Prossimi al decollo: la finalizzazione degli obiettivi sarà la chiave per il successo della nuova strategia macroregionale dell'UE per la regione adriatica e ionica
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Data documento: 05-02-2014
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Approaching lift off: focus will be key to success of new EU macro-regional strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian
Prossimi al decollo: la finalizzazione degli obiettivi sarà la chiave per il successo della nuova strategia macroregionale dell'UE per la regione adriatica e ionica
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Preparations have reached a milestone for a brand new macro-regional strategy to support cooperation among 8 countries in the Adriatic and Ionian region.
I preparativi hanno segnato un'altra tappa importante ai fini di una nuovissima strategia macroregionale a sostegno della cooperazione tra otto paesi nella regione adriatica e ionica.
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Hosted by the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, a high-level Stakeholder Conference takes place in Athens on 6-7 February.
Ospitata dalla Presidenza greca del Consiglio dell'Unione europea e dalla Commissione europea, una conferenza ad alto livello delle parti interessate si svolgerà ad Atene il 6-7 febbraio.
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It marks the end of a wide consultation that has involved civil society and stakeholders across the 8 countries.
Essa segna la conclusione di un'ampia consultazione cui hanno partecipato la società civile e gli stakeholder degli otto paesi.
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This will feed into a formal proposal later this year from Regional Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn, for a tailor made strategy that reflects the needs and the capacities of the region.
Più avanti nel corso di quest'anno i risultati delle discussioni serviranno ad alimentare una proposta formale presentata da Johannes Hahn, Commissario responsabile per la Politica regionale, ai fini di una strategia ad hoc che rispecchi i bisogni e le capacità della regione.
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It follows a request from EU leaders in December 2012 to deliver the new macro-regional strategy by the end of 2014.
Ciò fa seguito alla richiesta dei leader dell'UE, formulata nel dicembre 2012, di predisporre la nuova strategia macroregionale entro la fine del 2014.
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This week at the conference, Commissioner Hahn and Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki are joining Foreign Ministers from the countries involved.
Questa settimana, nell'arco della conferenza, il Commissario Hahn e la Commissaria Maria Damanaki, responsabile per gli affari marittimi e la pesca, si incontreranno con i ministri degli affari esteri dei paesi interessati.
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They currently form part of the existing Adriatic Ionian Initiative.
Essi fanno attualmente parte dell'iniziativa adriatico-ionica.
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More than 500 representatives from the national, regional and local administrations, businesses, civil society, academia, media and regional associations will be contributing to the discussions in the conference.
Alle discussioni che animeranno la conferenza parteciperanno più di 500 rappresentanti delle amministrazioni nazionali, regionali e locali, del mondo dell'imprenditoria, della società civile, del mondo accademico, dei media e delle associazioni regionali.
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Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece, will open the conference
Antonis Samaras, primo ministro della Grecia, aprirà la conferenza.
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This is the first time in a macro-regional strategy that there has been an equal balance of EU countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) and non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia) working together to meet common challenges and build on shared strengths.
Questa è la prima volta in cui in una strategia macroregionale si raggiunge un esatto equilibrio tra il numero di paesi dell'UE (Croazia, Grecia, Italia, Slovenia) e quello dei paesi terzi (Albania, Bosnia e Erzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia) partecipanti che lavorano assieme per affrontare sfide comuni e valorizzare i loro punti di forza condivisi.
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Crucially in a region that has seen some of Europe's most serious conflicts, the strategy will help to bring the Western Balkans closer to the European Union.
Cosa importante in una regione che è stata testimone di alcuni dei conflitti più gravi in Europa, la strategia contribuirà ad avvicinare i Balcani occidentali all'Unione europea.
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Its focus will be above all on blue growth, transport, sustainable tourism and protecting the environment.
I suoi obiettivi riguarderanno soprattutto la crescita blu, i trasporti, il turismo sostenibile e la protezione dell'ambiente.
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Through this, it will contribute to creating prosperity and jobs in the region.
Così facendo essa contribuirà a creare prosperità e posti di lavoro nella regione.
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Speaking ahead of the conference in Athens, European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn commented:
Esprimendosi prima della conferenza ad Atene, il Commissario europeo Johannes Hahn, responsabile per la Politica regionale, ha commentato:
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"We are at a crucial stage in our preparations for a tailor -made strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian macro-region.
"Siamo in una fase cruciale dei nostri preparativi per una strategia ad hoc nella macroregione adriatica e ionica.
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Thanks to the extensive consultation with its bottom up approach, it should focus on the precise needs and challenges of this part of Europe and the people who live here.
Grazie alle ampie consultazioni che hanno seguito un approccio dal basso verso l'alto la strategia dovrebbe basarsi sulle esigenze e sulle sfide specifiche di questa parte d'Europa e dei suoi abitanti.
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With four EU members and four non EU countries the strategy will also contribute to the further integration of the Western Balkans by offering the chance to work alongside neighbours on areas of common interest.
Con quattro Stati membri e quattro paesi terzi la strategia contribuirà anche a un'ulteriore integrazione dei Balcani occidentali offrendo loro la possibilità di lavorare di concerto con i loro vicini in ambiti d'interesse comune.
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This is Europe's third macro-regional strategy, and we have learnt the importance of political commitment and of participating countries focusing their efforts in the macro-regional approach.
Questa è la terza strategia macroregionale europea ed abbiamo imparato quanto sia importante che gli impegni politici e i paesi partecipanti si concentrino sull'approccio macroregionale.
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This will be key to this Strategy's success."
Questa sarà la chiave del successo di tale strategia."
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Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries added:
Maria Damanaki, Commissaria responsabile per gli Affari marittimi e la pesca, ha aggiunto:
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"As our Blue Growth strategy highlights, seas and oceans have the potential to generate huge economic growth and much needed jobs.
"Come ribadito nella nostra strategia per la crescita blu, i mari e gli oceani hanno la potenzialità per generare una grandissima crescita economica e i tanto attesi posti di lavoro.
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The Adriatic Ionian nations have already shown that they share the will to address the region's challenges together:
I paesi dell'Adriatico e dello Ionio hanno già dimostrato di condividere la volontà di affrontare assieme le sfide che si pongono alla regione:
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since 2007 there have been 135 projects of cooperation on marine and maritime issues, worth almost half a billion in total.
dal 2007 vi sono stati 135 progetti di cooperazione su tematiche marittime e marine per un valore complessivo di quasi mezzo miliardo.
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I am looking forward to the discussion with the Member States and stakeholders on how we can build on this success and give the process the push to overcome remaining challenges to ensure the most productive and sustainable use of what our seas and coasts offer."
Attendo con impazienza di conoscere i risultati delle discussioni con gli Stati membri e gli stakeholder su come espandere questi risultati e dare al processo l'impulso necessario per superare le sfide restanti in modo da assicurare un uso quanto più produttivo e sostenibile delle risorse offerte dai mari e dalle regioni costiere."
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The Maritime Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, adopted by the Commission on 30 November 2012, is integrated in the Strategy which will be structured around four key areas:
La strategia marittima per il Mare Adriatico e il Mar Ionio adottata dalla Commissione il 30 novembre 2012 è integrata in questa strategia che sarà imperniata su quattro ambiti chiave:
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marine and maritime growth, connecting the region (transport and energy networks), environmental quality and sustainable tourism.
la crescita marina e marittima, la connessione della regione (trasporti e reti energetiche), la qualità ambientale e il turismo sostenibile.
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In addition, capacity building as well as research, innovation and small and medium side enterprises will inform the four key areas.
Inoltre, ai quattro ambiti chiave si abbineranno attività di capacity building nonché di ricerca, innovazione e sostegno alle piccole e medie imprese.
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The stakeholder consultations were conducted between September-December 2013.
La consultazione degli stakeholder è avvenuta tra il settembre e il dicembre 2013.
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Two countries, a Member State and a non-EU country, were responsible for coordinating the consultation for each of the 4 pillars:
Due paesi, uno Stato membro e un paese terzo, erano responsabili di coordinare la consultazione per ciascuno dei quattro pilastri:
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Greece and Montenegro on marine and maritime growth, Italy and Serbia on transport and energy, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on environment and Croatia and Albania on tourism.
Grecia e Montenegro per la crescita marina e marittima, Italia e Serbia per i trasporti e l'energia, Slovenia e Bosnia-Erzegovina per l'ambiente e Croazia e Albania per il turismo.
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From October 2013-to January 2014 a general on-line public consultation on the strategy was also launched by the Commission.
Dall'ottobre 2013 al gennaio 2014 la Commissione ha indetto una consultazione pubblica on-line a carattere generale sulla strategia.
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Under the leadership of Commissioner Johannes Hahn, a new approach for regions working together has been successfully developed.
Sotto la guida del commissario Johannes Hahn si è sviluppato efficacemente un nuovo approccio alla collaborazione tra le regioni.
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Macro-regional strategies assist countries in tackling common issues together such as pollution, crime, missing transport links and lack of competitiveness.
Le strategie macroregionali aiutano i paesi ad affrontare problematiche comuni come l'inquinamento, la criminalità, la carenza di connessioni tra le reti di trasporto e la mancanza di competitività.
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The European Council of 13-14 December 2012 formally requested the European Commission to bring forward an EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region before the end of 2014, building on the positive experiences of the Danube and Baltic Sea regions.
Il Consiglio europeo del 13-14 dicembre 2012 ha chiesto formalmente alla Commissione europea di portare avanti una strategia unionale per la Regione adriatica e ionica entro la fine del 2014 facendo leva sulle esperienze positive fatte nelle regioni danubiana e baltica.
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The request by the European Council was subject to the evaluation of the concept of macro regional strategies, adopted by the Commission in June 2013 and endorsed by the EU Council on 22 October 2013
La richiesta del Consiglio europeo è stata verificata alla luce del concetto di strategie macroregionali, è stata quindi adottata dalla Commissione nel giugno 2013 e sottoscritta dal Consiglio dell'UE il 22 ottobre 2013
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These strategies are supported through Member States' regional funding allocation under Cohesion Policy, inter alia.
Queste strategie sono sostenute tra l'altro sulla base di stanziamenti regionali degli Stati membri nell'ambito della politica di coesione.
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In the case of non- EU members, pre accession funds (IPA) are available.
Nel caso di paesi terzi sono disponibili i Fondi preadesione (IPA).
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The reform of Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020 promotes this macro-regional approach and makes it easier to combine different European funds across borders and within projects.
La riforma della politica di coesione per il 2014-2020 promuove l'approccio macroregionale e rende più agevole combinare diversi Fondi europei in una dimensione transfrontaliera e tra progetti. |
Approaching lift off: focus will be key to success of new EU
macro-regional strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian
Preparations have reached a milestone for a brand new macro-regional strategy
to support cooperation among 8 countries in the Adriatic and Ionian region.
Hosted by the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the
European Commission, a high-level Stakeholder Conference takes place in Athens
on 6-7 February.
It marks the end of a wide consultation that has involved civil society and
stakeholders across the 8 countries.
This will feed into a formal proposal later this year from Regional Policy
Commissioner Johannes Hahn, for a tailor made strategy that reflects the needs
and the capacities of the region.
It follows a request from EU leaders in December 2012 to deliver the new
macro-regional strategy by the end of 2014.
This week at the conference, Commissioner Hahn and Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki are joining Foreign Ministers from the
countries involved.
They currently form part of the existing Adriatic Ionian Initiative.
More than 500 representatives from the national, regional and local
administrations, businesses, civil society, academia, media and regional
associations will be contributing to the discussions in the conference.
Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece, will open the conference
This is the first time in a macro-regional strategy that there has been an
equal balance of EU countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) and non-EU
countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia) working together
to meet common challenges and build on shared strengths.
Crucially in a region that has seen some of Europe's most serious conflicts,
the strategy will help to bring the Western Balkans closer to the European
Its focus will be above all on blue growth, transport, sustainable tourism
and protecting the environment.
Through this, it will contribute to creating prosperity and jobs in the
Speaking ahead of the conference in Athens, European Commissioner for
Regional Policy Johannes Hahn commented:
"We are at a crucial stage in our preparations for a tailor -made strategy
for the Adriatic and Ionian macro-region.
Thanks to the extensive consultation with its bottom up approach, it should
focus on the precise needs and challenges of this part of Europe and the people
who live here.
With four EU members and four non EU countries the strategy will also
contribute to the further integration of the Western Balkans by offering the
chance to work alongside neighbours on areas of common interest.
This is Europe's third macro-regional strategy, and we have learnt the
importance of political commitment and of participating countries focusing their
efforts in the macro-regional approach.
This will be key to this Strategy's success."
Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries added:
"As our Blue Growth strategy highlights, seas and oceans have the potential
to generate huge economic growth and much needed jobs.
The Adriatic Ionian nations have already shown that they share the will to
address the region's challenges together:
since 2007 there have been 135 projects of cooperation on marine and maritime
issues, worth almost half a billion in total.
I am looking forward to the discussion with the Member States and
stakeholders on how we can build on this success and give the process the push
to overcome remaining challenges to ensure the most productive and sustainable
use of what our seas and coasts offer."
The Maritime Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, adopted by the
Commission on 30 November 2012, is integrated in the Strategy which will be
structured around four key areas:
marine and maritime growth, connecting the region (transport and energy
networks), environmental quality and sustainable tourism.
In addition, capacity building as well as research, innovation and small and
medium side enterprises will inform the four key areas.
The stakeholder consultations were conducted between September-December 2013.
Two countries, a Member State and a non-EU country, were responsible for
coordinating the consultation for each of the 4 pillars:
Greece and Montenegro on marine and maritime growth, Italy and Serbia on
transport and energy, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on environment and
Croatia and Albania on tourism.
From October 2013-to January 2014 a general on-line public consultation on
the strategy was also launched by the Commission.
Under the leadership of Commissioner Johannes Hahn, a new approach for
regions working together has been successfully developed.
Macro-regional strategies assist countries in tackling common issues together
such as pollution, crime, missing transport links and lack of competitiveness.
The European Council of 13-14 December 2012 formally requested the European
Commission to bring forward an EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region
before the end of 2014, building on the positive experiences of the Danube and
Baltic Sea regions.
The request by the European Council was subject to the evaluation of the
concept of macro regional strategies, adopted by the Commission in June 2013 and
endorsed by the EU Council on 22 October 2013
These strategies are supported through Member States' regional funding
allocation under Cohesion Policy, inter alia.
In the case of non- EU members, pre accession funds (IPA) are available.
The reform of Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020 promotes this macro-regional
approach and makes it easier to combine different European funds across borders
and within projects.