with most aspects of their
2013 holiday.
A majority of respondents were satisfied with the safety (95%) and the
quality (95%) of their accommodation.
Little impact of the current economic situation, but financial reasons
No substantial changes will be made to holiday plans as a result of the
current economic situation.
The survey also looks at what could influence holiday plans.
More than half of respondents who did not go on holiday in 2013 say it was at
least partially for financial reasons, and 44% considered it was the main
Only 11% of respondents expect not to go away in 2014 because of the current
economic situation.
More importantly, over four in ten people say they will not change their 2014
holiday plans, while a third say they will change their plans but still travel.
The proportion of people who intend to go on holiday without changing their
plans for economic reasons ranges from 75% in Austria to 10% in Greece.
The positive trend is supported by the official statistics.
According to Eurostat, the tourism sector had record figures in 2013.
The total of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments in all 28
EU Member States increased in 2013 by 1,6% to a record of 2.6 billion nights
spent compared to 2012.
The Eurobarometer survey
This Eurobarometer survey was carried out between 6th and 11th January 2014
on 31,122 respondents from different social and demographic groups, who were
interviewed via telephone (landline and mobile phone) in their mother tongue in
the EU28 Member States, as well as in other 7 countries outside the EU, namely
Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Serbia,
Montenegro and Israel.
This wave is a follow-up to Flash Eurobarometer no.370, conducted in January
The survey was carried out by TNS Political and Social.