Libera circolazione: la Commissione presenta uno studio sull’integrazione dei cittadini UE in sei città
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Data documento: 11-02-2014
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Free Movement: European Commission publishes study on integration of mobile EU citizens in six cities
Libera circolazione: la Commissione presenta uno studio sull’integrazione dei cittadini UE in sei città
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EU citizens go to other EU countries mainly for job opportunities and are on average younger and more likely to be working.
I cittadini dell’UE si trasferiscono in altri Stati dell’Unione soprattutto per lavorare e sono in media più giovani e economicamente più attivi della popolazione locale.
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This is confirmed by a new, independent study on the impact of the right to move freely within the EU which was published today.
È quanto emerge da un nuovo studio indipendente, pubblicato oggi, sull’impatto del diritto alla libera circolazione nell’UE.
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The study focuses on six European cities, chosen for the multinational composition of their population (see Annex 1-2): Barcelona, Dublin, Hamburg, Lille, Prague and Turin.
Lo studio punta i riflettori su sei città europee, scelte per la composizione multinazionale della loro popolazione (vedi allegati 1-2): Barcellona, Dublino, Amburgo, Lille, Praga e Torino.
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It shows that for all six cities the inflow of younger, working age EU citizens has had a positive economic impact.
E mostra che in tutti e sei i casi l’arrivo di cittadini europei più giovani e in età lavorativa contribuisce positivamente all’economia locale.
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For example in Turin, a local evaluation shows that tax revenues from foreigners on the whole brought a net benefit of 1.5 billion € to national public finances (see Annex 3).
Nel caso di Torino, per esempio, si valuta che il gettito fiscale dei contribuenti stranieri frutti nel complesso alle casse pubbliche un netto di 1,5 miliardi di euro (vedi allegato 3).
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The study also shows that newcomers have helped fill gaps in local labour markets, contributed to growth in new sectors and have helped balance out ageing populations.
Lo studio mostra inoltre che i nuovi arrivati contribuiscono a colmare le lacune del mercato del lavoro locale, a far crescere i nuovi settori e a controbilanciare l’invecchiamento demografico.
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It finds that mobile citizens are often overqualified for the jobs they take up, may be paid less and at the same time do not always benefit from the same access to housing and education.
I cittadini provenienti da altri Stati membri spesso accettano lavori al di sotto delle loro qualifiche, possono essere pagati di meno e non sempre godono di pari opportunità di accesso a alloggi e istruzione.
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"Free movement is a benefit for Europe, its citizens and its economies.
“La libera circolazione è benefica per l’Europa, per i suoi cittadini e per le sue economie.
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There can indeed be challenges in some cities which need to be addressed. It would, however, be the wrong response to question the right to free movement.
Certo comporta delle sfide per alcune città, sfide che vanno affrontate, ma sarebbe sbagliato mettere in discussione il diritto alla libera circolazione.
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I believe we need to work together – at European, national and local level – to turn challenges into opportunities.
Sono fermamente convinta che dobbiamo lavorare insieme — a livello europeo, nazionale e locale — per far sì che queste sfide si trasformino in opportunità.
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These examples from the cities of Barcelona, Dublin, Hamburg, Lille, Prague and Turin show that it can be done," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship when speaking at a mayors' conference on free movement taking place today (IP/14/98).
Gli esempi di Barcellona, Dublino, Amburgo, Lille, Praga e Torino ci dimostrano che questa trasformazione è possibile”, ha commentato Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissaria per la giustizia, i diritti fondamentali e la cittadinanza, in occasione della Conferenza dei sindaci sulla libera circolazione tenutasi oggi (IP/14/98).
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“You can count on the Commission to continue assisting Member States in confronting any challenges linked to free movement.
“Siate certi che la Commissione continuerà a assistere gli Stati membri nel far fronte alle sfide della libera circolazione.
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Today’s meeting with mayors will help local authorities from around Europe draw on the best examples of successful policies of integrating EU citizens into cities, to everyone's benefit.
L’incontro di oggi con i sindaci aiuterà gli enti locali di tutta Europa a prendere spunto dagli esempi più vincenti di politiche di integrazione urbana dei cittadini europei, a beneficio di tutti.
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I look forward to seeing such good practices being rolled out Europe-wide."
Mi auguro che presto queste pratiche vincenti si estendano a tutta l’Europa.”
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The main findings of the study are:
Lo studio pubblicato oggi trae una serie di conclusioni:
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- EU citizens move mainly because of job opportunities and are, on average, younger and more economically active than the local population in the cities examined (see Annex 4);
- i cittadini dell’UE si trasferiscono essenzialmente per cogliere opportunità di lavoro e sono, in media, più giovani e economicamente più attivi della popolazione locale delle città campionate (vedi allegato 4);
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- The inflow of younger, working age EU citizens in the selected cities is helping to address the demographic challenges of an ageing population and a shrinking labour force;
- l’afflusso, nelle città campionate, di cittadini dell’UE giovani e in età lavorativa contribuisce a arginare i problemi connessi all’invecchiamento demografico e alla contrazione della forza lavoro;
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- They are also helping to fill gaps in the labour market, either taking up mainly low-skilled jobs (Turin and Hamburg), contributing to growth of new sectors (such as ICT in Dublin), or helping create new business ventures (as in Turin and Hamburg).
- i nuovi arrivati contribuiscono a colmare le lacune del mercato del lavoro accettando lavori poco qualificati (Torino e Amburgo), contribuendo alla crescita dei nuovi settori (TIC a Dublino) oppure aiutando a creare nuove attività imprenditoriali (Torino e Amburgo).
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The study also outlines the following challenges:
Lo studio mette inoltre in risalto una serie di problematiche:
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- Mobile citizens are more likely to be overqualified than nationals (taking up jobs below their qualification) which could imply a wasting of skills, mitigating the potential benefits of intra-EU mobility;
- i cittadini che si trasferiscono tendono a essere iperqualificati rispetto alla forza lavoro locale (e ad accontentarsi di impieghi meno qualificati), il che implica uno spreco di risorse umane contrario ai potenziali benefici della mobilità all’interno dell’Unione;
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- Wage differentials emerged in some cases between nationals and mobile EU citizens (who most often earn less), although evidence is quite limited;
- in alcuni casi sono emerse disparità salariali tra i cittadini nazionali e i cittadini di altri Stati membri (che molto spesso guadagnano di meno), un dato questo che non risulta però sufficientemente attestato;
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- Mobile citizens do not always benefit from the same opportunities in terms of housing and inclusion of children in schools, although they work and pay taxes.
- i cittadini che si trasferiscono non sempre godono delle stesse opportunità abitative e di integrazione scolastica dei figli, sebbene lavorino e paghino le tasse.
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The success of the integration programmes in place in the six cities is evidenced by the fact that attitudes towards mobility are gradually improving (see Annex 5).
Il successo dei programmi di integrazione seguiti nelle sei città campionate è attestato dal fatto che l’atteggiamento nei confronti della mobilità va man mano migliorando (vedi allegato 5).
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All the cities examined are promoting an inclusive environment and a welcoming culture, through policies such as accessible information (one-stop shop information services for example); support for language learning; and intercultural dialogue and interaction among citizens.
In tutte e sei le città, un’atmosfera di partecipazione e una cultura di accoglienza sono favorite da politiche di accesso all’informazione (per esempio con sportelli unici informativi sui servizi), di apprendimento della lingua, di dialogo interculturale e di interazione tra i cittadini.
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Finally, the study identifies a series of best practices from the cities examined (see Annex 6).
Lo studio individua infine una serie di buone pratiche in vigore nelle città del campione (vedi allegato 6).
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The study was presented at a meeting today with more than 100 mayors and representatives of local authorities from around Europe who met to discuss current challenges and opportunities to do with the free movement of EU citizens in the European Union.
Lo studio è stato presentato oggi in occasione della conferenza che ha visto riuniti oltre 100 sindaci e rappresentanti degli enti locali di tutta Europa per discutere le sfide e le opportunità della libera circolazione dei cittadini dell’UE all’interno dell’Unione.
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The Conference of mayors is designed to help local authorities share best practices in implementing free movement rules and tackling social inclusion challenges.
Scopo della Conferenza dei sindaci è facilitare lo scambio di buone pratiche tra gli enti locali circa l’attuazione della normativa sulla libera circolazione e le sfide dell’integrazione sociale.
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The meeting is one of five actions presented by the Commission to strengthen the right to free movement in the EU, while helping Member States to reap the positive benefits it brings (IP/13/1151).
Questo incontro rientra tra le cinque azioni proposte dalla Commissione per rafforzare il diritto alla libera circolazione nell’UE e aiutare gli Stati membri a coglierne a pieno i frutti (IP/13/1151).
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The study analyses policies aimed at economic and social inclusion of EU mobile citizens, and at promoting a welcome culture and a positive attitude towards foreign nationals. It considered policies in the field of employment, entrepreneurship, housing, education, inter-cultural dialogue, attitudes towards migration and participation in city life. |
Lo studio, che prende in esame le strategie di inclusione economica e sociale dei cittadini europei in mobilità nell’UE e le misure volte a promuovere una cultura di accoglienza e un atteggiamento positivo nei confronti dei cittadini stranieri, passa in rassegna le politiche in materia di impiego, imprenditoria, alloggi, istruzione, dialogo interculturale, atteggiamento verso la migrazione e partecipazione alla vita cittadina. |
Free Movement: European Commission publishes study on integration of
mobile EU citizens in six cities
EU citizens go to other EU countries mainly for job opportunities and are on
average younger and more likely to be working.
This is confirmed by a new, independent study on the impact of the right to
move freely within the EU which was published today.
The study focuses on six European cities, chosen for the multinational
composition of their population (see Annex 1-2): Barcelona, Dublin, Hamburg,
Lille, Prague and Turin.
It shows that for all six cities the inflow of younger, working age EU
citizens has had a positive economic impact.
For example in Turin, a local evaluation shows that tax revenues from
foreigners on the whole brought a net benefit of 1.5 billion € to national
public finances (see Annex 3).
The study also shows that newcomers have helped fill gaps in local labour
markets, contributed to growth in new sectors and have helped balance out ageing
It finds that mobile citizens are often overqualified for the jobs they take
up, may be paid less and at the same time do not always benefit from the same
access to housing and education.
"Free movement is a benefit for Europe, its citizens and its economies.
There can indeed be challenges in some cities which need to be addressed. It
would, however, be the wrong response to question the right to free movement.
I believe we need to work together – at European, national and local level –
to turn challenges into opportunities.
These examples from the cities of Barcelona, Dublin, Hamburg, Lille, Prague
and Turin show that it can be done," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the
EU's Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship when speaking
at a mayors' conference on free movement taking place today (IP/14/98).
"You can count on the Commission to continue assisting Member States in
confronting any challenges linked to free movement.
Today’s meeting with mayors will help local authorities from around Europe
draw on the best examples of successful policies of integrating EU citizens into
cities, to everyone's benefit.
I look forward to seeing such good practices being rolled out Europe-wide."
The main findings of the study are:
- EU citizens move mainly because of job opportunities and are, on average,
younger and more economically active than the local population in the cities
examined (see Annex 4);
- The inflow of younger, working age EU citizens in the selected cities is
helping to address the demographic challenges of an ageing population and a
shrinking labour force;
- They are also helping to fill gaps in the labour market, either taking up
mainly low-skilled jobs (Turin and Hamburg), contributing to growth of new
sectors (such as ICT in Dublin), or helping create new business ventures (as in
Turin and Hamburg).
The study also outlines the following challenges:
- Mobile citizens are more likely to be overqualified than nationals (taking
up jobs below their qualification) which could imply a wasting of skills,
mitigating the potential benefits of intra-EU mobility;
- Wage differentials emerged in some cases between nationals and mobile EU
citizens (who most often earn less), although evidence is quite limited;
- Mobile citizens do not always benefit from the same opportunities in terms
of housing and inclusion of children in schools, although they work and pay
The success of the integration programmes in place in the six cities is
evidenced by the fact that attitudes towards mobility are gradually improving
(see Annex 5).
All the cities examined are promoting an inclusive environment and a
welcoming culture, through policies such as accessible information (one-stop
shop information services for example); support for language learning; and
intercultural dialogue and interaction among citizens.
Finally, the study identifies a series of best practices from the cities
examined (see Annex 6).
The study was presented at a meeting today with more than 100 mayors and
representatives of local authorities from around Europe who met to discuss
current challenges and opportunities to do with the free movement of EU citizens
in the European Union.
The Conference of mayors is designed to help local authorities share best
practices in implementing free movement rules and tackling social inclusion
The meeting is one of five actions presented by the Commission to strengthen
the right to free movement in the EU, while helping Member States to reap the
positive benefits it brings (IP/13/1151).
The study analyses policies aimed at economic and social inclusion of EU
mobile citizens, and at promoting a welcome culture and a positive attitude
towards foreign nationals. It considered policies in the field of employment,
entrepreneurship, housing, education, inter-cultural dialogue, attitudes towards
migration and participation in city life.