Ricerca fondamentale: più vicina al mercato grazie a fondi dell’UE
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Data documento: 06-02-2014
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EU funding helps bridge gap between 'blue sky' research and the market
Ricerca fondamentale: più vicina al mercato grazie a fondi dell’UE
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'Blue sky’ basic science is focused on advancing knowledge, but it can sometimes generate unexpected applications.
La ricerca di base, detta anche ricerca fondamentale, ha come obiettivo primario l’avanzamento della conoscenza, ma i suoi risultati possono avere ricadute applicative inaspettate.
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That is why the European Research Council (ERC) provides top-up funding, 'Proof of Concept', for its grant holders to bring their pioneering work closer to market.
È per questo motivo che il Consiglio europeo della ricerca (CER) eroga finanziamenti aggiuntivi, a titolo dell’iniziativa “Proof of Concept”, per aiutare i borsisti già titolari di una sovvenzione CER ad avvicinare al mercato le loro ricerche pionieristiche.
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The final results of the latest grant competition for this funding were announced today:
I risultati finali dell’ultima gara per l’aggiudicazione di questi finanziamenti sono stati annunciati oggi:
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a total of 67 leading researchers, who already hold ERC grants, have received up to €150,000 each.
67 ricercatori di primo piano, già assegnatari di sovvenzioni CER, hanno ricevuto fino a 150 000 euro a testa.
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The projects cover everything from an exploration of the molecular foundations of psychiatric disorders to technological innovations that could help rescue skiers caught in avalanches, or measure extreme waves (more information on projects here).
I progetti riguardano i più svariati ambiti: studio delle basi molecolari dei disturbi psichiatrici, innovazioni tecnologiche per soccorrere gli sciatori rimasti vittime di valanghe, misurazione delle onde anomale, ecc. (ulteriori informazioni sui progetti sono disponibili qui).
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EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria europea per la ricerca, l’innovazione e la scienza, ha dichiarato:
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“The funding announced today will help turn ideas into innovation.
“I finanziamenti annunciati oggi aiuteranno a convertire le idee in innovazioni.
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The ERC Proof of Concept grants encourage a new type of thinking amongst researchers, backing them to make the most of their blue sky research.
L’iniziativa “Proof of Concept” del CER promuove l’acquisizione di una nuova mentalità da parte dei ricercatori, sostenendoli affinché possano trarre il massimo dalle proprie attività di ricerca di base.
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This mindset will help European recovery and improve our quality of life.”
Il nuovo atteggiamento mentale contribuirà alla ripresa in Europa, oltre a migliorare la qualità della nostra vita”.
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The Proof of Concept funding can cover activities aimed at commercial and societal applications, such as establishing intellectual property rights, investigating commercial and business opportunities or technical validation.
I finanziamenti “Proof of Concept” possono essere erogati a favore di attività intese a realizzare applicazioni commerciali e sociali, ad esempio il conferimento di diritti di proprietà intellettuale, la ricerca di possibili sbocchi commerciali o la conduzione di convalide tecniche.
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In this call, a total of 67 grants have now been awarded, of which the final 34 were made public today -the first 33 grants were announced in September 2013-.
Nell’ambito dell’invito a presentare proposte del 2013 sono state assegnate 67 borse; i nomi dei vincitori sono stati pubblicati oggi per le ultime 34 borse conferite e nel settembre 2013 per le prime 33.
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In this second round of funding, grants go to researchers in 13 countries across the European Research Area:
Nel secondo ciclo di finanziamenti, le borse sono andate a ricercatori di 13 paesi dello Spazio europeo della ricerca:
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the Netherlands (5), Germany (4), the United Kingdom (4), Ireland (3), Israel (3), Spain (3), Switzerland (3), Belgium (2), France (2), Sweden (2), Denmark (1), Finland (1) and Italy (1).
Paesi Bassi (5), Germania (4), Regno Unito (4), Irlanda (3), Israele (3), Spagna (3), Svizzera (3), Belgio (2), Francia (2), Svezia (2), Danimarca (1), Finlandia (1) e Italia (1).
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Amongst the winners is Professor Ada Yonath, a Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry (2009), who since 2012 has worked on a project funded through an ERC Advanced Grant.
Tra i vincitori figura Ada Yonath, premio Nobel per la chimica nel 2009, che dal 2012 lavora a un progetto che ha beneficiato di una sovvenzione CER destinata a ricercatori esperti.
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A total of 147 proposals were submitted to this second round of the call. The budget of the entire call is €10 million, of which nearly €5 million is earmarked for this second round.
Il finanziamento complessivo dell’intero bando è di 10 milioni di euro, di cui quasi 5 milioni destinati alla seconda fase, in cui sono pervenute 147 proposte.
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The next call for proposals - 'Proof of Concept' 2014 – is currently open (to ERC grant holders) with a first deadline on 1 April 2014.
È attualmente aperto un nuovo invito a presentare proposte per titolari di sovvenzioni CER, “Proof of Concept” 2014, con una prima scadenza fissata al 1° aprile 2014.
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List (second round) of the 34 selected researchers - alphabetical order within each country group
Elenco (seconda fase) dei 34 ricercatori selezionati, riportati in ordine alfabetico per ciascun paese
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List (entire call) of all 67 selected researchers in alphabetical order within each country group
Elenco (intero invito) dei 67 ricercatori selezionati, riportati in ordine alfabetico per ciascun paese
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The European Research Council launched the 'Proof of Concept' funding initiative in March 2011 to contribute to stimulating innovation.
Nel marzo 2011 il Consiglio europeo della ricerca ha lanciato l’iniziativa di finanziamento “Proof of Concept” per contribuire ad incentivare l’innovazione.
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A single grant can be worth up to €150,000.
Il finanziamento per ciascuna borsa di ricerca può arrivare a 150 000 euro.
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The call is open to all Principal Investigators benefitting from an on-going ERC grant or a grant that ended less than twelve months before the publication date of the call.
L’invito è aperto a tutti i ricercatori beneficiari di una sovvenzione CER ancora in corso o il cui progetto è terminato dodici mesi prima della data di pubblicazione del bando.
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The funding is for up to 18 months per project.
La durata massima del finanziamento è di 18 mesi per ciascun progetto.
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Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first pan-European funding organisation for frontier research. It aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by encouraging competition for funding between the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age.
Il Consiglio europeo della ricerca, istituito nel 2007 dall’Unione europea, è la prima organizzazione paneuropea destinata a finanziare la ricerca di frontiera e a promuovere l’eccellenza scientifica in Europa mettendo in concorrenza i ricercatori migliori e più creativi di ogni età e nazionalità per ottenere finanziamenti.
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The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. The ERC operates according to an "investigator-driven", or "bottom-up", approach, allowing researchers to identify new opportunities in any field of research.
Il CER mira inoltre ad attrarre in Europa i migliori ricercatori del mondo e opera sulla base di un approccio “dal basso” che coinvolge i ricercatori consentendo loro di identificare nuove possibilità in qualsiasi campo della ricerca.
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Since its launch, the ERC has funded over 4,500 frontier research projects throughout Europe and has become a "benchmark" for excellent research.
Dalla sua nascita il CER ha finanziato oltre 4 500 progetti di ricerca di frontiera in tutta Europa ed è diventato un “punto di riferimento” per l’eccellenza scientifica.
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From 2007 to 2013, as part of the seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7), the ERC's budget was €7.5 billion.
Dal 2007 al 2013, nell’ambito del Settimo programma quadro di ricerca dell’UE (7° PQ), il bilancio del CER è stato di 7,5 miliardi di euro.
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Under the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020), Horizon 2020, the ERC has a substantially increased budget of over €13 billion.
Nell’ambito del nuovo programma quadro per la ricerca e l’innovazione (2014-2020), “Orizzonte 2020”, il CER ha un bilancio, notevolmente incrementato, di oltre 13 miliardi di euro. |
EU funding
helps bridge gap between 'blue sky' research and the market
'Blue sky’ basic science is focused on advancing knowledge, but it can
sometimes generate unexpected applications.
That is why the European Research Council (ERC) provides top-up funding,
'Proof of Concept', for its grant holders to bring their pioneering work closer
to market.
The final results of the latest grant competition for this funding were
announced today:
a total of 67 leading researchers, who already hold ERC grants, have received
up to €150,000 each.
The projects cover everything from an exploration of the molecular
foundations of psychiatric disorders to technological innovations that could
help rescue skiers caught in avalanches, or measure extreme waves (more
information on projects here).
EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
"The funding announced today will help turn ideas into innovation.
The ERC Proof of Concept grants encourage a new type of thinking amongst
researchers, backing them to make the most of their blue sky research.
This mindset will help European recovery and improve our quality of life."
The Proof of Concept funding can cover activities aimed at commercial and
societal applications, such as establishing intellectual property rights,
investigating commercial and business opportunities or technical validation.
In this call, a total of 67 grants have now been awarded, of which the final
34 were made public today -the first 33 grants were announced in September
In this second round of funding, grants go to researchers in 13 countries
across the European Research Area:
the Netherlands (5), Germany (4), the United Kingdom (4), Ireland (3), Israel
(3), Spain (3), Switzerland (3), Belgium (2), France (2), Sweden (2), Denmark
(1), Finland (1) and Italy (1).
Amongst the winners is Professor Ada Yonath, a Nobel Prize laureate in
Chemistry (2009), who since 2012 has worked on a project funded through an ERC
Advanced Grant.
A total of 147 proposals were submitted to this second round of the call. The
budget of the entire call is €10 million, of which nearly €5 million is
earmarked for this second round.
The next call for proposals - 'Proof of Concept' 2014 – is currently open (to
ERC grant holders) with a first deadline on 1 April 2014.
List (second round) of the 34 selected researchers - alphabetical order
within each country group
List (entire call) of all 67 selected researchers in alphabetical order
within each country group
The European Research Council launched the 'Proof of Concept' funding
initiative in March 2011 to contribute to stimulating innovation.
A single grant can be worth up to €150,000.
The call is open to all Principal Investigators benefitting from an on-going
ERC grant or a grant that ended less than twelve months before the publication
date of the call.
The funding is for up to 18 months per project.
Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first
pan-European funding organisation for frontier research. It aims to stimulate
scientific excellence in Europe by encouraging competition for funding between
the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age.
The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to
come to Europe. The ERC operates according to an "investigator-driven", or
"bottom-up", approach, allowing researchers to identify new opportunities in any
field of research.
Since its launch, the ERC has funded over 4,500 frontier research projects
throughout Europe and has become a "benchmark" for excellent research.
From 2007 to 2013, as part of the seventh EU Research Framework Programme
(FP7), the ERC's budget was €7.5 billion.
Under the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020),
Horizon 2020, the ERC has a substantially increased budget of over €13 billion.