MEDIA e Europa creativa sotto i riflettori alla Berlinale
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Data documento: 05-02-2014
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MEDIA and Creative Europe in limelight at Berlinale
MEDIA e Europa creativa sotto i riflettori alla Berlinale
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Nearly 30 films supported by the European Union's MEDIA fund have been selected for the official programme of the Berlin International Film Festival (6-16 February).
Circa 30 film sostenuti dal Fondo MEDIA dell'Unione europea sono stati selezionati per il programma ufficiale del Festival internazionale cinematografico di Berlino (6-16 febbraio).
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The films, which include four in the main competition (see full list below) have received €2.2 million in EU funding to date.
I film, quattro dei quali partecipano al concorso principale (cfr. l'elenco completo più avanti), hanno ricevuto finora finanziamenti unionali per un importo di 2,2 milioni di EUR.
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The bulk of funding from MEDIA, part of the new Creative Europe programme, supports the international distribution of European films outside their country of origin.
Il grosso del finanziamento di MEDIA, che è parte del nuovo programma Europa creativa, sostiene la distribuzione internazionale dei film europei al di fuori del loro paese d'origine.
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Over the next seven years more than 800 European films will receive a total of €800 million in development and distribution support from MEDIA.
Nell'arco dei prossimi sette anni più di 800 film europei riceveranno da MEDIA complessivamente 800 milioni di EUR quale sostegno allo sviluppo e alla distribuzione.
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Film industry professionals are invited to a Creative Europe information day on 10 February.
I professionisti dell'industria cinematografica sono inviati a una giornata informativa "Europa creativa" che si terrà il 10 febbraio.
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Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"We are honoured that the festival has selected so many films supported by MEDIA for this year's programme.
"Siamo onorati che il festival abbia selezionato per il programma di quest'anno così tanti film che hanno fruito del sostegno di MEDIA.
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The Berlinale is without doubt one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world and a beacon for the best in European film-making.
La Berlinale è indubbiamente uno dei festival cinematografici più prestigiosi al mondo ed è una vetrina della migliore cinematografia europea.
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The Creative Europe programme demonstrates our commitment to supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in the European film industry, as well as helping it to make the most of the opportunities created by digitisation and globalisation."
Il programma Europa creativa comprova il nostro impegno a sostenere la diversità culturale e linguistica nell'industria cinematografica europea oltre ad aiutare quest'ultima a valorizzare al massimo le opportunità offerte dalla digitalizzazione e dalla globalizzazione."
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The MEDIA-backed films at the festival represent a variety of European countries, stories, genres and artistic approaches.
I film sostenuti da MEDIA che sono presentati al festival rappresentano tutta una varietà di paesi, storie, generi e approcci artistici europei.
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The four competing for the 'Golden Bear', the festival's top prize, are:
I quattro che competono per l'Orso d'oro, il premio più importante del festival, sono:
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Aimer, boire et chanter (France), Aloft (Spain-Canada-France), Zwischen Welten (Germany) and Kraftidioten (Norway-Sweden-Denmark).
Aimer, boire et chanter (Francia), Aloft (Spagna-Canada-Francia), Zwischen Welten (Germania) e Kraftidioten (Norvegia-Svezia-Danimarca).
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The 'Berlinale Special' selection features a host of top European directors including Volker Schlöndorff, Wim Wenders and Pernille Fischer Christensen.
La selezione "Berlinale Special" comprende una schiera di grandi registi europei tra cui Volker Schlöndorff, Wim Wenders e Pernille Fischer Christensen.
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MEDIA-supported films have also been selected for the 'Panorama Fiction', 'Documentary', 'Forum', 'Generation 14plus', 'Generation Kplus' and 'Culinary Cinema' categories at the festival.
Film che hanno fruito del sostegno di MEDIA sono anche stati selezionati per le categorie "Panorama Fiction", "Documentary", "Forum", "Generation 14plus", "Generation Kplus" e 'Culinary Cinema" tra quelle in cui si articola il festival.
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Shooting Stars
Shooting Star
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The Berlinale will also present the 2014 'Shooting Stars', an initiative which aims to promote new acting talent.
La Berlinale presenterà anche l'iniziativa "shooting star" per il 2014, un'iniziativa che intende promuovere il talento dei giovani attori.
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Ten actors from across Europe are chosen by a panel of experts from candidates nominated by the member organisations of the European Film Promotion (EFP) body.
Dieci stelle nascenti provenienti da tutta Europa sono scelte da una giuria di esperti nominati dai membri della rete European Film Promotion (EFP).
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The 10 stars will be presented to the industry, press and public at the festival, and this is often the launch-pad for an international career.
Le dieci stelle saranno presentate all'industria cinematografica, alla stampa e al pubblico in occasione del festival, fatto che costituisce spesso un trampolino di lancio per una carriera internazionale.
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This year's Shooting Stars are:
Le "shooting star" di quest'anno sono:
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Danica Curcic (Denmark), Maria Dragus (Germany), Miriam Karlkvist (Italy), Marwan Kenzari (The Netherlands), Jakob Oftebro (Norway), Mateusz Kos'ciukiewicz (Poland), Cosmina Stratan (Romania), Nikola Rakocevic (Serbia), Edda Magnason (Sweden), and George MacKay (United Kingdom).
Danica Curcic (Danimarca), Maria Dragus (Germania), Miriam Karlkvist (Italia), Marwan Kenzari (Paesi Bassi), Jakob Oftebro (Norvegia), Mateusz Kos'ciukiewicz (Polonia), Cosmina Stratan (Romania), Nikola Rakocevic (Serbia), Edda Magnason (Svezia) e George MacKay (Regno Unito).
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In 2014, EFP will receive €510 000 in funding from MEDIA for its promotion activities, including Shooting Stars.
Nel 2014 l'EFP riceverà da MEDIA finanziamenti per un ammontare di 510 000 EUR per le sue attività di promozione, comprese le "shooting star".
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Info Day
Giornata d'informazione
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Professionals from Europe and beyond are invited to Info Days organised by Germany's Creative Europe Desk and the European Commission on 10 and 11 February.
I professionisti del cinema europei e di paesi terzi sono invitati alle giornate informative organizzate il 10 e 11 febbraio dal desk Europa creativa tedesco e dalla Commissione europea.
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The first day will focus on funding opportunities from the MEDIA sub-programme, while the second will concentrate on advice on grants from the Culture sub-programme.
La prima giornata sarà dedicata alle opportunità di finanziamento a valere sul sottoprogramma MEDIA mentre la seconda servirà a fornire consulenze sulle sovvenzioni erogate dal sottoprogramma Cultura.
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The MEDIA event will include a discussion with policy experts and representatives of national and regional film funds on release, marketing and financing strategies.
L'evento MEDIA comprenderà un incontro con esperti e rappresentanti dei fondi nazionali e regionali a promozione della cinematografia per discutere le strategie di distribuzione, commercializzazione e finanziamento.
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Market place
Mercato cinematografico
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The European Commission will once again host a MEDIA stand at the European Film Market, open to more than 130 European production and distribution companies.
La Commissione europea ospiterà ancora una volta uno stand MEDIA nell'ambito dell'European Film Market aperto a più di 130 società di produzione e di distribuzione europee.
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The European Film Market is the business end of the festival and the place to be for deal-making between companies and agents.
L'European Film Market è l'evento commerciale del festival ed è una prestigiosa tribuna in cui società e agenti svolgono contrattazioni.
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Creative Europe is the fifth generation of EU funding programmes supporting the cultural and creative sectors.
Europa creativa è la quinta generazione di programmi di finanziamento unionale che sostengono i settori culturali e creativi.
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It was launched on 1 January, with a budget of nearly €1.5 billion for 2014-2020.
Il programma è stato avviato il 1° gennaio con un bilancio di quasi 1,5 miliardi di EUR per il periodo 2014-2020.
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The programme will allocate at least 56% of its budget for its MEDIA sub-programme and at least 31% for the Culture sub-programme.
Il programma stanzierà almeno il 56% del proprio bilancio per il proprio sottoprogramma MEDIA ed almeno il 31% per il sottoprogramma Cultura.
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A maximum of 13% of the budget will be allocated to a cross-sectoral strand, which includes support for the Creative Europe Desks in each country, responsible for providing advice to potential beneficiaries.
Un massimo del 13% del bilancio sarà destinato a un filone trans-settoriale comprendente il sostegno ai desk Europa creativa aperti in ciascun paese che hanno il compito di fornire consulenze ai beneficiari potenziali.
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MEDIA will support the development, distribution and promotion of content produced by the EU film and audiovisual industries.
MEDIA sosterrà lo sviluppo, la distribuzione e la promozione di contenuti prodotti dalle industrie cinematografiche e audiovisive unionali.
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One of its chief aims is to help European film-makers to reach markets beyond national and European borders;
Uno dei suoi obiettivi principali consiste nell'aiutare i registi europei a raggiungere i mercati che si trovano al di là dei confini nazionali ed europei;
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it will also fund training schemes for professionals and nurture opportunities created by new technologies.
esso finanzierà anche programmi di formazione per i professionisti e valorizzerà le opportunità determinate dalle nuove tecnologie.
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In addition to its support for film-makers, the MEDIA fund will support more than 2 000 European cinemas, where at least 50% of the films they screen are European.
Oltre al suo sostegno ai professionisti del cinema il Fondo MEDIA sosterrà più di 2 000 sale cinematografiche europee in cui almeno il 50% dei film proiettati sono europei.
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Three new initiatives will be launched in 2014 with support from MEDIA, focused on audience development and film literacy, international co-productions and video games.
Nel 2014 si saranno avviate con il sostegno di MEDIA tre nuove iniziative imperniate sullo sviluppo del pubblico e sull'alfabetizzazione filmica, sulle coproduzioni internazionali e sui videogiochi.
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More innovations will follow including a new loan guarantee scheme for cultural and creative sectors, which will be launched in 2016.
Seguiranno altre innovazioni compreso un nuovo sistema di garanzia dei prestiti per i settori culturali e creativi che verrà avviato nel 2016. |
MEDIA and Creative Europe in limelight at Berlinale
Nearly 30 films supported by the European Union's MEDIA fund have been
selected for the official programme of the Berlin International Film Festival
(6-16 February).
The films, which include four in the main competition (see full list below)
have received €2.2 million in EU funding to date.
The bulk of funding from MEDIA, part of the new Creative Europe programme,
supports the international distribution of European films outside their country
of origin.
Over the next seven years more than 800 European films will receive a total
of €800 million in development and distribution support from MEDIA.
Film industry professionals are invited to a Creative Europe information day
on 10 February.
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
Youth, said:
"We are honoured that the festival has selected so many films supported by
MEDIA for this year's programme.
The Berlinale is without doubt one of the most prestigious film festivals in
the world and a beacon for the best in European film-making.
The Creative Europe programme demonstrates our commitment to supporting
cultural and linguistic diversity in the European film industry, as well as
helping it to make the most of the opportunities created by digitisation and
The MEDIA-backed films at the festival represent a variety of European
countries, stories, genres and artistic approaches.
The four competing for the 'Golden Bear', the festival's top prize, are:
Aimer, boire et chanter (France), Aloft (Spain-Canada-France), Zwischen
Welten (Germany) and Kraftidioten (Norway-Sweden-Denmark).
The 'Berlinale Special' selection features a host of top European directors
including Volker Schlöndorff, Wim Wenders and Pernille Fischer Christensen.
MEDIA-supported films have also been selected for the 'Panorama Fiction',
'Documentary', 'Forum', 'Generation 14plus', 'Generation Kplus' and 'Culinary
Cinema' categories at the festival.
Shooting Stars
The Berlinale will also present the 2014 'Shooting Stars', an initiative
which aims to promote new acting talent.
Ten actors from across Europe are chosen by a panel of experts from
candidates nominated by the member organisations of the European Film Promotion
(EFP) body.
The 10 stars will be presented to the industry, press and public at the
festival, and this is often the launch-pad for an international career.
This year's Shooting Stars are:
Danica Curcic (Denmark), Maria Dragus (Germany), Miriam Karlkvist (Italy),
Marwan Kenzari (The Netherlands), Jakob Oftebro (Norway), Mateusz Kos'ciukiewicz
(Poland), Cosmina Stratan (Romania), Nikola Rakocevic (Serbia), Edda Magnason
(Sweden), and George MacKay (United Kingdom).
In 2014, EFP will receive €510 000 in funding from MEDIA for its promotion
activities, including Shooting Stars.
Info Day
Professionals from Europe and beyond are invited to Info Days organised by
Germany's Creative Europe Desk and the European Commission on 10 and 11
The first day will focus on funding opportunities from the MEDIA
sub-programme, while the second will concentrate on advice on grants from the
Culture sub-programme.
The MEDIA event will include a discussion with policy experts and
representatives of national and regional film funds on release, marketing and
financing strategies.
Market place
The European Commission will once again host a MEDIA stand at the European
Film Market, open to more than 130 European production and distribution
The European Film Market is the business end of the festival and the place to
be for deal-making between companies and agents.
Creative Europe is the fifth generation of EU funding programmes supporting
the cultural and creative sectors.
It was launched on 1 January, with a budget of nearly €1.5 billion for
The programme will allocate at least 56% of its budget for its MEDIA
sub-programme and at least 31% for the Culture sub-programme.
A maximum of 13% of the budget will be allocated to a cross-sectoral strand,
which includes support for the Creative Europe Desks in each country,
responsible for providing advice to potential beneficiaries.
MEDIA will support the development, distribution and promotion of content
produced by the EU film and audiovisual industries.
One of its chief aims is to help European film-makers to reach markets beyond
national and European borders;
it will also fund training schemes for professionals and nurture
opportunities created by new technologies.
In addition to its support for film-makers, the MEDIA fund will support more
than 2 000 European cinemas, where at least 50% of the films they screen are
Three new initiatives will be launched in 2014 with support from MEDIA,
focused on audience development and film literacy, international co-productions
and video games.
More innovations will follow including a new loan guarantee scheme for
cultural and creative sectors, which will be launched in 2016.