La Commissione sollecita gli Stati membri a garantire la pronta attuazione delle norme sulla detenzione in un altro paese UE
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Data documento: 05-02-2014
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Detention: Commission calls on Member States to implement commonly agreed rules for people sentenced or awaiting trial in another EU country
La Commissione sollecita gli Stati membri a garantire la pronta attuazione delle norme sulla detenzione in un altro paese UE
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Common rules on matters related to detention, adopted unanimously by Member States, have been implemented only in around half of the EU's 28 countries, according to a new European Commission report released today.
The report examines the implementation of three separate EU Framework Decisions covering (1) the transfer of prisoners, (2) probation and alternative sanctions, (3) and the European Supervision Order.
La normativa riguardante la detenzione, adottata all’unanimità dagli Stati membri, risulta applicata in appena la metà dei 28 paesi dell’Unione.
È quanto rivela oggi la relazione pubblicata dalla Commissione europea, che esamina l’attuazione di tre decisioni quadro dell’UE, la prima sul trasferimento dei detenuti, la seconda sulla sospensione condizionale e le sanzioni alternative e la terza sull’ordinanza cautelare europea.
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The three EU laws enable prison sentences, probation decisions or alternative sanctions and pre-trial supervision measures to be executed in an EU country other than the one in which the person is sentenced or awaiting trial.
In applicazione delle norme emananti da queste tre decisioni, le pene detentive, le decisioni di sospensione condizionale o le sanzioni alternative e le misure cautelari possono essere eseguite in un paese dell’UE diverso da quello che ha emesso la condanna o nel quale la persona è in attesa di giudizio:
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This may be the country of nationality, habitual residence or another EU country with which the person has close ties.
nel paese di cittadinanza o di residenza abituale o in un altro paese dell’UE con il quale l’interessato intrattiene stretti legami.
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The rules, agreed by Member States unanimously between 2008 and 2009, should have been implemented by (1) 5 December 2011, (2) 6 December 2011 and (3) 1 December 2012 respectively.
Le tre decisioni, approvate all’unanimità dagli Stati membri tra il 2008 e il 2009, avrebbero dovuto essere attuate rispettivamente entro il 5 dicembre 2011, il 6 dicembre 2011 e il 1º dicembre 2012.
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However, today only 18 Member States have implemented the transfer of prisoners decision, 14 have implemented the decision on probation and alternative sanctions and 12 have implemented the European Supervision Order (see Annex for breakdown by country).
A tutt’oggi però la decisione sul trasferimento dei detenuti viene attuata in appena 18 Stati membri, quella sulla sospensione condizionale e le sanzioni alternative in 14 e l’ultima sull’ordinanza cautelare europea in appena 12 (per la ripartizione per paese si veda la tabella in allegato).
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The rules aim to improve mutual trust between judicial systems in Europe – an essential element of a common European area of justice. The three Framework Decisions are also important tools to further social rehabilitation of prisoners and reduce the use of pre-trial detention.
Le tre decisioni non solo mirano a consolidare la fiducia reciproca tra i sistemi giudiziari europei, elemento essenziale per uno spazio comune europeo di giustizia, ma sono anche importanti strumenti in grado di favorire la riabilitazione sociale dei detenuti e ridurre il ricorso alla custodia cautelare, una ragione di più perché siano adeguatamente attuate.
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Their proper implementation is crucial. The late or incomplete implementation by several Member States is particularly regrettable as the Framework Decisions have the potential to lead to a reduction in prison sentences imposed by judges on non-residents.
L’attuazione tardiva o incompleta in diversi Stati membri è quanto mai pregiudizievole se si pensa che le tre decisioni potrebbero contribuire a ridurre le condanne alla reclusione emesse a carico dei cittadini non residenti.
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This could serve to reduce prison overcrowding and thereby improve detention conditions, but also allow for savings in national prison budgets.
Una tale riduzione permetterebbe non solo di alleggerire l’affollamento delle carceri, con un conseguente miglioramento delle condizioni di detenzione, ma anche di tagliare i costi del sistema carcerario.
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The Commission therefore urges all those Member States which have not yet done so to take swift measures to implement these EU laws fully.
La Commissione sollecita quindi tutti gli Stati membri che non l’abbiano ancora fatto a adottare il prima possibile misure atte a garantirne la piena attuazione.
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Today's report provides a preliminary evaluation of the status of implementation by Member States of the three Framework Decisions. It does not evaluate how well these rules are applied given that half of the Member States have not yet implemented them.
La relazione pubblicata oggi si limita a fare un bilancio preliminare sull’attuazione delle tre decisioni quadro negli Stati membri, non potendo valutare la qualità dell’applicazione dal momento che la metà degli Stati membri non ha ancora provveduto a attuarle.
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Next Steps
Prossime tappe
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The European Commission does not currently have the powers to launch infringement proceedings under Article 258 TFEU with regard to Framework Decisions adopted prior to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon (see Article 10(1) of Protocol No 36 to the Treaties).
In applicazione dell’articolo 10, paragrafo 1, del protocollo n.36 dei trattati, attualmente la Commissione non può avviare i procedimenti di infrazione previsti dall’articolo 258 del trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea perché le tre decisioni quadro sono state adottate prima dell’entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona.
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As of 1 December 2014, the Commission will be able to launch infringement proceedings.
Per lanciare i procedimenti di infrazione la Commissione dovrà quindi aspettare il 1° dicembre 2014.
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Today's report thus gives an overview of where further work by Member States is required to align national legislation.
La relazione di oggi ricorda pertanto agli Stati membri la necessità di provvedere a allineare ulteriormente la legislazione nazionale.
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Every year, tens of thousands of EU citizens are prosecuted for alleged crimes or convicted in another EU Member State.
Ogni anno decine di migliaia di cittadini dell’UE sono processati o condannati in un altro Stato membro.
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Very often, criminal courts order the detention, while awaiting trial; of non-residents because there is a fear of flight and that they will not turn up for trial.
In attesa del processo, molto spesso i giudici emettono un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare per evitare che l’imputato non residente scappi e non si presenti in udienza.
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A suspect who is resident in the country would in a similar situation often benefit from a less coercive supervision measure, such as reporting to the police or a travel prohibition.
Nella stessa situazione, un cittadino residente beneficerebbe invece di misure cautelari più lievi, per esempio l’obbligo di presentarsi alla polizia giudiziaria o il divieto di espatrio.
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The Framework Decisions are intended to be a package of coherent and complementary legislation addressing the issue of detention of EU citizens in other Member States and has the potential to lead to a reduction in pre-trial detention or to facilitate social rehabilitation of prisoners in a cross border context.
Le tre decisioni quadro, intese quali pacchetto di norme coerenti e complementari sulla detenzione dei cittadini dell’UE in altri Stati membri, potrebbero ridurre il ricorso alla custodia cautelare o facilitare la riabilitazione sociale dei detenuti in un contesto transfrontaliero.
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There are in fact operational links between the three Framework Decisions, but also between these Framework Decisions and the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant.
Esistono infatti nessi operativi non solo tra le tre decisioni ma anche tra queste e la decisione quadro sul mandato d’arresto europeo.
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In June 2011, the Commission presented a Green Paper on detention, assessing how pre-trial detention and detention conditions affect mutual trust and effective judicial cooperation between Member States and, more generally, what the role of the EU should be in this area (IP/11/702).
Con il Libro verde sulla detenzione, pubblicato a giugno 2011, la Commissione ha voluto valutare in che misura la custodia cautelare e le condizioni carcerarie danneggino la fiducia reciproca e l’effettiva cooperazione giudiziaria tra gli Stati membri e, in senso più ampio, che ruolo possa avere l’Unione in questo ambito (IP/11/702).
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The assessment of the numerous replies to the Green Paper showed that it is important to first properly implement in a timely manner the EU laws which exist and which aim at improving alternatives to detention.
Dall’esame dei numerosi contributi ricevuti in risposta al Libro verde, si evince innanzitutto l’importanza di garantire un’attuazione adeguata e tempestiva dell’attuale normativa dell’UE mirata a promuovere soluzioni alternative alla detenzione.
Detention: Commission calls on Member States to implement commonly agreed
rules for people sentenced or awaiting trial in another EU country
Common rules on matters related to detention, adopted unanimously by Member
States, have been implemented only in around half of the EU's 28 countries,
according to a new European Commission report released today. The report examines the implementation of three separate EU Framework
Decisions covering (1) the transfer of prisoners, (2) probation and alternative
sanctions, (3) and the European Supervision Order.
The three EU laws enable prison sentences, probation decisions or alternative
sanctions and pre-trial supervision measures to be executed in an EU country
other than the one in which the person is sentenced or awaiting trial.
This may be the country of nationality, habitual residence or another EU
country with which the person has close ties.
The rules, agreed by Member States unanimously between 2008 and 2009, should
have been implemented by (1) 5 December 2011, (2) 6 December 2011 and (3) 1
December 2012 respectively.
However, today only 18 Member States have implemented the transfer of
prisoners decision, 14 have implemented the decision on probation and
alternative sanctions and 12 have implemented the European Supervision Order
(see Annex for breakdown by country).
The rules aim to improve mutual trust between judicial systems in Europe – an
essential element of a common European area of justice. The three Framework
Decisions are also important tools to further social rehabilitation of prisoners
and reduce the use of pre-trial detention.
Their proper implementation is crucial. The late or incomplete implementation
by several Member States is particularly regrettable as the Framework Decisions
have the potential to lead to a reduction in prison sentences imposed by judges
on non-residents.
This could serve to reduce prison overcrowding and thereby improve detention
conditions, but also allow for savings in national prison budgets.
The Commission therefore urges all those Member States which have not yet
done so to take swift measures to implement these EU laws fully.
Today's report provides a preliminary evaluation of the status of
implementation by Member States of the three Framework Decisions. It does not
evaluate how well these rules are applied given that half of the Member States
have not yet implemented them.
Next Steps
The European Commission does not currently have the powers to launch
infringement proceedings under Article 258 TFEU with regard to Framework
Decisions adopted prior to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon (see
Article 10(1) of Protocol No 36 to the Treaties).
As of 1 December 2014, the Commission will be able to launch infringement
Today's report thus gives an overview of where further work by Member States
is required to align national legislation.
Every year, tens of thousands of EU citizens are prosecuted for alleged
crimes or convicted in another EU Member State.
Very often, criminal courts order the detention, while awaiting trial; of
non-residents because there is a fear of flight and that they will not turn up
for trial.
A suspect who is resident in the country would in a similar situation often
benefit from a less coercive supervision measure, such as reporting to the
police or a travel prohibition.
The Framework Decisions are intended to be a package of coherent and
complementary legislation addressing the issue of detention of EU citizens in
other Member States and has the potential to lead to a reduction in pre-trial
detention or to facilitate social rehabilitation of prisoners in a cross border
There are in fact operational links between the three Framework Decisions,
but also between these Framework Decisions and the Framework Decision on the
European Arrest Warrant.
In June 2011, the Commission presented a Green Paper on detention, assessing
how pre-trial detention and detention conditions affect mutual trust and
effective judicial cooperation between Member States and, more generally, what
the role of the EU should be in this area (IP/11/702).
The assessment of the numerous replies to the Green Paper showed that it is
important to first properly implement in a timely manner the EU laws which exist
and which aim at improving alternatives to detention.